THimSDAY. JULY 55. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Publtaked t r a r r Thursday at PRESS H . K. M A X E Y . Editor aa second cinse m attar Februar? 14. I N S at póstam e«, S rriag fteM . Oregon Bbi M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T « T e a r in Advance----- 11.TS T hree M onth* M o a t h a _____________- 1 L N Stagi« Oopy - T H l RSD A Y. J U L Y S3. 1»J< for ­ NO RTHW EST EM PLOYM ENT A T H IG H |or published — One day he saw a stray turkey heu stealthily m aking for the woods. He patiently trailed her. _T5a For days he huuted her nest. When he found It. - k he took home the baby chicks aud fed them jwith scraps his m other gave him. He sold them in the Fall at the village m arket. Editorial Program Make g prin gflrtg tha 1ndm *H «l C a a M r a* Warn tern Oregon. Develop a Strong Trading P ain t; BuiM a CHy a t Contented Hornaa • • HL Im prove Living Condition« an tha Par t m ata MM Raialng of Pure»* the Growing of F ru it: W o rk fo r Setter M a rk e t* • • IV . T a ll tha W o rld A b o rt OrogonV Soonla W * • boy who founded a great tune IN A GLASS DISH M. OIL THE McKENZIE HIGHWAY McKenzie t highway was a splendid road 11 1 6 M l r V Il I ft , . C. .J . no to June after the rains had stopped and the pa trolm en had smoothed up the surface. Now it to rough and spotted except in the tim ber where It to shaded and the m oisture is holding. The top dressing is all in the ditch. The road is dis­ agreeable to ride over and prevent one from en- Joying the scenerv—especially tourists who have been brought lfere through the wide adver- using given the McKenzie river highway. The here today. Fanning. (ncimiin* b erry picking, haying, voting and threahlng. together har- with railroad, highway, fa rin ry , building ani, government construction work. <»• now giving employment to more men than at any tim e since J»n_ 1. T hat was his first m oney-m aking enterprise. Ffrc figh tin g and fire prevention work are atao requiring large nunt- And he began to figure and figure. I He l e i b e r a of men at the present time, found that he'd earned less from three days J T he mid year let up of fir logging working in the potato patch than the year's in- varies g re a tly in the d iffe re n t d l» terest on the money from his turkey ''business." trleta. the I L le tte r reported M ill-, owned camps are more active than "So.” he concluded, "it is easier to have independent logger*. S aw m ill*, both money work for you than to work for money ” , eaat and west of the Caacade*. are He put his savings to work. He even took operating on normal schedule*. the pennies from the glass dfcth on the m a u tle 1 Forest fire * In the Inland Em pire I te rrito ry are reported to be moat and put them to work. 'serious In many year*, the 41, letter This boy celebrated h|s eighty-seventh «aid. More than I GOO fire fig h te r* ay ii The boy was John D. Rockefeller. a a e W O N D E R S W IL L N E V E R CEASE The W orcester Electric Light Company of W orcester, Mass., announces th a t in October it wm pass back to its custom ers excess net pro- fits of $136,000 in the form of a 50 percent dis­ 0011111 ou the bUl8- All Styles and Sizes receding B ru*he* ot pure bristle or of go«t o r badger h air for tend­ er gum*. “c u f f ’ the ntules with. This Week By Arthur Brisbane ONE TON TOM NO CHURCH TO SUE THL JAIL COMPLAINS I’LL CUT YOUR HEAD OFF Ancient rulers liked uncouth dwarf« and strangely deformed creatures about them. In that re­ spect the human race ia not en­ tirely changed. In Loe Angele» an undertaker build» an unusual coffn for Theo­ dore Valenzuela, known to tha circus as “Ona Ton Tom.” Ha weighed 945 pound*. People paid to see him. If he had weighed only forty-five pound* they would have paid to see him, and if he had had two heads, fat or thin, they would have paid more. With “One Ton Tom” and every­ body else too fat, the trouble is overeating or defective meta­ bolism. Part of our energy creates new tissue. When old tissue stays, you get fat. , Beware of fat after fifty. It shorten* life. .Tkr good Bi. hop William Mont­ gom ery Brown put out of the Lpiscopai Church for doing nis o w i thinking, tried to compel the c-.n-cfc by iega) procedure U lake hi:.