PAGE PIVI THURSDAY, JUNK 24, 193«. A “Correct” Likeness of W ashirsnon TOWN AND VICINITY Connelly Here I'ut Connolly waa Ed G riffin III— Kd G riffin Io »<>r. In town Saturday from W altorvllle. luunly III this w«' k ut hl# hunt« In Springfield*— Mr# Leo Tu«:k«*r » « « In town Munday from (loahrn Leaves for Oakland— A. II loft Saturday for Oakland. Goes lo M yrtle Point— M l”# C lara \ \ t » iliu v r lo M yrtlo Point la»l Hun Alvedore People Hero— M r. and Mr« F e rrll Pt-rklna woro In Spring field from Alvadore Saturday. day. B a lte r Gleams of kindness, of sympathetic under- standing in the planned ritual of the cere­ mony make our Service of Sincerity one to be desired. Jasper Man In Tow n— H O. Hinlt'i Salem People Here— M r. and M r *n « In Springfield H a rry Jonn# of Hab-m worn vlaltlm? Jasper farm er, Friday on business. friends In Springfield la#t Sunday. ' : PHONE, H e re fro m D onna— M J ('h a te of Go To C rate r Lake— M r. ami Mr# M o ri 1 'a iK ll left for a vacation at Donnu transacted business bore F rl day. C ra te r I dike lawt Sunday field Monday. €28 111 62 -J FUNERAL SERVICE SPR.INGFIELD.ORE. Go To Junction C ity — M r. Bnd M j* Thureton Men In Tow n— floor«« P la tt of Thureton waa In town M on­ C. F Fgglm ann vlalted near Junction City Friday. day on bualneea. Grey In Town— Ira G rey, Thnralon farm or. conducted btmlnowe In Hprlnu W.FWALKER if! A- 1 - H ere from Cresw ell— M re W . Il (lllfro y wae In town Saturday from Creawoll. J. c . BRILL STORES Telegraph O perator Sick— D W DeFoe la here from Portland for a fow days to take the place of J W Shaw, telepgraph operator at tho Hero from Ooohen— Jim Copenhav-j Southern Pacific depot who has beeen o r of Oo#brn camo to Sprln«fleld 111 at his home. Hero from W a lte rv llle — W illia m H u ck a of W a lte rv llle wa# In town M onday. Ax-Billy Dept. Store Succe»sors to SCHAEFERS BROS. M onday. Cut K n o t A t M ill— H a rr y W ooley Hero from C ro w - Mr# B « *‘ h« Blala cot hie knee on a grease cup at the It was la BprlBgf eld M onday from Booth-Kelly m ill last Saturday waa necessary to take four stitches Crow. In the wound. V isit» In S pringfield— M r« John Leave Sp rin gfield — M r. and Mr« Froorhern of Route X wee a visitor W illia m C u rtis moved to Siding No. | In town Monday. I t near O akridge where M r Curtle V lelta Perente H e re — Jameo M itch ell wIB continue lo w ork fo r the South­ epent the week end In 8 p rln « ftrld ern Pacific company. w ith hl« parents. M r. and M re. J. T. V le lta S is te r—Bell Flow er« le ft for M itch ell New port laat Saturday to visit his Ge Blackberrylng— M r and M r*. slater. Juanita. Miss Blowers, accom Kenyon drove op the M ohawk Sunday panted by a friend from Kngene left w ith frlonda from B u ten e and epent last w eek fo r the vacation resort to the day picking blackberries. spend tw o weeks there. | Bend Men A rre tte d — P eter L e r | H e r» from Nebraska— T he Mlsaea Broun, who gave h l* addreea ae Bond, Ola and M ildred Jacobus o f Ford le ft a 1X8 depoeif w ith Justice Sm ith R iver. Nebraska, are v isitin g their fo r hie appeartoc« o t chaise e ' ' cousin. W MonIJoy. this week T h » y •pending lodged against him Sunday e»me to Oregon a fte r attending the Money Received— School the cerem ony. Follow in g the wedding C lerk Reubln W Sm ith received $3. breakfast, the yonng couple left for M r Cotton has 881 4« a« Springfield's »hare of the Springfield w h .re 8 c boo I Special t a i levy. H e report» that more built a new horn*. money w ill he received la te r a« the t a i« # are turned over to the treasur- FO R S A L E — Payroll sheets. and In rtock at the New » office Form suitable to r road, eonetructlon w ork, saw m ills, etc., w ith tab le to Delegates to Convention — M ra. compute workm an's compensation Chari«-« Egglmann and Mrs. B ert and deductions. No em ployer should Doane le ft M onday fo r the O. A. It j be w ithout these frrm a when they can be purchased fo r a few cents convention at M arshfield as delegates fto in the H p rln g fi-M chapter of the Ladles of the O A. It. T hey w ill he FO R S A L E I