THE 8PK1NUKH&.P NCWB THURSDAY, JULY 8 1»26 Four initiative measure». Including FOR RALE CHEAP— Small Floral Bressler of Cottage Grove were bare Sprays. 736 G. St., Phone 107J Monday on their way to Belknap two on Income lax. one on fishing and Springs for tha rollday. Mr. Breaaler July 8-15-22 29. one on hua and truck operation, will was formerly In the hardware busi­ be placed on the November election ballot, five failed to obtain places and | Stop Hera—Mr. and Mrs. M C. ness In Springfield. , the fate of another was In doubt, when | filing time for the petitions Closed at j Uab in July 1. The meuaure In doubt i the Week Collected tor was the wuiar power bill eponaored ; alfb u tiff MW el’ll rcil Frl by the Housewives Council of Port- I Our Readers. Dr. and Mr«. Pollard Vialla P«reota- Mr. Mttd Mm Del laud. . (Io T. ; W (J filigli'-» «pent I rt 11 in k a na II him ) » ui Karl ol Port' Irrigation projects In Oregon are I and Mr Oiling of the Mount Ilund loop high­ nl enaai pointa. They lami wert her' Saturday vlwltlnn Mr« faced with the moat serious water tho w 1 way hua h' .:iB . ' M i i l u will be sought when the legislature used on construction work at tbe rear government, atala. muni. Ipa . corporation, etc . In. Hiding 30.917 82 of the slate (lax plant and working convenes In January, according to E Dio«e ahown in Item« 30 and 35. If any 17.91300 within view of at leaat three guard F Averill, state game warden. Hanking house. 114.900; furniture and fixture-^ 13.0 four nav« been DLTU ad »U- towers, a~ — conrlcts scaled 1 tbe ^ wall - — • , Forty four dentists have Real eatata owned other than banking house (ah. C.ah on band In vault »ud lM from h.nkjK banker, Ztlttsd to practice In Oregon as the of the stats prison at Salem, cut their i and trust companies deatgnatad and approved 41,39137 result of recent examinations conduct­ way through the wire antanglsaenta . agents 'of MBS hank -tai n ed by the Oregon stale hoard of den­ surmounting the wall with a hatchet Total caah and dua from banka. Items 8. 9. 10 and 11 41.391 3 and escaped an seen The four are: 3 00 tal examiners. Richard Moora, sent up from Mult- ! 15 Other aaaela, If any, Suspense Collections In tba Oregon customs 6360,797.74 district for the year ending June 30 nomah county; Walter Fisher, sent ap ! Î1 Total were 31.261.163. establishing a sew from Jefferson county; Elliott Mitch- , •ner and Richard Frantlen. sent up l ia b il it ie s high mark Receipts for the month •?T from Multnomah oouaty 80.999 99 of June were 3139.643. 6.000 H Oregon monthly pensions have been 1« Capital Slock Paid In —..... —— ------------------------- The Interstate commerce com m ie --------------------------------------- 110168 86 27 Burplua tend granted as follows: Portland: William I I (a) VndtvWad proftU ......... .................................... 84314.0? sioo has granted the Central Pacific W McIntosh. 326; Fred L. Cowles. 5.94829 fbt Leas carrwot expense». Interest and taxes paid _______ railway an extension to November 1 In 1 8 0 .» which to construct Ils proposed Eu­ |20; Leoa W. Slattery. 820» Francis W. Huntington, 340; Farcy B. Gibson, gene Klamath Falla railway. 330; Aaron Hart. 140; Ida A. Leigh- 184,126 76 II Foreat flree which have menaced ner, 330; James H. Loshbough; Arch- j 31006 millions of feet of white pine timber . . . „ etc- a ir „ w t a«A«r. certificate. <>» « • « • • “ "Ut.tandlng - — - 84 Demand 130 96 adjacent to Klamath Falla are now Ibald R. Wright, »35. Albert T. Ander­ C ,shier . Cheek, e f this bank outstanding payable on demand son. 820; Alfred 8. Johnson. 320; Vic­ 85 ____ 3.60 under control and Ore fighters have tor Llndburg. 320; William H. Farring­ 26 Certified checks outtnndlng nearly all been relieved from duty. Total of demand depoalla. other than bank d .p o a lta # ton. 336; Ixiula F. Rollwage. Tigard. Mandamus proceedings to compel 320; Grant McClellan. Reedsport. 520; I to rewert*. Hutu* «3. If. •• TIME AND BAVINOB OEROBITB. subject to r e - r v . and p a y Secretary of State Koxer to Include Charles W. Johnson, Oswego. 