THURSDAY, JULY 8 1924 -S “ TU E SPRINGFIELD NEWS NOTICE SETTLEM ENT) NO TIC E TO CREDITORS . „ | N O TIC E la hereby given that the! .) L ' “ ‘• •^ b y given that Orace f,B, been app<,,nte(, A„ E. Administratrix of th e . nil,iU , rMl„r the e, u t , o( E B j Estate of Anna K. Hobbe, deceased, Gr(ffln ,U1M< ,)y th, Countyl hue filed her final a«-, oent and report ,-(lUrt , an„ O r e r ,„ A„ aa such Administratrix, with the p,.rBO8, hay)n< cialln(l „ ,„ 1 County Court of l-ane County, Or’ estate are hereby notified to present County Court o ,fl,an * County, O r-! the same properly verified to the un-, Brief of Resume of Happenings I i ron, and the nuld Court has aet Rat- derslgned nt the office of Welle & the Week Collected for urday. the 14th day of August 192« Welle. Attorneys, Bank of Commerce! ' nt 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon, nt Bldg , |n Eugene. Cane County. Ore-1 Our Readers. the County Court room of aald Coun , gon> within six montha from the date i'y A* lb« time and place to hear th,. « r„t publication of thia notice.! W A N TED RANCHES I wunt In , FOR HALE Carbon paper In larg . , W A N TED — Woman Cook; must bo 'objections to the same. and for the I Date of flrat publication Juiy 1, 1926.1 hour from owners who wlnli to ««IL T. E EDWARDS, aheetn, 26x39 Inchea, suitable for | experienced and alan be able to i final settlement of »aid Estate Cherry picking got under way Is GRACE E HOBBS. Administratrix j Administrator. C. J. Kinaa, 3SK'^ Washington HI., making traulnga. The New« Office meet trade at counter, Hunlly'a W E I,I g, W E I.I.S Attorneys for | W ELLS ft W E LL S ’, I Union county Monday. Picking at flrat Ofrica 3X4, Portland. Jl 9 15-22 29 Aug. 5. Attorneys. Delicatessen and Bakery, It. ’ RMt»R; Included only Royal Annes, hut tbs SUMMONS J1 1 8 16 22 29 harvesting of the black cherrleu w l# Ft i It RENT i n »otti hoUNO on (J. In ih<’ Circuit Court J th«* Sfate» nfi i LOTS FOR SALE— Lets 2 and 7 S IM M O N S begin next Monday. Cove growers e » afreet, with • I« « trh t IlKhts iHWur- Oregon In and fo th«» County of FOR SALE— Sevenroom house with block », Springfield Addition, W il­ L u ti)'. poet to harvest from 60 to 75 cue* age. Inaldo toilet «•mont Will kn. TN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E acre of ground on East Main St. iam,-He Heights Reasonable price STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR Suit for Divorce. loads. Inquire at pa rt leu Price 12600, 2500 down balance W rite O. V Liles, Eugen,, Ore. Thelma E Ward. Plaintiff, vs. LANE COUNTY. tara. For* it Grove Is to have a boosts* tf like rent. Address J. E 8te wart. Humboldt M W e rl, Defendant J 24 Jl 1 8 15 Susie C. Curtis. Plaintiff, vs. 8. D club known as th-: Daffy-dU*. A boat To Itumhnldf M Ward I) fendant 213 Cedar St., Klamath Falls, Ore. NOTICI? TO Curtis. Defendant. Yen are hereby r* qulred to upp»-nt CALL AND SEE Dr N W Emerv Nutt >bv tf 35 bu.-inc-« and pro; slonal men will < ’ b tir h 'H To S D f'Ortls, Defendant: and answer the complaint filed be members of the club and the tin> It \ on "•** * on nine, snit work •' I U 'h tt ln IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE i form will feature Forest Grove’s new* .1« i n Io against you In the nhove entitled suit OF OREGON. You are hereby sum­ SUMMONS NO TIC E TO CREDITO RS Arinin». by II i «»uit»* w.iMn six week« from the dat,' of the eat Industry, the growing of daffodil* moned and required to appear and IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E , C mrt of I .am* County» „ ... Notice |s hereby given thut the un- --------- ----- ------ fl,«t publication of this summons In the . Complaint filed herein RTATE OREOON IN AND FOR lwr niar*«t- /.Il pe.'sons having claims the Springfield New s, which Is pub denslgned, Sarah Glick haa baen ap-1 answer , .. , . n i, — - - — OF ..................................... ,h‘ ™ E ° F The prized blue-back salmon hay« sal-1 , «tule are required to p re -''it Bahed the first lime on July 1. 