T H U R S D A Y , JU L Y 8 192« TWO Lane County Farmers Union News o f f ic ia l POTATO WILT IS CHECKED IK SEED Community News PU B LIC A TIO N COUNTV U N IT ctO. h FARM REMINDERS tfy succiai Corrsspond--t* WILLAMETTE UPPER WILLAMETTE LANE * I usual num bers call for no change lit som ething uim ig with It Is r«'i I * ' itiniiagciiiciil It they do appear m tuelid'd. The cause I« soinein la rg e r n u m b ers, e x a m in a tio n of Ih» reeding I endtUonal foods such r a l l i n Io find w h e th e r th e r e |s not popper. ^.1 ali Vello»- lUiisses ben e,I li ikv SUI el fi » Is ls tilt r iu n ii of lu te z ii l i b j a Miiull m ite, r< pori» Ilio 0 . A C. e x p e liu ie n t sta tim i. T h e mito t e i n e » , u n d e r Ihe sk iu lo lay |ta egga itien d ica a n d la a b su rb e d . T h e Unii- e o n ta iiiin g m a s s e , left a l th e polot "f abs 'rg llo n do n e l In ju re th e e a re a s s for h u m an cm uuim ptinn. , Three ears of Callfopnlans from San Bernardino arrived here and at Cott- ege Urove for a ah rt visit with r latlves. While her* they will visit Mr end Mrs. Ray t'ratgmlles at The W A Morse home The imrlv la coni prised of Mr and Mrs Chas. Craig u re g u u ( e tu a a re su u iv liu ic s freed miles, parents of Ray and Children ot the b u i e g re e n p ia n i lice b ) Ho* Ruth and Charles; Mr and .Mrs. C. qu«m s y r iu s m g » itti w a te r uu d er J. Henderson, and daughter. Edith: »tight p r e s s u n —26 pounda bui th è Mr and Mrs. Henderson and three u ic o u n e a u lia te sp ra y ls tbw sta n d a rd children and Mark Dody. Thursduy the guests will be enter ire a liu e iit. s a ) s th e e x p c rliu v u l a sta tained with a picnic dinner on the ' I t o l i . D u stin g s l t h u te u ttu e aaulfaio river by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morse or tobacco dussl Is reported as effec They will return to California live. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Craig m ile, and son Bonnie will accom I'se of bygrouietura now on the P«ny them and make their borne in markets to determine the nioiasture California. content of ulr in the egg chamber is ~~~ " " ' . not recommended by A. t! l.unn. head of poultry at (he Oregon expert Wilt producing organisms are ex Mr and Mrs. M E Hays • T IM E A ND PLACE OF • nient station They have not been tensively carried in tubers from dis- Gladys W heeler were down • LOCAL M E E T IN G S • eased hills, so these tubers If used Monmouth Summer school to spend • Canary—First Sunday and Third • worked out accurately and are of for seed readily give rise to w ilt dis- the vactlon during the fourth, • Saturday. Farmers Vnlon Hall. • little or no value Correct reading of ease. The vertictllium w ilt spreads Laterally hundreds of automobiles • Cloverdale—Second toil Fourth • Ihe wet hulh therm ometer requires from plant to plant In the row. a p filled with pleasure seekers parked • Fridays. Cloverdale School House • agllstlnn of the air. Impractical In In lorge alr-clrcn- parently to near the end of the grow­ at Riverside Park the Fourth and • Creswell—First and Third Tues • «mall Incubators standard hygro ing season. This spread, apparently Fifth. Swimming boating and picnic • days. Caeswell. M. W at A. Hall • latton machines underground through the root sya- ing were enjoyed by a large crowd. • Coast Fork—8econd and Four’h • meter« may conceivably be n«cd suc­ • cessfully. (ems. may extend as far as the third July 5th the Pomona Grange held • Tkmrsdeys Farm Union H a ll their picnic at the park and had a • Dansbo— F irs t TMsaday. Dansbo * p lan t splendid program. • School H ouse * , , Weak bee colonies Infected with Infected plants do not always show Mr and Mrs. C. F Hyde motored to Dorew a- Second sod F oeth Tues • a foul brood are destroyed by successful infection, apparently because Infection Marshfield for the Flurth • day«. Doruaa i h s w h • was late. So not all diseased plants • H adleyville — F irst and Third • Oregon beetnen. Including H. A. Scul s e e n • len. bee