THURSDAY. JULY IS. 192« THE SPRINGF-.-îl.D NWW8 fAOB FOUR ■ i age ot future generations. For th e sake of those who ' come a fte r us. we m ust p rotect th e ir property from our own m isuse The governm ent hae adopted th e pn'.cy Published Kvvry Thursday at of holding the forest th e people’s playground, but they Sprincfleld, L ane County, Oregon, by should b>< re stric te d to th e p rim itive sp o rts of the re ' THE WILLAMETTE PRESS sportful woodsman. It Is sacrilege to allow In these The F irst Y esr of M arriage Is the H. K MAXEY. Editor. g n a t tem ple», th e crude and taw d ry p ica-urea of a , H a rd e st ■stared aa second ckaaa matter. February 34. IMS at the t oney Island Dear Miss F lo:- W hen I m arried ■ pqetotnce, Spriu«fteJd. Oregos I lit* t r i l l It is tllttt Douglas fir trot* I lls tt life my huslutud, over a y ear ago, I was tilt* s tttllt* its tt p e r s o n . A t tt i<’l t u i t t Agt* it is At madly lu love with him. Now I find MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATI its pritue, later it sta rts losing its vitality until It ti,al j barely to lerate him. lie , Tear In Advance.— .|1.TS Three Months dies. If we let stand a forest of IXiuglas fir as ¡H „ good man, and does everything $l.M Single Copy M o n th s ---------------- a ' h«>ritag«*T»f future generations, they will not (ll bis pow er to make me happy, hut THURSDAY. JULY 15. ISM thank us for it. Because for the most part these something is m issing. He tacks many trees will m ake doty useles logs. While If we o( (h, qualities I long for—all of th« cut the trees now rijn* and oecomlng less useful : romance seem s to have gone from In Confidence T H E SPRIN G FIELD N EW S By Flo d au g h ter's atten tio n to h e son s In weakness«*», or put son wise to her d a u a h te r’s-ln-law faults. If • parents wxiulil m ake It a point to try making one's chtlilres aatlefled with the m atrim onial tuirguln they have made Instead of ixuitlnually ra ilin g th eir al J lentjon to Hie way they have taken In and fooled - ve an th ere would he few er dlvorves. FOR RAr.J9—f ’arbon gaper la la r* Sheets. $«!$» Inches, »ultahls fw making tracings The isews Offler A nnouncem ent Editorial Program each year, young trees will spring up In their*•»> the luxuries v that pretty you—If you I Besses of the McKecxie region, p rte sts ag ain sls th e ex- o n account of silts the m ajority commit. We Klv* of autom obile roads through th e lo re st reserv es, have hundreds of privileges withheld from us Clothes and soft living are more He m entions particularly the road now under co n stru ctio n for no Other reason than that a few persons necessary to you than the love pp the South F ork of th e M cKecgie river, as a w aste abused those privileges in the past. » K00<1 m an- 1 ,hln,< ,or hl* ,a k * funds, a m enace to the unique ch arm w hich An organized m inority is not necessarily in ?ou h",I b etter go on with a «II- Of public hnven't the grit ild ern ess w hat tt is, and an inv itatio n to ir- the wrong. Because noted m inorities have prov- vorce For if you m akos the responsible m otorists whose careless tam p s a re poten- ed them selves right is the only reasson for the ,o stand di? *aff now- you *bnply m yth th a t they are always right. h aven't the stuff in you to m ake a tisi firebrands O ur correspondent voices a p ro test which should be But most m iority organization# are not desirable wife for a poor man m ore general and m ore determ ined. O regon Is fortu- even intended to be beneficial to others than the But lf 11 *• only b e c a u s e al I the nate In having still g reat tra c ts of virgin forest, a para- members and th etr proctectors. A bandits' or ''»iioincH seems to have gone o u t of dise for the man who hunts eith e r with gun or cam era, bootleggers’ ring m ay be organized for the pur- your marrla*e * *oulrn t worry H ere a re free ran g in g bands of elk and deer. C ougars and pose of defying the law. and such rings have ro° mu r b ears find here r e t r e a t The sm all folk of fu r and been quite successful. This may be an argum ent No one wl,h *" deny fe ath er have h ere th eir homes. T h ere a re sw ift stre a m s I In favor of org an izatio n , but It leaves no room that ,h* flr*t y’’ar of marr,ed ,lf*' spangled with speckled trout. More th an alt. h ere a re for the inference th a t anything is good SO long *• * ,,me of S’’’’“1 Itlslons, and tribulations. Only In fairy who guards the f o r e s t but we should be slow to build ; harm than* good tales do they m arry and live hap. i “ Blocs” often are nothing more tflRn Hfocks. common highw ays in th ese reserved forests. F or the word “re serv ed ” is not an idle adjective. T h ese trees a re reserved, not for us. but to be th " h**r!»