t ' cherries, 3c lb. 447 gone on the trip u n til tom orrow Fourth street, Mrs. F ra n k Bennett. It H u rts Leg— Aubrey B ryan, sm all daughter of John B ryan cut a large gash In h er leg last Saturday a fte r­ noon She was cllm hlng a ladder In a hay mow and allpped. In fallin g h er leg caught on a nail and re-1 eelred the cut. Several altohe# were necessary In the wound. Student Caught Speeding— Ken- nlth Rodgers, a student at the U n iv e r­ sity of Oregon was fined $10 Monday for speeding on east M ain street T lio I young man said he was try in g to pas« - several cara so as to escape tho dust j as he was aufferlng from the asthma Justice Sm ith accepted th e young j m an’s note for $10 as he said he had i no money w ith which to pay the fine | H e promised to pay It as soon as he I earned enough m. n«y this sum n o .. M ill W o rk e r H u rt. J R. P ark was knocked unconscious gn.I bruised In an accident a t the Booth K e lly m ill shortly a fte r closing tim e Monday. T h e accident occurred w hile M r. P a rk was olng w ith tho other em ­ ployees of the m ill to punch the tim e clock. On the w ay to tho clock he tripped and fe ll, knocking hlm solf tin conscious and h ittin g his head on x w all. M r. P ark wns not seriously In ­ jured and was back to w ork the fo l­ low ing day- Uheaeee of W ashlagtoa over modeled. Woodmen Elect Officer». Forty-seven forest fire» were report ed up to June 1 from the XX national N ew officers, »elected by the Wood forests In Oregon and W ashington, In men of the W orld a t th e ir meeting volvlng a total area of 1470 acres, ac­ Tuesday night, for the coming year cording to a report from the district are as follow»: council c o m m a n d e r,. forester's office la Portland. C arl Bosaerman; advisor lieutenant, j Tw enty-five Indians from the Um a­ George A. Cox; escort, Sam R lc h m o n l , t illa reeervatloa representing three watchm an, O. O. K i« e r; sentry, H. tribe«. wtU attend the national Indian C a rlto n ; banker. J. E. Cross; clerk. congress to be held at Spokane, July ¡B G. San key. managers. A. C C la rk XI to 17. It waa aamounced by M ajor M . A . N eet and L . E, Thompson. O m ar Babcock. Indian agent In charge. The Southern P acific has started He Remembered to Forget. operating It« new tie c.reoaotlng plant “1 hear uncle Is dead. Did he re ­ at Eugene, where approxim ately 40.000 m em ber me In m aking out his w ill’ " f ir ties w ill be treated m onthly Thia plant coat about $380.000 and w ill also i “ I guess so, 1 didn't see y o u r name treat cedar pole« to be used for piling in IL " A fte r 45,000 acre» of b -iiih and tlm- be.rlund were burned over, a forest fire which had been raging In the Siskiyou mountains In Oregon and northern C alifornia wa# brought under control. Approxim ately OS sections of land were ravaged. V ic to r llra c h er of the Uracher H a rd ­ ware company of Pilot Rm k. unearth­ ed what le believed by many to be an «'lephanfe tusk. I t 1« 6 feet long. 13 Inches in dlnm eter and resemble» old Ivory It was burled In 13 feet of vol­ canic ash soli. Tw o bill» aw arding Portland resi­ dents almost $70,000 were passed by congress. One authorises payment to M Barde A Sons of $32.600 as a re­ fund on liquidated damages collected on the contract for raising the Welsh Prince, a suuken steam er In the Co­ lumbia river, w hile the other confirms payment of $34.434 to l)r. Henry W aldo Coe for the care of insane pvtienta from Alaska at M orningside hospital. B u tte r wrappers printed a c c o riia g o regulations w ith name, wcignt- no address, $1.36 a hundred a t the You may be dressed smartly and becomingly, but if, when vou start on a week-end trip or a vacation, your luggage fs not in keeping, one is likely to fail in making the proper impression on the people you meet. — S U I T CASES F R O M $1-1$ T O $17.68 — BAGS F R O M $X.26 T O $14.60 - T R U N K S F R O M $8.60 T O $48.60. Women’s Beautiful Hat Boxes Take A Low Price Of $4.69 Sturdy Fibre Su’t Cases, $2.50 Convenient X4-inch sl»e, rein ­ forced m etal corners, leath er straps, brass lock, neat shade of brown. Wonderful Bags At $4.65 H eavy, 18-lnch black caracul grips, substantially made over m etal fram e. Pullm an handle, w aterproofed. Glossy patent leath er lim iU - tio n ) th a t are nicely and pret­ tily lined w ith fancy cretonne, finished w ith ex tra pockets, mounted on heavy fram e, nicely finished, have Pullm an h a s d t\ n eat secure lock and catches. (Luggage in M en’s Section) «lews Office. Friday and Saturday Special.