1926; pointed Administratrix of the ..ta te S U IT FOR DIVORCE. lu«-m. with proper vnutharu, w itii’n nnd you are hereby notified that I f ' 07 7'- J. Glick, deceased by the Coun nnd Court within six weeks of the started their run up the Columbia riveg of the first publication of thia sum- Hugh 8. Demorest, Plaintiff, alx months u..m tn * gth duy of July you fall so to appear within «aid six ’ 2 * ,iur* ° f Lane ( ounty, Oregon and fishermen are reporting fa ir and If you fall to ao appear, veraua ■ IW to I ’ d - aald udmlnD’ r.i'or at weeks the plaintiff will make applt »"*’ «" Imrsons having claims against for “ want catches- The run of salmon this year thereof, the plaintiff will Nora Demorest. Defendant will present same duly the law office of L. L, Ray In the cation to th. court for the relief "«''I baa been tar below normal, it is r * prayed within th* said complaint, to- »"rifled at the law office of W hitten to p la in tiff. Complaint, to-wtt: for „ To No™ D e t e s t D e fe n d a n t:- Miner Bidding, Eugene ( ) r e » .i ported. Fishermen are receiving 13 .U. th . Yon »re hereby required to appear i ll M U E S II M iM .t I existing between you and plaintiff he Orp«'in' or before six months from | “ *’ 7 / ^ matrimony* n o w ’ e x to ttn g ’be" »»<’ «nswer the complaint filed cents a pound. Administrator of the e I t . rf forever dissolved and that she have1 ***• ll" tB of Brat publication of thia |W) , he plaintiff and defendant, and a* above entitled suit Jr míe Adama, deceu-e"! By unanimous rote the Aahland d tF an absolute divorce from yoR. Tha| .. . . _ _ v.. v . , _______ ! granting to the palntlff an a b ^ lu ie w 'thin »lx weeks from the date of th* L. L RAY. Attorney for ELtna. Dated and flret published July 1st. p an tin g to the palntlff an pnbllcation of thia aummona In council repealed an ordinance passeR ahnv* nam*d court mad*. dal*d. and J l g 15-22 29 Aug 5 dl’ ?rC,. ? T° m .. e*. m .v “ »• oR. N ew ., which I . poh. two weeks ago prohibiting all pubUg entered an order June 25. 1926. dt 1928 such other relief aa to the Court may th# flrgt Hjne on Jnne g 1MJ; dances In Ashland. The etty attorneF W H IT T E N SW AFFORD, Atty. NO TIC E TO CREDITORS reefing thia aummona to be published seem Just and equitable. an(, yon grp heyaby n o tm M th a t !f will prepare a resolution on the dans* Eugene, Oregon. NO TIC E IS IIB R E B Y G IVEN. That one* each week 10 the Springfield 8A RAH G LICK, the undersigned has. by the County News for a period of six successive This Summons la served upon you yon fall eo to appear within aald a l l qaestlon for submission to voters a t Administratrix. Court of the State of Oregon for the weeks, and requiring yon to appear by publication by virtu v of an order weeks, your default w ill he entered the November election. County of I^ n a been duly appointed and answer the said complaint within Jl 1 t 16 23 29 Of ti,e Hon. Q. F. Sktpworth, Judge for want of an answer and the plain 8tate prison official! report recelgt Executrix of th* I.aat W ill and Teal six weeks from the date of tha fire? of said Court, dated and ni«td June tiff w ill make app,cation to the court ament of the Estate of Reuben A publication of this summons. IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E 7, 1926. directing this Summons be for the relief prayed w ithin the «aid of the first load of flax for the seassto Stephens, deceased, and all persona S TA TE OF OREOON, IN A N D FOlx served upon you by publishing the complaint