T U K » w u N o r u u .n s » H O Ï TW O TH U R SD A Y. JULY 22. IM « » Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L E P U B L IC A T IO N LANE C O U N T Y U N IT r .0 . 14 W ILLA M E TTE UPPER W ILLA M ETTE • O F F IC E R S OF L A N E C O U N T Y F A R M E R S ' U N IO N FARM REM IN D ER S C E R T IF IE D SEED SPUDS TOPIC OF FARM M EET T he young folk« of th e C h ris tia n ' \ ahowvr was given for Mr and • • • • • • • • • • S Ince the average drying tim e In A Held m eeting of farm er» will lie Endeavor gav«. a surprl*« parly on Mrs. H arry 8tol»tg at thvir home on C. W Allen, Vida. P resident h e ld I" >> - 11 III I I F o lk dl» the Inntana W edneaday night. Ju ly 1*. the Stlckley ranch T uesday ev< nlng. the hlg Oregon prune d istric ts aver, W. I. Seul». Eugene, Vice I’real . .U»» Ibe production of ee.'ttlted »• • d as a farew ell to Gladys. Violet and I,. July l.Tth Ml«» S tolslg w as Kthel ages only 20 days before the rain dent. . potato«» Th meeting »III be under Hoy lim a n . The Inman» recently »old Cogswell before h er m arriage Many »tarts, til- t-npa« Ity of tile d ry er 1« a B etty M Kappailf. C ottage Grove big faelor la tile site of the dried « Hi« direction of u F El. t. her. co u n ty th eir ranch a t P leasant Hill and have beautiful p resen ts were received by S ecretary T reasurer. Quarterly Meeting At Water, gone to th eir prop, rty n ear Blue River the couple. Thoae presen t to enjoy prune output, the ex|H«at. the unthlnned 13 26 The both of C ottage G rove; C harles H e c k . to sell. E. 11. Danner. J1 22 2» The forenoon session is to be held renk of Pleasant Hill died very sud­ have left on an extended trip sales value of th* first lot was »1» 12 and Vella U urforL both of E u g en e ; at the I. O. O. F. hall at W alterville. They Intend to go to Mt denly Tuesday night July 20 of heart Oregon CALL AND MXB Or N. W Emory Those in charge promise that the Hood, and alo toar the Columbia high per tree, of the second 116 20, the and to Jam »« A rthur Huilth and trouble at her home In Eugene. o n 'po' •« • p r ,«v I Crow. 15 miles sou:hw est of Eugene, estin g diversions, but have not an­ S iters a r d over the pass. ed for farm flocks, hut may not a, were destroyed by fire. Styles and Color* nouncer the program , A prom inent wavs be practical on the ranges, sp eak er will be on hand who will de­ T ourist travel to th e Oregon Caves Notice Is hereby given, th at School W iiih Take tho Eye w here It Is often best to get them liv er an addrese upon some of the D istrict No. 19. I-ane County Oregon, Is Increasing and already m ore than In »w c c i » t y 1« » I from th e man who inn handle 1’ r r t t y enough In give forem ost problem s confronting the will pay at the office of the School Teo people have registered at G rants enough to make up a straig h t year a protfir- live hr I* w farm er today. Clerk. City Hall. Springfield. Oregon. Pass fur a trop through. ling hand w ear in b * r new li lie 1 Alfred Miller of Gold Beach, one ol The com m ittee In charge of the School w arran ts up to and including barbecue Is composed of a m em ber W arran t No. 1216 In te re st ceases the best known pioneers of Curry Cool nnd Fresh P rid e G oeth W ith P a in t county, died suddenly while on a visit from each local. T. W. C arney of a fte r Ju ly 25th. 192« For Su’v.mer Don't forget tho mall box when you to his farm on R o m e river W aterville has procured the meat R W SMITH. Clerk. Dlst. 19. wjotuuiro aaa* te p»«t..vw • And ’ o pr.