FAOB TWO «-■.... “ *• ■ ■■■■ . F Y . - 1 ■ ; 1 - 'V THURSDAY, JULY 15. 192« THJB SPRINGFIELD NEWS ' ■ — :------ Lane County Farmers Union News ____________________________________ M A R K E T NEW S SHOW R E P O R TS O UTLOOK V A R IE D Continued dry weather is reduo ■ Ins the Northwestern wheat crop now being harvested in the earlier se c ­ tions. C 'i -Iderable quanity of hard wheat and pinched wheat is report ed from Eastern Oregon. Plump hard White will llkelv be in demand. The position of soft common white and »eft s h ite club will undoubtedly be Strong before the season Is over. The general wheat market has Strengthened despite large receipts of newly threshed wheat east of the Rocky mountains wheat east of t h e ' ed unfavorable weather in the hard ‘ red spring wheat district. While no j Official estim ates is yet available. Bays the U, S department of agricul­ ture, as to the w orlds carry-oyer on July 1, It is ¡estimated that the supply Is m aterially lees than last year. Con- tinned demand for flour from the Orient Is considered favorable to Paci­ fic northwest w h ea t ________________________ O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N Maryland Boys W in in Dairy Judging LANS C O U N T Y U N IT rtO. 14 ------- ------------------ ---------------------------------- Reoord C ar at Lum bar Sant • FARM REMINDERS *1 D igging up and burning straw b erry I p lan ts is tin only known m eans of control in (Ireto n , says the «xperl , m oot station. The sooner this is done a fte r the crop is h arv ested tli Io iter. T he Insect-dam aged plants ■ can be told by th e ir unhealthy appear am v, many leave.» turning brown utid r»d. Did Infested patches are sources of infestatinus for new er plantings j unless dug out and <11» troy cd. , L e ft to rig h t, Stanley Sutton, A rth u r Dunnigan and Ralph W aker cl M aryland receiving the national championship cup from Secretary of A g ric u ltu re Jardine, as the best boy judges in the V. S. o f D a iry ry cattle These boys w ill now represent the S. in the Intern ation al contest in England. July ,4. O F F IC E R S OF LA N E C O U N T Y F A R M E R S ' U N IO N C. W Alleu Vida, President w I Reals, Eugen», V ic Prest debt H etty M K appauf, C o tta g e G rove Secretary-Treasurer. W alter Morgan, Croswell, Conduc tor. II II. Sm ith, Eugene, Doorkeep- or. l). 1.. C lem ent, Wa tervllle. Chap lain The llooth-Kelly com pany r«»'»nt ly » lopped a record ear of lumin to tile Prêt ilergrasl company of (lien Roger-». West Virginia according to an It- in appearing in the July 10 la»uo of ibe 41, Lum ber News. The car conlalneil 70,001 feel of S U II <’ II 3 S celling This Is an unusnlly large liatd n i (be average ear coiitains from SA.OUO to 30.001) I » , I L ib rary To Close—The City Libr­ ary will lie closed beginning Munday July l»th. until Wednesday. July 38th, at which time Ibe Librarian will take her vacation From 400.000 to a half million bush W ANTE I, Mld.ll« Aged Woman els of potato see«! are used annually wlshen house work Phone Spring In Oregon, nays (he farm crops, de­ Jl 15. 33. 3» field 14F 6. . partment at the pollege Of thia large amount not more than t&.ooo bushels are usually of certification quality. Not more than 50.000 bush els are really good enough to be classed as standard seed. To remedy this deficiency In good seed use of the potato seed plot la coming more and more Into use m thia stale 676 DEPARTMENT Cutting lawns too close to the service of this Summons upon you: root, has much the same bad effect # and If you fall so to answer, for want a . pulling all the lea v e, off of a plant IN D U S T R IE S B U S Y thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded Oregon lawn growers are reminded cows, aavs the experiment station by the landscape gardening depart Portland. July 15.