t THURflDAY. JUNE 24, 122«. i . _i'. J P ’ PAGE TH E a P R l^ p riK L D N E W 8 ^ A Many Oo To Bee Buetor Keeton. I Llfo'o Mirror. WILL PLAY THREE GAMES ‘ Several Springfield famlllee motor■ | Reflection« by Paaae. AS BENEFIT FOR HOLEMAM ed over to Cottage Orove but Bunday O let tn- live that I may give to see the movie city built there by Borne good to someone once The receipts of three games negg Hunter K'-aton. noted film comedian it may be to a liny child Sunday will be given as a benefit to Among tboae making the trip «ere: j a doll Chat walks and talk*; Hadley Holeman who broke hla ankle 8 V Ward and family. W W Clover Or tn a good old kindly man playing on the Springfield nine 1« and family, and Harry Brownfield and A pair of woolen socks; ' the game here last Sunday a gal nut It may be Just a friendly smile. family. Notl. The services of all the offV Unconscious though it be. cers and players of the Upper Wil­ But let me live to love the world. A Sad Awakening. lamette Valley league will be dona*, ed to the Injured player, according to "I dreamed I was a bachelor last And g iv e th e b e e t o f m e. If there Is anything In this evolu­ FOR HALE—Seven room house with night. Wonder what that means?" an order of the league president. P. LOTH T()lt HALB—Lota 1 and 3 CARD OF THANK*. tion stuff our oily rivers will develop ) / . Sherman of Eugene. acre of ground oo Fast Main St. ’ met "Moat likely means you’ll be block 5. Springfield Addition. Wil­ Price 52690, 5600 down, balance ; with a disappointment when you som» mighty fine species of sardines We wlab lo expresa our apprecia­ lam ette Hnlghta Rnaaonable price ________________ The Injury to Holeman marred ’bo like ren t Addreea J. E S tew art., wake op" tion end thanks for the assistance W rite O. V. Ulna. Eugene, Ore FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large here between Sprlnfleld a r t 513 Cedar St , Klamath Falla. Ore. given ua during the fire, jr m j i i • n •h eets 26x35 inches, settable for *«*' Hoi*«"»" ’ *• «'«’'’>* home after U CARL WEBER 8UMMON8 making traglnga. The News Office. ‘ had throw to home plate and raa FOR RALE -Carbon paper In larga AND FAMILY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE _ _ _ _ _____ I Into catcher Orr of the Notl t*aiw eheeta. 26x89 I »rhea, aultable tm Try This On the Judge. STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR making traclnga The meara Office FOR a A LB— Payroll eheeta. printed A Judge Just sentenced a man to He caught his spikes on the homo Judge— "I can’t understand a big LANE COUNTY. and In stock nt the Neww office 20 years at hard labor. I’ll bet that’ll plate and turned his ankle, breaking husky man like you beating a poor Susie C. Curtis. Plaintiff, vs. 8. D Form eultable for road, construction both bones of the right leg a few NOTICK TO CRKIHTORH hold him for a while. Curtis. Defendant. work, sawm ills, etc., with table to frail little woman like your wife" Inches above the ankle. NOTICE IH HBRBBY OIVBN, That To 8 D. Curtis. Defendant: compute workmen's compensation "Hut »he keeps nagging and taunt­ the underalgned haa. by the Countv The Injured man was Immediately end deductions. No employer should ing me until I lose my temper " SUMMONS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Court of the Htate of Oregon for Ihe taken to the Pacific Christian hosp4- be without these f- ran when they OF OREGON. You are hereby sum IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF County of I.anr been duly appointed What does she aayT* can be purchased for a few cents « « •’ m'oned” and required to appear and STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR tai at Eugene and his leg set ’hag Executrix of the l.unl Will and Teal- ra ce tf "She yells, bit me! I darn youd Oo i ,, , com plaint filed herein THE COUNTY OF LANE. evening Local ball fans started a ament of the Retate of Reuben A. „ ahead! Just hit me once and I’ll " •T« ' Mea|n„ yf,u In the above entitled ault SUIT FOR DIVORCE Rtephena, deceaaed. and all perenna movement to give him a benefit gam* Old Time Danoe. I ---- before that bald I and Cour, within six week» of the you dragged tip Hugh 8 Demorest, Plaintiff, having rialma against said relate la with the result that the receipts of of the first publication of thia sum- Stevens Hall. Springfield. Every headed old foasll of a Judge!" versus hereby notlfed to pro»ent the nam» the Bprtngfleld-Eugene, C o tta g e mons, and If you fall to so appear, Nora Demorest, D efendant to me at the office of Krank A lie Saturday Night. Oarretto Orchestra. “Case dismissed " for want thereof, the plaintiff will Orore-Notl. and W»ndllng-Harrlsburg Pue, Attorney for Ihe Kalale, at hla Ticket« 76c To Nora Demorest. Defendant: — take Judgment against you as prayed Ton are hereby required to appear games will be placed to his credit, office In Springfield. Oregon proper, In plaintiffs Complaint, to-wlt: for ly verified «Uhin »I» monùhg from A queer person has been seen mo­ a decree of the Court dissolving the and answer the complaint filed IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE the date of thia notice STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE toring around the streets of town bonds of matrimony now existing be. against you In the above entitled suit FRANK A DePUB. COUNTY. ■ Attention was attracted to him net- tween the plaintiff an t defendant, and within • > > * ' £ « f » » Attorney for the Retate Eunice Hershey, »»lalntlff. v t John 1 eauaP he deliberately drives around Dated June 17th. 1*2« CALLA A TIPTON. Herahey. Defendant. pedestrians. To the defendant John Herahey: _ ............ .... . . . . Executrix of the Estate. I you fg„ to appPar -within said stx J 24 JI 1 * IK 22 In the name of the state of Oregon i |N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE seem Just and equitable. you a re h ereb y su m m on ed to answer STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FO k This Summons la »erred upon yon w„ ,ka default will be entered .. by publication by virtue of an order for want of an answer and the plain- Husband Carry In the complaint filed against you In the j . a NB COUNTY NOTICE K o R PUBLICATION. SUMMONS of the Hon O F. Sklpworth. Judge tJff mak„ applcatlon to the court ■"<* »"d A Will? DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER above entitled rase and court within six weeks from the ftret publication W. A Newman. Plaintiff, ve. of said Court, dated and filed June for |h# rel|ef praye marry again and their «»cond hu g South of Range 3 W est; run thence alley above described in this no fically proven. SECOND HAND STORE A. E WHEELER. hands live in the homk they have oald north 1.78 chains: thence west S.57 tlce. Osteopathic Phyalclan and Sur­ Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence chains; thence south 1.75 chains: Dated at Sprlurtleld. Oregon j for—and enjov the nrosnerlty ’hey geon and Postoffice Address: Eugene. thence we ,t along the North boun­ 3rd day of June. 1926. I have made. Apparently It does not Office 404 M A W Bldg.. Contracting and Building dary of said claim 16 88 chains; Oregon. FRANK B HAMLIN. j occur to them that their wlv»s hay* Eugene. Oregon GEO. W. PERKINS CRESSIDA HAMLIN. J 10 17 24 Jll 3 15 32 thence north 1 So chains to the cen­ Oetenpathy stands for the truth I anv real right to the money they Comer 5th and D Streets ter of the southwest quarter of sec­ WALTER J. SCOTT. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. wherevd? It Is Scientifically tion 21. Township 21 South of Range have helped to make and save. .