PAGE THPFW -------------------------------- . T1OE KPHINGrimj) NKWa TIlUllHDAY, JULY IB, 102« NO TICE TO CREDITORS. President Coolidge ha« IndlcateB NO TIC E Is hereby given that the th a t he w ill sign tbs b ill refundloB undersigned baa been appointed Ad­ m in istrato r of the estate of E. B. taxes on the Oregon 4k C a llfo rn l* G riffin , deceased, by the County railroad grant lands since 1919 to IB Court, of Lane County, Oregon. A ll Oregon counties, despite his m ls g i* persons having clalmr. against said Ing as to some of Its unusual fe a tu re * estate are hereby notified to present the m m e properly verified to the un­ T he early bop outlook has taken • dersigned at the office of W ells A favorable turn In the many yards IB Wells, Attorneys, Rank of Commerce! th e H arrisbu rg vicinity w ith in t*B Bldg., In Eugene, !-ane County, O re-i last two weeks and growers, who her* gun, within six months from the d ate | tofore predicted only a 60 per ce*B of the flra t publication of this notice. Date of flrat publication July 1; 1924 ! F<>H H A L E C H E A P - F lo ral Sprays. C A L L A N D S E E Dr. N. W . Em ery / Old T im a Danes. crop, are now certain of 75 per ceaB E EDW ARDS, A nearly normid yield of w inter , o r more of a norm al yield. •’•»one 107 J Jl N nn prices o n i-ln le a n d o t h e r w o r k . I f J Rtevens H a ll. Springfield Every Adm inistrator. * wheat Is predicted by H . O. Avery, j Covering approxim ately 140 acres W E L L S t W E L L S , G arretts Orchestra. W A N IE I» ItA N t H E R — I w ant to roM B A L E —Carbon paper la largs Saturday Night Union county agent. Attorneys, n ear School Ma'ams flat, 13 miles east h -a r from owners who wlab to sell. aheeta, 24x39 inches. anltabla fur T ickets 76c A severe attack o f rust on fall sown of Butte Falls, In the C ra te r Lake JI 1 8 15 22 29 C. J. Klaaa, 38514 W ashington 81., making trartngs. T h a News Office. grsln, especially on the h ill land. Is forest, a forest firs which was start id L O T S FO R B A L E — Lets 2 and S riffle s 11«, Portland. block 3. Springfield Addition, W il­ F O R S A L E — Seven-room house with causing considerable w orry to Toledo by lightning. Is burning uncontrolled SUMMONS acre of grodnd on Eaat M ain St. farmers. tn hundred of acres of dead trees, F o i l R E N T — 4 room bouse on U. In the C ircu it Court o f the Rtste of | lam ette Heights. Reasonable price. Price 92400, 2000 down, balance W rite O. V. Liles, Eugene. Ore s tre e t, w ith electric! lights, sewer-1 Oregon III and for thn County of A cigarette dropped by a passing blown down during a heavy wind like rent. Address J. E S tew art. Lana. J 24 Jl 1 8 16 age. Inalde toilet, cement w alk*. motorist Is thought to have caused a storm last year. Suit for Divorce. 213 Cedar St , K lam ath Falls, Ore. grain fire a t H e lix which destroyed Inq uire at Newa office for particu­ M erger of the Oregon Pulp d Pspse C A L L A N D BEE D r N W Emery T helm a K W ard. P la in tiff, vs. t f 175 acres of w h e a t lars. If company's plant In Salem, and paper Humboldt M W ard. Defendant m r pr< ne nletc and other w ork •' To Humboldt M W a r d . Defendant: Residents of Curry county In the m ills at Vancouver. Wash., and Loe N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S SUM M ONS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Angeles, Cal., all of which are nndar vlctn ilv of B r o k in g s have form id Notice la hereby given that Charles You are hereby required to appear IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E answer the com plaint filed Notice |s hereby given th a t the un- the control of F. W . Leadbetter o t It Adatui has been appoln: *d admin and tbs Southern C u rry Fish and Game derslgned. Sarah G lick h a * been ap- S T A T E O F O R E G O N IN A N D FOR Portland, Is being considered by the latrato i of the c ita to of JnU’llo against you In the above entitled ault Protective association. Adttloa. deceased by the fo u n t v w ithin a ll weeka from the date of the pointed A d m in is tra trix of the estate ¡ T H E C O U N T Y O F L A N E directors o f the three co rp o ra tio n * S U IT FO R D IV O R C E The chamber of commerce and oth­ C iu rt of Lane County, O rig on flra t publication of thia summons In of L J C lick, deceased, by the Coun ! according to reports. _ _ _ _ ____ News. which la ___ Hugh S Demorest, P la in tiff, A