i jassssggtssss «w->g >*« lilt« p r > r > I M P P in r \ M P llfC o r K liN v x r 1 «lx I l t W w ---------- ■ P u b liâ t« * - B r w y — T k o ra d ---- a / at R tr estimated that $SO,t)0O,„, permanently. ..v.cv of v . the . . . . lockjaw .........J----- r,...................................... ------------- permanently Mr. Mr. Lore Lovelvaa lie« put put 1. »k.Jw . Altalaksl Hv 40 (if . a- _._^.a.ar«ea« ««a. taking their "1.10.» place caused by (hit the Increase 11 tlse of a-. (,ls wish*« into anion by «eourtag am automobiles we suppose. option on the acre tract north i f , ! • • town belonging to A. T Steven« and) U To the man who said the newspapers are all » """" hu — wind we rejoin that “so is your pneumatic tires fa” but they get there Just the same, and make rid- "I wanted to visit thl» «eetlon ot ing a lot easier? Oregon for twenty year»." »aid Mr a Editorial Program net Cantar et Wee- Make SpHngf1«td tha li ter« Oregon. M. Develop a Strong Trading Paint ■ ulM a City of Contented Momaa. •IL Improv« L ivin g Condition« an tha Farm. Pea- mat« tNfc Ra.«lng of Pueabead LI V .sto ck and •ha G row ing a* P n d t; W a r * fa r B «ttar M a rtt.ta IV. T a ll tha W o rld About Oregon1» Soanle W *“ I • a a l.ovelc»«. "and finally took the tim e , to come down here io look the coun A man who marries a woman with seventeen ,ry ov,.r , „k, „ and ,hlllk thtl _ children isn't a step-father, writes a contetupor rllnittte great. I will be back next fait • ary. He's a step ladder. to Hr* as soon aa I can arrange my • • • “ affairs In British Columbia * Mr . Lovtleaa ...... came . hero June 10 aa ™ . . . ------------ the guct of charter Hayney. three mil»» north of ----- town M lie left Moada/ ............ .. “* for hl» home and will try »nil he back September 1 Mr. Loveleaa ha» lived C o m m e n t all hl» Ilf« In Canada and ha» aeveml E d ito r ia l »on» In bo states up there. They wtll remain In Canada he «(«tea, hut hl« NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. i wife will accompany him to hla new (American Legtoo W eekly) In Springfield The horns, m the hoofs, the » »piked of m ilitarism- m e norns. e nows. p a r,, tall >« ..... . . ill . . . home . .......... those the one-sided pacifist »«-«a in the Army War college.! — “ Major General Hanson E. of . the S U R V E Y O F C O A S T u en w a i tianeon r, Ely uiy 1» commandant U i,mr War w-r co linen He-ntoke r-.n M il I C SHOW «5 V Army college He. epoke before the Rochester (New FIR MILLS "York» Poet of The .American Legion not long ago. and ! 235 SHIFTS BUSY flnal W0Pd» to tha legionnaire» were: “We have become a tremendously wealthy nation Un- Portland. Aid-» St.— .Special i — O f fortunately, the World war has greall) reduced the wealth a list of 1S7 ftr awamtlla. covering most Ruroavns nations Nearly all of them are our heavy the west coast district from Coos deMora arP to preserve our place among the great Bay to British Columbia. Ihctu«lve nation» of the earth we must be prepared to defend Our and In which Is represented both ^ 1 ^ Thts naUoll wag pencetved in war. preserved hr war ’14jor an<| medium ailed plant», la 151 and made tbe mtghtJert nation on earth by war To deny wt.rt> ting a total were ()n on Jlint. June 15 15 ,)per!, operating (hU |g U) deny |he ,ruth W|th the p ^ H e exception of >f jsg ahlfta acoordlna to a survey < u r.-. (he M, xira|J war conflict* engaged In by this nation have by headquarters here Six plants been ungoUKht and unavoidable; tihey have been for Uh- ra reported recently closed down erty and un)on and (jpmot.racy To teach that war 1» hor , r varylng period» rtble waalefu| an<| criminal 1» right To teach that war The 54 extra shifts Indicate that 18 to ** ’•so rted to only as a final recoure Is humanity aM,rolllna,H y 2» per cent of the fir and w,gd,>nl To tfach , hat war is to be avoided at »"v • „,¡11* listed are operating on more A fledging bird will eat more than twice Its w p |g h t jn worms in a day. We heard a young fe M o w that about his girl. That Future President in Your Home Changing fast—growing up every’ day tt Httle nearer man's estate. Tltere's only one way to remember him Just as he la take pictures. And with an — ANSCO READY-SET CAMERA It's particularly eaay. Eastman Films, developed and print­ ed here will win your approval. Buy a $1.00 Ansco for the kiddles. Flanery’s Drug Store T3L. yewoft AW • • • LANE'S HIGHWAY SYSTEM. No county in Oregon or perhaps any other popula tion can boast better roads than in Lane county, The comprehensive comprenensive system of o t