I— ' ’ TRY TUM IIOMK HINT FR IN Ì HIIOP Fl IRBT THE SPRINGFIELD ENOS lift MONDAY LIVE N EW SPA PER A LIVE TOWN NUM BER 26. 3PR1N0FIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON*. THURSDAY, JULY 1, 193«. TWKNTY-THIKD YEAH M IM I LMEM "Th« F«opl«’s Fsp«r" Celebrationfto Be Quiet Here /ó c iiíty Chamber of Com m erc« Meats. The chamber of commerce did little at Its regular meeting last Friday night save meet and adjourn. The re­ ports of several comm ittees which been appointed will be heard lat Funernl Of Local Man Held Wednesday; Death Instan­ taneous As Result Of Self- Inflicted Bullet; Had B o o n ei> In the month at a sp ecial m eeting Sick For Some Time _____ of the" chamber It Is slated. H. E. T w o Famous Inventors Meet Sprlngfl"»! will it-1 eh rat« indeptnd «-nr«- < -^ o r .la ln g but I. eg Signs of vigorous life were mani­ h e m » unable for two m onth, to work d° «•"” » I* » *“ »»'’•'■ 11 ™ . ‘• n‘ fested by many agencies concerned . publicity com m ittee him the pnnmp ,»_v « h u t d o w n w i l l h e u i m I hv some the Booth Kelly m ill where he <’«f with the welfare of the town. The ---- employees at the milla as a holiday, i program mapped out at the begin- had been employed am a ni«ntwntcn While attending the National Electric Light Association's Conven­ print and they will be out soon The ,„ hers will continue work»)« at the Bum He w ar »uMerln< from a can nlng of the year by the chamber of tion Atlantic N. »•» J., two famous tio n a al t A iia n x ic v City,- *xyt* n i* in v v « inventor« met for * the flrat bridge committee had no new develop- m)), n,Bklna necessary repairs Tll< urll with no shutdown The two; major projects The consent of the Mr l-aver, had been living with a ’ bride of Ernes, Buckner Saturday. bank's TW O MEN ARE FIN ED ■111 have their doors closed L O C A L W O M A N IN J U R E D highway commission ror for m the e coo«™ const™ «- » sister. Mrs Loretta Simonson, nt j„ nP ;« at Eugene M iss Mourlck Is M„B(jBy r„„ Monday ia common with tho other | N A U T O C O L L IS IO N ON LIQUOR CHARGE tlon of the bridge has been secured. tIJS O street Another sister. Mrs. , he dauhgter of Mrs A L. Meyer of business houses ha« company --------- m G U IU C IU I Pacific the e O Southern Emma Prince of North Bend, was at Springfield. Mr Buckner lives at — holiday . ------ will he welcomed by I Mr and Mr, stev e Drue t Mar The Two men wen- arrested Thursday dpw, p(1 y ,p ptprg and the next step the home on a visit One sister. Mrs. shannon The couple will make their manv people as t-n opportune time ,.„|a WPrP cut by broken glass (akpn fa„ whpn EaIie and night and fined »25 each for drunken wJH Flora Winter, lives at Eugene, and a home at Shannon where Mr. Buck- to take a short vacation or a few ... - a - bruised and disorderly conduct by R. W. county TotPrg wm be asked to pro- o Mr„ Hollte* ~ Bryan received half brother. Charles Ijivert, lives at ner Is working In the mill. dnvs lavs B«h'ns B«h'ng trio The McKens'e river lpg an automobile accident on the Smith, city recorder, and then taken v)dp ftg gharp of the cogt of th< Oyusa, California Grove: Mark P. Sanderson, E ugene. nd 'ts tributaries and the l.-kcs win Pornpr o( pj(,h and G streets M onday' to the county Jail at Eugene on a br)(JaP Mr Lnvert had been employed by und Venus Elliott Drain: It H Rust be .. . lb A e m w s a e.F rs . vs »» tow *»»«am sr nannt rt at 6:30 . when et . A A an . a. Oldsmobile r^t .1 _ _ charge V. 11 . . k of n _ possession . — 4 a a » a I / Inlnvipslinfr bridge. ... _____ the ecen of n-nnv n sneonle ............................................... ........ evening of intoxicating Springfield streets w ill resem ble th Booth Kelly mills for over twelve ,,f Rnrlngfleld and vb ln ltv Several dr|«pn by Mrs. Drue collided with a liquor. The men wpre S. O Benton those of a large city In the near fu­ S u n d a y S c h o o l H a s P ic n ic . years He hail formerly worked .it fam ilies beve announced their Inten- nPW g tar touring car, driven by Hoi- and Fred Oberali. Saturday they ture as a resudt of the recent coun­ T he Annual M ethodist Sondav W endllng unlll he was Injured In s i tion to ee to v e"d eft,»r ||e Bryan. ¡w ere returned to the Justice court, cil action In arranging with the >,..,,1 ntepte was held W ednesday accident there by being hurt by a bench resorts to seek relief from th - ¡^o onp wa„ HPrlouslv hurt although Springfield and fined »100 and costs Mountain States Power company for f ’ernoon and even ln v along the WII aaw • hen» In the cool bceen hreeses Manv ,b P cars werp badly le-nt The Olds- each on possession charge. The tbe Prectjon of an ornamental light. „„ the _ ,—...