526; Wil- •h ie on demand or •nh>c< to nolle- . 24.731 96 tbe water power bill Initiated by the Ham E. Lamb, Roseburg, 340; Daniel certificates of depoalt outstanding .........- housewives council ol Portland, on the Conner. 320. 87. Time Total of tim e and aarteM deposit. payable on d e m .a ^ n r ^ November ballot are to be Instituted An Intensive survey of approximate­ to nolle«* It «MIMI -« MIDI *1 ’*’*<« at once. ly 60.000 acres of yellow pine In the 1000 0« PR IC E D FROM $58.00 TO $112.00 80 Consolidation of the first and aeo country south of Bend recently tapped ond Portland districts, corps of engi­ by the Kugene-KIninatb Fulls line of |250,797 74 neers. U. 8. A., has been carried out See our display at any time, there is no the Southern Pacific la to he made this Total nnder date of July 1 and the future de­ summer under the supervision of Fred obligation to buy ■,_I_ of Oregon. County of Ima». as. » ____ signation is to be Portland. Oregon. A. Matx of the district foreat office. 1. c. E Kenyon, c a a b ^ f £ « • * > £ v ^ w t e d « Ä « . Engineer district. He will be assisted by student forest­ that the above statem ent ta tnsa to t c. B. KENTON, Cashier. In a telegram to the Prairie Power ers from universities and colleges In company at Canyon City the public j various parts of the United States. The S Ä Ä J S W S Â “ • S L ’ S ’i " Ä . 1 » » . service commission gave that corpora­ primary purpose of the survey Is to 8ub rin< J M PETERSON, Notary Public. tion 24 hours in which to Install emer­ obtain accurate data relative to the My Commission Expire» June 18. 1928. gency equipment to relieve electrical amount and types of timber In the area pewer shortage there. Jast south of Crescent The work Is The validity of a Salem city ordi­ to start shortly. Reserve District No. 11 nance levying n tax against stages, I Charter No SMI REPORT o f c o n d i t i o n o f t h e taxicabs and busses operating over the streets of the city was attacked In an Injunction suit filed 1n the circuit court by the Oregon Stages, inc. Roy C. Hogan. 46. at Eugene, shot and killed hit wife. Mra. Clara C. Ho­ RESOURCES gan. 40. fatally wounded her brother ' banka. and discounts. IncltKung r"u‘" ' .old with and to r e dgn in exchange or drafts with tn- in 1 MU- 3107.497.80 Cheater D. Edwards, 64, and then turn dorsement of in'* bunk 63.97 ed h l. revolver upon him self and kill­ 58.97 Overdrufta, secured, nne; uneerun ed himself Instantly by sending a bullet through Ills brain. u. B. O ov.rnm .nt b bon(U par value) 36.250.00 r r x v n o.t"‘ ^ r,,,» n6 nfi o9 Twenty-fire acres of wheat were premiums, if any) — —........ ................ ..... ............. 22.426 09 burned near Vansycle from fire which Total —................ ........................., .......................................... ............. 80.922.17 j Is thought to have been caused by a Other bond«, »U h k«. »v' lirllle«. etc 5.300.00 J cigarette falling In a hay wagon The Furniture and fixture^ 3S.300 00 .................... uei '» tarm hands Jumped from the load and 22,621.71 Real estate owned other than banking h u,io 19 494 67 *«• frightened horses raced through Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 59 '<89 94 ' th< n<*ld' ■PrMu1lD( t*,e Are. 1^11 W i l l ■ I l ’ IT’ I V X ’ ...... C a sh In vuull mid umount due from notional bank« X c k » oL^Uter hanks th e same city or town as -p o r tin g hank.. 663.32 : Harvest of winter wheat, onta and ' barley la becoming more general, with Total last two lt«mw . .,........................... .. - ..........» ' I yields varying from very poor to ex- , CJiecks and draft, on banks (Including Federal Reserve Bank 97 28 ■«?• ,he weekly crop summary ' located mttsdde of city or town reporting bank.... ......... 6628 97 82 ' °* ,h e weather bureau. The extreme Miscellaneous cash Items ....................... —- - " " ' " ' I T '' 312 69 h“*1 <,us,‘d —P1'’ ripening of winter Redempttea fund with D. B. Treaeurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer ____ , grains and waa unfavorable for grain , not already fully developed. Total —..................... - .....