TH E SPRINGFIELD NEW S TH U R SD A Y , JULY IB, 192« THE VOICE OF THE LIBERTY BELL OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST PAGE ss BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD HONORING MRS. PURVANCE NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS I way. Weal aids, acroaa the Bast aide Notice la hereby given, that seal- of Block 4 Holoa Add. ed bids will be received by the Re- Contractor to furnlab all material A large birthday party waa held ' c°rder at hla office In the City Halt, and labor and riak in the tullfllllng ------------ laat Friday in honor of the eightieth Springfield, Oregon, for the grading of the Contract, The Connell reser- Brlef of Resume of Happenings birthday of Mra. tiarah Purvance at and graveling of J Street, from its vea the right to reject any and all ' the home of Mra. Alice Ellison, a Intersection with Mill Street, east bids. Blda else Jnly 86th. 192S. the Week Collected for daughter That party came as a to (he Railroad right of way, thence JI. 15-22, complete surprise to Mra. Purvanc- south along the Railroad right ol R. W. Smith, City Recorder, Our Readers. and w«» attended by a large number ' of friends an well an her children I Sixteen thousand yards of rock w re except one. sh attered near Lava butte, 10 m iles south of Bend on Th« I'all.-n Call- Tint only one of her children absent fornla highway, when six tons o'f pow­ was a son, Gruver Purvance who d e r were discharged. The blast was live-, in I tali A telegram, sending lieurd at a distance ot approxim ately coiiKrutulatluns and wishing beat 16 miles. wishes waa sent to her by him. Approximately *0 of the (75 men Ernest Purvance and Mrs. Myrtle now In the state penitentiary are serv­ Wilson ot Portland. Mrs, Maud Mc- ing lerms for various forms of tnoon- t'umber of Carlton, Oregon, and Mra shlnlng according to a report by J. Alice Ellison of Springfield were the The utmost in respect is expressed in our W. Lillie, warden of the Institution. children present. Grandchildren at sincere service. The most improved facil­ The ages o f most of the m oonshiners lb<. purly WFr„ Myrt un(J Wllgün ities and a friendly earnestness make ours range from 45 to 56 years of age. 1 and Margaret I’urvane" the Ideal Service. R. Il Turner of Dallas, who was ap­ pointed state superintendent of public In addition to the members of the Instruction to succeed J. k . Churchill, family, there were a large number resigned, haa assumed the duties of i of guests, Including the Mesdames hla office. Mr. Turner announced that J. T. Vaughn. Janie Cruxan, W. H ; PHONE. €28 there would be no changes In the Pollard, W. H. O&ntx, Margaret working staff of the department. Swart». H. C. Bachelder, Ada Wink- J. C. Hlaeklngton, 70, of Imbler, Is lerruck, Marlon Casteel, Bernice Van held In the county Jail on an open Valzah, J. L, Moore, F. L. Moore, charge, while officers are Investigating Annie Fenwick. M. E Buchanan. 8. a fire which burned his warehouse at M, Bunch. Hettle Service, Llxxle Imbler. Estimates of loss Incurred In R|c(, UDd Rosalind Ramsy. the burning of two warehouses, a grain _____________ elevator and tin contents run aa high ! as 1100.000. , FOR BALE—Bevenrooffl house with acre of ground on East Main 8t. The Oregon stste penitentiary May Price 22600, 2600 down, balance 1 had the largest population In Ita like rent. Address J. E. Stewart. history, according to a report filed >12 Cedar BL. Klamath Falls. Ore. by J. W. Lillie, warden of the Insti­ tf tution There were 672 Inmates of the prison on the night of May 1. It has become necessary to put two SIMMONS. men In many cells. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE A totsl of 166 cities snd towns In STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR Thli la an* of (ha two a»w ufflelal posters of tha Sesqul-Cantaanlal Inter- Oregon were listed June 1 by the state < LANE COUNTY. aatluoal Expoeltloa. opening tn Philadelphia Juna 1 to celebrate KO y rar« Industrial accident commission as b e-1 Susie C. Curtis. Plaintiff, vs. 8. D. a( American Independence. Tha Eipoettlon will continua lo December I. Ing protected by the workmen's com- Curtis, Defendant. Han Smith the artlal. haa ajrmbollaed the epoch la hletory which (ba loUtag i pensatlon law as to a portion of their To 8 D Curtis. Defendant: of th a Liberty Hell In Indépendance Hall. July 4. 