P A G « Î flttÄW THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1926 OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST AGENT WANTED — In Sprlngfleld j To Be Continued territory . Bworn proof of *75 per | Hu yon made up with Tom. Now week »1 50 an hour for spare time you won’t fight agulu, Introducing Finest Guaranteed Hos­ W b only made up ti-mporlly— iery. 12« styles and colors. Low w « A getting married next week. prices. Auto furnished. No capit­ Brief of Resume of Happenings al or experience necessary. WIL-1 NOTICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T the Week Collected for Notice la hereby given that Orace KNIT HOSIERY COMPANY D ept H Hobbs. Admlnletratrlx of th«- M—-47 Greenfield. Ohio. Our Readers. Estate of Anna E. Hobbs, deceased, I hue filed ber final account and report an such Admlnletratrlx, with the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Clackamas county has bought a l County Court of Lane County, Or- C O iN T Y OF LANE county farm, to cost 116.0'tO. F o il HAJ.K -Hop Books to keop pick WANTED -Middle Ag«d Woman IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE County Court o fl^ine County, Or- SUMMONS ,, W l.he. houae work Phone Spring.) (m W N .N FOR THE egon, and the aald Court ha« «et S a t-» Albert Parker. 24, of Mapletol. ere account* In. Printed and In urday, the 14th day of August 192« 1H- w Johnson. Plaintiff, drowned In the Slnslaw river. otiM'k at the News Office. JI IB, 22. 2» Ixtulae I McLean. Plaintiff, field K F 6 at 10 00 o’clock In the forenoon, at Pamella lake, which has beea dr> the County Court room of said Coun Mary R va FOR SALE—Bevenroom houae with LOTS FOR HALB— Let« 2 and 3 ty a« the time and place to hear To Mary R Johnson, Above Named Ing up again, has been closed to Bab«’ Duncan McLean, Defendant. acre of ground on Eaat Main Ht i Defendant: block 3, Springfield Addition, Wil­ To Duncan McLean. Defendant. objection« to the name, and for IN THE NAME OF THE STATE lng. Price »2600. *r.oo down, balanoe lam ette Height* Reasonable price. ( IN THE NAME OF THE STATE final eettlem ent of «aid Betate ’OF OREGON: You are hereby ___ notl- Rev. Joseph Y. Stewart of Albany OF OREGON: You are hereby ro­ like rent. Address J. E Stewart, Write O. V. LI lea, Eugene, Ore GRACE E. HOBBS, Administratrix f)pd ar|f) rpqn1rPd t„ appf.ar aDd und anawer the was elected moderator for 1924-27 a« 1 n II I ■ m qulred to appear SIS Cedar Ht, Klamath Falla, Ore W ELLS A WELL8. Attorneys f° F!an„w,.r the Comnlalnt filed against J J I 1 n ID _____ . . . l — I ^ S fll« .s * urt of l-ane County, Orrgon. and granting to the plaintiff above summons Is first so published July agalnst you In the above entitled suit; In, Suit for Divorce. named* a “deCCe ^ ¿ “a b ^ t e “ dlVorce «»red for th l. M l, according to a re- /.It pc.-son« having claim« « « « lo t and Court within six weeks of the 22, 192« eall i »late are required to pre« 'it Thelma E W’erd. Plaintiff, vs. cent survey. The undersigned attorney Is a res­ of the first publication of this sum­ from the defendant. tni-m, with proper yourheru, wlth'n Humboldt M Ward. Defendant This summons Is served upon you About 2000 3-lnch fish In the pool« ident attorney of the State of Oregon, mons. and If you fall to ao appear, a ll month« inXB the gih day of July To Humboldt M Ward, Defendant: and her residence and post office for want thereof, the plaintiff will by publication thereof In the Spring- of the Gales Creek hatchery died las* l»?r to t t e aald administrator at You are hereby required to appear address 1« 316 Platt Building. Port­ take Judgment against you as prayed field News once each week for six week because of a rise of temperature the law office of L. L. Ray In the and anawer the mmplalnt filed i land. Oregon. In p lain tiffs Complaint, to-wlt: for succeasive weeks in conformity with against you In the above entitled snlt JANET R. WHITE, a decree of the Court dissolving the the Order of the Honorable G F. Skip- In the water. Miner Bidding. Eugene Ora«ot Fifty-two laying hens on the poultry Attorney for Plaintiff bonds of matrimony now existing be­ worth. Judge of the above entitled within six weeks from the date of the CHARLES R ADAMS R Administrator of the e t .t e t f first publication o f thia summons Ini Reslilenre and P O. addreas 316 tween the plaintiff and defendant, and Court The date of the first publlca- the Springfield News, which la pub- p u tt B ld g . Portland. Oregon Ji inle Adam«, deceased. granting to the palntlff an absolute tlon of this Summon« Is July Zz. i»zs. The date of the last publication of 17 m iles northwest of Eugene, dl llahed the first time on July 1. 192«. JI. 22 29 A 6-1219 2«; Sept 2 divorce from the defendant, and for I, I. RAY. Attorney for Ritxia. this Summons Is September 2, 192«. from the h ea t JI «1622 29 Aug 6 and you are hereby notified that If I such other relief as to the Court may E- I Frank Menefee, ex-mayor of The you fall so to appear within said six THE CIRCUIT COURT OE THE seem Just and equitable. Attorney for P lain tiff-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dalles and prominent legal prsc'.ttiog weeks, the plaintiff will make appll r t ATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOit This Summons Is served upon you Residence and Post Office address: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That cation to the court for the relief , , a n E COUNTY by publication by virtu3 of an order er of Oregon for many years, died si Eugene. Oregon. the undersigned ha«, by th» Countv prayed within the said complaint, to- ' SUMMONS of the Hon. O E. Skipworth. Judge Olympia, Wash., aged 60 years. JI 22-29: A. 5-12-19-2«: S ep t 2. Court of the Riste of Oregon for the w lf Thst the marriage contract now w A Npwman pjalntlff. vs. of said Court, dated and filed June Countv of la n e been dulv sopolnt-d • Grasshoppers are eating up tha po between yon nnd plaintiff o** . .. - 7 directing this Summons be ------ - „w novm . pubilghlng the , s THE JUSTICE COURT. EUGENE tato and hay crops on the farm of Executrix of th«’ la s t Will anil T est­ forever dissolved an«* that she have; Mrs Oe«Trge F Bowman t h e w lf of The Oeurge F Bowman and all other # for aar(. ^ alT e, j t-8T i CE DISTRICT. LANE CO- ament of the Estate of Reuben A an absolute divorce from you Overton Dowell Jr. on Mercer lake la Stephens, deceased and .ill persons ahove named court made da,id. and . ‘ ,,.„ .1 weeks In the Springfield News, and UNTY. OREGON. the western part of Lane county. having claim« «gain«! «aid eetate 1» entered an order June 26. ,92« di " y . r . /..e r ih e d in the ,hat 7 °“ anawer ',a,', Cotnplo'nt wltn- W illamette Collection A Credit Ser- hereby not,fed to pre ent the «amo rerllng this summons to be puMNhed The city council of McMinnville hag “J.— ¡In six week, from date of the first vtce> a corporation, plaintiff. to me at the office of Frank A. V m o.ein.rini.1 complaint herein, r Defendants. vs. authorized an intensive campaign oa th« 1 publication »hereof Date ef first - nnc<* each Z J .Ï 2 . TO Mrs George F Bowman. Pne. Attorney for the Estate, at his N«*ws for n pnrlod of r I i successivo C. E Wilson and Mrs. C. E. Wilson, tbe European earwig which is said to wife of George F. Bowman, and all i publication. J»>££ 1?. 19_2« Office In Springfield. Oregon proper. WELLS A WELLS, weeks and "U uM "« Y"« »-> a PP«*aJ oth,.r „«.„on . or parties unknown. I his wife, defendants. be spreading through the community. |v verified within «lx months from ,,nd Attorneys, the e .«in «aid compiami complaint wumn within , h, ,,tle pgUte, H,.n „,,„1 m answer m |n r, . ht SUMMONS th«' date of this notice A huge brown bear, followed by twg X w eek, from the date of the first | or )n rea, d„crlb-1 Residence and P. O. Address, To C. E. Wilson and Mrs. C. E cubs, after killing the horse of Dewey FRANK A D el’UE. publication of this summons Eugene, Oregon. ,ed In the complaint herein. Defend- Attorney for the E«tale. J 10 17 24 JI 1 8 IS 22 Wilason. h is wife^ defendants: H K SLATTERY. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Nelson, forest patrolman at Larcfe Dated June 17th, 192« Attorney for Plaintiff, and my post I | ante. IN THE NAME OE THE STATE CALI.A A. TIPTON. OF OREGON, you are hereby re­ mountain, chased Mr. Nelson up a tre< SUMMONS office address Is Eugene. Oregon. OF OREGON: You are hereby requir­ Executrix of the Estate. appear and answer the Three women were Injured when a JI 1 8 1« 22 29 Au 5 12 ed to appear and answer the com- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OE T H E ' J 24 JI 1 8 16 22 complaint which has been filed . rock weighing nine pounds was throww NOTICE TO CREDITORS plaint filed against you in the above STATE Op OREGON FOR LANE against you in the above en tu e by bjMt throuxh w>I,a of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice |a hereby given tha, the un entitled suit within six week* from COT NTY. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Court and C S O S I w l“ ln „‘.IhiJaUon hom* of E’ E Wert in tbe ° ut»klrt< Myrtle Seyey. Plaintiff: vs. Chas. from the date of the first publication undersigned ha« been appointed Ad* dersigned. Sarah Glick has been ap- t*1* date of the first publication of of this summons, and tf you fail to of Oakridge. -s^ mlnlslralnr of the eatate of E. B. pointed Administratrix of the estate.' this Summons, aad If you fall so to H Seyey, defendant. To Chas. H Sevey.defendant. Griffin, deceased, by the County of L. J. Ollck. deceased by the Coun answer, for want thereof, plaintiff ao appear and answer the plaintiff, Tillamook county has awarded A> THE NAME OE THE STATE Court, of la n e County. Oregon All ty Court of Issne County, Oregon, will take decree against you as pray- OE IN OREGON: Co. of Portland the contra«* You are hereby r e-, will ask Judgment against you ■_ In the Qnthrie and all persons having claims against» •* < ! f*'r sa,d complaint to-wlt: That person« having claim« against «aid estate are hereby notified to present said estate will present same dulyZ plaintiff Is the absolute and unquall- qulred to appear and answer tae com -; gum of *60.00, together with Interest to bore a 204-foot highway tunnel oa the same properly ter,fled to the un­ verlfled a, the law offloe of Whitten | fled owner and In constructive posses- plaint filed ngglnst yon In the above j lhereon at the rate of eight per cent the Neah-kah-nie road. The contra«* annun» from the 20th day of Jan- price was *16.334.40. dersigned at the office of Wells A Hwafford. 316 M A W Btdg. Eugene. Hon of the Southeast fourth of the entitled suit on or before six weeks | . . months from __________ ______ 19, 6 and lhe furthur sum of on v, or before . six ( Southeast quartet of - Section 22. from date of the first publication of Wells. Attorneys, Bank of Commerce Oregon, vu Reconstruction work on the entba tOT ’ an‘ $25 00 as* a reasonable attorney s fee Bldg In Eugene, la n e County, Ore the date of first publication of this Township 18 South. Range 6 West o f ; this Summons. 'hie W illam ette Meridian. In I^ine the Plaintiff will take Judgment and digburgem ent« in distribution line of the Pacific Powa* gon, within six months from the date notice. Dated and first published July 1st. County. Oregon; that his title thereto agslnst you end apply * tlo n . and that the personal & Light company in Freewater begad of the first publication of this notice. 2« be forever qnleted; that defendants for In the com this -- act on - ana plalntifi in last week. The cost of the work 1* Tor the m e relief rruri prayed pr»yr-«i for mr «n plaintiff D ste of first publication July 1. 192« 192« Plaint and for a decree of aheolut- property attached by the plaintllt be forever barred and esthpped from WHITTEN 8 W AFE, in n . A „ y T. E EDWARDS. •• divorce from vou and the custody of this action be sold to pay saia juas estimated at *12,000. claiming any right, title, estate, lien Administrator. Eugene, «’regon. the two minor children of the m atrl-, ment, attorney’s fees, costs and a c - , The state highway commission at d or Interest In, to or upon said land 8ARAH GLICK W EI.1.8 « WELLS, i cruing costa. and for costs and disbursem ents, age now In her care. meeting to be held in Portland July Administratrix Attorneys. This summons Is ulished o n c e ! -j-bjs summons is served upon you JI 1 8 16 22 29 | against any defendants appearing and JI 1 8 16 22 29 each week for six consecutive weeks . thg pubijcation thereof once a 29 will open bids tor the consiructioa contesting his lliie. of approximately 35 miles of road and serven by nv runnea- This summons Is served publica­ <" ,hp S,’r'n'rfJ n t ^ T T q n r t n V f M d ' * w’k for B‘X succesBiTe Wee* S > «4^ week for six Newspaper P»blMhrtl at SpritwfleM. Springfields News, in accordance a number of bridges. tion thereof once each I.nne l-an* County. Oregon e oraer __ , prpd the I succeeslve weeks , In .u the ______ Sprlngfleld County. Or by g order . of tne auu — with an order maar made and . on, entered the To vote on creating a Union higfe -’ ¡N ews, hv order or the Hon. O F. Hon. O F Skipworth. ludge of the Hth day of July. 1926, authorm ng school district comprising Canby. Mu» Skipworth, Judge of said Court, en above Court made Julv 1st. 192«. and dir^cting the service of sum- dorf, Union Hall and six other dl* .................................. Date of first tered on the Rth day of June. 192«. '' ’’“ted »ne Capitol Building a, Sa Hand Chairs and Rockers. New Notice Is hereby given that by vtr- j lem. Oregon, up to 11:00 o ’clock A ¡ O| | ve Bowles. Planttlff, vs. Ing early construction of a hotel cos«» Simmons Bede. Tablet and Bed 0*11 tue of an execution and order (tf; M., August 10, 1926 for all the S ta te » j ¡^rs Lydia Carlson and C harles J. lng at least *26.000 at Odell lake, aa [ sale Issued out of the circuit court interest In the river-bed lands here- j ^-ar| gon bpy Husband, Defendant, Springs. cesslble from the Natron cutOff rail SUTTON TRANSFER of the state of Oregon for luine Coun- Inafter described, giving, however, to . CHARLES J CARLSON THE road, have been received at the fore«* ,y on the 26th day of June. 1926. up- tbe owner or owners of any land ! ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: Phone 57 ¡on a Judgment rendered In said court abutting or fronting thereon, the pref-I THE NAME OF THE STATE office at Bend. An election held Tuesday in Miltos erence right to purchase »aid river ‘ hereby requir- j on the 24th day of June. 1926. In a bed land, at the highest price offered OF OREGON you to determine whether or not the city suit wherein Mark L. Gibson was Phone Res. 101-J Office 73-J such offer ts made In goo«* ed tb appear an above plaintiff and Alfred Anderson, Ina M. provided faith, and reserving to the Board the plaint filed against you in the above should Issue bonds of *30.000 to pup F. H. WALKER Anderson. A. D. Clink, Alice L. Clink, DR. N. W. EMERY entitled court and cause on or before chase a new Diesel engine for th« Edward Buiton, W. D. Roblnwon and right to reject Auto Truck Transfer city light and power plant resulted la Said lands are situated In Lane the 26th day of August 192« said (tat Mary O. Robinson, his wife, were DENTIST Houee Hold Goode, Baggage, County, Oregon, and described as , be(ng more than six weeks from the favor of the plan. defendants, the plaintiff recovered Merchandise Moving Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J I date of the first publication of this Albany's fire department will walk i Judgment against said Alfred Ander­ follows, to-wlt: Office at 312 Main St. Beginning at a point on the U. 8 i summon!, and being the time pre- Reeidenco Phone 163 M son and Ina M Anderson In 1h«> sum out on a strike August 1 as the result Government meander line of the left _ 1b d for guch appearance by you | of thirteen hundred dollars with In- bank of the W illam ette River, at . [ pnb„ cat|On of W ,h e •»’ "“ ” »« tb® «“ Y counc« Sprlngfleld, Oregnn i lerest thereon seven rent ot from September 3«. at raxa. tne per sum one corner on the east boundaryj ot’ the , » ‘ hprpfn pntPrpd of re. of Russell Knlghten, chief of the da» • - September 22, 1926, the sum of one hundred dollars as an attorney’s fee L Poindexter D m ’* JL No 52 apppgr partment according to an u ltim ata« GEO.. N, MeLEAN . and the sum of *19 30 as costa and «. 4 ’ c . , ^ and angwer for want thereof plaintiff presented to the council. Automobile, Fire and Lite IN S U R A N C E 2S»° cba,B8 eMt and 37 2f' wl" npply t0 the C°Ur* f°r re,'edf P,r® 108868 *D Or6S°n- exc,u’ lT* 01 JEWELER hereinafter described and directed ¡chains north of the southwest corner 11„ her complaint demanded and Portland, during the month of June, Surety Bonde,. Phone «17 the sale of snld land Io satisfy sa id : of Section 12. of said township, and prayed for, to-wlt: aggregated »513.690. according to a Repairing a Specialty My bu eln eu Is to protect yeur ---------- ----- >•■«•>»<•,«• thence thence along alone the the Government Government judgm ent against defendant Mrs. report prepared by tbe gtate tjre m ar b u tin ett (several sums so adjudged, now *•-— there I -j running Springfield, Oregon Lydia Carlson for the sum of *1600.00 gha, There were a total of 69 flre* 860 W illamette St. Eugene Oregon fore pursuant to snld execution and line, N. 55H degrees W 3.00 chains order of sale, I. the undersigned will, together with interest thereon fi om which three were of an incendiary J Z I on Saturday the 31st day of July, N. 32 degrees W 4.00 chains December 17th. 1925 at 8 per cent per p p N. 18 degrees 16' W. 4.80 chains 1926, at one o’clock In the afternoon annum until paid and the costs and ’ N. 12 degrees 10’ E. 7.16 chains VASBY BROS. disbursements of this suit and *260.00 Considerable activity has beea , at the front door of the court house In ' N. 31 degrees E. 2.67 chains thenc« as special attorneys fees. shown in the prune market In Dougla« the city of Eugene, Oregon, offer for leaving the meander line. All kinds of gravel for con­ Painting & Decorating A decree that the Plaintiff's mort- county during the last few days. AF i sale at public auction and sell to the East 8.36 chains crete or road work. We In all its branches highest bidder for cash, subject to gage be foreclosed and that the real though buyers have covered every se « N. 54 degrees 56’ E 2 63 chains mek* e spedelty of cruehed redemption as provided by law, all N. 79 degrees B. 6.63 chains thenc« property described therein be sold tion of the epunty It is estimated that 312 Main Street rook end rock send. Bunk­ the right, title, estate, and Interest leaving the meander line. | by the Sheriff of Lane County, Or- iega than 70 per cent of the crop ha* that the said defendants nnd all of ers et foot of Main on Mill 8 22 degrees W. 2.40 chains to tht egon to satisfy said Judgment and beea contracted. tty»m have, or on the 22nd day of meander line on the right hank. , aprruine c0«ts street. R. A. Sawyer of Portland was elect. S. «9 degrees W. 9 00 chains «Ion* ] March, 1924. had In th.ff following This summons Is served upon you pd commander of tha Spanish Wa» HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. described mortgaged prem ises; com­ the meander line. by publication thereof In the Spring- __ 8. 3 degrees W 8 85 chains. mencing at a point 6.38 chains west DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL field N ews pursuant to an order o f ; 8. 56 degrees E. 6.60 chains of the northeast corner of the James 9. 39 degree« 02* W. 5.8# chains t« the Honorable C P. Barnard, Judge Butler Donation I.and Claim No. 6«, » urat notification No. 6582, as marked In the place of beginning, contalnlni of the county c iu r t of the State ot Phone 43 county survey No. 1253 and H. and 11.31« acres of rlvor-bed lin d s In Sec Oregon for the County of Lane made R- *• Campbell of Portland waa electe« and entered of record on the 15 day Junior vlce-commander. running thence north 19 53 chains, 12, T. 17 S. R. 4 W. W. M. Flrat Nat’l Bank Bldg., Sprlngfleld Your Home Whan In Applications should be accompanied of July 1926, ordering that the said I The Eastern Oregon Light A Powef thence west 16.89 chains, thence south 19.53 chains, thence east 16 89 chains by check or draft of the amount «1 summons be published once each company has filed application wltk Springfiald to the place of beginning, containing bid and should be addressed to G week for six consecutive and succee- the state engineer for appropriation 33 acres more or less and situated O. Brown. Clerk State Land Board In township 19 south, >t Range 3 Salem, Oregon, and marked “Applies sire weeks and the date of the first of water from the Grand Ronde rlvey WM. 0. HUGHES west of the W illam ette meridian, in tlon and bid to purchase river-bet publication will be July 15th 1226 for the development of 1364 theoretb FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE FRANK A. DF PUE and of the last publication w ill be horsepower. The coat of tbe Lane county, Oregon, to satisfy said land«.” NOTARY PUBLIC ATTORNEY AT LAW O. O. BROW N. August 2«th, 192«. posed development was estim ate* Judgments and costs accruing upon , Office at Clerk State U td Board FRANK A. DE PtTR this execution. *210.009. NOTARY PUBLIO Dated at Salem, Oregon, May 24, FRANK R. TAYLOR, Attorney for Plaintiff. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Sprlngfleld 19M. Button Sheriff of LAne County. Ora. Sprlngfleld, Oregon Residence, Sprlngfleld, Oregoa. J 8 A Oregon. JI 1 8 16 21. Buldllng Jn!y II, 22, 29, Aug I, 1219-2«. Classified Ads (BUYING 02 SELUN6' GET RESULTS j «4 (“ b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y ! a uy ud U HdM D . W. R o o f SPRIN6FIELD 6RAVEL CO. “The Loop •l8Ct6d' “ J *1 pr* a| I