The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 24, 1926, Image 1

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T W K N T Y -T H IK D Y E A ’ l
L IMBE B EMPLOYEES / d c i e t y ,
10 BOOST l" nlK™ ■ - : 1
Local Employe«» Join Move
m ent Started At Bend To Ad-
veitieo Advantages Of West­
ern Lunibe ", C om m ittee To
Be Nutnod By D. W. M cK in­
Mur|ngf)|tW flttm gly et- lib ra in i th«
l< ilk lim i of th« n«w tu rk m-ar th«
11! il I! H rial tr in i la»t Frldav »vitiltig
I; a ili-tli- »upper, followt-d by ii d«d
liu ti,ty sililriHM hy II»- Ite». I'. I.
A -i iivi-tni'tll. rtiirti'd at Head Ihlu Muori ni ilio Mi (hmilHt cburch inni ■
apr'.ng and tn lie taki n up by th " ' IB- program of munte .tim i hy ih I.' <■«'
ploy»*« of the Booth K-dly mill il • luti qiiurl«t unii ollio r locai pi pi ». *
S prlnafhdd mnrka it new »lap In th-'
Over IRÒ polipi» w tt« In jtirn ila rc * '
h in t1 ry i.f the lum ber |id u » lry of th« ut Iho dedica (loti. Ba»k'-t lunrlr-a
V i t i n d S ta te »
T h l « m ovriut nl la Ilia W»rc la k 'n tu II h p.itk «mi Patini un
organization of » Woods ITostoHon ili»r tih» trai» ut 0:30. Follo« ing th "
r n n i o il l t i e hv the employ»»» lit the ►
uppi-r, tuta« th» hi I ijk p p by ilo Ibi»
lum ber Industry fur the purpor« of Ti,-,,»»• R»v Mmir • trilli, -d -h tiekr
Increasing the consum ption of wood I »k and th» ftilu rp . ziiik ip irli -lv u n
at'd wend product« In the U nited In e m a tin a It
P tu t i« i•«initnltli-' " wilt tie organized,
TI» pregi i- origina Iv i f r u ' k -i!
n .u u - d j ,, t - »*"• pltUPl Of the li'nilrru
for Ih» dpftlrallnn wa» shi>rt<-n«i| do
of ’ll- 'novi iiii-nt.»lo nil t h i I t t m b e f
ai rn u n t i l m in Mr- VV f H 'b h an
center« of th e Pacific Ni>r’tiwj-»t
m g “ All tlu- World "» W attlng Fot
W hen th'- organisation of the loc il
thi- Htm rla»,'" and thè M ona' q uarte!
gomn i A pvmi 1« com ulet-d the emplov.
Jotnod In thè «vhortta, T h e qunrtet
r e « » 'ft b e o r i ta n ’ved along He*« aim-
i ntnpnpi-d of D r Ralph S Dlppi l Or
liar t o 'h o u r of the emotover« They
W C. Itoli han. lln rrv M S tew art. unit
th e n . V", i-t to have convention» fo-
I» tt M nrphy »nng n tip dli-y rii pop
the t"tH*o«e i f fu rth erin g th e w»lfnr*
ular »nne» and Mrp ll» rln rt C o i gay»
of the lum ber Industry
t u a . n i n n o «olii».
A gang of Rt, ttieu ur« busy fin is h -:
lug relaying Ihe railroad track on the
W< St »l ie of tin W illam ette bridge
week Th' work on the truck will
probably he finished next Monday
e i c |,t for about 1900 feet of truck on
t i l l east h b le of tlo bridge. Work' en
t i l l s stretch will «tail u s soon us th»
e ’tier Is finished.
Tlo uo-n have com pleted the actual
laving of the tra< k on the west a id '
and are now replacing jgorn-out ties
mot spread in g new ballast. A »lean,
sem p er Is helping to spread th e roea
ioi the fill.
Work on Ihe low ering of Ihe piers,
wthleh started last w tek a fte r n r
mission had been granted to blast
by th " city council, will be com pleted
a b o u t l.i-xt T hursday The bridge crew
hus been at work on th e low ering of
the bridge stn<" April 1 a m i
bu«y for an o th er two or th ree month«
The met) are d rillin g and hl,-i«ttng
th" concrete piers In order to low er
therti two and half feet to the new !
grade level of th. tnuln line through .