—Midsummer em­ therein. He experts a certain expense for ment of the state college. The little ployment condltlns prevail through­ feeds, which Increases with the In­ The undersigned attorney Is a res grass blade Is a plant needing Its put all districts of th e Pacific North­ ldent attorney of the State of Oregon creased cost of milted feeds. Still green top as well as Its roots to and her residence and post office w est, according to the 4L employ­ he runs the risk of losing some good ment letter published here today. address la No. 315 Platt Building. manufacture food and make a healthy customers If he raises bis milk prices growth. Employment gains have been shown Portland. Oregon. aeeordlngly, A cost accounting sys­ In farm work, highway construction JANET R. WHITE. tem will Indicate when such risks IN THE JUSTICE COURT. EUGENE are neceaaary. Attorney for the Plaintiff and the fruit canning industry, while , JU S T IC E DISTRICT. LANE CO- Residence and P. O. address 315 declines have marked the logging In­ UNTY, OREGON. Platt Building. Portland. Oregon. An annual premium of 9212.32 Is dustry. Many camps In both the fir Willamette Collection a Credit Ser­ Jl 15 , 22. 29 Aug. 6. 13. IBM. made by the Oregon dairyman who and pine districts are closed be­ vice, a corporation, plaintiff, ships five gallons of sw eet cream v*. cause of fire hasard. the letter said, C. B. Wilson and Mrs. C. E. Wilson, WOaBJy IB aognpartson with a like Following the Fourth of July holi­ amount shipped sour. Investigations TIME AND PLACE OF • his wife, defendants. days, sawmills In all districts have SUMMONS by the college dairy department show LOCAL MEETINGS • gradually resumed cutting, until to­ To C. E. Wilson aud Mrs. C. E Canary— Firs» Sunday and Third • The weekly premium at 3 cents a day fnlly 85 per cent of the major Wllsvoa. h is wife,, defendants: Saturday, Farmers Union Hall. • «¡ills are in operation. Is both the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE pound la $2 12. and tw o suoh prem Cloverdale—Second and Fourth * OF OREGON, you are hereby re ; lums will pay for a good barrel and fir and ptne districts, however, there FrMwye. Cloverdale School House. • quired to appear and answer tbe j the cost of Installing It as a cooling are fewer night shifts at work than Creswell- First and Third Tuee- • complaint which has been filed | plant After this hat been done was the case one year ago. and the dags. Cnwewefl. M. W. of A. HaU. • against you In the above entitled t|,ere , , no eItra WOrk In the delivery tendency is to adjust productlos to Coaaa Fork—Beoand and Fourth • Court aad aaaaa within six w ee. of sw eet cream» aa compared with the demand. There are hat few unem­ syw. Farm Union HaU * from the date of the first publication work of delivering soar cream, many ployed lumber workers the 4L letter Tnenday, Daaabe • of this summons, and If you (all to farmers hare reported. a so appear and answer the plaintiff /will ask Judgment against yon In the City building, highway and road­ and Foutb Turn- • sum of 150 00, together with laterrst work, railroad construction and main­ thereon at the rate of eight per cent N O T IC t OF F IN A L BK TTLKM BNT tenance. together with bridge work Notice la hereby given that Grace! per annum from the 30th day of Jan­ E Hobb«. Administratrix of tb e 1 pnd dam construction, are at the uary. 1*35, and the furthur turn of Estate of Anna E Hobbs, deceased, geason’as peak, the 4L letter Is- 335.00 as a reasonable attorney's fee has filed her final account and report dfeatad. sad Its costa and disbursements In as such Administratrix, with the Haying, wheat h a rv est berry pick­ this action; and that the personal County Court of Lane County. O r-, property attached by the plaintiff In County Court e fLane County. Or ing and fruit farm work are giving this action be sold to pay said Judg­ etoo. and the said Court has set B at-! employment to thousands at this time ment. attorney's fees, costs and ac­ urday. the ltth day of Augu.t 192« Demands from ranchee for extra at 10:90 o'clock In the forenoon, at cruing coats. peaaonal help Include calls for men. This summons la served upon you the County Court room of said Coun­ women and children, and hundreds of once a ty as the time and place to hear fourth Wednesday. I p. m. L O. O. * by the publication thereof auto tourists are moving from dis­ P. hall. WaltewfUe. • week for six