- OHi-l His rnwyers 03 the Cuhiuiou Council ol the Town of Hprlnstlcld ba* called a special eleo- Free Old Tim e Dance (tun to submit to the voters of »aid at Thurston Saturday night July 24th town the queeilou of Issuing bouda Everybody Invited. In Ihe aunt uol lo exceed I?boo 00 la O. W . K K T tH E M * MM) 00 denom ination*, to mature la five year* from dale thereof and bearing • per oent lnlere»t per an­ N O T IC E TO C O N T R A C T O R S num. w ith wtilch to purcba»e a flra engine aiul apparatus and equipm ent, N olle« I* hereby glvun, (hat »«al- for (he •a m e i ed bid* w ill be received by the Re­ The place for holding »aid »pedal corder a t h l* office |u the City lla ll, election la Ihe City H a ll of the Springfield. Oregon. for (he grading Tow n of H prlngtleld. a l wblcb place and g raveling o( J S treet, from It* the elector* of Ihe en tire Tow n of Intersection w ith M ill S treet, east Springfield »hall ca*t th e ir ballots. »aid «ped al to the Railroad rig ht of way, thence T he time for holding election la Ihe J?lh day of July. t i l t , •o ath along the Railroad rig ht «1 ( and reports Indicate that II I* d lffi- and Ihe p o ll* w ill open at H o'clock | cu ll to fill o rd er* fo r harvest help way. W a rt aide, aero ** (he E d it aide A M of «aid day and elo«e a t I o’clock P M o f »aid day j prom ptly, due to demand for men to of Block 4 lloloa Add C o ntractor to fu rn lth a ll m aterial T he follow ing named person» are ' figh t fires. the Judge» and c le rk * of »aid apodal Labor supply and demand In (he and labor and risk In the fiillfllltn g e le ctio n ; Pacific Northw est are at pre«ent not of the C o ntract, T he Council reser- Judge«. L . K . Page and I * E. ve* the rig h t to reject any and all far from balance. Thon»p«on bid*. D id * claw July JSth, 1IM. Clerk». H a ttie M ve r*. Evelyn Era- J1 15-51 ery and V in a M cClain O LD T IM E D A N C E R W . Sm ith. C ity Recorder R W Rm llh. Tow n Recorder E v e ry Saturday n'ght at Coburg Bridge Pane« H all. (Jarrett'» Ore bea­ tra. ti •with com- Change Tim e of Dane* T he old lim e«’ being conducted In Steven* hall lira been changed "worked" were aent out o f Spokane last week. birthday a v i t few days ago. His «ivin money - il H a m »u n t I n f \f 1 for ki,U u unt11 he accum ulated one i e Of the largest The wheal harvest In the Inland fortuues the worId. lEraplre |g w|(m> |h>n om>| ,hu The McKenzie highway should be oiled the Nearly 45.000 bills will bear discount and sam e wav as the C entral Oregon and C rater practically every family will share in what Is in Lake Highways, except possible on some of the effect a custom er s dividend The city of Wor- Bharpest curves. The w riter was over the Cen- eester will profit about $10,300. tral Oregon highway a few days after the stretch The com pany's action was made possible north of Bend was oiled. It was slick and mnssy by ¡ts immense profits, which a fter paying all then. But a m onth later the same road was as fjxed charges, and paying a 30 percent dividend, sm ooth as a floor and resembled closely asphalt showed a balance of $137,000. pavement. There Is no doubt th at when oil is ' . . , put on in heavy applications it does th e work. This looks like good business. Public utU- While it may not last as long in W estern Oregon ity corporations have changed tactics conaider- climate as in Eastern Oregon it is the best knownabiy in the last decade. No longer do they iol- m ethod for treating macadam roars. When thelow the "public be dam ned" policy. Hundreds Central Oregon highway is finished the McKenzie of them have sold stock to their custom ers should be fed from the east end just the sam e Thousands and thousands of persons who used DRUGSTORE as it is now fed from the Pacific highway, but to figh tthe utility corporations as "big business" w ith the present condition of the McKenzie seeking to "rob the public” today are their highway the incentive to leave good roads to staunch supporters. travel over it is lessened. We ll gamble th at the W orcester Electric — 1_ D i a a a Light Company will benefit more than once CaOOCl 1 O O t i l D F U S h e S from its unusual move to m aintain the good will Rrushe* w ith transpar In Kentucky they have an anti-gossip law of its public. • n t or bone handles; th a t has been called into effect when people S traight or bent. B rist­ talk about their neighbors still. In other words Times have changed sipce we were in the le * «errated. tufted or in Kentucky one m ust keep still about a still. army. Now they have vacuum cleaners to The m urderer who is hanged never m its another offense. 'TRAIL TO R A IL ’ CELEBRATION F A R E S FOR PE A K OP Y E A R Seventy-nine yean» ago a boy then aged ,Vrllan(, July <8 peelal> The eight years, put his penlee In a gjj»»« dish on qu|u g(,11Mal aeUyUy of a„ lnilua(rl„a I the m antle. |»ai.