Springfield A new cap of concrete Is !
being placed on the piers upon which '
the new sti-e| work will r> at.
A steel gang Is expected soon from
t'nltfflrnln to begin replacing the old I
stei-l work on th e bridge with th"
new steel g ird -rs whlnh are now in.
Ihe varda ready for use
T ''e signal erew at work puttin g in i
new signal boxes will he h ere
fo r,
THURSDAY, JUNK 24. 1926.
"The Peooie't Paper“
N E W S P A P tH
N U M BER 25.
O rnam ental S treet Lights
O rdered by C ity Council
26 Poles
p fty
E rected
On i
Main S treet From Second To Mrs. Pollard Loses Election T o
S ix th : 490 - Candle
Clerkship O f Board T hrough
L ights To Make W hite Way
T e ch n ica lity; Election Judges
Of Main T horoughfare T his
Rule T h a t 19 Ballots Are Dis­
qualified; Record Vote Is
O rnam ental stre e t light Installation 1 Cast
for M s'r «tr'-et was decided upon at I _
, , .
Failure of 1» voters to m ark an
a s p x ial m eet'ng of the conned last __
..Iti't T ie city atto rn ey was ordered “X" 10 fr" nt of h,-r na,n' Bfter th ey
'ra ft an o r d 'i ■ tie and p- pare
had w ritten It In on the ballot, cost
! centra« t for th • 'n -.nation and light- Mrs E lsie Pollard the election to th e
¡Ing o ' a M-post system ext-i.'llng o ttk .e of c k r k a t MoBday.#
| from Second to Sixth street. The
election. Her nam
name e wav
w as
rounell met wt 1 A ssistant G eneral
In by 93 voter« but o ily
M anager Mer* ” r* the M u.tnta’r
S tates Pow er e 'm '.n ry . w orked out made the cross m ark so the election
board ruled th a t the vote waa 74
the detail« of the plan l a t t nlg'.t
for Mrs. Pollard and 89 for R W.
A nother «o«cla! me« tin g was «alb ’
for next week fr vote on th e »»di- Sm ith, present clerk . For d ire c to r
Roy W. C arlton received 158 votes.
election brought out the largedl
Th» contra?! wd call for 2k prsf*
supporting «Ingle to flean d le pow er vote in years for a school office.
Mrs. Pollard did not file for th a
b m p s A system of four lig h ts a»’
office and her nam e was not on the
• »e stre e t Inter ee-'on« and
•e rid d le of tl » .-lock as p ly » - ' < printed halloL A ccording to law the
I n the ¡»ci'nell bv th< W -,t«u printed ballot bore the Instruction
F.lectrlc com ranv engineers will l*. on the bottom-; "M ask an X betw een
n«w the num ber and nam e of th e person
Ifillo w ed W hen ’p«tal1ed th
rvstem will he one of th e finest in- voted for." A nam e w ritten in .bore no
,v„ counter and eounenm en believe num ber so 19 voters were evidently
,h a t It will ro t onlv light the Main ennfusyd Mid. did ro t com plete tha«y
«.reef In a g reat w hite wav hut also ’-»IM " to .tbe satisfaction of the e l w
be a g reat advertisem ent to th e city. .tlon board, hence th eir ballots w ere
not counted.
■ T-he cost of the system will he *2 90
Mr. Carlton will fill the vacancy
per m onths per pole for light. m*in
j v
« .«.
,an«/. a rd p.ih»r liability In a d d ! . . « “ 1’« 1
e x p ia tio n of. the term
„on .he C ty will pay »210 twr m onth
A. S w a rt, and Fred L oak tM
, ,
n d oldest m em ber of the board,
i per pole
on .V
th " cost , of
fixtures a a m
, ______
t will hp
chairm an.
gill run
installation. T his paym ent w...
. — ,
The school board m et Monday ev4-
,-for. the life of the co n tract o r 10
Each year a now constellation of
»tars appear in the baseball firma­
ment. So far, few are twinkling
as bnghtly as Jess Petty; the big
southpaw twirler o f U nde Robbie’s
i Brooklyn Nationals. Winning the
the Inieyds of th« employe«« illy Tie* member« of th«- c« m m ltici actively In |p«laltlng «Ignal boxes, have those . first five games he pitched, Jesa
yielded an
ui indy 1 run
work -•/ form ing th« c o siu iittei" I, charge of th»- dedleatton w ere: 11 11 betw een Springfield and Springfield ' per gangs.
Juit getting under way now. with a
Two team s were husv Tuosdev lev ;
C<>n m lttee nam ed nt lle tid and o n ', and II. nry Adrian
ellng th " approach to th e freight p la t­
undi r form ation at Springfield
form nt the depot w here Ph* new MEN ARE H AVIN G A GOOD
Ir \V M cK innon bn« been nam ed MRS W IGMORE GIVEN
c h a irm a n of th e c o m m itte e for S p rin g “
T IM E AT CAMP JACKSON years when the system will be paid ning to ca n v a ss the election and ao-
R ECEPTION AT PARK house track had been Installed.
for On account of the upkeep cost « “P<ed th ’
as .«worn by the
b id mid will ad ep t the
her a • m I
public liability the
c o u n c il' ^ „ o n hoard. I. K Page and 1» B.
er« und help o rg an izw ^ ie * M t Mr
A reception wns g l v n Mr». E C 4 L T O C O N R ID F R T H E
The 8pringfleld boys at the Nation and
McKinnon said
“Tut» 1« An first W lgm ore and h er’ daughter, Frotja
A D O P T IO N O F IN S U R A N C E ¡al Guard Humnipr cam p a t
Camp though, .h a t It would be b e tte r for Thomptton w ere bulges and Mrs H«»-
• tie Mverw and Mrs. Bvelyn - Emery
tint« in the h is to ry < ilia. lum ber in by friends of Springfield and Eugene
Jackson, n ear M«»dford age all well th e ow nership of th e system to b e '
Th» local 41. will hold i t . m eeting an<1 enJoyln< cam p
act.ordln< , 0 vested in th e M ountain S ta te s Pow­ ele'k s of the election.
tlu alry that the em ployees have* taken last Friday evening a t Myers park
The com plete official count was aa
Tuesd>y by p E e r company. The to tal coqt of the
any Interest In the ad vertising or sab Mrs W lgm ore was the wife of the next Monday night. Ju n e 28 at the a ,eU , r
of wood products. A lthough th e em- Hey E C W lgmore. d e c a a e d . form W (X W hall. It is plannrd to d l r , Sw arU fath er Qf c A g w ar|g
system will be betw een 85000 and follows:
For Clerk«
. <-» • -
loca| unl, The men $6000. The fix tu res will be ordered
ployre«, us a general thing, a re Ineg erlv pa«tnr of th e Springfield C hris .u ,a , group accident and sickness m (n ian d ,.r of
............... ..
perleM od they have akown Interoal tlnn church. She has been visiting suratice snd to consider adoption of
having a good tim e a s the wea a t once and the lights put up this R W sm ith
and are going ahead and are trying M en d s lu this vicinity for several an insurance plan for the local m em ­ th e r Is very nice although
little fall. Mr M errell prom ised
For D irector.
to Ao w hat ’hey can in tncr»n«e wood weeks
S treet lighting has been considered
Rnv W C arlton
A field officer from the Portland
consum ption. I look forw ard tn th"
L ieutenant Sw arfs w rote th a t th.- in Sprinfleld for several years. The
M anv old frie n d s - f M rs W lgm ore
lim e whpn the em ployees will have from both S p rin g field and Eugeni. h ead q u arters of the organization will men will break cam p a t Medford i council has been w orking on the plan Seth M M cPherson
th e i r organisation for the purpose of w »re p re se n t nl th e picnic F rtd s v he down to discuss and explain the Monday. Ju n e 28 and expect to a r yjnee a petition was circulated by P ollard .....................
..... :... i
prom oting the use of lum ber the ssm " e v e n in g T h " r c c ’pHtv- wns o f th e lnsuraP«-e plan In detail
rive hem e the follow ing day about the Lions club last sum m er and was Mrs Paul B ra’tain
A plan of g-oup Insurance ha« been
a- th em ployers do now Both cm n n 'u » ' of a picnic sap p er a n d Infor
five In the afternoon.
| signed hv nearly all th e heavy prop- Mrs. El»le Portib-
adopted by the
h ead q u arters and
Mis« E lsie W eddle .............
p lo y rs and employee« m a k e th eir liv­
m nl m e e tin g T h e Indies brotieltl bus-
W. H. Pollard .........................
in g n Ihe lum ber Industry and both k-1 lu n c h e s a fte r » hh h a «hort pro. , each local ha« been asked to cooper­ TH O M AS B E N N E T T TO RUN
ate. According to this plan, the m em ­
i Blank ballot ..............................
are Interested In prom oting tt."
g»sm w as »Iveti M iss F ro n a W l-m e re
bers of each local may adopt a m as­
Law Given.
According to Mr
McKinnon th " d"|l-M e<l h . r
a u d ie n c e by n sh o rt
te r policy plan of Insurance provid­
Since the
election m any people
lum ber Industiv Is not llstixl by th« re s ding.
ing 75 per cent of the m«mber> vote
have ï«ked if It were legal for the
Jo u rn al of Atuerlenn Hunks as on-'
______ ___
I ran the S an itary B utcher shop, has :
A com plain: was filed in Just . e 19 ballots to b° disqualified. NeeeS-
. for It and sien up. If the plan ts taken tt over again from the Holver-
p a v ltg big dividends or a« "tn a - 'k - __
m rt M onday i.:’ A T M sea. f.te sarilv this would he a question for
Ing eghcrbnnt or unrea-o n ab le p rio r
I adopted those m em bers who have
son b ro th ers who had It leased, and^ w arden
against Lionel M cM alun.
One ef the purposes of thi« m ovem ent
k -k ie s s " !n s u r
“ , f t " re n " ,'" ,,B« thp | charging h»m w ith le avin g a camp 4hp a tto rn ev general. Oregon election
law s, published th is y ear by Sana
among the employe«» is th at of m ak­
icuness insur , |nslde Thp Hoj Vprson bro th ers have L
. r»- burning The offen« < Is stated to
Several S pring field people atlencled ance.
ing lum ber more popular und Inereas
bren in charge of the store for t h e | h av„ W n com m itted a few m iles be K ®r' s e c re ,a r- of state, re a d , a*
lug sales. The em ployees In Ihe lum the pioneer picnic and celebration
last th ree years. Mr B ennett will be low Blue lake In the Castad-» N a ti.tu l follow s:
Sec. 4*13—"On receipts
her tidtistry arc com ing to realise held ut Hr« wnsvlll. lis t week Among A M E R I C A N L E G IO N T O
nsslsted by his son. O. F. B ennett, ¡fo re st last week T h" fi"i* was ils-
th a t th eir prosperity |s tied up with thoae going w ,re Mr. and Mrt. L. E.
HOLD PICNIC TOMORROW with Frank Brown continuing as covered by the w arden shortly a f ’er w hite ballot as aforesaid, the elector
|Thompn«n. Mr. am! Mrs. J M Thontp-
th at of the mill ow ners.
sausage m aker, and Fred Bosserm an it had been le.’t and - before it had shall forthw ith and w ithout leaving
The com m ittee will combat the tt»" , *,,n H,,<l Mr- a n 'l Mrs. I’. A. Wooley,
the enclosed space, re tire alone to
M embers of the Springfield post of da nelivery man.
tim e to spread.
