THY THE HOME PRINT HIIOP FIRST THE SPRINGFIELD NEVi o BLAZE DESTROYS School Expenses in Year $ 1 0 7 ,7 3 3 Total ex p en w . (or Springfield I schools (or laat yeer amounU-d to _____ House Oocuplsd By Arnold Myers Burned After A Small Gritaa Fire Caured By Spark» Had Been Put Out A LIVE N tW S P A P lR IN A LIVK TOWN NUMBER 28. HPRINOKIELI). LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 16. 1926 TWENTY-THIRD YEAR Th« P.opie'e Pepe«* ORNAMENTAL LIGHT STREET CARS T» Call Special Vote For N ew Fire Equipment CONTRACT SIGHED 8E Council to Ask People to Auth­ Ordered Moved to Sunday To See Bustos Replace LOCAL MEN TO TAKE orize $7,500 in Bonds July 27 PART IN KEATON FILM Street Car Service Between Alleys to Make Room For to Buy New Fire Engine and Springfield And. Eugene; New System; First and J Any man In Springfil« Id aspiring Apparatus Supplant Present Turnouts To Be Built . For to become a moving picture hero la Streets Be Improved to Pro­ Old Equipment. Convenience Of Public. vide Outlet. to be given tbe chance, according to $107.733 57 according to the annual Old Pole« ,»«ho«»l report la st »ant to the conn ty school sauperlntendost by II. W Smith, achool clerk (or district 1». The receipts lor the MW« period amounted to $104, »70/1, leaving a Fire eompioteiy gutted the "“ “ For the purpose of voting bonds coming ------------------- from Major W. G A enanre change in In the i n c » eervlce e r v i c e between word An ordinance authorliing the mayor >n H» vrnth etreat owned by «* 12.863.OS. Ito algn a contract (or ornamental Springfield and Eugen«- (rom .tr e e l j White of Eugene, ranking otilcer io to buy a new tire engine and equip* Itlc.hardaun ami «owupted by Arnold be made Hun- j Eugene and vicinity in the Oregon Oreaon mont .n — i . i »u^tinn », u » « call* n. aft« i rsooa and tor • — a The p re., nt Indebtedness of the i •treW IlghtM wan pa»»» v <1 und an or care to auto b u .a e. to ---------- meat a > special election h has been .gltiutiHj an» wo»« ««•••• airrv-i iigg»vn Myer Monday tanned by a »trong breese, achool. I. $118.846 33, divided a . fol- d<>r to r, mn»e the pre.ent light p ole. day. July 1» was announced Tuesday National Guard. All he has to do jor j ujy ¡7 by -the city council time. .------.--.-«.—a --------------------- - $71.000;' . at . . the . -------- . by J, . T _ Hlllingsley, ------ . . _ ---------------- lh<. a||,.y wa, made meeting manager of . .u- the 1. to enlist in the Springfield com- wh(ch met S r ..tened adlolning hou»e. betöre it bonded Indebledne». , ------- - gpecla, gegg^ B . ould be brought under control output by tbe the .outstanding .out.iandliig ---------- warrenta. “ • $41,58». 07. n( )hp r | , y r()Unc|| ___ last _______ Monday Pacific street car company. pany for a Un day period and he will _ night. ___ Southern __• •• ______ . t.,tn nesday evening. The council would re department leld ew .lh (or tb . Braltaln .chool. The council h a. decided oh an orna- Thi» change w a. i made after m aue a n « r bearing. b(, be given an opportunity to help ___ ____ ___ to buy __ , menial iron post and the Mountain |n Eugene by the Public 8ervlce „ ugter Keeton make fete plctre •ec«.« “The ralae $7,500 b by y this method The blage lea s d l.cover.d by Mr«. $248 26 Salaries far the teacher», Inclmllug KtaI„ , -------- power -------- Company place It. --------------- c„i„:„|»»|n — of — the ------ Btate ------- and in face Oeneral" at Cottage Grove. -•----* fire >- truck — « -*—■ -------------- '•« m o ld Myera shortly after one Balar -— , will ---- , — a ------- modern and start a paid .n. t u - in n il .. la xaf It I t I H r« O . _ . . — l_ » tn ll . clock after a grass (Ire, caused by ’he principal, of S the three .choois. ord4>r at * „n fe e _____ lp a ectlng to Install 0( determined opposition on the part The Eugene and Springfield com- fire department. park, from a burning flue, had been were $33.776.80. The Janitor, und j .y .te m this fall. of apme of the residents o( those dla- The fire truck and moat of the ut out durlnr the ooea hour by Am- clerk received $3.111.00. New build | Beginning on the west side of sec- tyteta between Springfield and Eugene panics are to be used by Buster Keaton In filming some of the more equipment now on hand la obsolete, Id Myera. L E Myera. und Walter c0*t $13.216 00. and tbetr equip- „nd street the new system -will ex- which sre served by the old street ^important war scenes of this picture and tbe volunteer system has not ¡aaton. It 1. thought that the sec >»•»! 