|f,c Northw est ha* brought — He worked three days In a potato patch. IIe'*»H «r»rnt to tkr y. a r * h u h point, too w asn't satisfied with the wages. aaoordlsg to the «L e m p lo y a a n t lott- gprlngfield. Lane County. Oregon. by T H E W IL L A M E T T E ' the No one ever heard of a woman who got up a nice dinner and didn’t apoligize for It . cnapei attennarco no longer eon»- pulsory. No* „'¡e p isoners in jail at New riaveu, Conn, »ay they also consider . 'on *no' cruel” to maka ;ne.r go c. ape e ery ilay. They wan: lh« anre right* as Yale student» Bui they are will­ ing to gc tc diurcr or.ce a week, whereas th* Yah mer. demanded the right tc sta) away altogether. This shows how careful we should be to set a good example. The French Minister of Industry discovers that fashion can affect a nation’s prosperity. France makes silks, velvets, feathers, rules fashion. Women have been using little material in their dresses, and French industries have suffered. That is to change. Soon American women will find themselves wearing longer skirt«, fashions calling for many yard* of goods. Secretary Hoover, in an able speech, worries about our national morals. “The moral and spiritual may be submerged by our great material success.” He did not say whether submergence would come from the bootleggers, hijacker* and night club* or from high finance. In all ages good men have wor­ ried about the general condition of morals. One fine Roman emperor had to discipline his own daugh­ ter. But somehow the human race manage* tc. stagger along, gradually improving. Every new generation, every new born baby, is a clean page on which a new story of progress can be written. The Treasury Department, Bu­ reau of Efficiency. Crane and Company, currency paper man­ ufacturers, and the Bureau of •Standards combined, after long researen. announce that the life of a one dollar bill is only six months. The average citizen can testify that in some eases the life of a one dollar bill is less than six minutes. James Brand, four yea-s old, wa.i disobedient. His father admit* that he had threatened to cut the boy’s head off, hoping the threat might frighten him into obedience. It had not that effect. On Mon­ day James Brand got an axe and, trying to carry out his father’s idea, cut off the head of his little brother, aged three. He killed the brother. Children Imitate their parents. Be careful how you threaten, or set a bad example. Brushes for a d u 11 *. youth* or Infanta Ai'out Ifo u t' H ealth Things You Should K now Look oyer our assort­ Announcement I have returned to my form er busineM. the Saultury M arket in Springfield, aud u.alr uguin to see all my old friends and patrons of this m eat m arket. Quality and Service ban alw ays been my motto. You will find here a full line of freah meat». Baited and Bmokcd m eats aud fish. Freah fish on Fridays will also be a feature of thia m ar­ ket. lee delivery will be three tim es a week. Sanitary Market T. F. Bennett, Prop. Phone 80 Fifth and Main St. ment. Flanery’s Drug Store Eugene Business College A. E. Roberta, President Secretarial Bookkeeping Stenographic Courses IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL 992 W illamette Street CUSTOM ys. COMMON-SENSE. I saw a man Buffering from sciatic neuritis, due to an injury to hi« hip. 8omebody told him ha had rheumatism, and that it waa caused by defective teeth; he had eleven teeth extracted; did the neu­ ritis get well promptly? No. If he had sold the ear just before he cranked R, he might have escaped the neuritis which followed; but to extract teeth for an injury to tha hip, well— Another patient suffered with a lame back for a number of month*. "Rheumatism” o f course. She sub­ mitted to a severe tonsil operation and, kept her backache until the real cause of It was discovered by a careful diagnostician. Parting with all of one’s teeth Is a grave matter; but the fact re­ mains, that thousands of service­ able molars are sacrificed unnual- ly, in obedience to custom—to a fast The tonsil may be diseased— many times they are; but, i? the only remedy to be found In extirpa­ tion? We treat other infections successfully and preserve the in­ fected organs, why not give the tonsil a chance? I bc’.icve that multiplied thousands of curable tonsils are ‘‘mas-acred’' that hou! I have been cu— I rationally, ar. l this do* r.o tosn that the hope­ less tonsil should not come, out as soon as po?.dble. It is so easy to go to extremes. Some day there m ar ba a re