«F Springfield, Oregon KATHRYN SCOTT. Whereas, the Judge of the County 3 W est; thence weet along the south Flans and Estimates Furnished J 3 10 17 24 JI 1 that anv compensation Is due her fay proven. Court of Lane County, Oregon, has boundary of the northwest *iu»rter^of Free. Will Help You Finance NOTICE Is ___ hereby given that th» «.» ( spending her best years working fOT by order dated and filed Jun« 2nd. the southwest quarter of section 21 Your Building. him. 1926. authorised the undersigned as 1297 chnlns; thence south 1 50 chains State Land Board of the Btat* A man who deliberately refrain* administrator of the estate of Jack to the NW com er of said D L. C .: Oregon will receive sealed bids at It» thence Rodman, deceased, to sell the real-th en ce 8. 9 87 chains; thence e . „ office In the Capitol Building at 8 . front # laving np som ething for hW Call 38 12 chains to the west side of the lem, Oregon, up to 11.00 o clock A DR. N. W. EMERY property of said estate at private have In caae of his death Ig road; thence north 9.87 chain« M . August 10. 1926 sale for part cash and part credit, county to the place of beginning, containing Interest In the river bed lands hero t treating r .. » l n a her most unfairly. He Is dm M NTirY SUTTON TRANSFER now, therefore, notice Is hereby given 41 sere« of land. ¡lnafter deacrlbed. giving, however, to frandtng her of what belongs to hey Button Bid*. Fhons BfrJ thst I. the undersigned administrator, Phon« 57 Ton are further notified that said the own-er or owners of any land hy right. Any wife who does her o a ff I grill from and after July 3rd. 1926, Rstldsnoo Phons 165 M j»ell. at private sale for part cash and Ahner Gilchrist has paid taxes on abutting or fronting thereon, the pref hy makng a man a comfortable home? B p rln gflald . O regon part credit, the real property of said said premises for prior or subsequent erence right to purchase said river who skimps and pinches to help h l a ' ealate described as follows, to-wlt: years, with the rate of 1ntere«t on said bed lands at the highest price offered save and get along, h as eqnal right provided such offer Is made In goof I Ixtt 2 In Section 23 In township 16 amounts a follows: Date Tax Re- GKO.. N. MeLRAN 1 south of range 4 east of the Wiliam- Year’s of right to reject any and all ceplt II Paid been Just a« valuable as his She hag cite Meridian. In Lane County. Ore­ Tax Automobile. Firs and Life Infyt No. gon, excepting a strip of land 80 feel IN 8U R A N C K County. Oregon, and described as contributed Just as much as he to th* 22336 12 98 12 wide through said lot conveyed to 1921 ... ......19 5 1922 16948 1368 12 follows to-wlt: Bursty Bonds,. Phono 617 fam ily prosperity. 8 1923 Your Home When In 8 1922 _....... Beginning at a point on the U. 8 In your particular case It Is obvloo«- My business Is to protoot your ¡Luckey Boy Mining Company; also 1923 ......... 4 6 1924 7638 12.55 12 Springfiold excepting a tract conveyed to Nrtlle business 1924 ... ...... 7 1 1925 16126 14.63 12 Government meander line of the left ly not ,ack of affection for voit iha< T. Matlock, and a tract conveyed to bugbgnd fr(, m mak . 860 W lllamstte St. Eugene Orsgog 1.57 12 bank of the W illam ette R l w »1 » 7 3 1922 25883 T. C. Luckey and a tract conveyed 1920 on the east boundary of the •* ... . , Said Millard F Green as the owner corner to Roy Stlen, all said premises being I. Poindexter D L. C. No; 62. T. 17! <111. or taking ont Insurance. H it In I.ane County. Oregor , ertr as titsYame appears of record and S R 4 W . W M . 10 75 chains north ] statement, "plenty time for that," In­ VASBY BROS. sale will be made for a payment of | „ .q n n , ahove nam- of ^ e southeast corner of the claim , rtteixtcn that perhaps he lacks ’he D V, ..- ..te purchase each of the other persons above nam- b „ 0)) chalng p?gf gnd , 7 tf rBPP th . JEWELER ! twenty five per cent of the In cash, the hnlnnce of pur ed are hereby further notified that Ab- phaillf, n(lrth of the southwest corner ,5 * Painting & Decorating ] price Repairing a Specialty mtwt *onl* <,RT P®rt»*ot ; chase price to be payable not less nPr oilchrtst w ill apply to the Circuit of Section 12, e f said township, and Springfield. Oregon in all its branches than 550.00 per calendar month, all court of the County and State^ afore-. running thence along the Government he eannot bring him self to rtsuallz« Io become due not leas than one yenr , , a|^ for n decree foreclosing the Ben u nP- his own end. as he mnst do when h« 312 Main Street from Ihe date of confirmation. nnd! aKnlnst the property above described N. 55H degrees W 3.00 chains makes or takes ont Insurance. Many secured by a mortgage upon said real and mentioned In said certlf'cate., N. 32 degrees W. 4.00 chains men hare this feeling, and as a result, R. W. SMITH N. 18 degrees 16’ W 4 80 chains property. Any sale to be subject to And von are hereby summoned to ap­ when they die they leave their affair* pear within sixty days after the first N. 12 degrees 10’ E. 716 chains confirmation hy said Court. Juntlce of the peace and N. 31 degrees E. 2.67 chalng thenc* In disorder—a really grievous wren« DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL publication of this summons, exclu­ FRED E SMITH. notary public, Insurance | fo their w ires and children, sive of the day of said first puhllca leaving the meander line. Attorney for Administrator DENTIST tlon. and defend this action or pay j East 3.36 chains. ELMER ROBERTS, hnshnnd's attorney come around to the amount due as nhove shown, fo ] N. 54 degrees 55’ E 2 63 chains Administrator. City Hall Springfield, Oregon Mr advice to yon la to have your Phone 43 N. 79 degrees E 6.63 chains thenc« nether with costs and accrned inter- T 3 10 17 24 JI the house some eventnr made and n.316 aerea of river-bed Linds In Bet , Office at Mavbe She la talc that uls final account In said dated this 6th day of Mnv 1926 and 12. T. 17 8. R- 4 W. W. M. ers at foot of Main on Mill mntter was filed on May 28th, 1926, the date of the first publication of FIRST NATIONAL BANK Applications should be accompanlet street. Slim Sasspoole thinks a "figure 0« nnd that tne Judge of said Court has this summons Is the 6th day of May. by check or draft of the amount 01 Springfield, Oregon speech” la a married woman. HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. fixed July 3rd. 1926, at ten o'clock A. 1456 hid and should be addressed to G M. at the Chambers of said Court In AU process and papers In this pro- o . Brown, Clerk S tats Land Bonr< tho Lane County Court House In the reeding may be served npon the nn Salem. Oregon, and marked "Applies A Wise One. Green Magic. FRANK A. DEPUE City of Eugene, Oregon, as the time dcrslgned residing within the State tlon and bid to purchase rlror-bec I see by the papers that scientists Sap—“Do yon ever drink cucco and place for hearing objections, If of Oregon at the address h ereafter; lands." ATTORNKY AT LAW claim nature made the tree« an’ any to said final account. fee?" mentioned. 1 Q- O- BROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC FRED B. SMITH, (rasa green 'cause the color Is sooth­ 8. M CALKTNR. [ Clerk S tate L td Board. Sappo—"No, what doe« It Attorney for Administrator. Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated at Salem, Cragon. May «4. in' on the nerves. I’ll xay It 1st When Button Springfield l i t er ALLEN ANDREWS, Addyeea: Eugene. Dr«. ¡ 191B. Oregon. a fellow get mad slip him a little Buldllng 1C« weak In th* Administrator. • 1 J 5 A=J* M I 15 >0 >7 J I 14 17 24 J 1 I > u I j long green and see how It quiets him. J 5 10 17 24 JI 1. 4Ä> W - ■»»-» Classified Ads fn Confidence sjss i n By Flo » b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y } Dr.John Simons “The Loop D. W. Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. a a a