TH E SPRINGFiaX> HBWB THURSDAY, JULY 1. 1926- R e tu rn . to M a ttia — Vernon C. D eal, C re s w .il Man Mara— H. N. of who baa been aaalatlng In thn Snw d » Craawall waa In town Hatnrdar aala. returned to bla home In Baattle )n fr<>m Thur, ton_ _ < b lrl.y Ornot _ Baturday. . wa> „ business vlaltor in Springfield TOWN AND VICINITY Harvest and Haying Supplies Mara from Camp Craah— John I Wangling People In Town— Mr Warrln Hara— M J. Wrrrln of Wal- Saturday. Orlffln of Camp Craah waa a bualneaa and Mra J I, Fountain of Wendllng trrvllle waa In town Tueaday on bual , Rpra Saturday—John Crabtree of were visitors to Springfield Saturday nese. Camp Creek ylalted In Springfield vlaltor In Springfield Friday. Hayden In Town—Charley Hayden Thurston People Hara — O»org'- Saturday, Leaves for California—Jim Ijtxton of Camp Creek waa In Springfield pyptt and Mra. Walter Pratt of Thura-, Hare fM>m Camp creek —Jere Hatei left Humlay for California on a three- Monday ton were In town Thuradny. waa In Springfield Saturday on bual-J weeks' bualneaa trip. Here from Natron— Mra Fred Try on of Natron waa In Springfield Sul urduy. Mere from Camp Creek— Charles Op. r. „ OB_ M r, In W e lte rv llle — Mr and Mra. Kdgur »Ion Karhnn bualneaa Hugh J o lllff neM Meier wua In Kprlngileld from Camp *** tllk, t„ , h„ pacific Christian Tucker In Town— Leo Tucker of crerk Monday. hospital Monday for a major opera Oo,h en waa In Springfield for a short' She la reported to be doing of In Trotter went to W altervllle to spend nicely. Bunday with Mr and Mra. C. I). Trot *** ta a t_ MaghUf Premier t,r returned this week from an extensive Vielte Parents— Mrs. Levi Neat W a lte rv llle People Here— Several trip to D enver and points east M r. left Thursday for Cottage Grove to residents In nnd around W altervllle i Premier waa gone over six weeks on stay a few days with ber parents, were In Springfield Saturday on bus bla trip. Mr and Mrs Nelson. Ineas. Among inoae In**«. those in In w town * n were: Frank Rmmerlrb. John Hart Mr and H i-s from Band—Guy W hltely waa Come from Weetflr—T. A Harber Mr» M J. Weerln. and T. W Carney ■ visitor In Springfield Sunday from and family are moving to Springfield ■ Bend He returned to Bend the same from W estfir I bla week Mr Harbor Mareóla Man Hurt—C. L. Brock of day baa taken the Casper house on F . W. .-a . . , „ Marróla caught bla left leg In the atreel between Blgbih and , Ninth. .b e e n elch for the past week the Visiting R ela tlv ee-C „ ~ T Onnn of . I ...... . St Joseph. Missouri has been vteltlng Mtae Berdlna Cumraln. returned. „ad It badly p.ndtod. He came to h„ mp of Mrg Mary hom e from Marshfield with Mra Bgglmaau j Springfield for medlral tr-cm o n t .................. He left for •-■- hla >------ to visit friends here She will s t >ev a y ! ¡ Sunday Sunday and Monda» and Monda» _, W ednesday. “ K" ,ra,nn ,n d " - c h from Monmouth—Mias Loto To Build Homo— G eorge Perkins « • e k wit ra. an . , Crabtree returned to Springfield Bwlmmlno P .r ty -M r and Mr. D 'from the Oregon State Normal school baa contract.«! to build the » C B Murphy and Mr and Mra Paul at Monmouth where ahe has been go Wright home on f i t an » “ Haaford enjoyed swimming last Ing to school. Ml«» Crabtree plus« ""»M M ' ' H ere Saturday— Jim Cedar Flat trunaaeted town Saturday. Thursday night In the Wlllnmette af attend the University of Oregon sum ter a supper along the river. ' nier school at Eugene. Binder Twine 16c and 20c lb. Myers Hay Carrier Un­ loaders $11.00 and $13.50 Bale Ties - • $ 2 .2 5 Bdl. Machine Oilers - - 15c up Saturday. |n Town_ i, „ Bcot, o( Blue River waa a bualneaa visitor In Spring, Reid Saturday. )n Tpwn MrB pyed Tryon waa In 8pr)n(fftp)d on bualneaa from Natron Monday. L ,ave tor Marcóla—C M Donovan and o ,.run ¡Uh.-ler left Springfield j ior b|arroia Monday. AND FOR CANNING. OUR STOCK OF KETTLES AND Goes to Bend—William 8 Clarkson u « a . . »here w hore h e I n -' W t for n Bend . Monday he tends to work. I LADLES IS COMPLETE. Here from Leaburg—Mrs. C. O. Rossman was In Springfield from I,eahurg for a ahort time Saturday. |B T(ywn from Jasper—M. L. Wal­ spent Saturday afternoon In Springfield. Wright & Son lace Here frOfn M arcóla— Ivan S au n d ersj , waR )n 8prln(rt|,.id from Marcóla Sat y 0 Newport—Mlaa Clara Wyse, ac- urday , -« ~ x H v X " - J " *:r -.. ■ ****• •...... . v x x Hurt Lag—Jack »terna hurt hl» leg ||v»d In lleno. l . . t week when » pl|.e rolled on him Bgd_ Lp, fPr N J ; t i - n T o o n e Z Í e ; h°vB ‘t í : X w J X v /l» - ,, x Martin. Caacadea R u g en . firm was plan Ñ ew ^ubscriberaareSprinfieldBoorten CORD TIRES , hl. m„,in(aln lakes of th" at the home of D W. McKinnon spent Tuesday mornlnr Th»v Saturday In Albany visiting ren d « , to H op a t O de. a s , C r e t o e .