14 237 Th“ ,or ,he new tend al«w»g Main street to the west tar line, The full war quota of 260 men are proren satisfactory, say members of nd blase was an aftermath of the building amounted to $2.000.00 Other alde of 8 )lth with six lights equally That the new »«rvice will not un­ ! t , OOB expenses were divided among « « ► |Bpaced to the block Under the duly Inconvenience these people la wanted by the two companies and lbe counc(i The burning of two they are sending out a call for enlist housea t0 tbe ground that might have piles, heat, water and alterations on Mountain the contention of the street car com- The house was a total loss, but menta of th“ the fllmine Aiming. .. ........... for ... “ the “ period A* been saved with better equipment the old bulldlnga. ta te, Power Company will receive pany. They announced that the same , S -------------------- - nost of the household effects belong- The men will not only have a that could have been gotten to the ' The report showed the achool dis , , $2 rhooi 01» 2 9« »0 per month per pole for lighting ,„ gerTlre rTtre and houra hours aa before will be *n* - ,uml , i o » - K„, tDat COUla Dee" “ 1 sg io Arnold Myers were Waved, The land maintenance and $2 10 on invest malntataMsd. w„ h one change in the »« h e,' * e l'“« b „ Are quicker has caused the council trlct receiving money as follow s. tulldlng had Just been rented from $28.770 «0 m,.nL The contract runs for 10 years route beside, that from the car tracks "»> J* * h ‘>® " J ’’*’' to consider the fire equipment p ro From tbe district tax Emery Richardson; who has charge will be paid $5 a day and all expenses 7.327 10 wtth wllh , the hB nrnrtalnn that the d tv may u«_a— o w i. .k .n w , is in w ,,l * > e Pald $•’ a day and a t p blem here sooner than It probably From county school fund provision that the city may to the highway. Thia change lg In if the property, and the Mver. fam From »1st» school fund 1.128,48 pay for the system at any time If it Eugene; the busses being routed while on the trip. The two com­ would had otherw ise. At the meet- |y had been living In It for only a From elem en tary sch ool fund 4.801 30 Mondgy night the question was so desires. The ordinance authorising down Thirteenth avenup to Willa­ panies are to leave from Eugene about reek All other sources ........ 18.038 81 th e lights Is printed In fu ll In other mette instead <>f down Eleventh as July 21. They will entrain In tour at d|>caBg#<1 and ,h6 w u k e part a tpe. gh(ju)d glyen the oppor. je found when they left. teach the pupils In the grade schools At the time of dis«-' very, the fire and ten In the high school, making a advertised for the Improvement of newest devices Installed for the safety l mettdoug b, ttle between Union and tunity at thls time to express them- J and first streets to provide an sn<1 comfort of the passengers Each Confedprate force8 and will be lo the geWe8 on the subject and expects the .as burning around the chimney and total of thirty-one. outlet for residents In the northwest h»"» »>»" • capacity for twenty-nine wherf> g locomotive Is wrecked bond lsgue fire lad not gained npu h headway. When issue to to carry. carry. One One bad had fire . e. a- . _ D P O D IO . te A o tl. >ae a*. _ — 4 It <» e A a f tlS tH * the fir» department arrived H had be- on a _ trestle, w ill more than pay the cost the part of town that have no street at peqple. Many Men To Pay -otrte too strong t o ’ control by the Turnouts will be built along the additton to the Springfield and needed equipment, they point out. Pay day at the Southern Pacific de- present. If there Is no protest the tingle line of hose adallahle A second highway to replace the car stations j;Ugene men Keaton is going to use When new equipment Is purchased, _ , __ pot Is wore than usually Important council will order the work In. ne of hose was put down but proven i-“* __ along the old route These turnouts artillery and horses in the picture, at least two fujl time men will be h . short and before adequate hose • « » "" »>• will enable the busses to' run com- necessary to handle it along with the obtained .the. fire w a. u n co n « r» l-^ "»’Z ’ “ r* J ™ REBEK* HOSFHCETRSLLMONO«Y X T . « . i L Y 0 N S SENTENCED volunteer members. Not