- Most n f the troubles we have com* because we insist 'in having our own wav. ' and become subject to its de----- U is Week By Arthur Brisbane MR. EASTMAN’S LION. HE’LL CATCH FISH. DAVID DANCED, PERHAPS. $1,000 AN HOUR? George E astm an , of Rochester, h u n tin ” ' .-ame in A frica, has killed his first lion, eig h t feet long D oubtless Mr. E astm an pushed the trig g e r, and the lion did the rest. How would you make th a t lion ■ nderstand how a m an could trav el from Rochester, across the A tlantic Ocean, down to the lion country, ju st to shoot h im ? If it w ere an atheistic lion it would ray, “ You are talk in g nonsense. T here i- no such th in g as G eorge E astm an . All is accident.” P resident Coolidge, on his vaca­ tion, will fish in a lake w here, men tell him, th ere are no fish. F o r P resident Coolidge no such body of w ater exists. If he fishes, be will catch fish. And If fish a re scarce, he will have the more tim e to think. T ak ­ ing fish off the hook is an annoy­ ing interru p tio n of th o u g h t The P resident m ust do hard thinking w ith w heat and cotton fa rm ­ e rs , N orth and South, fighting each o th er and nothing “done fo r the farm er.” ‘ The P resident will not fish with fancy “flies,” b u t w ith genuine w o rn » , »uch as he used to dig up in V erm ont or pull ou t of th eir ground w ith his fingers a fte r a sain years ego. T h a t’s BAD, and more S enators will know it soon and stay home. C ongress collected some of th e money th a t E urope owes us. T h a t’s GOOD. It is as well we did not tr y to collect all, we m ight not have got anything. Congress ap p ro p riated $150,000,- 000 to be spent in five years on aviation. T hat SOUNDS all rig h t, b u l th ere IS N ’T any A m eri­ can aviation w orth speaking . of, and th a t’s BAD. Dancing m aster» “b a r the C harleston,” b u t w on't succeed in driving o u t th a t wild dance. It is probably like th a t David danced before the A rk. I t enables th e dancer to express frensied emotions fo r which w ords can’t be found. Dancing originally w as all wild, a? am ong A m erican Indians o r A frican savages. Prifnitive man desiring to "express him self,” danced him self into exhaustion. Then cam e b rief control, sta te ­ ly m inuet, w altz, jerk y polka, quadrille. T h ere is no p ersonality o r expression in them. The C harleston, allowing youth to throw up both legs and arm s a t once, will sta y until o ur craving fo r “ self expression" shall have been satisfied. Roy D. Finch, New Y ork’s able S tate E ngineer, shows th a t neglect to harness th e St. Lawrence costs New York S tate lo.*’' 1,000 tons of coal every year. W aste does not d isturb the A m erican people. . Congress site clo;e to the Poto­ mac s Lushing rapids, every day w asting pow er enough to lig h t all G overnm ent buildings and half o f W ashington. In a sixty-m ile race yesterday, aeroplanes beat c a rrie r pigeons by th ree m inutes. One hundred years ago, stag e coaches raced ag ain st steam locomotives, and locomo- tives won by a narrow m argin. The m argin is now wider. Those living will see aeroplanes flying around th is earth — 25,000 miles in 48 hours. A Chicago lady, in a h u rry to Coegreesm en are going home to g e t home, com m andeered a Penn­ re s t and learn w hat th e ir co n stitu ­ sylvania Railroad special train , en ts think. ju s t os K ubla Khan decreed his Like hushands going home late, stately pleasure. It cost some they are thinking up a convincing $7,037.50. T he lady, paying fo r story. 125 tickets a t $55.30 each, Raved They have cut more than six hours. How many are th ere 000.Odd off the national tax load. w in the world whose tim e is w orth T hat’s GOOD. $1,000 an hour. Many, fo rtu n a te ­ They ried th e ir best to --ke ly, but m ost o f -them haven’t got *J»l« country Join the World ..uurt. $1,000 an hour. A D O U t IfO U i' H ealth Thing» You Should Know plly ever after. But rig h t thinking I men put th eir dream s behind them. Jack up th eir courage, and wlih prllosophy and humor, try to make the best of the bargain they have en tered into D on't let your p aren ts Influence you too much. Every husband and wife must flrh t out th eir own ba'.'las alone. P aren ts are In the h ab it