I PAUBVm THE SPKlNOfUflfciD NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1926 FOLLOWS EMANCIPÄTOR G oss To Salem Mra. A. K Clark left for Salem Sunday morning for a visit, Mrs Clark will re tu rn Munday " I ’m sorry, oW topi" "Sorry, why’ 1' ‘‘My wife Just bought a new hat and she haa gone to show It to your." N ew Champion To Visit D aughter—A E Senalnnry gMM bdM M fc adkMMfttek* X loft tur A storia Sunday evening to v isit hla d au g h ter, Mrs. A rth u r Ball Goes To Oak Ridge— Wayne Barber moved Tuesday to Oak Ridge wherw he la going to work Mr Barber had the Flowers apartments here 1 a Springfield. ey. On To A lbany— Mr ami Mra. N. A Itiiwe went to Albany Sunday w here j they spent the day with John Lain bi rly and family. „ Buck from . R eedsport—Mr. and [ Mrs. Iro P eterson spent Sunday nt i It edaporf. They left S aturday even- j Ing and retu rn ed Munday morning. TO THE LITTLE HOME .Fined For Speeding—H urry Dlrkln i of llend wus given a fine o f |7.60 at the R ecorder's office Monday for speeding on E ast Main street. by the side of the road as well as to the pre- ttffttious dwelling place of the financially mighty we bring the same earnestness of sincerity and Visit Fn-rn Ixingvlew—Mr and Mra. E rn est S k in n er of Ixingvlew. W ash­ ington, sp en t Sunday with Mr and Mra. R obert Sid well, p aren ts of Mrs, Skinner. ability. V isits From P o rtlan d —Mrs. Inxa Odgen of P o rtlan d Is h ere on a few days visit with h er aunt. Mra F ran cis Brown Mrs Ogden waa form erly Miss Inxa C rabtree. Í PHONE, W. F WALKER ‘ 62 J FÖNERAL service • Moves to E St.— H. L. Loony moved from his ap artm en ls In the Laxion i building to the Sunkey house on E stre e t th is week. M ilto n It M oskow , t waive year-old Kan F ra n cin co « rh o iilb o y who tine« the ecu u t O r* ha» p a ttern e d hie life a fto r t i n t n t A b ra h am L in c o ln , aspires Back From Vacation— Mrs. Maude to occupy the W h ite House some day a« hie her» d id lie hae been n o m i­ Hyran and daughter. C rystal, retu rn ed nated as a candidate fo r the A m e rica n Y outh A » a r il ns «bit «had by the d ire c ­ tor» of th e Sweiul year» o f A m erican lnd> pen- nt N»-wport debee C oder the plan of the A m e rican Youth A w a rd and Hie American To P ortland— F. B. Hamlin, local T eacher A w a rd , «ail» elate w ill eelect a boy and a iclrl and a wom an teacher who la-at r»pr< ■■ n i A m erican Id- ila, utid they w ill l>, , van t r ip to P h ils ¡p o stm aster w ent to Portlaud Tuesday d rlp b i »nil to W aahlngton. whore th e y w ill r i 1•» He m cduls fro m ITi-aM ent afternoon < n liu.ill ess, retu rn in g the Cool! * -e Referee Phil Collins lift» the arm of Sammy Mandel of Illinois a i new lightweight champion of the world at the end of ten rounds with the vet title holder, "Rocky" Kansas at Chicago, July 3, In sects Haa O peration— Will»- r Mi I'hereon returnd fruui the P aelilc C hristian S aturday a fte r a m ajo r operation. . Mra P otter III Mr» (’, E P otter of W aterville waa confined to h er bed with lllnio»« Inal Friday. K arhan H ere—Jim Knrliau. W ater­ ville farm er, tram m eled business In town F riday. , N atron W oman H ere—Mra W alter W allace of N atron waa n vlaltor In Springfield Friday. F in g e r H u r t — Wnllnce S tarkey brulaed a finger on hla left hand lit th e Booth Kelly mill Friday, S prained Ankle— It E. K eeler « ferial u «prattled ankle T hursday by stepping Into a hole at the Booth- Kelly mill and tw isting hla right leg Polee Sent E ast—The C arbnlln-um com pany «hipped a carload of cresot- ed pole« to Colarndo th is week In fill flllnient of an order. Extra care should be taken In the selection of remedies for the little folks. Such remedies should be simple and harmless and free from opiates such as the old- fashioned soothing m 1 x- tures contained. Our Soothing '| Syrup sweetens the stomach, al­ lays nervousness, regulates the bowelH and thus over­ comes peevish, fretful con­ ditions. Price 2Cc Phone 31 a fllBffllMlllllilllliilt It Is »aid th a t a kingfisher a t i the Zoo enjoys saxaphone so lo » , played to It by a keeper. So fa r j the experim ent has not been tried