1774, marked and haa IN THE NAME OF THE STATE employee. On the same date 22 out depleted tha growth of tha United Blatoa from tha original thirteen atatea OP OREGON, You are hereby sum- of the 34 counties of the etate had ap- represented by tha Ihlrtaaa atara which amarga from the mouth of the i. j'.* ”” ' “•** moned and required to appear and plied for protection for some of their ! ao. wer tbe Complaint filed herein Liberty Ball. employes. ! against you In the above entitled suit Production of 10« sawmills reporting' nnd Court within atx weeks of the to the West Coast Lumbermens asso- ° f «*• f l « t publication of this sum- . . . _ __ mom* and If you full to ao appear, elation during the week ended M ay; for the plaintiff will 39 totaled 114141.430 feet, which * u ^ ( Judgment against yon as prayed — ' ■ ----------■ ■ - only 170.46» feet lees than 109 mills j in plain tiffs Cofhplalnt, to-wit: for Here From Thurbtai»—lone Rhoades produced during the week ended May ' a decree of the Court dteeolvtng the From Natl— Mrs Bert Doane en­ tertained a gueet from N«<1. Mrs and her cottala. Leon Bdmnatoa of 13 During the week the 192 skills bonds of matrimony now existing be­ tween the plaintiff nnd defendant, and - A N D FO R C A N N IN G , O U R S T O C K O F K E T T L E S Thnratoa were In town Saturday sol« 103.490.17« feet aad shipped 112,- granting to the palntlff an a b solu te, Vloory, laet Friday, 242.277 feet. A N D LA D LE S IS C O M P L E T E divorce from the defendant, and for , Felee Oe t e s t —The Carboltnnem _ .U p Camp Creek—Dr. gad Mra. W The U. B. supreme court has ru- such other relief as to tbe Court may H Pollard aought relief from the Wood Preserving company shipped -em jast and equitable. ►d to later This Summons Is served upon yon heat of the valley teat Sunday by go­ a carload of treated poles to Wyom­ the motor transportation controversy ing sp Camp Creek on a picnic. ing Saturday. The polea will be uaed Is Oregon. hut agreed to hear argu- by publication h r v l r t f o f an order of the Hon. O. F. SWpworih, Judge I far power line polea end nra part of asente on the subject on October 4. They reported an enjoyable time. of said Court, dated and filed J u n e . an order for polea placed with the Pending tha arguments, Morris A 7. U N . direct»»« this Summons he I ..F in ed Saturday—John T. Evans. a local onnvpany Lowther aad ether companies carrying served upon yon by publishing the member of the Eugene achool hoard freight by motor were denied a court same once a week for six successive , weeks In the Springfield New», and waa need II Saturday afternoon for Hare Frem Onterto—Mr. and Mra order suspending a ruling by the Ore­ that yon answer said Complaint wtta- ratting tha corner of A and Second J. D. Bllllngalev of Ontario, Oregon gon state highway commission fix- tn tlx weeku from date of the fir s t ' Street- publication thereof Date of first were la Springfield leal Wednesday lag the maximum weight of loads. publication. June 10, 192«. and Thurnday, visiting C. E Kenyon. W EIJ.S A WELLS. V isits Farenle—Charleg Kenyon of Purchase by the Southern Pactfle Mr Billingsley la Republican candi­ Attorneys, , Portland waa (|n town for a few Railroad company of 21 acres of prop date for repreaaeaentetlve to the elate Residence and P. O. Address, daya vlalllng hla father and mother, erty adjoining its terminal site and Eugene, Oregon legislature from Malheur county. Mr, and Mr». C. B Kenyoa. He la paralleling Its main line wtthtn the J 10 17 24 JI 1 8 16 22 traveling for the Cartodan Brothers, city limits of Klamath Falls, from the CALL AMD R5B Dr N. W Eraen Importers of oriental ruga. on- pH ■« an plat, and other work • Klamath Development company, was I announced. Acquiring of the land , Hana Saturday— Among the out o| which Increased Its holdings within town people who were In Spring- FOR BALE—Garbon paper In larg’ the city limits to over SO acres Is a ! •herts. 