-------- ----- ----------- op p osite the Frank tho coroner ■•metis river opposite whn nn p)an, fop No inquest was held by the »phts'w iH be In- had a door torn off anil a men were unable to raise the money fnjf gyfltpm pa h « declared n was plainly a case place Swimming and a pi,-Me ■Xtetided trips Irfend to pp,..beste f o e the f fine i n e and nnrl a are re h p ln fi' h p M a at t .. ___ _____ __ collision ____ for being held celebrate , pndpr fpnder bent tn the stalled before fall. of su icide The dead man w rote aev lunch were the chief attractions the dnv with a niente lunch at the Mr and Mrs Drue were hurt b y ; the county Jail. . The dedication of tb^ new city i.il farewell notes to relatives Just p e w o n t o nark or along the hank» the broken glass of the windshield of ---- ------- ------ ------- The men were arrested in Kline's park marked the culmination of a e fere he died. , '*»' **?"*. *r,v " „f «be W Bstnet»«. their car. Mrs. Bryan received her restaurant by Night watchman Fred campaign to provide Soringfleld with The funeral was held Wednesday w°f>h 1 Icsv n e bsd s good lime ................. ! ......................................... I— . . . . . _ a •- in e mni-rai wa« neia W einesdnv " ’ " ""'r nt All In all. ........................................ S n r ln g f le ld will observe Injury from the shock of the colllson. Hinson at 11:30 p. m. anil lodged In nn-to-date recreational park. With It 2 30 from ,he Walker chape, ,n ' 7 ’“* .he natal dav of our republic In a Both driver, claimed the r i g h t s the city Jail Friday morning they f i c t i o n , steady ,m- \W .ll.am Invert died Monday morn ! «» “ •• •*• a a a m a a a h a a erm> v s a s la laiuret lllll cem etery ' vlth the n ev F L Moore c o n d u c t i n g /' - " " ‘ ' lr' P ' ” ’1 : ' T ’ ' " ' ' „.npeor Biting to the season. Tb—e way yb e Oldsmobile was going north were fined on the charge of disorder- _rOTPinpn, of the park's facilities 1« — - ...................... — .......................... ! .n Fifth and the Star west on G ,y conduct and then arranged on a c" Pd « SSWM M —M ---- — ------------ ----------- . to be expected « services. " B,tr roT* i " dort-ralsfPE dort-ratafrg‘reletrstlo n bu, bn, a a quiet, qnl*». «trset street when when the the accident accident occured occnred charge of poasesslon before the Jus- ( g^yera, geyera, mPthods to further advef- adver- 1 ........ ‘reJeb-atlon As a token of r»««w , to the dr ««Tmer . . . . . tlce court. . _ _ . _ , „ cool, fsm llv observation of the dav tlse the advantages of Springfield cease,I. the Booth K elly mill ceaaed Go To Cushman— Dr and Mrs W A Maxwell touring car. driven by an Industrial and recreational center S P R IN G F IE L D L O O S E S 11 operations two o minutes iperiiiions for ror tw m inutes Wednes W ednes- H » Pollard roiiarn and amt Mrs. W. w. O. o Hughes itu g n es r o n c n u iio n Oberan wns held by city officials as have been devteed. IN N IN G G A M E T O E U G E N E lay at »:»0 p. m While the funeral «f» planning s trip to Cushman over, security for the payment of Ms fine, Advertising the city’« 250-aere fre« .. . . ___ .. — . __ AAie-r-iai a elisir I . the Fourth Thev tutend to . leave G R IF F IN u H r F i LO RI IN D A V i « „ services were ____ being _ held I Springfield los, to Eugene In an which he could not raise at the time. Industrial site tract, a large sign has I Ssturdav afternoon and return Mon- ■ - ... ' v . . .. _ idnv morning E-'wscd Griffin, for manv venrs n ¡eleven Inning content by the score Saturday OberatTs drivers Itcena» been erected This sign Is so place4 DALE G R IF F IT H DROWNS ' _______________ : resident of Snrtngfleld. wna buried of 11 to 12 ,n the next to the las, was suspended hy Justice R. W as to he visible from both the high­ st. the Moon, V»rnon eem eterv Pun-1 game to be played by the teams of Smith for a period of three mon ’ way and the new main line track IN D ITC H A T K L A M A 'H PR O H IB ITIO N SPFAKFR The men when arrested were In­ of tbe Southern Pacific. A phampb- d « y T on e ?7 et 1 0 0 o m The Rev. J the Upper W illam ette Valley league. Dale Griffith, 16 year old son of the DRAWS LARGE CROWD U o r n s h u h o f t h e L ig h t h o u s e T e m o t - J -phe game was marked hy many boots clined to argue with the officer and let. tellin g of the location reso u rces, one threw a bottle, which the offi­ and Industries of Sprinefteld Is on Rev and Mra T. E. Griffith w ia p -o