J on a p a rr o t owing to the presence of so m any women and children am ong the visitors. M areola Monday m orning. The baby weighed nine and a h alf pounds when born. H ere From P o rtlan d —A rthur Doane of Portland cam e down to visit his hro th er, Bert Doane, and to see his m other, who lives with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doane. V isit K etels— Mrs. C larence West and h er son. W aller, of P ortland a r­ rived S aturday for a visit with Mrs. W est's p arents. Mr. and Mrs. John K etels. Sr. R eturns To M arshfield — Lucille Oleson. who hns been v lsl'in g h r gran d p aren ts. Mr. and Mrs. H er! Mc­ Inspects Lumber— A. F. Crowe left P herson. for some time, retu rn ed fo Friday for Ills home In P ortland after h er home In M arshfield Sunday. spending four days In Springfield In­ . M other III.—Mrs. H url M ePherson specting lum ber at the Booth Kelly left for P o rtlan d S atu rd ay n ig h t.' mill. Mr. Crowe Is w orking for the Mrs. M cPherson had received word, M and M W oodworking com pany of th a t h er m other. Mrs. Cox. was ser , Albina, m ak ers of door and sash lously 111 and th a t an operation w ill, m aterial. he necessary. To V isit From Bend— Mr. and Mrs. To V isit H ere— -8. H. Holbrook. ■ C. F , B arb er are expecting a num­ editIr of the L um ber News, 41, paper. | ber of re la tiv e s from Bi-nil S aturday Is to visit Springfield and nearby j and Sunday. Mr. B arb er's m other, tow ns soon. Mr. Holbrook Is expect-j Mrs. H. L. B arber, his sister, Mrs. cd Io attend the next m eeting of the George Stonge, accom panied by her local 4L, Ju ly 26. son Delnier, and his bro th er, Vance . H ern Form A storia—Mw. M. A, B arber nro th o ones expected. Pohl of A storia arrived Sunday n ig h t! N advornlks Leave—J. F. Nnilvor- for n visit with Mrs. M. B. H untly. j nik and wlfp left on n th ree weeks and Dr. T. F o rstro m and wife of A trip to th eir old home al Dickenson, to rla stopped to see tho H untly'a North D akota Inst T hursday. Mr. and Monday afternoon on th eir wav b t.'k Mrs. N ndvornlk a re driving a ear from a trip to San Francisco. belonging to W. Sem erad, whore Kenyons Have G uests—Mrs. J. 8. wife died recen tly In Kugeno while Mr. and Mrs, Sem erad w ere on a K enyon, of P ortland, nnd Dr. a n d ! v isit here. T hey wero accom panied Mrs. J. W. H uff of B aker City were | by th e ir two youngest children, Oeorgo and Mildred. C harles Nnd­ vornlk la running th e ir shop while hla parents' a re on th e trip. guests a t tho hom e of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kenyon th is week end. Dr. j H uff wn nttshidlng th e P resb y ter Inn S;-’i. a t E ugene la st week. j Disease M oves F ro m M a re o la — W . C Mein- turfT and family have moved Into the P errl h house on First and I street« th is week. Mr M elnturff cam e to Goes T o S cottab urg— Mra. P. M. Springfield from Mareola. liu rn n i'tt» »ho haa been w orking for A rthur P eterson left S atu rd ay for On V acation— Miss Clara Wyse is Speed U p th e M ilk in g ScottHburg. , on a w eeks vacation to the »east le. Experim ent» have shown th a t slow During her absence h er place III the m ilking may reduce the percentage Brownville Men H ere — William office of Dr« F.ehhan uud Dlppel Is be­ of b u tte rfa t In the milk. Spurlln and D 11. C arr of Brownsville ing taken by Mi»» Mary Ellxubeth w ere In Springfield S atu rd u y on busi­ T h e P ro ved S ire W hitney. ness. S elect th'e dairy herd »ire by the V sists D r. D lp p e l— Linton G alller. a records of his d a u g h te r s ♦ a th e r than V isits Eggim ane— Mr« Emm a More- chai arriv ed Friday from Lewiston, brother-in-law of Dr 8. Ralph Dlppel. by thoee of hl« dam. Idaho for a visit of a few days with 1» visiting him this week. Tuesday Mrs. A lot of those foreign countries Mrs. C harles E rglm an. on a m ight be fu rth er advaneed In nins- Co T o S alm o n H a tc h e r y — M r and fl«hlng trip. le than we are, but we hoki a lot of Mrs. E. M urieluil and Mr. and Mra. th eir notes. Mrs. Drew o g lliv e drove to tho salmon Mrs hatch ery Sunday. One H arlem husband claim s he Emm a M areehal, and Ml»» Byrdene h