« there In Springfield Friday on liusln»«'. lie lakes. Tw0 Caaea Smallpox—Two very | S of Eugene lie was taken t" the I’u Stop In S p rin gfield -J. M Elder mild caaea of smallpox were reported , ] a trip from California haa Just made elfte Christian hospital for treat­ Friday Mrs. | ■ b y way o f the Redwood highway uni n n d f a m ily of K id d ie were visitor« In by a local phyalclan ment. the rtrttch re p o rt» th a t • | I*8«s . In c ip rin a were returning from a trip to have ____ ith the di» . They been quarantined w with dl»-; Mill* to Cloae— The Booth Kelly C ré a ie n t C ity nnd Grants n. apd craM( w h lle town ease. ’ | | m ills announced Thursday that the very had shape at preaenL Tourist" y th„ a c . Wrlght mill would »hut down for n ten day are forced to take the old rttod ^ a To Visit Daughter— Mr». Amanda new ■■■■■■..", highway which period beginning Friday. July 2 hu e(| of , hp pBrk • - ............. - - McKinnon. They took the southern return to Halllster. California, from tpr„ Aa Mr„ Egglmann and Mrs i an outing whtoh included a trip up WPr„ lh„ only d elegate, from 8 wlm Held at Seaveys’- D r . and route, going ; by w y the Columbia river highway. Mr (h)R d,„,rlr, they went to Eugene Mr„ 8 r . Dlppel. Mr. and Mrs. Carl orado and will P , Durrln was a resident of Spring«.Id Sa,urday afternoon and Instructed Olson, Mr. and Mrs Paul Bnsford on the way to nine years ago » and notes much Im I ((l |„ d|PB W 0( t po th . the Springfield and Mr and Mrs J F. Ketels. Mr an-1 home w e , _,___ m il» y»»»M t o to » ’ ••••• — f. I ii'lir n m .... —w — - Mrs. Montroy and Mr and Mrs. W hit-, weeks, according to their plans, provement In the town since he ha» E„<(>ne chapters In the work, ney spent an enjoyable evening at been away. Seavey’s bride Monday. The party ; took their lunches and went In swia»-, ming after the dinner. Special Cash Prices ih at You Can’t Afford To Miss 30 x 3’/ 2 Regular Cord .................................... -.............. 30x3’ , Savage Oversize ................................................ 31x4 Savage ....................................................................... g .ó o 32x4 Savage ............................................................... 29x4.40 Balloon Tire ....................................................... . A Good Price on Tubes Also. Columbia Starling and Lighting Storage Batteries FULL CAPACITY GUARANTEED d»1 1 QC CHEVROLET, OVERLAND, FORDS, STUDEBAK.ER, BUICK, JEWETT Rubber Case $16.30 a To be faithful to our trust and to be just in all things is not only our ambition; it has become an accomplished part of our Serv­ ice of Sincerity. . . Two Arrested—Two people were people were arrested Sunday for speeding on Springfield streets One woman. Mrs. Myrtle L. Russel of Portland was going at the rate of 42 m iles an hour, according to the off. car’s complaint E Bruce Knowlton, also of Portland, was going 36 when stopped by ‘be officer Neither one has appeared yet for sentence. For STRAINED AND SORE M USCLES I P H O N E W.F.WALKER e z 8 62-J FUNERAL SERVICE^ S prjngfield . ore . ° '• For Friday and Saturday Another Hot Weather Special/ r» Don’t Spend the 4th Cooking N yal’s Liniment on hand and use It freely for aches and pains. BUY A BIO, NICE, TENDER, JUICY ROAST AT THE Price 50o The Independent Meat Co. We handle all of the ad­ vertised linim ents which are recom mended for m an and beast. Serve It cold and enjoy the celebration. Nico Cold M eats for Sandwiches. Phone 31 4th and Main St. Phone 63 I ■ il » xr* n a r ï ’b v ^ ■ 77¿~ INDEPENDENT! »’ A S T A NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE Noah W ebster can often set us aright when we become confused as to issues. He defines it thus: This attractive Lemonade or W ater set consists of a half gallon Optic Jug and six Optic 9 oz. Tum blers. The entire set Is neatly e n ­ graved In the popular grape cluster design. Complete 7 piece set .......... 99c “T he Home of Good F urniture” Independence » * ♦ • Not subject to the control of others • * * * Not relying or de­ pending on others • ♦ • • acting and think­ ing for one’s self » • • • FREE r • • • etc. We think the great W ebster In those few words gave us the best bank advertisem ent ever written. Read them again. Be Independent—OPEN a bank i count today. We pay 3%. CHECKING AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS—SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES A GOOD B A N K IN A GOOD C O U N T R Y Fish Thursday and Friday. We Give Green Trading Stamps ■ Phone 19 as established by our Inspired forefathers has made possibk an Individual independence of which not all of us have ye learned the tru e m eaning. • T here Is nothing m ore an ­ noying these days than pain caused by sore and strained muscles. Keep a bottle of Jolliff-Scaiefe Motor So. Main Street, Springfield WETHERBEE -POWERS Commercial State Bank Sprta gfleld, Oxegon 11th at W illamette u tu M H C