TBY THE HOME PRINT HHOP EIKST THE SPRINGFIELD NEV.'S SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. TWENTY-THIRD YEAR MEN OFF 10 HELP IN HEATON'S FILM Gives Away M illions More Thnn Enough Men Will­ ing To Help Buster Kenton! F ilm Civil Wnr Picture; Guard Leave« Today For Cot­ tage Grove. The local National (luuril wu* quick­ ly oiled in Hr full strength of 50 men and many applicant* were turned away when II »»> anuunced that the com puny would be used thia week at Cottage drove In filming Hunter Kea­ ton'* elvtl war picture “The Ueneral " Thirty-five new men were added to the company by Lieutenant C. A. Kwurta to bring It up to It* full quota of Ho The peace time strength of the company I* twenty, but live of the re- gular men could not go and were ex­ cused Their place* were taken by other local men who were eager to take part to making of the moving picture. Th-- company will leave today at 11 SO A M arriving tn Cottage Orova about ! 00 I’ M After being outfitted be Buster Keaton In Civil War uni form*, they will be sent to the scene of the mining at Culp Creek It I* not known by the local men which arm' th. y will.represent, but probably half will be Union and half Confederate soldiers. Tbe men will live In the rallraod car* while at Culp Creek They will ust a cur In which some of tbe seats huve been taken out. and will make their beds by using the <-n*hlnna of the remaining seats In this manner they will have more room than In a sleeper, aa there will be about two men to every three seats. L giving away »23,000,000 of his great fortunn, to bn used for char­ itable purposes. The gift will be mtile to tho K r^s f* Foundation whleh wna eatAbHahnd by the mnr»* chant la 1924. T h e People's Papar* '» NEW SPAPER , L IV E T O W N NUMBER 29. .'HL'rtoLAY. JULY 22. P>2t. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOINT COMMITTEE FOR ADVERTIZES SPRINGFIELD! PARADE FLOAT NAMED Gives Message to Youth Wldenpread publicity for Hprlng- 1 Appointment of a Joint committee field la resulting from recont actlv- from the Springfield chamber of Com­ ities of the Chambor of Commerce mere« and the Lion* club to consider which ha* been engaged for som e the matter of entering a float from time In advertising the advantage* Springfield In tbe “Trail To Kail“ of the city a* an Industrial center celebration to be held In Eugene. Aug- and a local point for tbe attraction* ust 1» to 20 was made Tuesday by H. of the McKensle valley. ¡J Cox. president of the Chamber of The Oregon Journal for Sunday i Commerce and John Ketel* president July 11 carried a page advertise- If the Lions club. in,-nt telling ot the vacation paradise O. O Hushman. Dr. W C. Rebhan. of the McKensle river region. T b e !and E. E Morlson were appointed; ad was Illustrated -with cuts of the from the Chamber; and Henry Adrian! McKensle river and highway and of and H. E. Max»y from the Lions club j the territory surrounding Spring- Mr. Hushman was named chairman of field. Springfield was featured as the committee. the gateway to the McKenxIe and Its The committee will connlder the ad- Industrial resources were given much vlsablltty of entering a float to re- apace. present Sprlnifleld In the parade, and Thia advertising will be dlstrlbu will report their findings next week. In a recent Interview Dr. Charles W. Eliot, 02 year old President! ted to all the Chambers of Commerce — ---------------- — Emeritus of Harvard UnJve-raity, In the "United Stales and to all the LIONS HEAR MAGLADRY laid:— “ I f I had the opportunity railroad publicity bureaus Over SPEAK ON CELEBRATION to aay a final word to all the young 3000 copies are to be sent out In this — — >eppla in Ameriea tt would be th ia way by tbe Journal. The local chant- J » Magladry of Eugene, chair 3on*t think too about your- mlf. Whan all jroo cpn think eboat • yoareelf ye - % ti a bad w ay!* NEW FIRE ENGINE WILL SAVE MONEY Officials Say Lowered Insurance Rates Will Pay For New Fire Equipment To Be Bought If Bond Issue Carries At Tues­ day's Election. That the property owners of the city will more than save the price of a new fire engine on lowered insurance rates that will result if the *7.500 bonds are voted at next Tuesday elect­ ion Is the opinion of city officials. The failure of the present obsolete equip- in the last two fires ha* demonstrated that it Is Inadequate they point ouL Along with the new equipment two paid men are to be on the force ready to respond to all fires instantly. Mayor O. O. Bushman is heartily In favor of the bond issue. He said: d out to Interested parties. This ad the “Trail To Rail" Celebration, — 1 ■— — “The Ford truck which the city now alone will do much to put Springfield spoke before the Springfield Lions SPRINGFICLD SCOUTS AT has is totally out of date and should before the people of the United club at their weekly meeting last p qqqq be replaced by a new machine. The Friday noon and told them of the N O SUITABLE SLOGAN State*. FOUND BY COMMITTEE present equipment throws too small a The chamber will also soon have an plans for the celebration to be held gpringfleM boy scout* at Camp Illustrated booklet to send out over there In August, commemorating the stream of water to have much effect , U( ky ,biy