THURSDAY. JVNB 21 1 0 2 1 .. THK SPRINOFIEI.D NEWS 1---------- OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST The highest price paid for Oregon range wool so far this season was at th e Condon sale, when 3 l \ cents was paid for one clip. Fifteen sep arate lots, aggregating 144.100 pounds, wer» dis posed of al this sale. Brief of Resume of Happenings the Week Collected for Our Readers. T he 140acre irrigated pear orchard four m iles southw est of Meuford has been sold to the Rogue River c e n ta n y for S10P.000. Dr Clancy retaining this year's crop, valued at »4 » oibi The new ow ners wilt take possession Ocio- ber 1. >t MILL EMPLOiELS ¡3 SC0EI1S GOING EG HELP FISHER EG SUMMER GIMP JUDGE OUR GROCERIES Nine ui< tubers ot (ho Sprlngtlel-I Hoy Scouts arc signed up to attend the Hummer cam p at Blue riv er this nutum- r. July Id to M. They are: The l i t h annual sw eet pea and far- C arr I Adama. Dv.ui Atidersoti. Pay den show will be held at Rainier, oil <4 l ik. Eugene Walker. Georg- f i t lien s of Cornelius and Gaston June JO. \ plan to help N elsen F ish er bud I M Evan Unties, Thayer McMur have sent petitions ot the public serv One hundred delegate* attend, 8 ta te s employment service. State* com m issioner of reclam ation, ta shut-down at the mill. Many of the tables are built fam ily style wllh Succeeding H. L. Plumb. R. L Prom- Joseph N. Teal of Portland, chairm an the men are experienced riirp e n enough room at them for eight scout« m>- now acting public relations officer of th e executive com m ittee of the nn.l it Is believed th a t a crew of men a t a time. In the district office in P o n lau d . is to UmatiUa Rapids association. w orking on th e house» for a day could A pipe was laid from th e spring to A few hours a fte r they had saw ed n early rebuild th e home lost by Mr. the cook tent, which Is IS by 14 feet be supervisor of the D eschutes na­ WhlTtKlR¿; th e ir way out of jail at Prineville, Jo e Fisher. tional forest. 1 W HITE KING GRANULATED Böe large Mr Clark Is going to the cuntP “ “ > m Hunt and Pete Jurduu were captured The county court of W ashington A subscription list h as been today Io finish getting It ready T h - B0«' IR HAUS W K. SOAP In Ju n ip er canyon by Sheriff F. \V. county has offered a rew ard of $600 around by th e men of the 41. to aid ' ground la prnetlcally nil prepared hut for inform ation leading to the a rrest Yancey and posse Four Jallbn-aks have Mr. F is h e r'w h o lost ev ery thing h -J •here Is som e work yet to do. 26c 3 MISSION BELL of the dynam iter of the W. H. Milne ie curreu during Sheriff V am ey's term hn.l In ’he fire. A considerable sum i Tho boys going to the sum m er of office and in each instance the has alread y been secu red by th ’s ; «•amp » re ,n fam ish bed ticks tot 11,2.1 house in Forest Grove. prisoners have been captured. m eans to help Mr F 's l e r nod more th e ir bunks which are two and a half The airplane forest fire patrol will P aym ent of federal income taxes by will ho coming. T he bnlsness men of feet hv six In glxe Th.- ticks mav h be started in a tew days, according to H. C. Miller, lieutenant in th e arm y individuals and corporations in O re­ th e town have exoresaed th eir do- • "tsde of guntiv neks or anv cenvea reserves, who will be senior officer in gon from Ju n e 1 to IS of th is year, sire to con trib u te th e ir sh are fb ve- >*•»< m aterial Straw for the ticks wIR charge of the patrol base at Eugene. exceeded by $2283 5-4 th e paym ents al organlvatlons a re planning to co/t I h- ftirnlsh-d nt the ea'no made of those tax es for tho ontiqs trth n te to th e fund. Th* seol’ts will seend ten days In E astern Oregon sheep are new on G e t y o u r « u n ti ln g b e r t i . s n o w w h ile th e y a rc !>■ t month Juno. 1925, according to aft, T he C om m ercial S tate hsnk ha enm p if d»r the direction of oomoe the Umgtilla nati tial forest range The n o u rc uient by Clyde G. H untley. . *- ten t scout rt who will leach ’h PHONE tor. st was openeu to sh eep graxing PHONE lector ot internal revenue for Or«, goto charge of tjie fund being raised and ! bovs th« fundam ental- f wood lor» June 15. C attle and horses were per anyone w ishing to eontrlbtinfe n a v i T b -re will be cook'ng track in g tra 'l The C entral railroau of Oregon. ■ send th e ir money to tho bank. B itte d to en ter th e torest fur gsaxing leg. tbe cosntrncllon of lean ( >0« 16-iuiln line connecting Union a : 4 May 15. T he In d ie s Civic < luh. a* Its moot end o th er outdoor activities Twice Cove with the O.