THURSDAY. JULY « 192« r- T t TKK SWUNGFIKIJ) ¡ W í PAOK SIX tha moonlight were Curtla and a girl—but they were not In (he car they had started nut In. but l.etltla Evan's roadster which she was drlr lug herself. , There was an eaveloplng stillness and then I heard C u r t i s - ' v o l e , e I "Hut I don't think It's safe; _j «mg H» Confessions ‘æ ’” " W H E R E J Q U A L IT Y your on a few parties with her m yself and to me tonight. A reaction had occur- 1 knew when she had had too much red, and I stepped from behind, what What could It all mean? seemed to hare been, a mask All the) The ebanrt was S’* making "Hted me to come up and visit her my plan brought little com fort and »"«’ »’« * 1 h“d refn.ed “You all I could think of was the uncon- must be getting stale." she had ar- yentlonal scene which I had Just gued In her hurried scrawl, “some witnessed outride Jfbw they had gone of together on new nlays. a few nights of opera and The light flared up and Curtiss • Boenlfght picnic all alone in the a snappy supper dub or two will stood beside my bed. seat of the long, high-powered brush the cob-webs away." (To be continued next week! tar. With Jusf the two couples on* She was undoubtedly right. I would there on the mountain they would be thrown together most of the time go to New York Curtiss was on his Eve Prennen and Bill Gillespy were feet once more and did not need me engnred and would undoubtedly gc to help him with his up-hll! climb. Of course he did not approve of o ff moon gaxtng leaving Curtiss a n , Letltla alone She was pretty too, Ellie hut his own conduct, he hat W if/i 77ie R ig h t T a»tc, 1 recalled exactly how she looked a« sacrificed his right to advise me T a t'g a n d S p a r k le i f e stood hi the doorway waiting for about my friends She was certainly Curtiss to come out and there was much finer than Letltla Evans with S o d a , prepared a Si d that intangible something about her, her admission that "clothes, dances, Berved as it should be, too. that anneals to men Women call­ and morals had changed." That Elll» is a healthful and dell- ed It personality or charm, for want was frivllous I knew perfectly well, c l o u s beverage. Our but «he was my very best friend, and of more definite term In mv ,»al Soda Is pure and spark­ OTJS mood I interpreted It as studied I neede to move about In the care ling and has Just the tang free environment In which she lived. aBdre which gives it Individu­ As for Curtiss he had shown me Although the h»at of the day had ality. It’s a little different been Intense a sudden shower Jam little consideration for several weeks from ordinary soda. and. so. regardless of what he thought before sunset had left the earth fresh gleam ing' and Just slightly warm I made up my mind to go to New Everything in connection A lilac bush breathed Its fragrance York. From father had come a gen­ with the m aking Bnd Into the night and a caressing young erous birthday check. I would spend serving of out soda Is breexe wafted it tenderly towards the It on lovely clothe»—the sort of strictly sanitary. south The moonlight, with fingers clothes I had worn before I had be We serve both Cold and of love, had smoothed out the rough come the wife of Curtiss Wright, and Hot Beverages—so every an-P tagged oesk« of Shades moun­ so bedecked I would go to New York. taste m ay be easily be tain beyond and. under her gentle Decision brought a new Interest In gratified. tone* their outlines were black vel­ life and I sought my bed more pleased vet against a distant sky. with m yself than T had been In all Phone 31 g«dd°nly I yearned for romance the summer months. w*«h all the enthusiasm of youth I I don't know how long I had b e n fancied a Prince Charmlnx who asje e p when I was awakened by the w-'-uld come and whisper sweet noth-1 , oun(j o( a car »topping and brakes fr-« ’p my ear I wanted to be told being suddenly applied. I pushed (Inti i was beau’lful and attractive back the green silk gauze from the ppd desirable once more. 1 longed window beside my bed and there In to be reassured tha, I was not be- ep'r’pvlT matronly and unlnterestlnc and old. What was it Curtiss had said’ That J was "always thinking about house, keeping and food.' And wha* was It Letltla Evans had j flunr at me as they left on their I moonlight rid e' That I was "get’lng too anromatlc for words?" Ah. If they could only have known hd w»ager I was for the very things thnr thpy too. w‘ r out there on the mountain under the moon! Hbmance. adventure, oompa’ lonshlp, and love C urtiss had been absolutely n m o -| Alone With Jealously. k beck A Friend and Neighbor IN DISTRESS Recently there appeared in the paper«, an Asanciated Pretut dispatch