THK SPRINOmCLD NEWS BJX-. r r PAG II SIX —a Portland Woman Ousat— Mrs Frank 4L HEARS TALK. ON SIX MONTHS SHOWS Alexander of Portlad ia visiting for MANY ACTIVITIES GROUP INSURANCE a few d a y s^ t the L. W Carney home OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIU INTEREST THURSDAY, JULY t, 192«. — —— j q ■ p ■J.JS.1 .. L'B.' — ■» I ■■ .1 — ■ II ................ Edward Hutton. W D Rnblnuon and SCHOOL WOOD CONTRACT Mary «> Robinson, hl» wife, were LET TO JAMES BENGE defendant«, the plaintiff recovered Judgment against snlu Alfred Ander­ Th« contract to furnish wood to son anil Inn M Andersi n in the stun The local group of the 4L met Mon at W alterrllle. Mrs. Alexander came (the Sprlnafleld schools wua let by the of thirteen hundred dollars with In­ day evening to hear a talk by Mr Wednesday. and personal effect« 4n abundance | school board to Jam es E Ben*» of terest thereon nt »even per cent from Gunn of the Portland headquarters o f . Back from Convention— Ur. H It Brief of Resume of Happenings I Springfield for »734 Mr llenge re September 33. 1936. the sum of one wi re donated to the family. the organisation explaining the uses hundred dollars as mi attorney'» fee ¡reived the contract on a bid of »5 40 and the sum of »19 30 a« coat» slid This reeume of the activities In and advantage's of some form of group Plppel returned Thursday night from the Week Collected for the Oregon Stale ih-nial convention I for 160 cords of 4 foot second growth disbursements anil nl»o decreed the Springfield for the first halt of 192« accident and sickneaa Insurance. in Portland last week He reports Our Readers. Indicates that there has been a 1 fir and »4 for 45 cord» of 2 foot sec force! sure of u 'i oft gage on the land The 4L is considering the adoptlo.i i ond growth fir The near««! bidder hereinafter described and directed steady progress along many lines of of group Insurance and the speaker that a most interesting and tnMru- the »ah- of said land to satisfy said community effort. In industries. In of the evening was called upon to tell tive time was had at the convention KntMt Houck, 55. waa drowned was the Booth Kelly Lumber com several sums so adjudged, new there­ — ------------ — civic Improvement, and in organise- of the plan. The system provides In while luuhliiK In th« river at C«»rvallia pany with a bid of »769 for 205 cords fore pursuant to said execution and order of snl«. I. the undersigned will ‘ons, provides a »—ecast of con surance tc he men for accident and FOR SAl.B— Payroll sheets, print«! Will liavla. about 15 year» of a««, of second growth fir. 45 cords to he on Saturday the Sin, dny of July. and In stock at th s New« office aueC. betterment fet .he last half sickness. According to the wage »awed Into 3 foot length« The differ drowned In the Grand Rondo river In Form suitable for rond. construction 192« nt one o'di ek In the afternoon eltcs between the two bids was »45 at the front door of the court house In £ th year which ha If earning The higher the work, sawmills, etc., with table to w«»l La Grand«. The wood la to be delivered at th" wage the r»ore the insurance would I compute workmnna compensation the city of Eugene. Oregon, «tffrr for Sheriff Kdtck reported at Hood Leavw for Home— M", and Mrs he. Each «V »loyee would receive from , and deductions. No employer should River that the iotal of ta i collection« schools oil or before September I sale lit public auction and sell to the be without these f -ms when they Eighty cords go to the high schoolt, highest bidder for c a ll subject to Tank Ponia leit this »eek for Dick »10 to »4 i week, according to his can be purchased for a few cents for the year hail reached »286.000. 6 to the high school gymnasium. 