-W. R R. A N com­ Sam A. K. ser, secretary of state, ing T uesday night, decided to b 1 1 i d-illv ’be boys will go «« m m lne wlfh pany road a t Union Junction, will re­ h as sdTised S. C. Morton, secretary ot a ben. fit show er for the fam ily sum e operations in tim e to move th e special It »trm tlon pr vld-d Ev rv the Si Helens cham ber of comm rce, Cove cherry crop, according to aar The n »erle of the com m unity are precaution will be taken to pr. vent th a t St. H elens has been m ade a - nouncem ents by M anager C harles £ asked by the ladles of tbe club no accident- while the boys arc In ’be -W i registration point to r autom obiles from More, who has a num ber ot w etkm en co n trib u te an e household articles, w ater T h -y will be given a wooden o lh er states. busy repairing the line. such a* kettle«, pans, dishes or anv tag to keep with them while In ’h» The annual m eeting of th e Oregon The Benson T im ber company, oper- clothing such as bed clothing or w ater, one side of which Is painted Congress of P aren ts and Teachers will red The tag Is so constructed th a ’ ating a camp n ear C latskanie, has four w earing apparel be held a t Salem next October, ac­ the red side tu rn s up when the b-v rafts ready to be sent to the com pany's T hose w ishing to fu-nlsh anv a r cording to a necmion announced by Is In the wwt-r and w atch can be the executive board of the state par­ mill a t San Diego, Cal., this sum m er ti d e m av call a m em ber of the Civic kept of him all the tlm " he Is swim and one more will be com pleted as club and thev will collect the con ent-teacher body. soon as possible. The company, since trlfnlflrvns. Mrs W J Scott Mrs C mlng Camp fire perm its will be required T here will be three life guards on it first began operations th ere In 1!#G« p W heaton. Mrs. J. A V alentine, in the Cascade and Umpqaa national has sent 74 of th ese gigantic ra fts com- M r, c a r l Olson, and Mrs Maude watch while the boys are In th e wa forests on and a fte r July 1, according posed of fir logs south. R rvan a re am ong those who will re- te r and. In addition, the bovs will be to Nelson F. Macduff, supervisor of the paired off In pairs of iqunl sw im ­ A nnouncem ent th a t th e U m atilla reiv e th e gifts Caac-ade fores! The "rule is already m ing ability so they can k e rn to project in Oregon will be tran sferred T he fire which destroyed the N»1 in force in the Deschutes and Sactiam won Fk slop« tbo dav bofnvo bow orpr the early spring. W l.-rhi r petitions circulated in 1924 Ing ’h eir cam p according to the h* ’ T b * f* e* s p r e a d f r o n , t b e p a r e e e The 39tb session of the Linn coun­ requesting th at th e question of abol­ S , . 1 e p * . e - . t o P e r l W - b e r t o t b e V - t »coot practice ty pioneers convened at Brownsville. ishing the capital punisim .' nt law in a n « trto V ,,.. f i n a l * e n d f r ’ e r e ’• p o —I ’ T he m m o 1« h " ln r n v o s r e d for 1J” Gold bullion am ounting to more than Oregon be referred to the voters at the scouts At n re ie n t 1h>re a re nhont J ’. been’ ght out from following general , . election can be ac- b e p o n f r o l t o d b » ,,, p o n v o l e ’ etv* d ♦ r o v e d ( b e t l " l . , n p o d n ’ t I t s r n n f r s f , 60 enrolled from all over the ro u o ’v the Robertson mine, 14 miles west of , epted , , by , the . . . . j secretary of sta te and AN U FOK CANNING, ()U K STUCK UE K E T T LE S ANU f* r e a . b i n e n o d * a n r It Is expected th at the enr< ’’m en’ Callee, the s c ne of Josephine county's us. ,, ,n referrln , thu qu , u „ n lo lb „ < v e , —♦ e A t v «cou' e*» n ’ r i- M- r * t- - b r .* * s toss was pool- wl’l be com ’deted »non I h AULES IS COM PLETE. latest gold strike. ' c h l o r a t e at the gcr. al L t l o n l n w !«h'ne to m ake the trln I» r e n o t n l-t* as b* c arri* ! no insurance I* the Southern Pacific agrees to y vem ber of this year, is the query ‘d to let the local »cout tnn*fer» knov joint user r:g s of its new line south th at has been referred to the attorney- a» soon as possible. froni Paunina. the regon Trunk will consideration. BER T SNOOK VFOV The only charge for the snm m er be in K lamath Fails live or six months The bureau of public roads will IL L AT PORTLAND cam p Is a chnrge of »6 a w*ek for a fter construction work is started. W. recom m end th at J. A. T erteling A f. «• >n for Philadelphia er., Scott* Mills, J3o; H airy E. dhar- u y will ri present the state of row, Milwaukie, »20. 