atatiag that the R A. Pilcher Company hud gone into involuntary iNtiikruptey. The fact ia thut only u receiver in equity haa been appointed. For lack of inside information the papera could not state ibnt this actiou waa taken only as a preventative meaaure against u small number of ohatreperoua credi­ tors who threatened suit and attachment. The R. A. Pilcher Company ia not in financial difficulty because of luck of patronage, hut solely through bad management in its executive department. Too much buying and insufficient re gard for expense in the eastern operations. W ith these conditions corrected and stocks reduced, the business promises to goon I k - in n sound financial condition. The stores have enjoyed a wonderful patronage which is evidence of their popularity and ability to serve. To rehabiliate these stores is the plan and purpose of this procedure and the desire of creditors generally, and with your co-operation, we hope within a short lime to restore them to their owners in a hearty, wholesome condition. For the purpose of reducing stocks and accumulating some needed cash, we are niukmg moat attractive prices, to which you will agree when you have perused this ad. Your (»utronugc and cooperation are solicited, first, on the basis of the spleiidii^ values offered, and secondly, in the satisfaction you will get in responding to a friend and neighbor in distress, and in the pride we all take in saving to our respective communities and ourselves an institution that tills a daily need and is worthy of our confidence and support. R E C K I\ l-.KS, Women be Sure to visit our Ready- to wear department SO DA a ly tr b e lt h îm h a d J" a s t’ ♦Inf ” km n w in effort T had m? hack tv *orrin " h e ! ;(v zorl ’ to ho I jrtrd’Yi’r - If fl'nr d-fT denbt self, 1 r h*s r rirl. 4 be^i iw’n? i n . «y tank th b •ita» snvi ■ fonal i n ­ m . Tb-r< wa no my mind, T bn ’ bf<-n. mv- brttt« rfly ty ■po. and mv ndif ?. Ith w hom 1 hod thrown, wore disciples Of the vr god ,»77 They b- (, »11 bad an nit ■r.s. mod- rn view-point of life. They k ' r’ I xp a whirl of parties. There W'T*’ gnv dinners, bright conversation, ep trancing dances, narl they even cor tenanoed flirtatious affairs. Perhaps. I thought, theirs was the most color­ ful sort of existence after’ all 1 realtxed, sitting there alone In darkueas. how 1 had, to all out Ward appearances» changed T had xSiftoqulshed the things that had for marly meant my Idea o f a “good tim e,’* and had been what the world eaTI* a “model wife." And yet, aomethlng had happened I W h o le so m e g ro c e rie s m e a n good m eals. G o o d m eal* m e a n h a p p y fam ilies. A nd h a p p y fam ilies a re h e a lth y fam ilies. K e e p j o u r fam ily h e a lth y a n d h a p p y by get- E tin g y o u r g ro c e rie s h e re . A lw ay s th e b e s t— a lw a y s | I th e lo w e st p rice. B elow a r e ju st a fe w o f o u r regu* I > la r prices. Litrtis t^rai tilaten Van Camp »ork an* Can C o rn _____ _____ Tom atoes, can ____ SJc nierlinni, -I lor DRESSES at Tremendous Reductions D resses that form erly sold up to $ 2 4 .7 5 n ow . . . D resses that form erly sold u p to $ 3 4 .7 5 now . . . D resses that form erly sold up to $ 4 9 .7 5 . . . - Men’s and Young Men’s SUITS j S ee 1 Compelling Values IN O U R Piece Goods DEPARTMENT 27c fin ish ed w orsted s, fla n n els Unbleached House Linen. 36 in., 8J4c value, now. yard 7c Cnbleaefted Cheese Cloth lot cleaning antombtles, 36 in c h , au», per yard ___ 5c light and dark patterns. Form erly S ellin g at $ 2 9 .7 5 w h ite Kngllnh Broadcloth, Inch, 79e val., now. yd 36 Ea»t Color Tolle du Nord Qlng- hatim, 32 Inch. 30 value, now per yard . 22c Jap Crepe in blue, green, or­ ange. lavender and roee, :i2 In , now. per yurd 15c Terry Cloth, exceptionally good quality, »*<• value, now. per 59c S19J5 White Poplin, fine quality, 27 Inch, 50c val. now yd 39c W h ite tra M en’s T op coats E n g lis h fin e now per llr o iiili l o th , q u a lity . »1 3-9 y a rd 73c f;unrante<-d Washable Elantp-l, pre '-h ru n k . alx colors, 27 Inch, val, $l.f>0, now yd 89c ex­ v a lu e 79c H’ rt F la n n e l p la id , 64 In c h , v iilu e n to $ 1 1 .9 0 I .10c In R trlp c R n. *. per fin In c h \;^ lu e , T a b le new , p»r Ib im .i !• y a rd I PJ 79c <14 Inch Table Dninawk, extra g«.p • (innllfy, $1 30 uiliie rvw, per yard 98 C n S trip e d 33 I n c h , per M ad ri fo rm er v a lu e y a rd in d i.ui 30 a ll H e ili! e o h » rn , n«»w, p a r y a r d Hit HOUSE DRESSES 25c 20c Cool Summer All-Day Frocks 59c—9 8 c - $ 1.49 K A P IW H E R -C O ■ « B r is s s r s » » '" - ™ " Across fro m Rex T h eater •he Eugene, Oregon • W H E RÉ Q Ü A L IT Y M E ET S S h illin g , iiM< now 69c f ’(4