re n e c o n d u cted th e s e r v ic e s T«. by both sides of the line-up A largo crowd was In attendance i Pr m o n t w s s tr « m H ie W « ,k n r chan® !. drowned In an Irrigation ditch near Springfield took firs, blood by cers claimed held Honor, across the the press, and wtll he given wide secured circulation to help attract people to Klamath Falls Raturday afternoon at the union services of Snrlngfl'-bl M e G r ir tln d ie d s t b |s h o m e In scoring two runs In the second, but afreet, breaking it. Hinson No one wns will? Ihe boy when the churches held las, Sunday In Ihe 'n W est UrrineBetd « • «fl S m TbuVS- was snowed under In the second half some of the contents o f the bottle bv the city. •cd ,len t occured and I, Is not known •i tests of la .• enfnrc in.-nt. The d « v . T une ♦«. age 67 H® P« m e fr o m of the same frame when Eugene tal­ sosk'ng hls handkerchief In tbe finid Tn addtlon to backing the chamber how It happi-m-il He had been work Rev. R E. Cl, se of Pori It nd. head Í n s e l d n t e n e e e s f e e t r s e d l e s v e s b l« lied six Four more In the third seem ­ and used It as evidence In the trial of commerce In Its program concern- Ing on (he nint h of hls uncle. O Itob of the Anil Saloon League In O r-r-n e - e t b e e . M r s M a r e G - t f f 'e

pe for Eugene. F R O M C A M P J A C K S O N L«««n. E X H IB IT IO N FR ID A Y the local yards snd vicinity In pre­ "hosier Chase are cousins. The last game of th« season will The mountain Hon secured by the Another cousin. Vergil James, and be played next Sunday. July 4 against The Springfield company of the club as an advertising feature for The ♦•nm paration for the heavy traffic over kfern Griffith and Ed Robertson left National Guard returned from a suc­ Cottage Grove at Cottage Grove. No will a nubile exhibition of o.irne- the Natron ent off wheth when com­ Snrlngfleld from the Danner Robert­ 'of Klsmnth Falls to hrlng the body cessful two weeks encampment at the further games wll be played hy the shoe pitching Frtdsv even'ng al 7:00 pleted, wlH place Springfield on th« son Sporting Goods store of Eugen- Utck to Springfield summer camp near Medford Tuesdsv has been placed In the cage prepared teams of the league It was decided at the grounds o the corner of Sixth main line between Portland and San Francisco New passing tracks have afternoon The men left Medford at for It on the corner of Fifth and A st a m eeting In Eugene last Bunds and Main « ,reefs A cash orixe of a t q T C W IH ’ T P IIN F D A I Therehad been some talk of exten heen laid, old rails placed, and bal­ 6:45 Tuesday morning and arrived dollar le being offered to the sboe I streets. Ing the schedule. , tosser who makes the most points on, last spread, and work of replacing H E L D IN E U G E N E S U N D A Y home nt 3:30 that afternoon after an The new officers of the Lions club Manager Jack T-arson of the local of 60 shoes. A second and th lrl prist the old bridge across the W illam ette uneventful trip hy train. will he Ips,ailed July 3. the next team stated that a post season gam» will also he Offered. AH horteshoe river with a new one la well along. Everybody had a good time at the The funernl of A. I. Stewnrt. Lano m eeting of the club. or two will probably he played with fane are Invited to sttend the m e f The m ills of H e town bava been was held at t h e ! camp, according to reports. No, all ounty pioneer, h „ s t , ing with activity. Full t’me xstfc an Eugene team, hn, the place and Sunday, j the time was taken up with Instruc- featrh chapel. Eugene. and compete ’or the nrixe. ------------ ------------------------------------------ ' I ............... - ---------------------- I n elso n f is h f r t h a n k s date Is not yet definitely decided. has kent manv men busy. A new jne 27 at 2 p m. with the Rev j tlons as the men had opportunities to • v k - ' - w V Stivers conducting Ihe serv j visit the nesr-hy cities of Medford C O M M U N IT Y F O R AID nlaut. that of the Cascade Manufne- Ditch Employee Cut Face- Three Men Fined—Three men were P. A. Coftlch. an cmn,ev«“ > o f th ' •nr,ng comonov hns heen hnllt. ' ud res A Isrge number of friends and and Ashland and many of them avail-' Mr and Mrs. Nelson Fisher e x p r e s s , fined In the local court Wednesdav elatlvea worn In attendance. Inter ed them selves of the chance. The ’i'nrere W ater hoard w ss Injured yes­ hBB recently started mar.ufcetvring their thsnks and appreciation for the they were: Gus Neeley, Jack Nlckum. nent was in the family plot at the southern Oregon town« were