macadam [u s w iu n in high- u « “- —. »...lit I in t . the th e lnaf years through throuah rolling ways built last few yeari angi tuojuntainous country stands as a monument to the energy of the people in this section. It is now possible to reach nearly all parts of the county on a good macadam road. True r*'e> are rough at times but this cannot always be avoided as maintenance has become a greater task than road building. With the completion of the highway to the coast. Lane county has within its borders, moun- tains, streams, glacial peaks, lakes, hot springs. forests and sea coast easily accessible by automo- bile. What greater variety can one wish for as planes of recreation? Compared with many parts Of the world we havejnuch to be thankful or. &ITA u n l i e a o States t a i e s with w n u the lu r o same a u ir area it! in tilP the United ^ ..„ r .n .^ A v '.x -n c n x tP t 'T lT I lA - Announcement I have returned to my former biiatncHH. the Sanitary Market In Springfield, and wlnlt again to see all my old friends and put rotis of this meat market. Quality ami Service has always been my motto You will find here a full line of fresh meats, salted and amoked meats and fish. Fresh fish on Fridays will also be u feature of this mar- ket. Ice delivery will be three times a week. COOPERATION AND COMPETIT1 . . “We can cooperate and yet compete,” writes cost—coat of home, o f honor, of virtue 1« to teach dec» |baB # , | ng|e «hlft basis When con.- • pared with fir sawmill operation of Herbert Hoover, secretary of commerce, in Na- demy and degeneracy." May 15. there are at present IS tion's Business. This is a new idea in business If chi» be militarism, what ts truth» • • • ! shift« now cloard down that wern and one that is gaining popularity, it is not nec- psaary longer to condemn on^s competitor as a BROOKHART AND THE PRIMARIES. running at that lime (Record Press. Ellensburg. Wash.I A summary of report» received robber or one who uses dishonorable methods. In fact the fall merchant does methods it generally sees a >“ T. F. Bennett, Prop, ¿¡.'trade off. The who old time act as ‘'cummtnTX 7f <»«'"« ''¿"^he'^^nuL ' m ^.m uv r his trade fall off. The old time methods act as a Phone so Fifth and Main St. boomerang in the new world. This wholesome co- ouUtaBd)njt m„n jn the upper houa, 9t shutdown of July s will reduce output operation in business IS also *“ ^ e r * COMreM Cummins has been a great leader and h l. name at 7« O- r « nt of all operations for Using Nowdays merchants pay little attention to [(1 much ,mpnrtant leg,slatlon. He h a . been period, varying from one W«jk to the cut-throat competitor for he usually cut his f rppub,|(.an for allTO, t , one month, according to «L he.dquar own throat aad we are joon nd of him. generation He baa fought the b attle, of tha farmer and t » r a ____________________ » of the laboring man but he haa gone down to defeat bo- rilPQTQ We learn something every day! cause another man went cut with aelftah and totally Im N A D V O R N IK S H A V E G U E S T o For vears and years we’ve had drummed into posstbn promise» to those groups, who have been carried CHICO, CALIFORNIA Olir ears the notion that early to bed and early to away to the extent of completely forgetting the work Cum -------- A. E. Roberts, President rise makes us healthy, wealthy and wise. mins has done in their behalf. Mr and Mrs J F Nadvorntk are Secretarial Stenographic That theory has been shattered by an Invest!- Brookhart is a clever stump speaker. Nevertheless in entortaining friend» fro m ('sllfornts this — week Mr and gation of sleep made recently at the Mellon In- the last general election he was defeated In the old ro k St their - ■ - home -- Courses Stit ’te for Industrial Research at Pittsburg. Th< ribbed republican State of Iowa His nomination is wit.1 Mrs Mensel Semerad an l Mrs. A. T invent’gators studied students as they slept and out the slightest doubt due to the invasion of the repub Kusy arrived June lfi after a vls.t as thev worked after various tests, and found Htan primaries by men of other parties and without doubt with relative« at Chico. California that there !s nothing in the idea that one works means that Iowa. I ng a Stronghold of republicanism will Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burda and Mr 992 Willamette Street Burda’s father t ame Monday night j | best in the early morning hours When “fresh have two democratic senators after next March and Mrs W> nset Tarakn ar- j _J from a good sleep.” Cummins was elected In the first republican primaries and Mr ________ This "freshness" is usually a heaviness and fa to be resorted to only as a final recourse Is humanity r|vw1 Tuesday night wav dulhtess of mind, and efficiency is not gained The »«me primary taw today has brought aboet hla defeat On fhp W 11V .’own Mr« S«merad i hdoui a im in u i gcio iai «r.gjx.»,..»