only Is- this • between two and throo build rod 1 C pear fkltniv almost occured r«v envelope, to pass ..nt last Sal- ON LIQUOR CHARGE necessary because trained men are Newly elected officer, of the Re- graveled. Eight ” ” b' ” needed but also in order that the in- hen a small black and white terrlor 'trday » - M e s fh«t rerwl.r employ b u i l t b p tw ^ c T i K in c R id A n d G le n w o o d • —————— •bekaha were installed at a m eeting according to the announce James Lyons was sentenced to pay < aurance rating bureau will recognise og belonging to the Myer, family — “ « rawled out from underneath t h e /h e r e wen- w c tl-n urew . at Goshen, of th«» l«>d(CP M onday night niter m eet They will he marked with a fine if $250 and serve three months the department as efficient. It is „tiding after the- ground floor had Coburg and Jasper to pay and extra which delightful refreshments of Ice signs reading "Street Car Busses la Jail by R. W. Smith in Justice thought the paid men. however, call cream and cake were »served. egun to burn The dog had crept ««"<"• -*"'1 ""O'1' court .here Friday on the charge of be used for other duties so that ex­ The new (fleers of the lodge are; Stop Here.' nder the house for protection when "» mber* of the order are care of by the Executive comm ittee rod and a snell hook and salmon eggs elrome to attend. to snare the big trout. T h ey report It Of the Legion. John F. Ketels la Patron of Iho was a very ticklish Job to land some cal lodge and Mrs. Ketels Is Matron of the larger ones with this light MRS. L. ANDERSON BUYS ther charter members of August equipment, but had no story to tell of ON W ILLAMETTE HEIGHTS >26 are Mr. and Mrs. It V, Oldham, the "big one” that got away. ie Mesdames Civllltv McKlln, Abbie Announcement was made this week They left July 4 on the trip, going Tbeaton, Edna Dippel, Dora Neet. Ida by a local real estate firm that R W, by way of Bend and Crane Pralrls warts. Opal Roberta, Alene Rnaford, Bailey of W estfir has sold his house $0 the Little C-ultus lake. FroO ertha Rouse, Mary Abranta, Jane on W illam ette H eights to Mrs. Louise there they went past Taylor. Lily. ruxan, Grace llenderer. Getrude jk W t AT B o th e n d ? a n d V e a c c in t h e middle — Anderson of Springfield. Mrs. Ander­ Erma Bell, Odel, Crescent and Summ­ V1>son, Ida Holv$Taon, and Merle son had already taken possession of it lakes to Diamond lake. Stops IcMurray, and the hWssea Annie the .house, following the recent sale were made at the smaller lakes but nd Margaret Gorrle. of her home on North Fifth. Mrs no fishing -was dne as th e fish there Anderson’s new home Is located on were sspowning. The return trig Parents Of Boy—Mr. and Mrs, South Fifth. She moved la July 3 was by Crater lake asd Medford. hn Condsn o f Maroola, announced p en d tn / the completion of the deal. e arrival of «t baby hoy, Saturday ttrnlng. July 10. The baby weighed n pounds when horn. Both mother id eon are doing nicely. Harold Trotter, -the four year old n of Rdgnr Trotter. First and F ■cats, suffered two fractures of the tht arm Monday morning aa a re* It of getting caught In an alectrlc ■Inger The arm waa hadty brulaed id the hones broken before Mrs. •otter could atop the wringer and t h is arm out. Mra. Trotter had at stepped away from the machine tx> another room -when the aocldant curred. t PICNIC UP ROW RIVER Lions H e a r Lawson Captain Lawson of the Salvation Army. Eugene, was the guest of hon or at the weekly m eeting of the Lions club last Friday noon. Captain Law- son gave a brief address on the sub­ ject of "Civic Club Ldfe” which was w ell received by the club mem bers, Mrs. Herbert Cpx was present st- the m eetin g,an d -gave nevegal piano solos durlnr the noon hour. Following A party of Springfield and Eugene friends spent Sunday up Row river on a picnic and swlmmlfig party ang, Incidently, in search of th e Buster Keaton moving picture company. Those going from Springfield were T>r. and Mrs. N. W. Emery and Lloyd Emery. Mr and Mrs William U gh tfoot and , their two children William and Davis of Eugene, Elsie Winkle, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Are? „< Eugene <»„,* j m„uu „uu ».rsmai of and Raymond and Virginia 'Drey of Santa Clara made np tb a the lunch the Lions gathered around the piano and praetloed slnglng LIOHB club o th e r mamKaM m e m b e r s o f «ka t h e p a rty .