ll persona having rlalu ia naalcst the _ er organisations of Salem are sup­ Springfield pub- y required to appear Is going dry. No apparent reason for to the court for the relief O r M M . on o r before six montlM fro m j and answer the com plaint Hied harvesting of w in te r wheat is jecom - the law o ffice of L. L. Itay In the cnllnti praved w ithin the said com plaint, to ” »• t th '! to me at the office of F rank A Da car by a tourist, covered more than a report prepared by the state in d u » Pue. Attorney for the Eatate, at hla ---------------------------- any rig ht, title , eatate. lien or Interest I " u,B’non" * published once each 200 acres and consumed a house and office In Springfield, Oregon proper, tria l accident commission. T b s v l * _________ (« ♦»., . l . i a « .rrih ..a in ihe week fo r six successive weeks In the IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E •» «"e real estate describ. d In the . „ newspaper nub barn two miles north of Albany. ly verified w ithin six months from tlm s were G rover W ilson. Bandosi, HTATK o f O nK H oN F O R I« A N F c o m p la i n t h e r e in . D e f e n d a n t s . s.^Y « » CT "» _ * » i^ the date of thia rotlee. rn V O T T OREOON f o r L A N E M r | Oeor(te F Bowman th# llahed In Springfield. Oregon, and that T h e saw m ill of the Long Pine Lum­ engineer, and A. Hear, Hood R iver, E R A N K A D eP V E . ’ O IN T T w lfe of F Bowman and all I Y » u _ * P ^ * ; ,“ d _*nswer the seld ber company. located six miles north­ carpenter. A total of 634 accident* A tto rn ey for the Estate. from the Eunice Hershey, P la P itlff, vs J o h n 'o th e r persona or parties unknown. plaint w ithin six week« east of Bonansa, In K lam ath county, was reported. Dated June 17th. 1924 Hershey, Defendant. , claim ing any right, title, eatate. Hen date of the D rat publication o f thl» was com pletely destroyed by fire, F A L L A A T IP T O N . The voters of the city of Gold H ill summon*. To the defendant John H erahey: ¡or Interest In the real estate descrlb- E xecutrix of Ihe Estate. which caused a loss of approxim ately at a special election, w ith nearly 10* H. E SLA TTER Y. In the name o f the state of Oregon ed In the com plaint herein, Defend- J 24 Jl 1 It 15 i t 950.000. A tto rn ey fo r P la in tiff, and my per cent vote cast, decided tn favo r you are hereby summoned to answ er ants. poatofflce address I« Eugene. Ore. N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E T he cherry picking season has of the bid of the Beaver Portland C e­ the com plaint filed against you In the 15 J 3 10 17 24 J l 1 8 D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E IN T E R above entitled rase and court wfthlp O F O R EO O N : You are hereby requlr- opened at Cove w ith an abundance m ent company for the city’s power IO R ü . R L A N D O F F IC E A T Rose­ six weeks from the firs t publication ixl to appear and answ er the com­ of crews on hand, and the yield prom­ plant at Gold H ill. T he opposing bid­ burg .Oregon. J of this summons and if you fall so plaint filed against you In the above SUMMONS ises to be large. T he three pecking der was the Copco Power company. June 4. 1924 to answ er p la in tiff w ill apply to the IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E ! entitled ault w ith in six weeks from N O T IC E la hereby given that Ralph court for the re lie f demanded In the houses w ill be In operation about Each bidder proposed to spend n ea rly the date of the flra t publication of FOR LANE M cK in ley Barlow , of Box 417, Tulare, r(>0,p |a in i, nam ely, that the m nrralge thta Summons, and If you fall so to S T A T E O F O R E O O N J u ly 15. a m illion dollars. CO! N T T CallforP ls. who. on August 4. 19--. relation existing between p la in tiff answer, for w ant thereof, p la in tiff M y rtle Seyey, P la in tiff: v». Cha«.' Fred Daugherty was k illed a t his Governor Pierce. In a le tte r address made Homestead E n try No 014518, >n(j defendant be wholly dissolved, w ill take decree against you as pray­ i t Sevey. defendant. farm four miles southeaat of M olalla ed to Stanley Myers, district atto rn ey for SWV» 8 W % , section 21. Town- MDd that p la in tiff have cuatody o f' ed for In said com plaint to-w it: T h a t T o Chae H . Sevev.defer'lBnt. when the binding, pple of a .lo a d of of Multnom ah county, has refused t * ship 14 ’ fl., Range 2 East. W illa m e tte m inor children ol p la in tiff and de- p la in tiff Is the absolute and unquall IN T H E N A M E Q F T H E S T A T E i M eridian , haa filed notice of luteatlo n fondant Thia summons la served upon fled owner and In constructive posses. 