THURSDAY, JULY 1. 1926. TUB 8PRINOF1KLU NEWS 0AGK TWO Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L STEAM-PRESSURE CANNER FOR NONACID VEGETABLES ___a PUB L IC A T IO N LANK By Bpscial Community News IIL J IT C O U N « T . A Y a « U Ä N I T -------------- rt. rieteher, latne county agent, baa been In Seattle attgndlug a meettug of etymologlela, horllrulm rlets, end plant pelhologtete thia week After the convention he is tak'n-i a vaca- "on of a week end sfl'I no. return to bit i tfi. e a :l| July 7. • C W Allen. Vida. President • Amounts of hay required (e winter • W I Real». Eugene. Vtcv-l'real • The object in applying beat In can- ! sheep In Oregon varies widely n r ”n ^ f Jasper, Mr and Mr« en tttvfite-t o rrb a r-ts is sfonneA e a rlv regetables are processed In this war east. I* visiting her sister. Mrs D E • - fourteen .............. Thursdays. HadU-yv