which la as fotloxra, to- ■early a month earlier than usnaL H E SLA TTER Y. having claims against said eatate la same once a week for six successive wj(. y bat (b* marriage contract now Harvesting of the crop is In fun awtnR Attorney for Plaintiff, and my post ( LA N D COUNTY. hereby nntifed to present the same weeks In the Springfield Newa, and existing between yon and the plaintiff office address Is Eugene, Oregon. I SUMMONS. thronghont the Salem district. Thg to me at the office of Prank A. De that yon answer said Compiling wltn- forever dissolved, that he have aa Jl 1 g 16 22 29 Au 6 1» | W A Newman, Plaintiff, vs. I*ua. Attorney for the Estate, at hts In six weekj from date of the flrat absolute divorce from yon. The above product thia year is aald to be plea* Mrs. Oeorge F Bowman, the wife of publication thereof. Date of first entitled court made and dated an or- tlfui, of an unusually good quality. office In Springfield. Oregon, proper, Bowman, and all other publication, June 10. I »«* ly verified within six months from IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E Oeorge F der Jane I. 1926. direating that this The Public Service league, sponsor» th* dale of thia notice HTATE OF OREOt IN FOR LANE persons or parties unknown, claiming W E b l^ ft WEI-IJ4. summons be published once each ing the state Income tax blU with any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest FRAN K A. DoPUB. COUNTY. Attorneya. week for six successive weeks In the In the real estate described In the Attorney for the Estate. Residence and P. O. Address, Springfield News a newspaper pub property tax otrset, has filed Its con6> Eunice Hershey, Plal itlff, vs John complaint herein. Defendants Dated June 17th. 192« Eugene. Oregon. - - ,n Springfield, - - ------ Oregon, and that pleted Initiative petitions with Secss- To Mrs Oeorge F. Bowman, the Hershey, Defendant. CALLA A TIPTO N . J 10 17 24 Jl 1 8 16 22 you appear and answer the said com­ tary of State Kozer. The petitions To tha defendant Johu Hershey: wife of Oeorge F. Bowman, and all Executrix of the Estate. plaint within six weeks from the contained a total of 28406 certified J 24 Jl 1 8 16 33 In the same of the slate of Oregon other persons or parties unknown, you are hereby summoned to answer claiming any right, title, estate, lien IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF <,at* of ,,,e flrrt publication of this names, or nearly twice as many as summons. NO TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N. the complaint filed against you In the or Interest In the real eatate describ­ LANE COUNTY. are required to place the measure os H. E SLATTER Y. D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E IN T E R ­ above entitled cnee and court within ed In the complaint herein, Defend­ the ballot SUMMONS FOR PUB LICA TIO N Attorney for Plaintiff, and my IOR. Ü. 8 LA N D O FFICE AT Rose six weeks from the Dret publication ants. IN FORECLOSURE OF T A X L IE N Three thousand acres of land In th * burg .Oregon. poatofflce address to Eugens. Ore. of this summons and |f you fall a« IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Abner Gilchrist, Plaintiff, vu. Mil- June 4, 192«. Io answer plaintiff w ill apply to the O F OREOON: You are hereby requir­ J 8 10 17 24 Jl 1 8 16 Wood river valley, 70 miles north of land F. Oreen. Defendant. NO TIC E Is hereby given that Ralph court for the relief demanded In the ed to appear and answer the com­ Klamath Falls, which depends upon To Millard F. Oreen. the above nam­ McKinley Barlow, of Box 417. Tulare, com plaint namely, that the marralge plaint filed against you In the above Anna creek for a supply of irrigation ed defendant. RUMMON8 California, who. on August 4. 