1 O F O R E O O N : You are hereby re-| hay broke and the shajp and thfust send the attorney-general of the state te make three-year Proof, to establish yO„ publication by virtue of an slon of the Southeast fourth o f the ttulred to appear and answer tne com -( Itself Into his body, as he (all to the to Portland to conduct a grand Jury claim to the land above described. ' order made June 6. 1924. by the Hon. Southeast quarte» of Section 22. p la in t filed against you In the shove ground. . , h . investigation of charges of alleged byfore tha U «H --d .S tates la n d O ffice fl F Sk'tpwnrth. ctyrult Judge, d lre c w Ttvwnahlp 18 Sbnuth. Range 6 W est of entitled »uM on or before Mx weeks S4x hundred Portland restaurants - g ra ft paid to public officia's there IB g t Roseburg. Oregon, on the H a t day I ng such publloaWonUor s ix stiecesalvw, W illa m e tte M erid ia n . In fain s Worn date* of the firs t puhHcntlon of- weeks Ip the Spr|ngfleld News, amt i County, Oregon ; th a t hta title t h e r e t o /h is Summon«, or fo r Want thereof and hotels were notified by Dr. John ccnnectlon with enforcement of t i l* of July. 1924 C laim ant names as wttnease*; that defendant nnswer the same w ith , forever qu!«ted: that defendants I the P la in tiff w ill take lodgm ent G. Ahele, c ity health officer, th a t be­ crim inal statutes. John L illy . F ran k L illy . Bsnjam ln lu six weeks from the firs t publics- be forever barren and eatepped fr o m , against you and apply to the Cohn ginning August 1 they m ust--serve L ittle encoui agement was offered M inn ie, F ran k Clayton, a ll of Vida tlon (hereof ThVl_ auminon« Is firs t (claim ing any rig ht, title , estate. Hen j for the re lie f prayed for In the m in ­ m ilk la original bottles Instead of in Stanfield settlers by Dr. Elwood M e a ^ ao publlhed June 10. 1924 Oregon. or Interest In. to or upon «aid land plaint and for a decree o f aheolut“ glassea -*•. - chief of the bureau of reclamation, la S D ALLEN, and for costa nnd disbursement« divorce from vou and the custodv of non-coal. A tto rn ey for r ia ln tlff. Eugene, H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y . against any defendants appearing a n d 'th e tw o m inor children of the m arrl- Mrs. John T. Moere, w ife ' of the his visit to th eir project and th eir re­ Register. O.egon. c o n i e s t i n v h la t l . l e age now In h er care. chief of the Portland police detective quest for reconstruction work In the* J 10 17 24 Jl 1 SI J 17 24 JI 1 8 IS ThlR aummona 1» served by publlca-1 \ h | , anmmonaa la publlahed o„ce| bureau, died in the S t. Johns hospital section. An extension is sought t * - t tlon thereof once each week for , | , p«ch «reck tor six consecutive weeks aucoeaslve weeka in the Sprlngf.eld w t , ’ 7 ,? ,7 at Port Townsend, W ash., from in ju r­ the Stanfield project to make full use New spaper nuhlHhed at Sorlngfleld. ies received In an automohUe accident o f w ater to be obtained in the spring Newa, by order o f the Hon. G. F of 1927 from M cK ay dam. Sklpw orth, Judge of Maid Court, end L an e County. Oregon by order of the near that city. tered on the 8th day of June. 1924. Hon G F. S k ’nworth. Unire of the Senator R. N. Stanfield of Dregoa Asa Sanders, aged 17. was kilted by nnd the flra t publication thereof was shove Court made Julv 1st. 1924 snhe T in in tlff Residence and Post Attorney-atl-aw and Postoffice Address: Eugene. Houaa Hold Goods. Baggags, Sand Island in the Columbia river, was the cause. | O ffice Address. Eugene. Oregon Oregon. Msrchandlss Moving I ~ N O T IC E i(i hereby given th a t th r J Dr. Earl C. M cFarland. 44, collector which is claimed by both Oregon and Com m ercial State Rank Bldg., J 10 17 24 J l l 8 IB 22 (ifrice at 312 M ain SL Springfield, Ore. , . . . . ____________________ State Land Board o f the State of of customs for the Oregon district W ashington. The hearings w ill take Oregon w ill receive sealed bide at It» place at cities along the riv e r. Notice o< S h o rlffa Execution Sale. 1 o ff lee In the Capitol Building at Sa , and w idely known sportsman, died in At a conference at Salem attended Portland from a heart complaint i Notice Is hereby given that by vlr-J lem, Oregon, up to 11:00 o'clock A B U Y F U R N IT U R E H E R E tue of an execution and o rder of M.. August 10. 