1*139 loches, aullante to< Saturday were; Crank Emerick. M unit of the construction program which making tracing» The new s O ffle. the Southern Pacific has started with J. Wearing of W aterville. Ira Grey the building of an 2800.000 terminal of Thurston, Mr». Roy Edmlatnn In Klamath Falls. Thurston, anil Mra. Glenn Scott of Natron. J The contract for the 1927 motor ve ■ h id e license plates was awunled by Haa Operation— Edna Platt wn* Sam A. Koser, secretary of atate, ft, ! taken to the Pacific Chrlallnn hosplt- the Irwin-Hodson company of Port nl Mailay morning to have a major land on the basis of 12.81 cents a pair Operation performed. Ml»« Platt I» The contract calla for 288,000 pairs ol ■ n tencher in the grade schools of plates for passenger cars and other i motor vehicles of less than one ton Springfield. cnpaclty nnd 19.000 pairs of plates for; I Old Realdent Here— Oliver Johnson r / ^ ' < trucks and .trailers. The colors fot of Portland waa a visitor I» Spring- I the 1927 plates are the same as those' field Thursday. Mr Johnson form­ Used In 1926. The back ground Is erly lived In Springfield nnd vicinity, black with white letters and figures. having a hardware store here for Mnjor Lee Moorhouse, one of Pen gome time. He la an employee of dleton'a earliest residents, died In Pen the Standard Oil company now. dloton following a four weeks' III iicrs at his home. Ho hud been one of the 1 Marcoln Man Hurt—.John McDonald outstanding citizens of Pendleton since of Marcola broke hla right leg Inat coming there In 1861. and probably Thuradny nt the Fisher mill. He fell was better acquainted with tin- Ills off the dock atrlklng anme lumber tory nnd development of Umatilla which fell on him nnd broke both county nnd eastern Oregon than any hones of the leg. He wna Inken to o f r p rson. Major Moorhouse was the Pacific Christian hoapltnl for regarded ns an authority on Indian Blown quality of crystal treatment. history and possessed a collection ol glass. 9 ounce capacity. Indian relics regarded as the most Simple nnd attractive in New Operator—Rnlph Couraon left complete In this part of tho state. design with band pattern W ien small grains are wisely planted nature multi­ for Portlnnd laat Frldny. He has ' .1. A. Rourtdtrce, Director Gen- rsl of the U S. Good Hoads The enactment of a stale Income and star bottom. plies them many times. Then there is the old saying: beep employed at the Newa office aa tvs'n., put across a prog ruin for tax. a more equal assessm ent of prop linotype operator for the past year. “ From little acorns great oaks grow.” ,’oro good roads at the nutional erty, federal legislation to provide a qventlon in Los Angeles laat B. P. Metzler of Hoquiam, W ashing­ better price for farm products, enact When pennies and dimes are wisely planted In our 12 o-k which promises to make our ton haa taken his place at the mach­ ment of a constitutional amendment rational highways the beat in tha bank we multiply them into dollars- “And from dollars, T U M B L E R S ine. -Id . for state and municipal developtnenl small In themselves, great fortunes grow.” F O R of water power nnd electric energy, readjustment of the state automobile Money planted In a Commercial State Bank savings license fees so that old machines will account will yield 3% on every dollar you put In. Interest pay less than new ones, the improv» “The Home of Good will be computed semi-annually which means two crops of ment of highways to serve rural dis interest yearly. Furniture” trlcts Instead of large expenditures fot Dealer in New and Second Hand Goods rebuilding main highways, form the 129 S th S treet, S prin gfield program for grange activity outlined Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System In the annual report of George A Palmiter, etate master, at the 63d a » A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY nual session of the state grange at New Beds, New Mattresses, New Chairs, also tine Baker. Approximately 600 del 2nd Hand Chairs and Rockers. New Simmons were In attendance. llth nt Willamette »R espect W F WALKER ÿ.62-J FÍJNERALSERVICE X • S pringf ie l d . ore . st * Harvest and Haying Supplies Binder Twine 16c and 20c lb. Myers Hay Carrier Un­ loaders $11.00 and $13.50 Bale Ties $2.25 Bdl. Machine Oilers - - 15c up TOWN AND VICINITY Wright & Son News Subscribers are Sprinfield Boos tei s Friday and Saturday Special 2 Crops per YEAR! Light Cut W ater Tumblers 79c WILLIAM DONALDSON WETHERBEE -POWERS Beds. A good line of Tables and Bed Springs. Commercial State Bank SprtUgfield, Oregon