1923, relation existing between plaintiff In the Name of the S la t, of Oregon: ,N T H E C,RCU1T COURT OE ™ E water, will be seriously hit by drouth made Homestead Entry No 014K19. and defendant he wholly dlaenlved, entitled suit within alx weeks from the date of the first publication of You are hereby notified that Abner S T 5 T F Op OREOON FOR LANE thia season, according to Joseph Jen* for SW14 H W ft. section SI, Town­ and that plaintiff have custody of , sen. county road engineer and Kian»* ship 19 8 . Range Í E ast W illamette the minor children of plaintiff and de­ this Summons, aad If you fall so to Ollchrlet la the holder of C ertificate' PO I N T Y : M yrtle 8evey. Plaintiff: vs. Chas, ath representative of the state water Meridian, has filed notice of Intention fendant. This aummona la served upon answer, for want thereof, plaintiff of Delinquency numbered 1990 Issued will take decree against yon as pray­ on the Srd day of July. 1922 by t h « iH to make three year Proof, to establish you by publication by virtue of an master, who made a comprehensive ed for In said complaint to-writ: That Tax Collector of the County of Lane, I To Chas R claim to tha land above described, order made June 6. 1926. by the Hon plaintiff Is the absolute and nnqoall IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE survey of the Fort Klamath situation. • S lx X n f n n d ^ M ^ o l U « B? b 7 m m e OE ®RBOON: Ton are her-by re- before the United States l,and Office, " , F. A k At the closing session of the Oregon at Roseburg. Oregon, on the l is t day ing such publication for alx successive ■ft -------- ------------------ ----------- being the amount then due and de- 0»«™» »PP^ar and answer t„e com- State Fire Chiefs' association conven* weeks In the Springfield News, and of July. 1M9 Southeast qnarte« of w rllo n 22. at Corvallis, Roy Elliott, chief of Claimant names as witnesses: that defendant answer the same with­ Township 16 South. Range 6 Wont of llnquent for taxes for the year 1928 P in six weeks from the first publica­ John Ditty. Frank L illy. Benjamin the W illam ette Meridian. In Lane Mlnnla, Fraak Clayton, all of Vida, tion thereof This summons la first County, Oregon; that hla title thereto . . . » whlrb n r. lb . " i l l ' ”, 7 " " '. ■l"""?! ’ I ' ? " 1 so publlhed June 10. 1926 Oregon. he forever quieted; that defendants owner as appears of record, situated 7 ’ " „ / , . Eugene, vice-president; Ivan Pear* S D ALLEN, non-coal. be forever barred and estopped from In said Countv and State, and partlcu- ?*? ,a"’1 an? T 7 chains; thence south I SO chains state Land Board of the State of The public service commission of Contracting and Building Oregon renewed its petition for ■ Notice of S h e riff. Execution Saia. X a e S ^ e h a t o V ’ “^ ^ ’ ¿art T n e, i . h,d" V Call CEO. W. PERKINS thenee 8. 9 87 Chama, tbence east office in the Capitol BulMlnR at Sa- cross-state line In a brief filed with Notice is hereby given that by vlr-| «8.12 chains to the weaf side of th e.ien^ Oregon, up to 11:00 o’clock A Cornnr 5th and D Streets the Interstate commerce commission lue of an execution and order of j cetinty road; thence north 9 87 ch ain * ‘ m August 19 1926 for all the State's SUTTON TRANSFER Springfield, Oregon at Washington. D. C., asking a reopen­ sale Issued out of the circuit court - ----- Plana and Estimates Fiurn I shad of the state of Oregon for I*ane Coun- «, .e r e , py m«» ,nsfter dewrU)e<,. Kfyln€. however, to ing of the case against the Central Phone 57 Eras. W ill Halp You Finance ty on the 26th day of June. 1926 « > Ton notified «Rat stUd 0WBM„ Pacific railroad. In Its declaration th« Your Building. on a Judgment rendered In said court Abner Ot eb rta^ has paid tax** .b n ttla * os-fronfttn* thereon.