TRY THK HOME PRINT B1IOP FIRST THE SPRINGFIELD NE ftPRJNGPIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, TWENTY-THIRD YEAR GAMP FOR SCOUIS 10 OPEN MOHDH Preparations Complstsd For River Camp; Period Will Be Devoted To Study And Play. Red Grange’s "Yes” Gal. 4 -ff.y MRS. PEARL RICE DIES AFTER LONG ILLNESS Mrs Pearl Rica, wife nt II K Rico of Kuxene and an old resident nt Springfield, died at tha Pacific Christian hospital In Eugene laat Thursday Her funeral waaa bald at tha Walker Undertaking Parlora Hunday at 10:30 A. M Interment was In luiurel Hill cometary, tha Reverend F. L. Moore conducting th- .lervlcea. Mra. Rice waa 49 yenra old. She hud been alrk for a long time; ba. Ing In the Pacific Christian hospital alnce laet fall She leaves her hus­ band. If K, Rice, her mother, Mra. Lane, and two brothers Paul and Oeorge Howard. Mrw Rica had IIwd in Springfield for many year«. Her family moved to Noll from here and from there to Eugene. f " *'■ utn,, V « _ THURSDAY, JULY 8 192« Signing of Light ^Contract Deferred The city council nt Its «pedal to I meeting Friday night, decided postpone the signing of tha naw I street llghttns oontrnct with the I Mountain Htales Power company un til the next regular meeting of the t council This action was taken ba-1 cause there was some doubt as to' the meaning cf tha provisions of lway „ prepared by I California to Springfield to pay a promptly ready t o i Wheeler, Anti-saloon League coun­ jects and road Improvement sel, (above), the testimony that th e forests of the C, trades and with , h„ , . harnb4.r of Commerce for the visit to Mr and Mrs J. F. Nadvornlk , n fh - Local bridge boosters are much kelp the Springfield fire fighters. several U. 8. Senators and Con­ I gressmen had received sums of elated over the prospect of being able r. swimming pool near by. Issue of the Oregon Journal of July, of this city. Upon her arrival here, Tire fire ohief and fire committee The program at the ramp Includes 11 The Portland paper Is getting out ! she was Immediately taken to the money from the Anti-saloon league to match the estate share on the le to work out plans and make re­ for speeches opposing modification ni Competent directors wlll be a number on the McKensle r iv e r , hospital for treatment. now bridge out of the O. & C. money. e f present prohibition laws. and study of woodcraft Every effort h|ghway which It wlll mall exten- ‘ Mrs. Semerad was 5s y e a n oM. She commendations rcg-.rdlng new fire As bad as the bridge is needed here extinguishers. A man 'woe present wlll be made to teach nil the bovs tO| , a| ya, y attract tourists, I is survived by her husband. W eniel w ltiTfire «tln gu iaak ' there were some which did not favor swim Competent dlrectoras will be building It by a special tax. The trustees of the Chamber met Semerad and a daughter, Oeorglna. era but nothing definite was decided present for this purpose and to Insure LYONS ARRESTED T he sum to be received here was Tuesday night and arranged for hbe aged 10. The body will be sent to at that time. •» lety PROHIBITION CHARGE apportioned In a report filed In the I t s cost will be bourne Dickenson. North Dakota from the Three "nature trulls" have bean | PUWIcRy office of the county clerk by Lloyd Walker Undertaking Parlore laid out under the direction of Or. L. by various local merchants. BENEFIT GAME TO BE James Lyns was arrested Friday Howe, forrnor employee of the county, Mr Semerad will go home by train F Henderson, curator of the Vnlvsr- , PLAYED FOR HCLMAN night by chief of police, George Val­ as follow s; leaving his ear with J. F Nadvornlk slty of Oregon Museum of Natural F O U R T H GIVES CHANCE uer, at his rooms in the Elite Special sohool tax _____ 3129.S93.S8 who plans to drive It to Dlckeneon In Htstoy. On two of bheae trails tag» FOR MANY OUTINGS a few weeks n a three weeks vaca­ ^1- Springfield wlll play a benefit Hotel charged with selling Intoxi­ State and county tax....... 69R,719.40 have been placed on the different game for Hadley Holemen, Injured cating liquor and Is cow In the county Special high school tax_____________ 24,313.07 kind of trees and shrubs and the j A general exodus from Springfield tion. > haseball player, here next Sunday, Jail awaiting trial In Justice court here Special road tax..... .............. 