1 Friday, Ju n e 2-5 a ’ ’h" Annual Oreg n at the Sesqui-Centennial ex- One in stru cto r in botany and five , S tale Elk« convention being h e ll In position uly 4. atndents in agriculture and foreatry E u g .a e 'ju n e 24 and 2B. The re q u e s t, The body, clad in a green bathing from the Oregon A gricultural college suit, which was washed ashore and will work in the Cascade m ountains ¡„elude all Elks In Si.rlpgfleld w h e -! found on the ocean beach at M arsh­ this summer, studying the distribution t i e r they belong t the Eugene lodge field. has been Identified positively as of white pine and I t * relation lo cur­ or net. Eugene, ore. SI «»re No. 11 t i l II anil W IllaiRi’ttc A program of varied « vents has that of W ilbur Elliott, 19, son of Mr. ran ts and gooseberries, trie- student .;. . Mr-. M. P. Elliott, ot ,'v vherg, will collect data from nursern-s on cur­ been provided for ’he en tertain m en t T hursday the who was drowned while swimming at ra n ts and gooseberry cultivation, as of th e visiting Elks ? . .n May 23 last. th« t-e are host plants for white pine opening session will sta rt at 1:30 S ta rtin g Saturday, June 26, fifty -s ix Broier stores catering to tho Ix -pile reports from some qu arters blister rust which has now been found with addresses and sp.cehe«. Auto- tha: (ii i, - rating lum ber companies in this mate. Inspection points will m„blb‘ ra c e , are being held at 2:00 th r ifty shoppers of fo u r states are givin g a buyer's feast of greater valuo3 wer- !:■ ' n a program of cu rtail­ he located for the S tate board of hurt!- a f t f c o u n f v fair grounds and a culture. , at the Armory nt 8:00 for all m ent, 1"S mills for the week ended in appreciation of the splendid patronage enjoyed by o u r stores during Juin 12 p ro lu .e d 116,147.029 feet of Official canvass of the votes enst at Elks. Friday will open with a hitsl- the firs t six m onths o f the year. A visit to Breier's w ill convince any old Ion of the bidve a t D> 00 A lum ber. New business booked totaled the recent prim ary eleciion has been n , ♦ 118,162,904 feet and shipm ents am ount­ completed by Sam A. Koser, secretary M. nnd al 1'30, A r ’tualH tlc contest o r new custom er of the enorm ous saving power of th is chain o f stores. ed to 122,U 77,569 feet. of state. Form al comm issions have will he held at 2 30. followed by a See our w indow display of merchandise, compare prices and save money. The Oregon public service com m is­ been mailed to tho successful candi­ parade nt 4:30. T he convetlon will sion has requested the In terstate com­ dates. The official canvass showed conclude wllh a dance nt the W in te r: m erce comm ission to reopen the case th at C harles A. Benson and Edward Garden an«, 24 rounds of boxing a t , Involving the proposed C entral Ore- Dunnigan tied for the dem ocratic norn- the Armory nt, 8 00 P. M. goa railroad developm ent program to ln a tl° n l° r rep resentative in the leg- . ths end th a t testim ony may he intro- lala’ure for Marlon county. Each can- F a| | , from O araqe— Allen Sneed, i dU'-eJ looking to th e construction of dlcate received a total at 33 votes. ,.¡ ^ 1 -year old son of A R. Sneed, lo ( u east and west line across the state The contest will be settled by a pub- m„rf,t,an t fi.,| off the roof of a j aa »ought In the original proceeding ,lc draw ipg to be held In th» sta te de- | Kara|?(, T „f,sday m orning and w as ) • f th» Oregon coinmls»loo. p artm en t a t Ualem. ba J]y b ru h M Nelson Fisher K oine Destroyed By Fire To Be R ebuilt; E r ployres At M ill S ta rt Sub­ scription and May H e l p B uild F ourth By The Quality The Taste The Economy ot Serving Good Food to Your Family Friday and Saturday Special ALL FOR 93c 9 - WHITE FRONT GROCERY - 9 H arvest and Haying Supplies Binder Twine 16c and 20c lb. Myers Hay Carrier Un­ loaders $11.00 and $13.50 Bale Ties - - $2.25 Bdl. Machine Oilers - - 15c up Wright & Son Pre-4th Selling Campaign 56 Stores G.J.BREIEHCe. Pre-4th Selling Campaign. In The West aIt Always Pays to Buy at Breiers” ■ }