thrown terday afternoon In loading so«« frtP* s«sh and door materials The granting ef a charier In the open to the soldiers with shows, w nderfnl way In which the cltlsens snd Eldon Henry Leek. Each one was near the new pipe line. The lever dasonlc cemetery. of Springfield had contributed to fined »10 by R. W. Smith, local re­ Mr. Stewart died at hla home a, dances, and other entertainments In used In tightening the mad slipped Eastern Star to the loeal organiza­ their welfnre after the loss of their corder. tion Indicates the frith the k r it t of- '•nil Creek very suddenly on the ere- abundance. Each Sunday excursions nnd struck him In the face. H ls lower home. The many gifts they have re ilng of Friday. June 13, age 5R wore arranged to the Oregon caves Hn was cut through. Into the mouth fleers have in the tntnre of Spring- Rebuilding House— John Wlnzen 'ears. He came of an old pioneer and to Crater lake for those who calved have all been of service. for about two and a Inches. After re­ field. A re,h e- -rmnixatlon of pep Through the efforts of the community reld Is remodeling the -house belong manent eharact.T. recently firmed wanted to go. antlly of Lane connty. having lived ceiving first aid at the office of s *h,‘ F1r!l’ Not all the tim e hy any means was they now have enough things to en­ Ing to him on Second and B streets local nhvslclan. he was taken to the In sorlngfleM n Iho vicinity of Springfield and this week The house will have a Hendnuarters enmoanv of th® 16" In­ ?ngene all hls life. He wns horn In spent In amusement though. Each able them to set up house again. Pacific Christian hospital where sev Work on the new home to be built r- w roof, new floors, and a .lew coal fantry. Oregon National Guard whl-h Wugene and spent hls youth nosr company had several regular army eral stitches were taken In the cn, on the site of the old one was start­ t.f paint and paper. •eturned Tuesday from Re first sum­ officers to Instruct the men and they losihen on the family homestead. mer camn. This company was organ­ Surviving him are hls wife, Mra. received much profitnhle Instruction ed Tuesday hy Mr. Fisher. Lumber McNutt Given Mall Carrying Job. Finds for Parking-—J- R Davidson Earl McNutt nf Eugene w as award ised last April. Mgle Stewnrt; a son, Henderson In the new est methods of warfare. A to commence the building 1« now on of Motor Route B was fined Tuesday tho grounds and he Is working on the Ore of the most striking tnstsnces Mewnrt, a sister Mrs TV. L. Mat- two-day hike and bivouac wns hold ed the contract to handle the mall morning Recorder R. W Smith for lock of Miami, Florida; and three under actnsl conditions of warfare. house during hls spare moments. A between Eugene and Mohawk valley of the community spirit existing tn parking too close to the hydrant. Surinrfield w ss given last week hy brothers, Tra Stewart, of Petaluma. The men hiked «even miles and camp­ five-room house Is being bull, and points, succeeding Charles F. Croner the wav 1n which the pennle "f « « California: George Stewart of Spring ed along the Rogue river at Byhee’s will he occupied hy the family as who has been carrying the mall for Burna Gr«««—A crew of men were soon as It Is built. The Interior will bridge. the last two years. Mr McNutt ob community went to the relief of o n . field, nnd J. V. Stewnrt of Jasper. burning the dry grass Saturday along The annual camp was pronounced be finished later. tstned the contract with a hid of of their number who had lost a» hw the railroad track near the Cascade an entire succese hy both officers Forsst Ranger Here— K. A. Kolh »1400 and will do general freighting possessions hy fire. Vo,notary con To Bend—C. F. Barber Is going to Lumber company and the Anderson business in connection with the mall trlhut,ons tn money, amounting to f Portland parsed through Sprlng- and men. The local company escaped Manufacturing companies' mill*. Th» more than »KM» were given and. tn leld W ednesday on hls way to the the fire fighting which fell to the Bend Saturday evening for a vlelt carrying Job. The mall will leave En grass w ss being burnt as a fire pro­ addition, snonlles of household good« with relatives. He wll return Monday teeerve ranger station Mr. Kolh has lot of some of the other companies gene at 8 a. m. and arrive at 5 p. W (Continued on Page 61 leen assigned that station for the at the eamp, and no one was sick with hls wife who has been visiting tection to the mills during the sum dally. * 1 mer. In the eastern Oregon city. during the whole trip. nmmer. i WSS