111.007.08 Sconts wlll be given an o p p o r t u n it y .,^ p,goe oypr Fourth of July July 11. The game will be played tomorrow. Reubin W. Smith set his Port of S'uslaw tax________ 94.820.07 to become familiar with them. The per(0<, gn(, aa a r,.aun the town pre- LIONS CLUB TO PU T with the Poet Office team of the ball at 31000. when he appeared UP SIGNS ON S T R E E T S ' third trail la a teat trail with the I sented an unusually quiet appearance Twilight Longue of Eugene which are Tuesday for the preliminary hear­ tie r s to be Identified marked and, MANY PAY PENALTY Many of the huaiaese bowses were Newly elected U o n . Club o ff ic e r .'“ f * * “ ’ ’“ d1« «** Ho1* ing. Lyons plead not guilty. He was a record of them r * mp rinsed Monday In obnnrvnnee of the money and tb« FOR CUTTING CORNERS unable to raise _ . . . ______ __________________ Installed at the last Friday noon « * • has both the Spring more expert boys wilt tent their abll-| , „ . ...................................................were ’ Ity to Identify the trews by comparing 1 * „ * * ■ meeting of the club. The officer« who Poi,t Office teams and h is sent to Eugene in charge of the Cutting corners appeared to be a . , . list . . _ with ,.k that at ramp Ihall were closed. The Booth-Kelly will charge of the club for the termer team mates desire to show sheriff. their popular past time of automobile the Ae a result of arrest Valller Is Other features of the camp a r e ' mill shut rown Friday, not to open ■t year arc; John Ketels. president their sympathy for him by playing a crrrvlng his arm in a tllr g . In drivers over the Fourth of July holt- overnight hikes for the elder boys.) until July 18. There was no city William O. Hughes, treasurer; F. B. benefit game for him. day if records at the city hall can separate camps for the tenderfoot mall delivery Monday, although the Hamblin, secretary. I Mr. Hdlemen received a broken leg making the arrest he tore the lig­ be used as a criterion. Ten drivers Scout and the second and third I boxes« were open to the ptthllc The committee appointed some ,n a game here against Notl threo aments of his shoulder in breaking were arressted by Jess Smithson at class Scouts, and study ramp» where Many cars passed through Spring- time ago to consider the posting of w celts ago when he attempted to steal down the door to Lyons room which the corner of Second and Main on the boys can read and study about field on their way up the McKensle three entrances to Springfield WB».h om e from third. He has been at the had been barricaded against the July 2 for this offense and were re­ nature lore. for the holiday period. All Wiliam suthorlied to go ahead and purchase Paclflc Christian hospital, but Is now offlcerss when they appeared. quired to deposit 32 as ball for their Everything points Io camp “Lucky etle valley pointe were well repre­ the signs. L. P. Sanford of Cottage at home recovering from his Injury. Here Sunday—Fred Roth, formerly appearance in court Tuesday morn­ Boy” as an Ideal place for a Scout sented among the cars, the McKensle Grove was preaeent to talk the Manager Jack Larson has not de­ to spend his vacation. Those going river seem ing to be selected as a ■„alter of the signs over with the cided definitely on his line-up for the professor In the Springfield high ing. Only one of the ten made th elf from Springfield are; William Cox, favorite plaee for the outing. Spring- local club The new signs will be coming game. The team has been re. school, now principal at Mcnrr.outh appearance in curt at tibe appointed Dean Anderson. Dalph anil Evan spent Sunday In Springfield visiting field people dispersed In every dir­ placed on East Main street. North 6th vamped once since Its disastrous time and. as a consequence, forfeit­ Hugh«-«. Carrel Arums. Payton Oder ection. seeking a cool location While street, and near the arch at the game with Cottage Grove lass! Sun with friends. Mr. Rofh was accom ­ kirk. Eugene Walker. Thayer Mc­ They also ed their bail. Most of the offenders the McKensle river got Its share, Pacific Hlhway. day In which the focal team was de panied by hte family. Murray, and Oeorge Mason. visited at Lowell where a sister, were out of town people going up the Lum F. Anderson was taken into* feated 9 to 6 othpr polnta, particularly the coast McKenxie on a Fourth of July holi­ Mrs. M. M. Baker lives. towna, were ehoaen aa vacation the club at the meeting. The Batteries for the Cottage day. W. B. Godfrey of Portland wan Marrlao« Licenses Issued j placea. Grove game were Benson and New­ Mr. and Mrs. the only one to receive a fine. He Go To Corvallis .G o To Albany—C. A. Swart», ac- house for the Grove and