75 redemption n* provided li> law, all «nson. North Dakota, after spendins wage The premiums would he from eacn. tt The first teat in« of wheat In the Yi> to the Lincoln school, and 45 to th« the right, title, estate, and Inl-reat a few days vrith Mr. and Mrs J. F eighty-three cents on up monthly. kuin region la 60 pounds to the bushel that the »aid defendant» and all of NOTICE TO CREDITOR«» An Insurance company will have ltrnttaln school Mkdmrnfk. Mrs Mensel Samerad. an them have, or on the 22nd lav of Notice is hereby given that the un It la going 21 bushels to the aero. The bids for the painting of th« men In the field soon to sign up the •ther friend of the Samerad’« ha» March. 1924. had in C ( following dersigned. Sarah Glick has been np . Registration at th« new aouthern been ill at the Pacific Christian hos­ employees who wish to subscribe to pointed Administratrix of the estate Oregon atate normal school at Aahland high school will be opened by th- described mortgaged premises; com­ mencing at a point ti 38 tillin'« weal pital but Is new report ed to he on this plan They must have 75 per of I. J. Glick. deceased by the Conn has reached aitnoat 200 for tho summer board July 8 of the noetheant corner of the Jam«« cent of the employees signed up be­ ty Court of tame Countv, Oregon, the way to recorery Butler Ih-nallon Land Claim No 5«, fore It will come into operation All and all persons having claims against session said estate will present same dulyj CALL AND SEIL Dr N W Enter notification No «682, a« marked In The fifth annual reunion of the R. men who are working are eligible for verified at the law offlive of Whitten Returns from H ospital— Mrs A. P • •O' pe* •« o" ’••a*, snd Mb«." work • county survey No 1255 ntnl *4, nml the Insurance, regardless of age or Swafford. 515 M « W Bldg. Eugene C. Geer descendants waa held in the running thence north 19 53 chains, Severson returned Wodn >soav m im ­ physlclal condition. The fact that Oregon, on or before six months from Waldo hills at the original Geer dona­ thence west 1« 89 chain», thence south Notice of S h eriffs Esseutlon Sate. 19 53 chain«, thence east 1« 8» chain» ing from the PacK't Christian host I- they are working is all that Is nec­ the date of first publication of this tion claim. Notice 1« hereby given thut by vlr to the place of beginning, containing tai where she ha 1 been a path nt notice. Start of rail extension work aoulh essary to enable them to take out thf tue of an execution and ord< r of 33 acre« more or lea» and situated Dated and first published July 1st. since t-f . rday from Bend on the Oregon Trunk will Insurance. sale Issued out of the circuit court In township 19 south, if Range 3 192« be marked by an Intercommunity cele­ of the state of Oregon for I-ane Coun west of the W illamette meridian, la The naming of a woods promotion ; WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Atty bration In Rend. tv on the 36th dav of June, 1926 up­ lain« county. Oregon, to satisfy said Here from Jasper— Mrs. P. N. committee was taken up at the meet j Eugene, Oregon SARAH GLICK. The ninth annual convention of the on a Judgment rendered In said court Judgment* and cost» a lien in g upon La^rd was in town Wednesday on bur- irg and left In the hands of D. W | Administratrix on the S4th day of June. 192«. In a this cgecutlon McKinnon. incss. She lives at Jasper. Jl 1 8 15 22 2» Oregon State Elk«' association waa suit «herein Mark L. Gibson was FRANK E TAYLDR. held at Eugene with nearly 1500 vial Sheriff of lain«« County. Ore plaintiff nnd Alfred An l-rson Ins M tort In attendance. Jl 1 8 15 23 A nderson. A D (’lin k , Alice 1, t'lln k . * White Rocks raplda of Rogue river claimed another victim when Rennie Rehkoff. 