-»he pref •tote commission strikes again at con­ on the 24th day of June 1926. In a; said * * Prior or «ubseqnent P r w e r l^ t to W rchaB» r lw trol of the Central Pacific by th« sul wherein M ark L. Gibson was v*ars. with toe yet« of Interest on said h| , plaintiff and Alfred Anderson. In . M. I amount, a „ . . Jp ro vM q d such offer la made in rno* Southern Pacific. Insisting that con­ II BUY F U R N ITU R E HERE ditions no longer justify such an ar­ Aqderson. A. D. Clink, Alice L. Clink, Yenr’s t, and reserving to the Board th« rangement. Rocker«, Bede, Mattresses, Stoves, Paid ceplt Edward Button, W. D. Roblnnon and Tax ln?î» 1 No. Your Aome Whan In There was a noticeable decrease In Tube, Stove Boards, Clothe« , Mary O. Robinson, his wife, wore Sald lands aré situated In Lane ’ defendants, the plaintiff recovered 1921 __ _..10 5 192» 22336 19 08 JJ, production, new busineaa and ship­ Basket«. Springfield 1972 .. .... 8 8 1833 16948 13 S3 12 ments for West Coast Lumbermen’« Wm. DONALO8O.V NEW AND 7638 19 89 t f 1928 ......... 4 5 1924 Beginning at a ppoint 6n the^U.^ 8 ! association mills for the week ended SECOND HAND 8TORE 14.53 12 1924 ......... 7 1 1925 r t m 1920 7 9 1922 2588» 1.97 U l bank ot the W illam ette River, at a June 19, compared with the record DR. N W. EMERY September 22, 1925, the sum of one , corner cm the east hound a ry of th» made ln those Items for the week pre­ hundred dollars as an attorney’s fee of th * legal title of the shore nrop-1L, Poindexter D. L. C. No. 52, T. 11 vious, according to the weekly com­ OENTIBT QEO>. N. McLEAN land the sum of 119.30 as costs nnd erty as the earn* appear* of record and S. R. 4 W . W. M., 19.75 chains north parative report Issued by the associa­ Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J disbursements and nlso decreed the each of »he other persons shore nam-1 of the southeast corner of the claim tion. The report showed 104 mills last Automobile, Fir« and Llf« Residence Phone 168 M foreclosure of a mortgage on the lan«i P(1 are hereby further notified'that Ab- belng 28 00 cha,ns past an<’ 37 21 week produced 109.961.902 feet ot lum- IN S U R A N C E hereinafter fhscribed and directed z_.t « . A • a a «. <•« laicn»nw e eoum wesi corner i ' - .. . , . chains nurm north oi of m the southwest Surety Bonds,. Phone 917 'the sale of said land to satisfy said I "*'r Ollr-hrtot nrtll apply to »he C irc u it' gect,on , j >f townBhlp an„ ! her. New business totaled 114.783,- Springfield. Oregon My business Is to protect y®ur several sums so adjudged, now there- . n,’i r , ” County and state afore- runn|ng thence along the Government 183 feet anJ order of sale, 1, the undersigned will, against the property above described N. 5 5 ^ degrees W. 3.00 chains At the highway commission's se«- nnd mentioned In said eertlf'eate. on Saturday the 31st day of July. N 32 degrees W 4.00 chains | slon tn Portland the famous ’’Devil’« And von are hereby summoned to ap­ 192«. at one o'clock In the afternoon N. 18 degrees 16’ W. 4.SO chains J E W E lb E U 1 Punch Bowl" was given as a park to nt the front door of the court house In pear within sixty days after the first N. 12 degrees 10’ E. 7.16 chains VASBY BROS. nnhlleatlon of thl* snmmona, exclu­ nepRiriiiK a Specialty N. 31 degrees E. 2.67 chains thenc» the state by F. W. Leadbetter. The the city of Eugene. Oregon, offer for sive of the day of said first publica­ government will be asked to cede all Springfield, Oregon Painting & Decorating sale at public auction and sell to the tion. and defend this action or pay leaving the meander line. East 3.36 chains. off-shore Islands to the state; a warn­ highest bidder for cash, subject to the nmonnt due ns nhove shown, to N. 54 degrees 55’ E 2.63 chains