TI IK SPRINGFIELD NEWS T HU UH I )AY, JULY t, 1926. (BUYING Qg S E L L W WANTED RANCHES—1 want to hear front owners who wish to sell. C. J. Klass, 386% Washington St., Offlrs 384. Portland. F o il RENT- —4 room bouse on U. street;w ith electrlct lights, sewer age, Inside toilet, cement walks. Inquire at News office for purlieu If i I.OTH FOR HALE la d s 2 and .1 block S. Springfield Addition. Wll lametta Heights Reasonable price Write O. V. Idles, Bugen . Ore J 24 Jl 1 8 IS NOTICE T o UREDlToRR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T h it tbe undersigned ha«. by the County Court of the H*nte of Oregon for Hie County of bane been dulv appointed FxrriltrlX of the Last Will and Test anient of the Estate of It alien A Stephens, deceased, and all persons having claims again t said estate Is hereby notlfed to present the same to me at the office of Crank A. Do Pur Attorney for the Estate, at his office In Springfield, Oregon proper. |y verified wtthtn six months from thr dste of this notice FRANK A D el’UE. A ttorney for the E state Dated June 17th, 182« CAI.I.A A TIPTON, Executrix of the Estate. J 24 J1 1 » 1« 22 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DEPARTMENT OF TIIF INTER |OR U 8 LAND OFFICE AT Rose burg .Oregon. June 4. 182« NOTICE Is hereby given that Ralph M cK inley Barlow, of Box 417. Tulare, California, who. on August 4. 1822. made Homestead Entry No 014S18. fw s w , s w - ..,'...ii -i Town ehlp 1« 8 . Range 2 East. W illamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the t'nlted fltntes band Office, at Roseburg. Oregon, on the 21st day of July, 182« Claimant names at witnesses: John billy. Frank billy. Benjamin Minnie, Frank Clayton, all of Vida. Oregon. non coal. HAMILL A. CANADAY. Regtater. J 17 24 Jl 1 8 15 NOTICB TO CREDITORS A 8»d Oam». PERSONAL EFFICIENCY NOTICE Is hereby given that the) Solicitous Old Lady—’’Well now! m undersigned DEPENDENT ON HEALTH has been appointed Ad-. p ir ia ig I F 'I M l»w V W U B ^ y m u v w uuls wrong my little wan? Tell me niinlairator of the «»tat*- of E. B.| | why are you crying?’’ Griffin, deceased, by the County! (By State Board of Health) “1 been playin’ bull with a onion.’C o u r t , of Ij»ne County, Oregon. All) The principles of efficiency ____________ I persona having claims against said I estate are hereby notified to present I b»‘ ‘h” <>' »PP«'** A Sura Cura. tbe same properly verified to the un with plain common sense to the every "I can’t sleep nights— I’ve tried derslgned at the office of Wells A day affairs of the work-a-day world. Wells. Attorneys, Bank of Commerce, RfflHenry Is nothing more than ge<- everything." Ithlg, is tttgea». S i t i n g the best result. In the q u ick «* "Have you tried talking to your gon, within six months from the date » ' of the first publication of this notice ! «">«• th »>e least expense of ma- self?" LOST—Russett traveling bag con One man bus been run over tw ice Date of first publication July 1, 182« terlal. money, effort and energy. I* call for b id s . T. E. EDWARDS, other words, It Is doing the rlgM talnlng clothing. Leave at News o f by the same auto. A sad condition, Administrator. thing, the right way, at the rlgM flee. Reward. • Evidently there aren’t enough pedes- Healed bids will be received by WELLS A WEI.I.8, time, and thus getting right résulta. the dork of School District No. 18. W T U 'H A bB -Seven room house with Irian, to go around any more Attorneys. SALE!—Seven-room Jl 1 g 15 22 28 Personal efficiency Is the irn in tg bane County ,()re., at hta office In acre of ground on East Main St. lated results obtained from the for­ the City Hall, Springfield, Ore., f o r , SUMMONS Price »2600, »500 down, balance Luncheon At Eugsna Hotel—Mrs. L mation of good habits, of logical the furnishing of labor and material ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE like rent. Address J. E. Stewart, luncheon tnlnklng. prompt and persistent se- for the painting of the Lincoln ! 