15. of Grants Paaa, waa STORE CLOSED MONDAY, JULY 5th drowned while swimming Announcement haa been made of Im m ediate com m encem ent of the Clay ton Murk logging railroad In tba Frankport territory of Cooa county. Indication» are that the Milton-Free water district will have a larger frull crop than in 1935 Kstlmates are 1500 Successors to SCHAEFERS BROS. cars of apples, 1000 of prunes and 70 of cherries. S«3 Fifty per cent of the Chinese phene ants hat, bed In the Willamette valley during May were killed by cold rains ■ A / W > Consequently, a poor hunting seaaon la expected. HURRAH. A CAMPER'S LIFE FOR MINE! Cherry trees In the Cottage Grove Buy your Groceries here by the basketful. It is both economical and section are so loaded that high _If y,»ur camp in crude and rough anti you want Ju«t the practical. The quality of our stocks assures you always serving the branches droop to the ground and re­ bare necessities a tent, a cot, u frying pan (anti many best victuals for your family—and at no increase in cost. turn« of »50 from a single tree are other camping necessltle« if you please—here)—let u» not unusual. show you the dandy one* we have. Or if your« more The vetch cr«.« In the vicinity ol permanent outfit, here are all manner of comfort« and Junction City la 75 per cent short ol «mvenlencea which will delight und surprise you. normal on account of ravages of aphis - -Even if you aren’t a camper, why, come In and see our and other things, coupled with unfavor display of camping equipment—maybe thing* that go hand able weather. In hand with auto tourist you will be Immediately con­ Between 20 and 25 lookouts will be vinced of the Joy* of such a life. And when we tell you on duty in the Siualaw national forest the trick« of the game you’ll find yourself wondering Ju«t by July 1. according to announcement how soon you'll be able to start. , at the office In Eugene of IJ S. She! ley. supervisor. THE FISHERMAN HAS The Mount Hood Woodlands com HIS INNING TOO: - Boy a two-day supply Friday and Saturday—store closes all day Monday for the 4th. pany. whose summer bomealte prop Have you ever longed for fishing tackle when touring erty ia two miles beyond Brightwood, along side of a rippling stream that looked like real sports, has let a contract for the construe PHONE man enjoyment? No doubt you have. Our hardware de­ PHONE tion of a »60.000 hotel. partment ia the place to come to for fishing requisite. Typhoid germa were found in the or Steel Trout Harrisburg city water and. by order of the city health officer, no water Bamboo Fishing Poles, 12 to 15 feet, each shall be used for consumption until It haa been thoroughly boiled. Fishing Hod Reels. Fire of undetermined origin destroy Salmon Egg* and cuun Balt, Bottle ad the plant of the Menefee 1.umbel —Trout Flies—Cascades, Split Wiugs, uuzzler, Cumtux, company at Rainier. The lost war Mermaid, Etc. estimated at »225,000 to »250.000. The - Leader Boxes. Sinkers, Hooka, Lines, Etc., Are Some of plant employed about 60 men. the Other Things Needed. Blueprints and estim ates of the new Genuine "Eveready” Flash Lights In Various Sizes and grade to be built up Greasy creek val styles. ley from Philomath to the foot of Al­ - ITessed Steel Frying Pans. Small Sizes. Each sea mountain have been completed by the atate highway department. —Universal Thermol Jug. With Replaceable Linings, 3 The annual meeting of the threahei Nested Cuns With Handles In Cover; Holds One Gallon. men and hay balers of Linn county Hot or Cold. waa held Saturday, to fix threshing Universal Vaccuum Bottles, Hot 24 Hours, Cold 72 and baling prices and establish wage« Hours, to be paid during the harvest season —Pint Size Vacuum Bottles, Price, The health clinics which have been Think what it means for utility services to be interrupted for a single minute. Ev­ (Hardware Dept.) conducted at Silverton under the dlreo eryone knows how the companies make heavy Investments to safeguard the service— tlon of the Marlon County Health aaao FOR YOUR EMERGENCY KIT:— how loyal workers spare no efforts