In all Its branches ing was issued that the commission redemption ns provided by law, all aether with costs and seemed Inter­ N. 79 degree« E. 6.63 chains thenc« file right, title, estate, and Interest, est, nnd tn ease of your failure to will request corrective legislation 312 Main Street leaving the meander line. that the said defendants nnd nil of do so. a decree w ill he rendered fnre against use of new six-wheel trucks. S. 22 degrees W. 2.40 chains to th« them have, or on the 22nd day of, dosing the Hen of said taxes nnd m,i’and V 'H n T o n " th e ' rtch^'h».«^ 8 new projects were ordered advei* March, 1924. hnd In th« follower ros»s against the land and premises a v a nnP,.h.ui? All kinds of gravel for con­ S. 69 degrees , W 9.00 chains , along tised for the meeting on July 29. and described mortgnged premises; com nhove named, crete or road work. We the meander line. various contracts were awarded, ap­ DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL Thl summons Is pnhllshed by order menelng nt n point 6.38 chains west 8. 3 degrees W. 8 85 chains. make a specialty of crushed proximating (225.000. of the northeast corner of the James of the TTonorahl* O F Sktpworth,, S. 65 degrees E. 6 60 chains DENTIST rock and rock sand. Bunk­ Butler Donntlon Land Claim No. 56, Judge of the Circuit Court of th" > 9. 39 degrees 02’ W. 5.S6 chains ti Signatures on an initiative petition ers at foot of Main on Mill of . Oregon for the Conntv of . the place of beginning, containing circulated in 1924 to place a meas­ notification No 6582. ns mnrked in State . . . Phone 43 conily survey No. 1253 and A4, and s X a ."¿Vi / ’? ? * Ma l T a « 8T,x 113,8 acres ot r’ ver-bod 1 mds in Set street. ure on the ballot of that year can­ First Nat’l Bank Bldg., 8prlngfleld running thenee north 19.53 chains, nntod tntfl fitn ony o f Mnv. 19?^ nnd , J2 rp jy A H 4 W W M HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. not be used in Initiating a mcasurs thence west 16.89 ehnlns, thenee south the date of the first pnbllcation of Applications should be accompanied 19 53 ehnlns, thenee east 16 89 ehnlns tMs summons Is the 6th day of May hy chfl(,k or dra{t c . lhe amount 0, to appear on the ballot this year, ao Io the place of beginning, containing Van , ... hid and should be addressed to G cording to Attorney-General 33 acre« more or less and situated All process nnd papers in this pro o nrown, Clerk State Land Board Winkle. Illg opinion was given tn WM. G. HUGHES FRANK A. DF PUE In township 19 south, jf Range 3 ceed ng mnv he served upon the nn Sa,rm , Oregon an(, m.:rked - AppIlc, Sam Kozer, secretary of state, ln con­ FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE west of the W illam ette meridian. In derslgned residing within the State tlon and bld t0 purchaae nver-bed ATTO R N EY AT LAW nection with an attempt by the P ro Lane county, Oregon, to satisfy said of Oregon at the address hereafter land«.” NOTARY PUBLIC gresslve Civilization league to revty« mentioned. O. O. BROW N, NO TARY PUBLIC Judgments and costs accruing upon , Office at petitions which had been circulated la H. M. CA LK IN S Cicrk g ut<1 L ,d this execution. Sutton Springfield FIRST NATIONAL BANK Attorney for Plaintiff, i Dated at Salem, Oregon, May 34, 1924 In order to place an anti-capital FRAN K R. TAYLOR. Buldllng Oregon. Springfield, Oregon Address: Eugene, Ore. 1926. Sheriff of Lane County, Ore. punishment measure on the ballot. Jl 1 8 16 22. M 9 IS 8« 87 J 8 10 17 14 J 1 8 I J ! A Ji Classified Ads (BUYING 03 SELLING' ( b u s in e s s “The Loop D. W. Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. d ir e c t o r y ) J GETltfSUUS OF F IN A L PAGE TH R E E OREGON HEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST