T l I I HBDAY. JUNK 24. 102«.__ _ T H B _8P R IN O F lK l.il NEW S FAGS tw o Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LAN E C O U N T Y U N IT n O . 14 ■Hana aero»» the plains with oxen , Has O p e ra tio n — M r*. J. II. Cush« 1 team» They exp« rlenced many hard mau, who ha* been visiting her par WAY FOUND TO COMBAT By Special PIONEER REUNION SUNDAY dtlpa. losing their way, anil being at ents. M i. and M i». C. L. M u n ti fa r ANTS AND MOSQUITOES times without water. when they Ihe la st tw o week», I» In t h i Phi flu Correspond ta C h ris tia n h o s p ita l M t» Cu»hm an i-ait A pioneer reunion held Sun­ ' would have to subatltute milk. Ant» and moaqultoea »re I » « bouse-j u n .lo u r o t» -ra lle n p e rfo rm e d Sunday day. June 20 at the Foster farm near The first Winter the group wen in hold pests that become troublesome Junction City of the descendants of the Wlllametti valley wn» »pent near m o rn in g und I» on the road to rei ov- THUkSTO N NOTES even In some parts of Oregon this the six member* of the Rickard fum Eugene in the spring the various e ry M r C u -hm a n I* » la y in g w ith M r. W IL L A M E T T E tim e of year as reports to the expert- Mr. and Mrs. Kay Baugh and fam ily »ho came to Oregon by ox train member* took up government dona and M r» M unn w h ile hl» w ife I» In nit nt station show Control of the A. C. Bogart of Junction City, ac­ ily motored to Junction City last j in 1S5S Members of the elan asseni tlon claim* which are now rooslly In the hospHat former may be an Individual matter, ----------- ------------- companied by Gilbert Fish, spent Sunday where they attended th" hl>d at the reunion from Klamath the possession of their descendants while tor the latter community ef­ Falls. Florence, Sheridan. Corvallis. Installs Os* T a n k — l.um Ander on Sunday at the G. R Fish home Mrs. Rickard reunion fort is often necessary. It«, I ton tu I no. Smithfield. G. R. Fish returned with them and i lu rm n f n u i u i u g from u u u i Corvallis a ur »«mn is •«* Monroe. Clarance Horning Moves to Springfield— Mr anil Mr? Installed a new ga* lank and pump The best way to combat ants Is will remain there'for several days ..... * . this — week visiting his COU Thurston Springfield and Eugene. In spending H E Huniinr huve tukin the Nye at hl* service station on the corner to find their n ests If possible and addition to those who live near ! of Eighth and Muln this week. Margery Wilhelm and Helen Koko sin j atnen Edmlston. apartments f«r the summer. then fumigate them with carbon ,11»- Junction City. of Eugene spent Thursday night with Alex Mathews, Hubert Gray an I Blfide or keroalne. About two table- The six Ai.-mbor» o f the pioneer Kay N evers drove to Triangle lake ■poonfull of carbon disulfide is poured Grace Maxwell. Mr and Mrs. Frank Pattison and I last Sunday. Rickard family were: Casper. John. directly into the entrance of the col­ little daughter arrived from Calif«'? ________ ________ _____ snd _ IVler Rickard, and Mrs Several ____ from Thurston attend«»! Andrew ony and then the earth is pressed nia where they have b< en since * st I , l , l h(? nintrlct Sunday School conven Christina Reek and Mrs -------------------- Sarah True ir I J I O llI ll UX U W I V « 'H » S M - - - • «............ — -------- — ------------— firmly around the entrance to hold fall. They will spend the sum m er, tlon at W altervllle last _ Sunday. . --------------- . from In , er They came to Oregon the fumea Inside. with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Edmlston and dlana In 185.1 and passed through Cu When the nest cannot he located, The following students have r.v family attended the Rickard reunion gen» when there were only two bout ant poison made by mixing three •irwerpis nSwf turned to tie lr homes for their sum j unP, |on pity |a!«t - - Sunday - : ea there, one of which was a black grains of tartar emetic with about ’67fT DEPARTMENT STORES mer vacations: Lucille an< » Hasel Bdmlston left to go to New smith shop 4 tablespoons of a sugar syrup ¡s W ylie from W illamette un ver where abe expects to spend There sre now 408 members of the very effective In controlling these 942 Willamette St.. Eugene. Oregon. Salem: Miriam and Luc 11 « • ® most of the summer. clan living. 224 of them being present posts. This la smeared on bits of w ool Monmouth Normal, and l aro Mrs. Margaret Campbell Is spend- ,,t the reunion A .program was giv­ and china and placed about on the m O. A. C. ing a few days visiting her slater. ,.n consisting of singing, reading. shelves and the runways where the fro Frances Franiawa of Eugene spent tslki^ and piano and Slnlln solos. g e t , frequent As It Is easy to get Monday and Tuesday with Grace Mrs. A. B. Mathews W e 'r e S h o w in g th e Latent M ode« Mrs R oss Baughman from Eugene tt was voted to make the Foster farm th is poison too strong It Is advisable Maxwell. is spending this week visiting rein the annual meeting place of the fam to have the druggist weigh out the Chaae Gardena play the Booth Kel- The freedom of th« sens fives here. Ily and to have the meeting the see- tartar emetic In three grain samples ly ball team Wednesday evening wBg — takes, rivers, and swim­ Mr. and Mrs. Felix Sparks from (0 nd Sunday In June each year Of (tor yon. This material Is only very ming pools.— belongs to ths Last week a practice game Blue river spent the week end with fleers were elected tor the coming Slightly poisonous so It Is not dan­ woman or miss with the at­ played but on account o p a y er Mrs Arrh shough vear niiu and i* 1» » v»« decided to get - — a ,vti auu .»«in. — --or — vv-rai » re« - gerous to nse about food supplies. tractive, comfortable swim­ both sides being absent they will Mrs W alter Platt and sons. Ken large record book to keep the name» Methods of destroying mesqultoes ming Suit) meet again Wednesday. neth snd Roy, snd Mrs Rosa Baugh members of the family snd of fall under three classes— the drainage man visited Mrs. William Platt nt ,h«.|r deaths, births, and marriage« • f bodies of water likely to contain Jacquard Deerhorn Tuesday afternoon. A committee was appoint«»! to ■«- eggs and wlgglers. the application -if Patten» I FARM REMINDERS Mrs. Bert Weaver ha» returned to - cur„ mcr, of the family history snd ptl to bodies of water that cannot be Reedsport after spending some time r>t )n tooch with relatives In the W e are ahowing many drained, and the Introduction of fish east If possible It was suggested to fancy suits in all over knit Into pools that cannot be drained or, Soil tilth, cutlvation and mol star«« here bring all souvenirs of things that patterns, as well ss plainer led Such measures usually a em a n 1 i, "• h piled deman were brought across the plains to th» styles All wool, priced, rea­ local or community project. H ow ev-, AID TO BEAUTY meeting next year tor exhibits sonably I , a neglected rain barrel, small pud , foUow|>< accordlng to Prises were given for the oldest es of water, or even tin cans may exptrlment , tatlon. serve as a ! and youngest members of the group rve as a breeding place f o r f e e d i n g of Oregon dairy - James Calvert won the former, snd »squitoes to cause discomfort In s * 1 Robert Francis Rickard, five-months*- iber of household. The screen they w)„ , old son of Mr snd Mrs. Raymond « of windows to keep out mosqui­ eat np clean at all times. Rickard was found to be the ‘•baby" tos can be done none too carefully j Feed one pound of grain per day of the reunion. Bd even then the mosquitoes ms» for each pound of butterfat produced sve a tendency to work through the per week, or one pound grain dally A hletory of the family formed pan Ire such e cases re. in sucn s s e . the . . e wire screen ,h w of ml,k ' of the program. It was related that iy be occasionally painted with oil six members of a family of ten. 3 Feed as much as the cows will I. eltronella grandchildren of a soldier In the _ _ _ or _ _ keroslne. _ _ _____ ¡U k e without gaining In weight. Revolutionary war moved from In- , . ! Heat Is successfully used to des- RICKARDS FAMILY HAVE Community News Your New Swimming Suit, M ? «fe • • • t *r0_ insects In small amounts of product, by the Ore-: OFFICERS OF LANE CO UN TY • FARMERS' UN.ON • I c 'T Rtatlon The ma,„ rH l W Allen. Vida. President. • | • * » 11‘” r baking pan and W. L Seals. Eugene. Vlc^Preal- • , Placed In the oven for one hour The • temperature is regulated by placing Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Grove • a pan of water In the oven. This Is Becretarv-Treasurer. • , kept close to the boiling point but Walter Morgan. Creswell. Conduc-’ ! not allow««d to boll This treat.renl tor • destroys the germination of se -d and H. H. Smith, Eugene, Doorkeep- ’ I* not safe for rising flour I »’ ed • is intended for planting, the ten.p ra Clement. W aterville, Chap- • j ture Is kept b rween 130 degr«;» k- 7 L- 1 o. L and 145 degrees F Constant seeping of rain In .tumid clim ates, such as western Orxron carries away the several Important C A L L FOR BID S . soil chem icals L me. one of th i mosL Sealed bids w ill be received by important of the chemicals in soils. ie clerk of School District No. 19. ; Is readily learned and unless soro» ane County .Ore., at his office la system of crop? n t Is cc” hed or bv ie City Hall. Springfield. Ore., for which the plan s retain th? lims ie furnishing of labor and material «»•rough their r o t s it is soon cairi-d ir the painting of the Lincoln cown beyond la«’ r«s b o most crop chool Building Springfield. Oregon. pl.-nts. finds tt? • gp??’tie»i: ntati« n. Certain weed», s leb ae sheep sT - 11 material to be furnished by the Idder, also all labor and risk to be eel, sour sorre: and hor«“-tail rul h orne by the party whose bid Is ac- generally Indie«, -> s »1 noumes; tpted by the board. A separate bid C A L L FOR W A R R A N T 8 . dll be received at the same time School warrants o f School Dlst No. nd under the same conditions, for he tarring of the roof of said build- 19, Lane County, Oregon, will be ig with Asphalt or Rubber Elastic paid at the Clerks office. City Hall, reparation for Roof Covering Plans i Springfield. Oregon, up to and Includ­ nd specifications are on file In th • ing No 1175. Interest ceases after ffice of the Clerk, City Hall. Spring- the 27th of June, 1928. R W SMITH, leld. Oregon. The board reserves Clerk of Dist. No. 19 be right to reject any or all bid«, J 24 J1 1 lids will close on July 8th at noon, J 24 lids will be opened on July 8th, at o’clock p. m. R. W. SMITH. CALL AND SEE Dr N. W Emer« ma.fvH- ’• /Hi •»Iflts? qnrl ~o*b«»r work • Clerk Dlst. No. 19. lain. W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan s 6F 2 n ' Eugene, Oregon Under thia young woman's skillful hands the front of the Administration Building of the Sesqul-Ceotenuial In- ternatlonal Exposition Association quickly takes on a delightful aspect She directs gardeners where to place the small trees and shrubs about the great stucco building She Is doing her share to make the big celebration of the 150th anniversary of the sign Ing of the Declaration of Indepeud ence a success F o r d P rices DROP New Prices Delivered Here Roadster, with Balloon Tires and Starter ..................................... $450.00 Food for Thought Touring, with Balloon Tires and Starter ............................................ 471.30 Coupe, with Balloon Tires and Starter ............................................ 585.01 Tudor Sedan with Balloon Tires and Starter .................................... 595.25 Fordor Sedan, with Balloon Tires and Starter ................................ 646.46 May Be Found at Our News Stand Those who are fond of what is newest and best In current literature and per­ iodical« will find some­ thing Interesting on our news stand at all times. A ll the leading I 1 Chassis, with Balloon Tires and Starter ........................................... 380 00 Truck Chassis with Balloons in front, without starter ................... 405.00 Truck Chassis with Balloons in front, with starter.............................. 455.00 Above Prices Went Into Effect June 19, 1926. Average $45 Reduction on all models. Magazines, Periodicals Popular Fiction Fashion Papers, Etc, Come and Get Your New Ford Now From are received just as soon as they leave the press. Keep posted o n International questions and work, etc., in the Commercial Field and other subjects of world wide Interest. E.R. DANNER MOTOR When You are In Take a Look at Our Books Authorized Ford Dealers COMPANY FIFTH AND A STREETS SPRINGFIELD, OREGON