- — ------------------------------------ F. J. Burna, who has been on the LIABILITIES staff of the Oregon public service com- *M 00 99 ■’l,,l,on for the past five years as ex- ! Capital »took paid la....... ......................... .......................... A splendid assortment of ■» 2,749 26 »miner and rate expert, haa resigned to Barplna fund ......... ...... ■—— ..................... .. ....... .. ....... ............. varied colorings in all the The daily increasing number of burglaries and thefts L ess current expenses paid ................. g 2U0 accept a position as traffic manager newest shades. The jet and the ever mounting number of fires are two of the Circulating notes outstanding ------------------------------- --------- 439.53 (•<* the Oregon Rtnge Linea, Inc. Burns Cashier's check» outstanding ........................- ..............................47953 most forceful arguments for the modern safe deposit box. will be succeeded with the commit- I black vase In particular Is very rich looking. These Total of above Item —.......................... ................................. s4on by A. F. Harvey of Pprtland. Papers, jewelry and valuables kept in a safe deposit Demand deposits (othar the« bank A total of approximately 5218,000 ! bowls are 6 ^ inches ac­ to Reserve (deposits paynhle within 30 days). box are SAFE.. They are protected against every possible 163,012.26 will be distributed to employers who 1 ross at the bulge and 5 In­ |n<’'vi "ill deposits subject to check agency of loss and destruction. ches tall. When filled are contributors to the state industrial Certificates of deposit duo In le»« thnn 30 day» (other than for 17,826.90 with colorful flowers they accident fund through the annual money borrowed ........................................................................ A Safe Deposit.. Box gives you secrecy, too. Very are a delight to any State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of dividend of 10 per cent declared by much to be desired in such cases as wills, insurance papers, beauty lover. nssets of thta hank or surety bond ..................................................... I the accident commission. The refund income tax data, etc. Keep them safe from prying eye«. I will he based on the contributions Total of d.unand deposit, (other thhn bank SPECIALLY to reserve _____—_ — ................- — ......... .. .......... ’ 1 made by each employer during the Think how convenient! A Safe Deposit Box is always Tima deposits subtect to Ra««rv. (Payable after SO ! year. accessible to you during banking hours. PRICED - days, or subject to 80 day» or more noUce, and That the railroads affected by tho C e r t K ,e ." ! ? ? T j m .lt (other than for money borrowed) --------- 15.63400 j recent order of the Interstate com­ Perfect safety—complete secrecy—convenient — for merce commission covering railroad little cost. Other tim e deposits» .............................................................— "The Home of Good construction In central Oregon, are Total of time deposslts subject to reserve ........... »70,143.76 RENT YOURS TODAY! Furniture” not complying with the terms of the 3318,579.99 order, but are deliberately side-step Total _.. Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System ping tho Issue and postponing action to (he great detriment of the entire A GOOD B A N K IN A G O O D C O U N T R Y ***1. *Lloyd^O MarUm Cashier of t ie above named hank do solomlT »wear state of Oregon was charged by tho Oregon public service commission, In .............................. '■ <» 1 2 o' i om5 .,' i ' S l ¥ m . S X '■ a telegram sent to the Interstate cou> merce commission. • o m e t - A t t s a t : Wm. O. Tlnghea. U K. Page. B. M » « H t e w Springfield, Oregon OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST CAHU OF TIIANKH To Klamath Fall»— Frail UllugliiN W i wlah to lhank our many |,.ft Ralurilay avanlng (or Klamath Falla wli' i* ha will aponil a ten