21! Cedar St Klamath Fulls. Ore STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR C. Ables was hostess at a luncheon ‘ if I.ANK COUNTY. rlv^n In honor of Mm. D. A. Wa«h tlon. and the maintenance of hcaltk School Building. Springfield, Oregon | I fiusle C. Curtis. Plnlntlff, vs. 8- D burne of Springfield at the Eugene ’ by obedience to the simple and In ex. All material to lie furnished by the I BuHer wrappers printed according Curtis. Defendant m a ll“ laws of n: ture Personal eff8. hotel Wednesday. bidder, also all labor und risk to be To 8 D Curtis, Defendant: ------ —" 1 Ir.leacy Is depenlent upon and pr.ipvffc o regulations wlkh name, wetgnt borne by the party whose bid Is ac IN THE NAME OF THE STATE SUMMONS tinnal to the degree of health one cepttd by the board. A separate bid | nd address. »1 26 a hundred at the OF OREGON. You are h«T«-by sum­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT n y THE ]OTs. jt qn|te true that ther» ar» will be received ut the same time ! office. moned and required to appear nnd STATE o f OREGON IN AND FOR many TnPn wbo are effeptent In spit» and u n d e r t h e s a m e conditions, for F<>R SALE—Payroll abeeta. printed answer thi Complaint filed her In THE COUNTY OF LANE of the handicap of poor health but the tarring of the roof of said build and In stock at the News nffloa against you In the above entitled suit SUIT FOR DIVORCE Ing with Asphalt or Rubber Elastic | Form suitable for road, construction and Court within six weeks of the the output of these men would hu Hugh S Demorest, Plaintiff, of th, flr«t publication of this sum­ even more marvelons If their health preparation for Roof Covering Plans ' work, sawmills, ate., with table to versus mons and If you fall to so appear, compute workm ans compensation Nora Demorest, Defendant. were Improved. If a man w ishes ta anil specifications are on file In th and deductions. No employer should f„r want th' r, of. th plaintiff will To Nora Demorest, Defendant:— enjoy life throng?! efficiency, he must office of the Clerk. City Hall. Spring- i be without those f -ms whon they take Judgment against you as prayed hf.aMh prOper consideration. complaint, to-wlt: for You are ’’^ ' ’’’^ ^ ' ’U^red^to^ appear p, rn field. Oregon. The board reserves ■ can be purchased for a lew cents ,t plaintiff the and sn«wer the complaint ..... - . " not thp product of good 11 a d'-erce of the Court dissolving ■ " the right to reject any or all bid». eacn. - • ' ■ — In thr g lo v e e n title d suit H ealth 1« against you existing be. ^ bonds of matrln ' i n ' s l x weeks from the date of the fortune, hut the dividend paid ta Bids will close on July 8th at noon i — — t » ' . n t h . i an absolute first pnblteatton of this summons In those who Invest In habits of sere». lllds will be opened on July 8th, at FOR S A f.E -C arbon paper In larg x o’clock P m. s ■hert‘ . » ” ’ » ,ochp"’ ’« " I“ I g i . e e « - fr o m the defendant, and for the Sprlngfleli. News. which j , w k tty, correct eat'ng. rest, recreation, .»J R W. SMITH. making tracings The New» Office such other relief as to the Court may th a t H " " L - Clerk Dlst No. 18 t |.v THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THIS' seem Just and equitable. you fall eo to appear within said six he conserved and everv action of ’hg J 24 Jl 1 STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOtt | ■nn* Summons Is Berved upon you weeks, your default will be entered body shonld coordinate with aT, th s LANB COUNTY I bv publication by virtue of an order for want of an answer and the plain faculties and with full mental pow­ SUMMONS ! of the Hon. O F. Sklpworth, Judge tiff will make applcatlon to the court ers. The secret of the tremendous ac­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE for the relief prayed within the said complishment of successful men It STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE complaint which is as follows, to- COUNTY their well laid plans for each day. The recognition of human lnefflcleg. Eunice llershey. Plaintiff, vs John ,)Hral)nB or parties unknown, cla im in g, same the Springfield News, and SL»«” « any right, title, estate. II. n or Interest * “ * e,‘k’ ”p ¿ „ p la i n t 'wltn- he forever dissolved, that he have an cy has led to the discovery of cause« llershey. Defendant. “ , hl r„a, described In the hat ^o" " date pf t"p ffrR, absolute divorce from yon. The above To the defendant John llershey: complaint I" " thereof d8^ t e o f first entitled court made and dated an or of Inefficiency an dthe development _____ herein D efendants In the name of the state of ! 