specialist of the experiment can be detected by Inspection for re­ • T b a u R w . H adtsyM ils School pre moval. and entire control cannot be • OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • H sc e ts— First Sunday of each • , elation. The control method FARMERS' UNION * • ntonth. Heceta School Hones • , ferred for strong colonies Is requeel effected by roguing alone high Jaspsr— Second and Fourth Wsd- • ing with a queen cell from Planting of whole potatoes to avert C. W. Allen. Vida, President. • • ossdays. W . O. W H a ll. Jasper • grade Italian queen. Infection by fusarium in the soil Is W. I. Seals. Eugene. Vlce-Prssl • • Lorane Uecond and Fourth • •aid to have some advantages In d is­ d en t * • Blood spots In eggs are due ta tricts seriously Infected, since In­ e Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Grove • • W ednesdays L O. O. F. Hall. • McKencie local, second and • various causes, and often are no! fection often comes through the cut i • Secretary-Treasurer. * • fourth W ednesday, j p, m l. O. O • serius sso far as «the flock Is con potato. But this plan Is of no value • Walter Morgan. Creswell. Conduc-* • F. hall. W altorrllle • C»rned,‘ says the Oregon stale college '• tor. ngalnsst vertlciUlnm wilt from the , • Mt. Vernon— First and Third • experiment station Such spots are H. H. Smith, Eugene, Doorkeep­ soli, as It comes through the r o o ts, , • Wednesday. Brasf.eld Store. • found quite commonly In eggs from er. and not the seed pieces. , • 811k Creek Meet* First and Third • , , „ . . . O. L. Clement. Wa tervllle, Chap­ . _ - . ~ - ■ ti .-com m ercial flock*, and unless In uu Neither does the stem end appear • • Thursday at Cedar School House • lain. to give more disease in the crop • SpeDeer Creek— TTilrd Friday. • — • Pine Grove School House. • than the blossom end seed pieces. At m ost the difference is so alight as to ls ineffective in preventing verticil- • Trent— Second and Fourth Wed- • I l« u a r .i H1U High • Three or • aesdayw. make attempts to control the disease lium wilt from the soil. • by planting only the eye-end pieces four year rotatlonsa are considered • schnor itt.ic • Vida—Second and Fourth Sator- • completely effective In elim inating Ineffective. • days at Mlnney Hall * . Potato wilt ___ ____ - ___ ____ winter thia fungus from the soil. Tbe best lives over the e * plea«« send In * In old tps in soil and causes disease basic crop rotation for use In western • tMne aad piaoe. a t meeting and • In wilt-free potatoes. Field rotation Oregon Is grain, clover seed, clover • dMjogec of data as they* m ay (» •** trials show that a two-year rotation hay and cultivated crops. • «f» A large crowd gathered to celebrate Potato wilt is controlled in Oregon with l a s t tun- »Od work by u.-v ci the 3d-«th and 5th of July at Swaur. the si «»I plot according to find.ings Of . rs Delight the park recently opened the experiment station botany ami lie J. E Jacoby south of the Coast plant pathology department. And no Fork bridge a few miles east of Go- ©ther method is so effective as three- ' shea. The three diving boards and the new chute were constantly in use plan’ roguing In cleaning up stocks The river was crowded with bathers Infected with vertfclllium wilt—the i ami the row boats were in demand common wilt. The dance hall was constantly fill­ By seed plot is meant any part of ed with young folks. the potato crop kept separate from the Lester and Wilbur Circle came main crop given special treat­ I over from Florence to spend the ment for obtaining better seed for Fourth with their parents Mr. and the next crop on the same farm. Mrs J. F. Circle at Enterprise. If proper care is given this plot it will The annual me'ghborhAwl picnic render extensive roguing of he main was held In the Grove at th . Circle field generally unnecessary For th!» ranch Mondav July 5th. Owing to reason the Importance f growing the fact that many were working In the seed In seed plots can hardly the hav and grain field the crowd was not as large s s usual. be over estimated. f/ S l7 m ..’fx>»uSsU 676 D E P A R T M E N T STORES 942 \ytlluuieUe Ht.. Rügen«, Oregon. tn J926 Otte Store in 1902 W ho has seen the gTeat. 