Burton. During the pa at week marrlnge ! at Cor- was given a 32 Tine by Reuben W. cotnpanled by h i. wife and daughter 8ank#y Towm, foj. i»pr1nKfipl(1 | Jackob.en spent Monday Visits Brother-— Miss Pearl Snook lleensea have been laaaued by the Smith, city recorder. The 32 ball valli* visiting friends in that city county clerk to the following; Roh was In Prtland Sunday un a visit to drove to Albany Monday on a vialt money secured from the others in ert Thompeon and Katherine Blt- her brother, Ilert Snook wh has been addition to the fine, enriched the ney both of Eugene. Charles Mo Don­ III for some time at the veterans city coffers 320 as a result of the ald and Helen LaBInne. both of hosspltal there. She reports that j failure of drivers to properly turn Oakridge, Oeorge Pondera rnd Ethel Bert Is able to lake some nourish­ corners in town. B ’ ch. both of Oakridge, Verde Rl’ e ment now though his general con­ Two were arrested fo r speeding. and Margaret Ackerman, both of Eu­ dition Is Hllll very serious. Alfred Kays of Wren was caught gene; Clifford Casteel and Ethel July 3 and Robert G. Fleming of Gatlin. both of Wendllng; Clarence | Moves Into Home— George Fl h. Eugene July 5. Mr. Fleming w i l Albrn, and Marie Coleman, both of , w ho re c e n tly e am e to Springfield fro m ' fined 310 for his offense. N oll (Hen llunlon and Mary Long- ] G rove; i Iowa Itn-« m oved Into th e house on felli w, both of Cl ittngc G. s tr e e t b e tw e e n S e v e n th mid W Il'T in lb nny and U lie 11,ia'- both of 1 POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW A. P ru ett nnd F ig h t w hich h e ri i e n tly bought Mr. S i rlngfbd'l : J esse GAIN OVER LAST YEAR Cinru Lnnili. i i ■ih of En • no; «’land«' FI h Is em p l' veil nt Iht lle->lh Kelly lir o k . Hazi-lt „n. hin iho. and Gladys mills. A gaiu in tile postal r. „- lifts of F re t well. I’lirimi hin ’ it Gl-’p Dy r over ten per cent for the first half n " i Vidimi (tv l» II. bi .’h of Eugene. 1 V a c stie n At N e w p o rt— Mr. m il i ilie present year over ihe corres- A V »■ ndlliig. and il,r ll nmt W illiam ( Mr.-. T. T h o m a s m il Imlij- a re spend :u. ng months of last year was re­ i'h arlo tte Goodwin, 1’ -I t hl Ing th e ir viieiitln at Ni w porl. T h ey ported by Postm aster F. B. Hamlin une le ft Iasi w eek m id will lie hack in liis semi-annual statem ent just At C ra te r Lake—Mr nnd Mrs. il tim e th is w eek. . d. Re -eipta for tho first six E M 'Xi v mid son. Ilruce visited C ra t­ months of 1926 were $3931.53, for the e r Diamond mid C rescent T.ukea Fishing T rip— T ru h ert H enderson sam e period in 1926 they were $3547 - during the Fourth holidays. Thoitr left. Bunday for a w eeks fishing trip 65. giving an increase of $383.88 or nnd-’ of visitors were nt both C rater In th e C ascade lakes. He wns accom­ 10.8 per cent. T his gain indicates nnd Diamond lakes. Many flab w ere panied by I.ld d G ardener anil Cliff­ s hoaltv grow th in the population of b rin e caught In Diamond. ord Ilrynn. j Springfield for the periods under eoniparisqp. Visited. Diamond Lake Mr. nnd Here From Bend.— Mr. nnd Mrs. For the th ree m onths ending March Mrs. Jack Henderor mtored to Din .Tames M urry of Bend were In Spring- 31, 1926 the postal receip ts were tnond I.nke by way of the W illamette field over tho F ourth visiting nt th e $1953.58 and for the three months pass during the holldnys. They re­ hom e of Mrs. M urry’s uncle, John ending June 30. 1926 the receipts port the pass road In poor condition. M unwarlng. Mrs. M urry wnss form were $1977.95. The same perlds last erly H en rietta Mnnwnrlng. year gave $1684.84 and $1862.81 for To Wendllng— Mrs. Charles Eggl the corresponding periods. man, accompanied by Berydlna Cumm Visita In Portland— Fred Ilosserman lngs who hns been spending the Inst week with Mrs. Egglmnn. drove to i visited In Portland during the week- Mrs. Doane 111—Mrs Doane, mother Wendllng Tuesdny on a combined j<'"11 wlth Rudolph Johnson, broom of Bert Doane, had a stroke of manufacturer. business nnd pleasure trip, paralyesls while attending the funeral of Mrs Pearl Rice Sunday. She was Sunday At Myer • Park— Among Spend Fourth Hare—Pete Lamher- taken to the home of her son and 4y and family of Portland. L. M Curl those who spent the Fourth at Myers placed under the care of the doctor, and wife of Albany spent Sunday Park were Mr. and Mrs. D. W Mc- oneasonr shrdlu klrdlu , Klnnon and Mr. and Mra. C»rl Girard wlth Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Rowe.