7 ™ ° " ___ c f methods fcfc it e lr prevention Th» you are hereby summoned to answer Tf’ MrR George F. Bowman, the publication thereof der June 2, 182«. directing that this th . complaint filed against you In the w(ft, o f p Bowman, snd all publication. June 10, 182«. summona he published once each g -at-- t < v ••• . human In f-tcl«““ » WELLS 4 WELL», above entitled case and court w ith in O[h,,r pi rsons or parties unknown, week for six successive weeks In the and un'i .pplnts» S 111 n eaiti. F- « in Attorneys, «lx weeks from the first publication elalmlnig any right, title, estate, lien Springfield News, a newspaper pub- dividual.» can be considered perfect Residence and P. O. Address, of this summons and tf you fall «» or interest tn th real estate descrlb- llshed In Springfield. Oregon, and that RBPr1mPn!) of physical and mental Eugene, Or. gom »4 j i i g 15 22 you appear and answer the said com to answer plaintiff will apply to the ,,d |B m,. complaint herein. Defend- plain, wllhln M, w e ï k T "om the health. Almost everyone has a d e fe * court for the relief demanded In the ! anta date of the first publication of this of varied Importance, such as poor complaint, namely, that the marralg' ' Tn g NAME OF THE STATE 1 posture, defective teeth. Impaired vl«- relation existing between plaintiff OREGON: You are hereby requlr- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF summona. and defendant be wholly dlseolved. > to and answer the com- j ane county . H E SLATTERY. __ appear ___ lon, and diseased tonsils. Some win plaintiff have custoov custody of I plalnt und lha, plnlntlff agninHt you In the above ' s t , MMoNB FOR PUBLICATION Attorney for Plaintiff, and my be found to have more serious de- the minor children ..f plaintiff and de- int|t)pd ((u|t w„ h |n alx w,,pk. from j ’ «.„¿«¡CLOSURE OF TAX LIEN postoffice address la Eugene. Ore. , , J 3 10 17 24 Jl 1 8 IE , fects such as heart, kidney and lung fendunt. ThD summons Is served upon | (h (, (,(,rp„ against you a» pray­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that two and one-half million of the o»onl» ing such publication for six aucc. a.lve ; < ( fn|_ (j) RnH compinjnt to-wlt: That ed defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: petition has been filed with the i of the United Shales are contlnuaHF vcckH In the Springfield New», and | pjn| nt|gy the absolute and unquali­ You are hereby notified that Abner RPCOrder of the Tonvn of Springfield I m at tj,e preRPnt time. At lea s, o n » that defendant nnswer the same with- fied owner and In constructive posses- lu »lx weeks from the firs, publica­ tion thereof This auminona is firs, io w i'h in 18 fkmth Rang. 5 W est'o'f on the 3rd day of July. 1822 by the ratP , hat CPr, a,„ alley In Bloek 72 by proper prerentlye measures Th» »0 publlhe.l June 10, 192« W. rddlnKn In Lane Tax Collector of the County of l4ine 1 of <»pr|n(tfle|d Investment and Power human mechanism needs intelllgen« 8. D ALLEN, Crn.ntv Oregon that hl" title th ereto ! State of Oregon, for the amount of Company’s Addition lying between rarP and an annual Inventory to Is- Attorney for Plaintiff. Eugene. O.-egon. J ,0 17 24 Jl 1 8 GET RESULTS) or m [ b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y I. M. PETERSON Altorney-at-lJiw Commercial State Bank Bldg., Springfield, Ore. Telephones: Office 613 Res. 2076 Dr.John Simons Osteopathy stuiuls for tKe truth wherever It Is scienti­ fically proven. Oateopathle Physician and Bur geon Office 404 M A. W. Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon Osteopathy stands for the truth whereyet It la scientifically proven. The Loop II Your Hom» When In Springfield d r . n . w . em ery DINTI8T Sutton Bldg. Phone 80-J Raaldenco Phone IBS M Springfield, Oregon D. W. Roof JE W EL E R Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. FRANK A. DEPUE ATTORNEY AT LAW Button Buldllng n -.t In to or um»n raid' land together .with penalty. Interest and through the center of said Black 73 health examination. and for cosis and disbursements i costs thereon upon ths real property which said petlt.on '-was duly signed A health examination Is a thorough agatna, «ny d efen d a .U appearing and . « e . s e ^ t o ^ ^ ^ physlra] and mpnta, appral l f Icontesting his tlu«. _ | )p Cpun, y and State, and par,ten- Scott, being the owners of aH prop Individual, made by a competent d o» This summons Is served by puhllea- ! larly hounded and described as fol- erty abutting upon said alley pro- tor of medicine In order to detect ¡tlon thereof once each week for six ."k« In the Springfield | ,ow li-