successive weeks In objections to the same, and for the final settlem ent of said Estate trict to district as work demands. Mt. Vernon—First and Third • the Springfield* News, In accordance GRACE E HOBBS, Administratrix. with an order made and entered the Wednesday. Braaf.etd Btocs. • 14th day of July. 1326, autborlxlng WELLS & WELLS, Attorneys for Jl 8 15-22 29 Aug. 6 Silk Creek Meets First and Third • and directing the service of sum E sta te . JN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Thursday at Qedar School Houee • ' nl0nl by publication Date of first STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE Spencer Creek—Third Friday, *1 publication July 15. 1326. COUNTY OF LANE. Pine Grove School House. •) H A R O L D J. W E L L S . t/Ouise I, McLean, plaintiff, va. Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- • ’ Justice of the Peace. Duncan McLean, defendant Jl 16, 22. 29 Aug 5. 12-19 26 To Duncan McLean, defendant aesdaya. Pleasant Hill High IN THE NAME OF THE STATE School Bldg. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ STATE Vida—8econd and Fourth Satur­ • IIN THE CIRCUIT OF THE COUNTY quired to appear and answer the OF OREGON FOR THE days at Mlnney Hall. Complaint filed against you In the OF LANE. Secretarte« will please send In above entitled suit within ten days SUMMONS from ibe date of service of this su m -, time and place of meeting and Olive Bowie«, Planltlff, vs. «tens upon ion . if served wittfin thl» change« of date as (hey may oc­ , Mr«. Lydia C arlson and Chari«»» J C ounty; or if served within any other cur. C arlson h«-r H usband. D efendant County of this State, then within j TO CHARLES J. CARLSON T H E twenty days from the date of the AROVE NAMED DEFENDANT: 1 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE! OF OREGON you are hereby requlr- ' ed to appear and answer the • w-j plaint filed against you In the above . entitled court and cause on or before ' 'the 2 « la f I being more than six weeks from the date of the first publication of Gils utnmon.-« and being th e tim e pre- -r-'i.erl for such a p p e n ra rtf by yon in ibe order for th e publication of C ' uT inons, herein en ter 1 of re -1 r« rd . and If you fall so to appear < 4 . and an»w«»r for w ant th ereo f plaintiff tvi’l oply to the Court for the relief In h»-r com plaint dem anded and prayed for. to w it: J n i'g n i'n t ag ain st d efendant Mrs. Lydia Carlson fo r the sum of 31600.001 t-g » tb « r v ith In terest thereon from D eeember l" lh . 1925 a t 8 p er cent per annum until paid and the costs and d isb u rsem en ts of th is suit and 3260 00 as special atto rn ey s fees A decree th at the P la in tiffs m o rt­ gage he foreclose'! and th at the re a l, properly described th erein be «old , by the Sheriff of Lane County, Or-j j egon to satisfy said Judgment and» j accru in g costs. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof in the Spring- Our delivery service is now on full schedule. Phone field News, pursuant to an order of us and let us jsupply you with a driver’s call card and our the Honorable C p. Barnard, Judge of the County Court of the State of coupon book. You save when you order through our Oregon for the County of Lane made special coupon book. and ent«?red of record on the 15 day of July 1926. ordering that the said PHONE EUGENE 6 summons be published once each week for sJx consecutive and snccee- slve week« and the date of the first publication win be .Tnly JStb 1926 and of tbe last nublleatlon w ill h" August 26tb. 1926 FR A N F A DFCTTF A ttorney for P lain tiff Residenee, Rnrtngfteld Oregon July IB, 22, 29, Aug B, 1219 26. L O G G IN G Q U IE T : ------- M OST .»»rfXWJiaU STORES 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. ___________ »ditaf t t l 5 I F ■ 31 In the final analysis, S uccms la any great Hurdle Race ®f Buttnei* can be measured only by tbe good it brings to the people. The expansion of this Nstiaa-wrids I ooti tattoo yoar B fttr 7* * r “ ^ reet,7 the »■«••>» •< Crystal Ice Co. WE WOULD LIKE 100% OF THE FORD BUSINESS. WHY NOT? E. R. Danner Motor Co. Ford Garage Fifth and A Street*