TUUM APAY, JU L Y 8 1»2< THK SPR IN Q |f-~X D N«W B P4Q» K W » No president was born, lived a t the time of THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS election, o r Is hurried west of the Mississippi river. Still there is hope for our boys. There Is alw ays the first one. Kvcry Thar» J ay at Springfield. Lana Coaaty. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E • • A Champ At 81 Cab Driver Fined—J. K hall of rvculvvd a »3 flue at tha city hall for follura to atop at a railroad croealag Ha was driving an Kug«m* taxi when stopped by the traffic officer. f •with • PRESS A domestic science course in a Chlaago school has been started to aid husbands In carving meat. Mrtarad aa i r ^ " 1 cieee matter February 14. 1H1 at the T h a t’s what we call real extension service. H. B MAXEY. Editor.________ _ _ _ _ _ ppatofnca. Sprtagflekl. Oregon____________ • M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N r a t i • • DRU GSTO RE Alaska exported $62.223.000 w orth of pro­ ducts last year. Considering the fact that we paid $7.200,000 for Alaska territory It Is yielding a good return. n a . Tear In Advance---- »I ?» Three Montha « ^ M o a tA . __ _______- H » Stn«le ° ° PT - THURSDAY. JULY S 11S4- •P • Editorial Program t Make Springfield tha Industriel Canta» ef Wee- . tarn Oregon. • M. Develop a Strong Trading •«'"» • C,V e of Contented Homea. a ||k Improve Living Conditions .on tha Fana Pre- » mots the Ra alno of Purebred Livestock and a the Growing of Fruit; Work for Better Markets IV. Tall tha World About Oregon’s Bosnie Wonder- $1 Gillette Safety Razor 50c Package of Gil- lete Blades 50c Klenzo Shav­ ing Cream A tom ato grower in northern Mexico has ordered two airplanes to sprinkle insect powder on ¡his fields. Now you tell one. • E d ito r ia l • • C o m m e n t A new set of people keep acquiring autom o­ biles and so a lot m ore novioes at the wheel are •" ------------------------------ «learn in g to drive each year. The eauttoua , ................................................................... m otorist can well feel alarm when ho sees some ______________ _________— ----------- -------------- of them wobbling all over the road. However, the n o u a i i AND THE 18TH AMENDMENT .' novices need not be held responsible for more M«)O» A B O.trangei ol Scat!'-'. | DR. HALL AND THE i 8 i M A m t he cock8ure d r h e r who thinks Washington. 1» now throe cudii .n billiani champ This 81 year old Many arise to criUcUe Dr. Hall, new president in- R • • - - .. all and can go at any speed - through veteran of tha Civil War reallted . ........ of . Oregon, for tte r in g a lew “ of the University tor u uttering tew difficult situations. Is the one who is most to »-• I the ambition of a lifetime when ha facts about the working of the Volsted Act. It feared The autom obile learner needs a feeling annexed the title The three rush- ion game i. the m«*»» difocult « 1 is true th at there is flagrant violation of the dry of cool confidence th at he Is In full control of the all billiard games r law throughout the United Ssstates and it is true car and th at If conditions become too diffUm» th a t every jail and penitentiary in the land is for him at any time and he does not know what filled to overflowing with convicted moonshiners to do. he ran stop. Of course when one does L. K. PAGE BUYS LOT and bootleggers. It is true that th at, one m ust learn to m ake the P ™ " Salo of a lot on 8. »tree* between not to liquor law violators are never arrested. How a rt so so as n« to to not to invite in v o r a a collision com»*««» from behind N(n[h ani, T.,nth w„ announced we going to reconcile these facts? Must we keep Peonie! should sta e rt » in Jay by a local real estate dealer. f I jail"’ »XI ssaew •• to delve verv slnwlv snr ___«««nthnfo o niinllP m enace ♦ben thov will ra -etv constitute a public m enace on being a nation of law breakers? The property sold belcnged to Will- 1 ItiW Ham and was add to I*. K Page, If the educators of America are not to be H osebtire N ew s-R eview j Mr. Haro was busy Thursday and Frl- perm itted to thing on this subject and discuss it 1 lav moving h l. bouse from the lot » BREAKS T H E BACK freely, then who is? Of course anybody has a W ATER | sold to the adjoining It where he In­ Dept. of Agriculture! right' to oppose the views of Dr. Hall. But no IN. S tend« to live .Mr Pace has not y«t one has a right to say th at his usefulness as Somebody has figured out that a woman living m a , mr.de any definite nlana as to what president of the Unlversitv of Oreeon is limited < certain farm in Maryland walk. « 0 miles a year-«» Ur he rill do with his new rreperty. because of his views on the Volsted Act. L . from Chicago to O m ab._ln her dally Journey, between • her kitchen door and the farm pump. Ignoring the qne.- to Hera I« your opportunity to «ave this m onth. Try - Try Again ! ALL FOR 79c Gertrude Ederle, American swimming champion—thia week again set. foot on Europe—back again to try the English channel »wlm—from France to England— In which she failed last year Pic­ ture show, her fond farewell as she sailed from New York ha,M» Flanery’s Drug Store TA- -»*-• Announcement Visiting Bister—Mr«. Emma Ma« THE PACIFIC COAST WINS I tlon of expended energy which might be put to more profit see of Portland I. vl.ltlng her .l.ter use It 1« tigureu mat me mu«, ----------- • Mr». N W Em -ry over the Fourth once More the University of W ashington able able use. it u figured i h . i ^ . n m thh, her 44