^ Extension Shaving Mirror When He Comes Will the Thief, whether he comes in the night or in the day. find that you have thwarted him by placing your valuables in our Safe Deposit Vaults? If you have not taken this step to pro­ tect your valuables, why not do so at once, be­ One Cent Wall Paper Sale fore it is too late. Protected by Electric Burglarly At last a Shaving Mirror that is really different. This is an adjustable mir­ ror that has an extension arm that reaches 24 inch­ es, permitting any angle adjustment desired. Plate 8 inch glass, beveled edge. All metal parts nickeled. From JUNE 21st to JULY 3rd am v CUSTOMER WHO BUYS TWO ROLLS OF SIDE WALL PAPER CAN HAVE THE THIRD ROLL FOR ONE CENT. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR 500 SAMPLES AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE. DURING THIS SALE WE WILL SELL ALL PAINTS AT 10% DISCOUNT PROM TI1E REGULAR PRICE. SO NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR PAINT FOR THAT PAINTING JOB. Springfield Decor tl I 312 MAIN STREET lUBlSr., „ „¡¡, M M liW MM ' MRIMHIMBMKi :n Specially Priced $1.79 “The Home of Good Furniture” WETHERBEE -POWERS •11th At Willamette System. The cost of a box by the year is only $2.00 and then you know you are safe. CHECKING AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS— SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon --F,T V is itin g Parent»— M re M ary Klaer Colorado teachers meeting. epent the week end a t the home of I Build Bridge Approeeh — A new h e r fath er end mother. M r. and Mr». deck was laid upon the we*1 ap­ A. Hurynchuk. proach to the bridge across the W il­ H ere from Albany— John b am b erty lam ette riv e r by the connty bridge A and fam ily o f Albany visited w ith crew last M onday and Tuesday. his m other, Mrs. N. A. Rowe last crew of four men, under the direction of W Sorenson wa» buey laying the Sunday. heavy plank T ra ffic wa# considerably V is itin g In Ben«»— M r and M r». C held up d u rin g the operation«. T Barber drove to Bend last week Mre. H em ttn Back— M ra F B H am M r. Barber returned to Bprlngfle’ d Bunday, leaving M r« Barber to view tin returned Saturday from Portland tile fath er and mother. M r and M rs. | where «die went to attend the funeral of h e r nephew, L ew is M cA fee T he H L. Barber. fun eral wss held T hu rsday «Iternonn Her» from Portland— J J Malnnev at the Bose C ity cem etery M r and o f the R eality Investm ent and M ort M ra. James O. N ew land o f Rosehnre g»g.. company of Portland has been and t h r lr «on. M aurice, a slater and b rother In law of M rs lla m lln drove la Springfield »M »»g e n e on b . r b ark from Portland They went ■eee for the last two week«. on to th e ir bme In Poor!land. W ill Spend Summer— Mre. Pant Bcott of Spoknne. W aehlngton. I# >n H o w ard Cotton M arrie d Sunday. Springfield to v is it her parent«. M r. Mias W lld a O rr was m arried to and Mr«. A. E. B a rtle tt, for the sum H o w ard Cotton, local man. at H a lf­ way. Oregon, last Sunday. T he Rev. aaer. E j . G ils tra p of Eugene perform ed t i l l heroic etatoe e f th» commander la chief of the flr»< armle« of tae D alted S ta te , was m a d . for th» city of Portland. Orogoa. though aot y e t 4 « D - ered lh .r o by the artlaL The w eelera m ualcipallty has loaned It to tho Be.qul Ceatoaalal In lernatloh al Kipoaltloh. opening ta Philadelphia J aae 1 and coatlnulng unUI December 1. to celebrate 16« year» ef Am erican ladopcnd- •■ c« At the foot of the sculpture le s h o w Pompeo CoppinL the sculptor. D r Henry W aldo Poo. of Portland, declare« tho face to ho tho moot correct Are You Going To Let Shabby Luggage Spoil A Good Im­ pression.