«■ a gtn'Rr •■ nsralvals and , stroke « of until after the body and brains have been in ac- anti and yet w without a miuui doubt m in a a c dean-cut general election Cummins would defeat Brookhart or any democratic can- , o he taken to the Pacific Ch»ts- i tion for some time. didate The primary law as at present drawn In lowd as In t,„n hosnltal In Eugene for treatment . So, sleep in—if you can get away with It. Sanitary Market Eugene Business College IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL The average weekly movie theatre attendance In1 the United States is 130 million. Evidently some people go twice. • * * Washington does not and seldom ever will bring about Mr anl, Mr«. Semerad lived tn Snrln>- the aelectlon of the best man available. rw»l<1 last fall for three months befor« j • • • | Ko(|, r » oChk-o to »pend th« w'nter No man ha» ever yet succeeded In lifting himself up qute three fatefTles planned to mn- |by tngglng at his bootstraps The only way In which tkiM tiyr to Dickinson North D«kotv can be accomplished 1» by reaching up and grasping som »-'hnt their trln haa he»n disrupted hv Many a good flivver is missed by someone that thing a b o v e.-B en Jones. does not understand it—game is true of »eo»le. C1“*’1 --------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - t A pctcwinu orr M TOWN AT > // »UN*« " ViTtL I «OT ItiVwfT« ’»HF KÎOT A C A Q / t V - Ü S ' , AT LACT/ D 0+ te, i || I z L- WBU. I v / antbi A S u l» wrfc A o o Oí on V I ? 1 au - qisht ? a l l you kad 7 o / t > on ' t g ¿ t -po WAS T3IO ) £OC£.' ONLY HIOtSK-THAhlV tflVE ACUY President International Lions lkP ,UllP„ _________________ HOWMtX* AM I B ® RJttTMR ¿ A ftf Rifa MOPeV-TVfO u i n « - O N tV D Ä Y tN Soaooo -te y - (r t A B A Q w A / COM6 ON M€N 1 «.AV _ *> / Í u Í V thb ju N k ' of Mrs Semerad WAR RI3K INSURANCE DATES ARE EXTENDED Instruction have Just heen receive.! by the Portland office of the IT. S. Veterans' hnrean authorising rein­ statem ent of war time Insurance bv ex-service men until Jnly , . tti7 . ae-1 cording to an announcement made by Kenneth L Cooper, regional manager 1 of the bureau. July 2. 192fi had been 1 aet by congreaa aa bhe tlm* limit for both reinstatement and .onveralon of war risk Insurance hut the new or­ der extends the time one year. An added feature tn this connection Is the privilege of taking out a flve- vpar level nremlnm term pollcv at a low rate prior to the above date which may later he converted Into one nt the six forms of permanent life and endowment government policies. Thl« gives the ex-service man until July 2. 1927 to secure the low rate five-year | policy. J The American T-cglon advocated thia legislation on the gronnda that many wlfr veterans have not yet ad­ justed their economic affairs to stub an extent that they can afford at this | time to carry one of the government’s , permanent trsurnncf policies. Many Spend 8undsy At Myers Park. Thp picnic and eamp grfuinds at Myers park were full of campers l»»t Bunday according to local people who | went out there to spend the day. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs Roland Moahler of Springfield, I Mr and Mrs. W R Knott, the Rev and Mrs. F. C Stivers, and J. C. ITol brook »nd son, David of Eugene. IT’S HOT B U T - Kggtmann has the Ice cream and off. Whether It’s a dish of pure- Iced soda It will hit the spot on a they «an give their children our pure, wholesome aud nourishing. they eat It will be good for them effects. cold drinks to cool you cream. Ice cream or an hot day. Mothers know Ice orenm because It Is No matter how much and there will be no 111 EGGIMANN’S When in Eugene EAT AT THE MANHATTAN CAFE The best place to Eat Open Day and Night 685 Willamette St. Eugene, Ora. ALWAYS THE SAME “GOOD” I’erfeotlon cakes and pies are always delicious. You take no chance when you buy one every member of the family will like it and there will not be a crumb wasted. We use the best recelpes and methods In our baking. Besides we make our pastry right here In Springfield in a modern sanitary shop that you may inspect at all times. THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Perkins lia tó n Bui Mi ng FRED FRESE, Prop. Fifth St, Springfield Phone 66