to restore service in time of emergency. elation during the winter months will Vlsit our Cut-Rate Drug Dept. as here we have the nec­ be continued through the summer Here is a lesson for the careful investor. Services in such insistent, never-ending de­ essary needs- Gauze Bandage, Adhesive Tap«*, Camphor, months. mand. mean steady employment of the funds invested in utility systems. All Commun­ ABplrin or anything In way of standard prepared drugs. Oiling of the Old Oregon trail be­ ity and industrial growth is reflected In their ligitimate earnings. In periods of de­ Ix»t us save you the difference. Remember we carry a full tween North Powder and La Grande pression their services are still required. la now virtually complete and oiling line of Creams and Powders. When you invest in Mountain States Power Company you obtain— F ill start very soon between North —Dona Pure Castile Soap, Special, Bar Powder and Raker, also between Haket —26c Cutlctira Soap. Bar and Durkee. -—60c Santlseptlc Lotion For the Skin, Perfumed, More than 40 mllea of road work —$1.60 Oriental Cream For Tan, Pimples and will be advertised In July by the stale Freckles highway commission. Of this, 20 miles —Youth Cream Face Powder, A Hot Weather Powder, will he surfacing on projects now be­ Choice of Three Shade* .......... ing graded, and ») more miles will be let for grading. —$1.00 Krank’s Lemon Cream, For Cleansing, Sun Burn Come into our office today and add yourself to the army of shareholders, who re­ Tho Oregon hop harvest will occur nnd Tan ceive dividends regularly from this company. this year at the earliest date ever —$1.00 Hinds Honey and Almond Cream known to hopmen of the state. From You do not need a considerable sum to do this—invest on our easy payment plan —65c Kleenex, Sanitary Cold Cream Remover present Indications picking will start —build up a dividend paying estate from your current income. (Drug Dept.) on August 25 and In some yards as early as August 20. HERE AND THERE:— The fifth accidental death In three —Harvard Goggles For Dust, Wind, and Sun Glare. Sev­ weeks occurred at Grants Pass when Tints ........ Arthur Connolley, a lineman of the California-Oregon Power company, was —Children’s Sturdy Barefoot Sandals, Brown Shade, Sizes killed when he came In contact with a high voltage wire. —Milady Will Enjoy These Delightfully Summer Days All Following experiences of from one the More If Accompanied By One Of These Colorful Jap­ to five years with private casualty anese Sun Shades (Parasols) To Ward Off the Direct Rays Insurance companies, a number of Of Old Sol. Strikingly Patterned, Attractively Priced, large Industries in Oregon are return (2nd Floor) lug to the workmen's compensation —Above All Seasons. Summertime Is When Ice Creatn Is act with the beginning of the new fis­ Doubly Appreciated Therefore, It Is Befitting To. Remind cal year on July 1, according to a You Of Freezers Of the Better Kind Which Await Your statem ent Issued by the state Indus­ trial accident commission. Selection In the Ilarware Dept. (Continued from tl SAVE IN T H E BASKET C« Good Victuals by the Basketful J. C. BRILL STORES Ax-RUly Dept. Store Busy Outfitting Lane County for the Glorious Fourth and Vacation Time ia a We Carry a Good Fresh Line of Vegetables Daily The Dalles Apricots and WATER MELONS FOR THE 4TH 9 W hite Front G rocery PH9° Fishing I’olea Jointed $ 4 .5 0 Hot!* $ 2 .3 5 15c 5 0 c to $ 6 .5 0 35c YOU, TOO, CAN RECEIVE CASH DIVIDENDS 15c The Nation’s Favorite Invest­ ment. Public Utilities. $ 5 .0 0 $ 2 .7 5 $ 1 .0 0 10c 19c 45c 1 — Safety 2 — Quarterly Dividends 3 — A Security You Can Convert Into Cash $ 1 .3 9 95c 89c 89c 59c Mountain States Power Securities Company eral 50c 5>/2 to II, pair ..... ... 98c Offices Mountain States Power Co. This Compànjr Has Over 1000 Customer Shareholders 98c /