1926 fo r all the S tate’» , which had confined him to bed (or by Governor Pterce and W arden L19- Onll Ite tt was decided that h ereafter a ll Rocksre, Bsda, Mattrsaaea, Stoves, Rale lasned out o f the circu it c o u rt, Interest In the rlv e r-b fd lands here several months. so-called Incorrigible convicts In the j of the state of Oregon for I^ n p Coun- In a fte r described, giving, however, to Tubs, Stove Boards, Clothes T he public service commission Is­ SUTTON TRANSFER ■ ty on the 26th day of June, 1926. up- own^r c r owners o f any land • Basket«. sued an order reducing m aterially the Oregon state penitentiary w ill be on a Judgment rendered In said court or fro nting thereon, the pref dressed in stripes and have th e ir h a ir W m , O ONALDCO.v NEW AND Phon* 57 ! on the 24th day o f June. 1926, tn a erence rig ht to purchase said riv e r | freight rate on wheat shipped over cropped close to th e ir heads. W earin g SE C O N D H A N D STO R E I ault wherein M a rk L. Gibson was ked lands at the highest price offered the lines of the Great Southern ra il­ of stripes by convicts in the prison ' p la in tiff and Alfred Anderson. Inn M. provided surh o ffe r la made In rnnt road. which operates between T h e was abandoned a number of years ago. I Anderson. A. D. C link. A lice L. Clink, faith, and reserving to the Board th« Dalles and Friendf Classified Ads OX SELLING' f» U SI N E SS D E N T IS T Phono 20-J Rasldeneo Phono 153 M Spi Ingflaid, Oregon D. W . R oof JRIVEI.KB Repairing » Specialty Springfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. FRANK A. DF PUE A TTO R NBV AT LAW N O T A R Y P U B L IO Button Buldllng Brief of Resume of Happenings the Week Collected for Our Readers. D IR E C T O R Yj DR. N. W. EMERY Button tfldg. GET RESULTS. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Bprlngfleld Oraflon. Bend Man Speed«— D r. John B eeion was fined 915 Saturday m orning for apcedlng on Eaat M»iln street. T he offense for which ho was arrested occurred the aamu day. H e 'waa charged, w ith going 45 mOee an hour. Edward Button, W D. Rohlnwon and ' rig h t to re je c t any and all MdBt M ary O Robinson, his w ife, were Said lands are situatc^l In Lan» described a» ¡defendants, the p la in tiff recovered County, Oregon, and I Judgment against salu Alfred Ander­ follows, to-w lt: Your Home When In Beginning at n point on the U. 8 son and Inn M Anderson In the sum of thirteen hundred dollars w ith In- G overnm ent m eander line of the left Springfield I terest thereon nt seven per cent from bank of the W illa m e tte R iver, at a | Septem ber 22, 1925, the sum of one corner on the east boundary of the hundred dollars ns nn a tto rn ey ’s fee L. Poindexter D. L. C. No. 52, T . 17 and the sum of $1930 ns eoats and S R. 4 W .. W . M . 10.75 chains n o rtt GEO., N. M cL E A N disbursements and also decreed t h e ' of the southeast corner of the Automobile, F ire and L ife foreclosure of a mortgage on the land being 28 60 chains east and 37.21 IN S U R A N C E hereinafter described and directed chains north of the southwest corner Surety Bond«,. Phone 917 the sale of said land to satisfy said I of Section 12, of said township, and My buslner« Is to protect your several sums so adjudged, now there running thence along the Government business fore pursuant to said execution and line. N . 5BH degrees W . 3.00 chains 860 W illa m e tte St. Eugene Oregon,, order of sale, I, the undersigned will, N. 32 degree« W 4.00 chains on Saturday the Slat day of July. N. 18 degree« 16' W . 4.80 chains 1926. at one o'clock In the afternoon N. 12 degrees 10’ E. 716 chains a t the fro n t door of the court houee In VASBY BROS. N. 31 degree« E. 2.67 chain« th e n « the city of Eugene, Oregon, o ffe r for leaving the m eander line. sale nt public auction and sell to the Painting ft Decorating East 3.36 chains. highest bidder for cash, subject to N . 54 degrees 55’ E 2 63 chain« In all its branches redemption ns provided by law. all N . 79 degrees E 6.63 chains th e n « the right, title , estate, nnd Interest lenvlng the m eander line. 312 Main Street th a t the said defendants nnd nil of S. 32 degrees W . 