a sn 't started an argum ent with ..G o To Lorunc— Mr». Emma Mare- Cum m ings drove B -lknu| Spring» Maybe eh »1. Miss ilyreln ne Cummings, anil T uesday, spending tin- day a t that his wife In tw enty y ears «he alw ays beats him to it! Mrs C F. Kggimun drove to lu ra n e place. Mundav afternoon to visit Mr«. Jam es . Go To C onference— Dr. and Mrs. G irls who w ear cotton stockings H errin. W H, Pollard drove to C ottage Gr ve are eith er over-confident or ju st Store P ntnled— P ainter» have been Sunday to n ttrn d th e M ethodist d o n 't give a darn. bu.iy p ainting Egglm an's Candy cam p m eeting belug held in th at K itchen till» week. The new coal city. A man In M ichigan landed a of paint lia.s m ade a g re a t change In tro u t th a t w as 5 feet 6 inches long. Baby Boy B orn—A baby boy w»« the looks of the building. barn t o ’ Mr and Mrs. O rval Tull of In Its -ock feet too I suppose. H e re F ro m M o n ta n a — A. H. H a rri­ et» ci Broadview . M ontana v.fc ill On V acation— W att Scott pent «ev- Springfield F rid ay to »••«• W att Scott. eral days a t Newport the la«t week on Mr. H arrison knew W att S cott 11 hla varntlon. He left Tuesday and y ears ago in Montana. He 1» i n a trip through Oregon looking the coun­ re tu rn e d the billow ing week end. try over. Railroad E ngineer H ere—H. A. Forme; Pupil Here— Z N. Agee of H am pton t»f P ortland « In Spring field Friday lnsp i l l 1 g th e work go­ the Z ellerback P aper com pany with ing on In tlio local S outhern Pacific headipti rti rs In Eugene w ’» In Spring yard«. He la division engineer for field F riday on liu inc:»». W hile here lie took the oppurtulty to visit F. B. the Southern P acific company. H amblin who «a» hla form er teach er Wilbur. X j';K m « »ir»i||tiiriiS ,':illtl(«tl«ini»l»ll«llllini»''W n t the U m pqua Academy at Dougins County. An enjoyable visit was had by form er teac h er and pupil For Fretful Babies P la n t Friday and Saturday Special White Enamel Dish Pan 5 pr . in g field . ore . • E xperim ents have shown th a t the ‘ I cucum ber aphis a fte r feeding on a m osaic plant can tra n sm it the dis­ ease to a healthy p lant w ithin a flveri m inute period of feeding on the la t­ ter. A sm all num ber of aphids pro­ duce rnoalac a s prom ptly aud as cou- st»t--nl!y as g re a te r num bers. folio» Ing day. — To P ortland— II J. C om returned to ­ day from a trip to P ortland Mr. Cox 1'ft Ia n T huriday aftrrn o o n , S pread lit Harvest and Haying Supplies Binder Tvfrine 16c and 20c lb. Myers Hay Carrier Un­ loaders $11.00 and $13.50 Bale Ties - - $2.25 Bdl. Machine Oilers - - 15c up AND FOR CANNING, OUR STOCK OF KETTLES AND LADLES IS COMPLETE Wright & Son News Subscribers are SprinfMd Rno«*ei s SM UHU M I S trength Many years after the Constitution had been adopted by these United States the variety of currency issue in various States was so confusing that a part of the .school studies were in learning what the money was worth in the different States. The big step in American hanking came when the Na­ tional Bank Act was passed in 1863—bringing order out of chaos. That was national; and since tl\en State banking laws have been passedand acts adopted re-enforcing onr national system and which gives to the investor the greatest secur­ ity and protection enjoyed by any peoples of this earth. Popular "Cesco ware, fact­ ory capacity 14 q u a r t s , lias firmly welded handles, Hared top rim with blue edge. F i n e l y finished throughout. A good dish pan at a low price. A REAL BUY AT 89c This is a STATE bank with all the resources of this great commonwealth behind it—guaranteeing to you a banking institution as strong as is humanly possible to build. Complete banking service Trust and Safety Deposit. Commercial, Savings, Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY “The Home of Good Furniture” Commercial State Bank Springfield/ Oregon WETHERBEE -POWERS 11th nt Willamette 'CISIICM I »iMiiiagHauibww.i,Mswii Back From C an a d a — B a x te r Toung return««! Sunday from a t h r e e weeks trip to Canada W hile In the north they visited Victoria. B C. and »Dim- of the m ines of B ritish Columbia. €28