16-wheel mopils of the steel rati* pulling long, heavy trains up grade with scenting M X and not marveled at their gigantic strength! The Mttla, old-time engine becomes a boy'» p layth in g in compariaoa. Si The buying power of thl* Nation-wide Institution ot Department Stores compared with that of one store or ©core of stores is much the same a* the comparative power of these two engine»— -one »till in infancy, the •th e r w ith the strength of a modern Goliath. The 7 4 6 -S U r* Buying P e w w UAtwd tkia S ta r* an stir«» you paa r laaa savings every day fee goods «1 un­ questionably high quality. S p e c ia l S a le JULY CLEARANCE SALES r_W e have selected the month of July for closing out much of our remaining Spring and Summer Merchandise in preparation for the new in-coming of Fall Goods. —We’ve had a very successful season but you will find a large amount of choice things on hand due to our exten­ sive reserve stocks which we ordinarily carry to maintain our usual service. These wantable merchandise must be cleared out, to do Jhls effectively and decissively our clearance offers the best solution. This takes an added importance by offer­ ing goods that can be worn and used many weeks and Tnonths to come. Tbe Savings Are Conspicuous- Satisfy Yourself—Come Early As Possible And You Will Surely Find Many Items To Attract Y ou! J. C. BRILL STORES A X’Billy Dept. Store Successor* to SCHAEFERS BROS. A to ta l of *28 a cc id e n ts. Including three fatalities, were reported to the state Industrial accident commlsslou for the week ending July 1. Workmen reported as losing A elr live« were Irwin E. Keith, car loader. Pengra; Arthur Connelly, lineman, Grants Pass: Albert H. Lewis, electrician. Portland. Senator Stanfield Indorsed an amendment to the Chamberlaln-F.-rrl* act to strike out the apportionment of .40 per cent of the proceeds (rum sale of the timber on the Oregon A (Tali* ! fornia grant lands to the reclamation fund and divide that portion between the state of Oregon and counties In which the lands lie. Threshing prices have been filed In Linn county by the sack as follows: Oats. 16 cent»; barley, 18 cents, and wheat. 22 cent», and by the hour, 812 for six-team, 814 for eight-team and 818 for 10-team outfits. Wages will be paid as follows: Three dollars a day I for sack mao, >2.50 a day for laborers, ( and 84 a day for man with team. > The right of the city of Portland and the validity of an ordinance giving rfce right to construct the Front street intercepting sewer and drainage sys­ tem and a sea wall at a cost of about >2 088.820 were upheld In an opinion of the supreme court In the case of the Pioneer Real Estate company, appel- , jant, against the city of Portland. The Stanfield bill refunding taxes ¡«on the exOregon & California Rail­ road coni pan y grant lands since 1916 was passed by the senate under unani­ mous consent. It will reimburse 18 counties In Oregon and one In Wash­ ington to the extent of about 85,000,- 000, according to advance estimates. The same bill has already passed tbe house. I Authority to construct an overhead | crossing at Sixth street in Klamath Falls over the tracks of the Central Pacific railroad la sought In a petition Bled by the city of Klamath Falls and the Central Pacific railroad with the public service commission. The city, It ls understood. Is ready to finance one-half of the construction cost, esti­ mated at approximately 8*12,000. i Ruud Gas Water Heaters If SI >1 . 4 For a limited time of ten days we are making a special price on RUUD Tank Water Heater*. The weather Is her*. Install a RUUD and you will always hav* hot water in your home. Call at oui; office and * • • this heater. A phone call will bring our salesman to your house. Sold on Easy Terms Mountain States Power Co. 6th and Main St., Springfield Phone 62 > 4