-. t- il for have your p aint brush hand«- Un­ from Barney Oldfield of D e e rh 'm . Dated Ju ly 22. 1926. jr< | Rlvwr valley apple tonnage fur 1934 d o Sam 1» urging all rur. i pest lu g th e «i • i : c r ■ ----- - by County F ruit Inspector K < kur m o n th » Boy all you forecasts a crop of 30a<) to 32' jo car» m usters to m ake a . y-I «.at. nffoit need— r o w I and indicates a yield con*, h rublj to get all mall boxes and s iip ia x t posts painted w hite with patron'.» less than in 1924. In Small to Extra «no- In black le tte rs I Inc 1« big i C onstru tlon has started on a new Large Sima power line from the Culiforn got on each aid*' of the box. i’ulnt pro­ company giant power plant on ivUm tects, pr«*trves, and pleusi-s. ath riv e r to K lamath F ills. The pro Ject. which will cost *250,040, will in | crease the power .»• rvlce ca;.a« ity i i , K lam ath Falls from 15,000 to 25,(Hit kilowatts. W H. Ferguson, m achine shop fore man of th e Coos Bay Lum ber com pany. M arshfield, has been aw arder th* -r -ttd prise of 2509 tn the Na tional f i.inb*r M anufacturers' assocla i lion's w aste i n vention coni' .' Fer guson's Inventlnii was a "line ane THE U N IV E R S A L C A R delay graph!« recording d c . lot »awmill carriugi a." BY F I »Prir.ts In House Frocks 72c • w m I And a Little Extra — For Good IVeasure C an ary —F irst Sunday and Third ikatiiiilay. Farm« rs t nlon Hall. Cloverdale— Second and Fourth Fridays. ( loverdale School House. Crosw ell—F irst and Third Tues- duya, Cresw ell, M. W. of A Hall. t oast F ork—Second and F ourth T hursdays, Farm Union Hall. banebo— F irst Tuesday. Dancbo School H ouse. • i < < i; l .t :i l Pofftk To-- days, Doreoa ChuroJi. H aileyville — F irst and T hird T hursdays, H adleyvllle School llecetu —F irst Sunday of each month. H eceta School House. Ja sp e r—Second and F ourth Wed- nesdays. A’ . O. W. Hall, Jasp er. Loran*— Second and F ourth W ednesdays I. O. O. F Hall. McKenxie local, second and W h e n the scales balance and say “ full measure’’— for your money w e are always sure it is G ood M eaaure. In ali your dealings w ilh us— you w ill find dial just a little bit extra is the rule. W hen buying canned goods or any ready packed foods— our price is a little less than elsewhere— to make it your saving. Trade Here Get Full Value plus a Little More For Your Money Fresh Vegetables Daily Berries, Apricots, Fruits in Season Home Grown Corn. Phone Phone 9-WHITE FRONT K E R Ï-9 Ford Motor Compnny considers us a fair dealer if we get 75% of the FORD SERVICE in our territory in order to T IM E AND PLACE OF LOCAL M EETING S • • • • • * ’ • ’ • • • ’ • • ’ • • ' fo u rth W ednesday, R p. m. I. O. (>, • 1 F. h a ll. W.-iH-r-. ill.-. • ' ’ ' ' ' ' ■Mt. V ernon—F irst and Third • W ednesday. Braaf.cM Store. • Silk Creek M eets F irst and T hi’ d • T hursday a t O edar School H ouse • S pencer Creek—T hird Friday, • Pine Grove School House. • T ren t—Second and Fourth Wed- • n w d ay a P leasan t Hill High • School Bldg. • Vida—Second and F ourth Satnr- • days a t Mlnnoy Hall. • Beoretariee will please send In • time and place of meeting and • changes of date as »hey may »>«► • Protect Ford Owners With Authorized Labor Schedule And Especially G enuine Ford Parts as many fictituous parts are sold with no protection to Ford owners. WE WOULD LIKE 100% OF THE FORD BUSINESS. WHY NOT? E. R. Danner Motor Co. Ford Garage Fifth and A Streets