ar<. hav„m the time of i the country This phamplet I* now finishing of the Natron cut-off. Mr The »logan committee of the Chamber on a fire after It has gained a start. their life according to their reports I on the press and will be ready for Magladry urged that Springfield en- <* ’ ommerce, headed by M M. Peery, The volunteer fire force now in use should be reenforced by two men who Jt haa ter a float In the parade and other-!1“ instile to visitors of the camp Sunday distribution within a week T,|prp #rp 2„ b, yg , he '" »•« "“ «I write to them to Inter- lucres ed In sn effort to secure more , P®oPle ot Springfield can see what the a day and all expenses from Buster r(M,k wherP they *|ep, ou,. o n e of eat thi-m In Springfield snd vicinity. CONFEREENCE AT GROVE A T T R A C T S M A N Y P E O P L E en trles in the M W contest. saving would be. Keaton, and will have a chance to be- |h). S prlngfleld boy> walks In his The chamber also will send them the Illustrated phamplet. I The slogan desired by the Chamber! “To come up to requirements. com e a movie alar besides sleep so they strapped him to an- In these various ways the local Many Sprtngfleid people are attend- ,g one , ha[ wl„ combine in , few ghort Springfield will have to have two re- In addition to the units from Spring- o, bl>r hoy before retiring for the ( am -r o nmm«rcf s ma tig |n< (he Methodist Camp meeting and wordg as many of tbe desirable feat gular men on the fire force. We will field and Eugene there will be used n()|bt_ conference being held at Cottage f Springfield as possible. Men- arrange It so they will be kept busy the Cottage Drove artillery company Tb„ hgyp g(JUBd ,pntg wHh S nr ng • < > er nnwn no on v the people of Oregon, but of the en -,r — - — • ■ Grove July 23 to Augustl. The local t)on may made of tbe position of by putting two Jobs together. Th« and n unit from Corvallis Infantry. floor* g, , hp ranr, Fvervthlng la tire United States. cavalry, and artillery are all going to kpp, (|> f,ne order Bn<, ln(,pect|„n I* church will hold no Sunday night ser- (hp town ag tj,e gateway to the Me- men will sleep above the fire engine* be used In the picture. The men will stood, army style, every morning vices for the next two weeks so that K en l|e valley, or of the industrial op- so as to be ready at all times for fires. H e re F ro m B urn W M Sutton the members may attend tbe services portun|ties offered by the city. The A little room will be built above th* take part In the heaviest scenes of A woman cook has been employed tbe film. In which Keaton ha* an en and she I* kept busy satisfying the * b o own* several business building* at the conference best slogan will be the one that can fire hall for this purpose. In Springfield, wa* a visitor to Spring ! Dr. W. H. Pollard and Mrs. A. A. glne carato through a rallrcnd (restie. boys* appetite. i . combine as many of these features a s , “The fire committee is going into P°” ,b,e AnyB- 10 « » « * < • ! th e questi n of a new engine thorough- ________ _ ! field this week Mr S utto n called « H V a . J . I . e h Ttoow X«lng wlth thè Headquarter* company, lst Hnitallon. IfiSitd In- To Celebrate Labor Day At Wendlinp on <,leseth1«. at the home of John Hutchens on the awarded until this week, after a bond ' CW regular firemen will he Pacific Highway between Springfield had been furnished by Mr. Smith to gtveii other work to do by the city If nnd Eugene In what Is known as satisfactorily do the work. Work of the bonds are voted. Probably one patvitlng the building will start at Byrnes’ Pine Drove. will be made traffic officer, according All former residents of Tennessee once. to Mayor Bushman. are urged to be present. Each one The poles at the city hall will be Is to bring a picnic lunch. Coffee Farm Traded For California Property open from 3:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M., Mr. Nelsen Bush of Marcóla has will he furnished by those In charge. Tuesday for the election. Quite a trnded a 1R0 acre farm In Northern large turnout Is expected In view of Moves Real Estate Office Dowm Town California for a 100 acre tract on the the Interest aroused by the election. Upper Slluslaw near Alma, belonging W W. Walker, local real estate dealer has moved has office from his home at 233 E street to the building belonging to Mrs Bryan at 337 Main which was formerly occupied by Clines neastaurant. Mr Walker plnns to re-arrange the Interior of the building and make It Into an up to date real estate office. He will devld« the office Into two parts, on« to he need ns « consulting room and the other as -txs office. CAM HAV£ J|ME to W W Walker of Springfield The deal was consumated last week. B ra tta ln School Repaired—The usual summer repairs are being made on the nrattaln school this week Workmen are oiling the floors and repairing the drain pipes. The drain pipes are be­ ing connected with the city sewer so as to keep the water from running oyer the school yard. New Car Bought—Two citizens of Springfield are the proud possessors of new cars this week. Oswald Olsen la driving a new Chevrolet sedan and F. B. Flanery has a Packard sedan, purchased Tuesday. Here From Leaburg—Mr. and Mrs. Al Montgamery were In town Tuesday "from Leaburg.