2.40 chains to th« them have, or on the 22nd day of m eander line on the rig ht hank. Mareih, 1924. had In thq following 8. 69 degTees W . 9 00 chain« aloni described mortgaged premises; com­ the m eander line mencing at a point 6.38 chains west 8. 8 degree« W . 8.85 chain«. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL of the northeast corner of the James 8. 55 degrees B. 6 60 chains DENTIST B u tle r Donation Land Claim No. 54. S. 39 degree« 02’ W . 3.86 chains t» notification No. 6582, as m arked In the place of beginning, contain Inf Phone 43 county survey No. 1253 and H. and 11.313 acreu of river-bed land« In Be« running thence north 19.53 chain«, 12, T. 17 8. R. 4 W . W . M. F lr« t N a t'l Bank Bldg., Springfield Applications should be accomp*nl«4 thence west 16.89 chains, thence south 19 S3 chains, thenee east 16 89 chains by check ur d ra ft of the am ount el to the place of beginning, containing bid and should be addressed to Q 33 acres more or leas nnd situated O. Brow n, C lerk State Land Board In township 19 south, j f Range 3 Salem. Oregon, and mi rked “ Apptlea WM. O. HUGHES west of the W llln m e tte m eridian, In tlon and bid to purchase rlver-be< P IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E Lane county, Oregon, to satisfy «aid lands.” N O T A R Y P U B L IC G. O. BROWN. Judgments and costs accruing upon , O ffice at Clerk State L id Board this execution. Dated at Salem. Oregon, May 24, FR A N K R TAYLOR. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 192«. S h e riff of Lane County, Ore. Sprlngfleld, Oregon J » A H J l 1 8 16 22. K The Loop 99 Five were killed in tra ffic accidents, one by a train, and three were acci­ dentally drowned in M ultnom ah coun­ ty during June, according to a report by Dr. E a rl Sm ith, coroner. In all. 87 deaths were reported. M em bers of the Goose Lake W a ter Users' association in Lake county ap­ pealed to Rhea Luper, state engineer, for re lie f from conditions brought about by alleged Inadequate delivery of w ater to consumers by the Goose Lake V alley Irrigation company. Governor Pierce and two daughters w ill leave Salem July 20 for Cheyenne, Wyo., where the executive w ill at­ tend the annual conference of gover­ nors. Gus Moser of Portland, presi­ dent of the state senate, w ill act as governor In Governor Pierce's absence. T w en ty-three counties In Oregon re­ ported 153 arrests for violations of the state p rohlbltloa law In May, ac­ cording to records In tha offices of the state prohibition director. G rant was tha only county In the state that reported no arrests for liquor viola­ tions. T here was a m arked decrease In the production of lum ber for the week ended July 3, according to the w eekly report of production, orders and ship­ ments Issued by the W est Coast Lum ­ bermen's association. T he production of 102 m ills for the w eek totaled 97,- 148,156 feet New orders booked to­ taled 109.410,232 feet, and shipments totaled 104,731,421 fe e t F u rth e r restrictions to be laid upo* movement of domestic narcissus bulbs grown In western Oregon and other large producing areas have become effective, the department of agrlcuP ture announced. In terstate shipm ent* of bulbs w ill be allowed to move un­ der the Dew quarantine only a fte r In­ spection and certification by plant In­ spectors. and only bulbs found free from Infestation w ill be certified. A cloudburst above W allow a lake resulted In swelling the W allow a river to such proportions th a t it sought * new channel in one place w ith p artia l elim ination of the W est W allow a falls, one of the scenic attractions of the d istrict. Debris diverted the path of the stream and W a te r M aster S tanley of W allow a county said It w ill be ne­ cessary to dynamite the mass in order to return the riv e r to its channel and restore the falls. A total of 11,479 Chinese pheasant eggs. 390 Hungarian partridge eggs, and 8 wild turkey eggs ware gathered a t the three game farm s of Oregon, and 8392 Chinese pheasants. 703 H u n ­ garian partridges and 143 wild tui» keys were hatched during June, * * cording to a m onthly report by B, F. A v e rill, state game wardeu. H e p r * diets th a t this year w ill m a rk the moat successful season In ths history o f Oregon's game farms. The to ta l of birds hatched this season, up t * June 28,1s: Chinese pheasants, 18,788j H ungsrtaa partridges, 890, and wild turkeys, 889.