of weoil su h stltu tes by shippers, will
T *«ev m et two form er Springfield , ,h *‘ A m erican Legion will m eri Thurs-
>,r B ennett has been In business Mr. McMahon appeared Monday he­ one of the com partm ents o r place«
cam paign tn save ih e fo rests from fire ’»mille« nt ’he celebration. Mr. and | day n| Kh, w ith ,h P ladies of th e Le | n Springfield and E ugene and vl-
provided and «hall th ere p rep are hl«
ft.te Ju stice tt»qhin W. S m ith and
wlll advertise the advantages of the Mrs C C ch essm an and fam ily who | alotl nU, | | | ary „ nd have „ p lrn ic sup- 'c ln lty for the la st 30 y ears He owns ' ir tpP(M, „ _lpa
Hift , e n :enc< ballot hv m arking Im m edlatelv to thO
WeRtt-rn PouclnM fir In the rR»inrn ’
down from P ortland to « tie n i |M»r Jint| lunch. It | m planned to g a t h e r P n l v e r a l t y of Oregon m arket at
left of th e nam e of the candidate of
was deferred until next Monday when
m arkets, and will do ev erything to 'h e picnic, and Mr and Mr» !• B. ,1H,.k
, hp flour m tn and hold ,b e E,iRPnf.
| h is choice for eaeh office to he flH el,
- ......
. ----
. . . All .
Increase the use of wood ami to pro- B rattle and family. The eleven year- ,,|cnl<-
n ear the
W illam
p i c n i c ------
----- ette riv
— . . ..
. 'h e will appear
_____ to receive It.
i or hv w riting in the nam e of the per«
old grand
grat'd d d a au
u g g h h te
of Mr.
Mr and
and Mrs
Mrs n„ nihprR of thp ,„c» | post are re cbar)rp of , „ p s ,R,I)th te r house for - DD . « . p p . p , n W I N S F R O M
i son he wished to vote for."
m ot. the lum ber in dustry
ter r of
It 1« Planned to call upon the retail • hessm an gave the address d ed l.n f (|1|fHtP,,
hp prpK, ^ t ftR „ dpI!ghff„ , ; Romp , |mp Rnd , hpn w l„ ,pBTp „„ ^ S P R I N G F I E L D W I N o f K U M
m erch an ts anil urge Hmm to ask th e 'r ,n < » m onum ent erected to th - me-n. (,mp ,s proni|„ pd by those In charge , ) r | p , 0 t be east. He Intends to visit
w holesale dealers In ship In Wooden »O' " f Jam es Blakely, BroW nsvilh f , hp ptcn|c. Eaeh m em ber Is to fur friends In W isconsin and other east
Springfield won from Not) In the
In ste a d of p n por boxes.
A ru h h er Pioneer
n l.h his own b asket supper snd to Prn states. Roy H olverson 1« going to n n ) p hPrP )a, t ftunday w ith a score
A hlrthdny eake. m u le th lrfe " t assemblo nt 7 •30
St'i-en will be fu rn ish e d th e r 't e l l e r
eastern Oregon n ear C rescent w here of fi to 4. This gnme puts the local 1 The Rev. R. E. Close will he the
w ith w hich to sfnm tt h is o rd e r w ith venrs ago whs col at ih " picnic. The
I he will m ake his home.
hoys In second p iare In the U pper sp eak er a t th e union services Sunday
th is re q u e st T h " ndTn"tng»'« of sh ip in k e was triade for «Ir Blnk'-lv. who OSWAI D 01 SOM NAMTO
W illam ette league. G ilbert and B lack night to be held at the C hristian
p ing In wooden hoxos will ho s -t wns then nllve. for hi 100th h lrth d sv
M rs. R o d rh a v e r D ies At C oburg.
wi re batteries- for Springfield and church. Rev. Close Is the superintend-
fo rth lit llti r-itiiro to ho d lstrlh n to d and had lo he senf lo Portinai! tn ho
Mr«. Mollie A. R odehaver died nt Brooks and O rr for Noti.
ent of the Anti-Saloon leagne fo?
In- th<> c o m m itte e s to »hlpp- rs
Ao ri frusti li.
Oswald M Olsen was s e le c t'd d|s her home one mile south of Coburg
A league m eeting will he held to. Oregon and will talk on prohibition
p e a ls will he d lre c t" d e sn e ein lly i a
trio t d eputy grand p atriarch ef l^i T uesday m orning, aged R8 years She night to dl«cuss the schedule. The enforcem ent. A movl»)g picture w in
th e m erch-'nf - Ir
Inm bor tow ns
DOI I AP VO TFD BY LIOMB I. O. O. F i tica m p im u t for the copi is survived hy her husband. Allen future schedule will ho d e te rm in 'd he presented en titled "T he T rium ph
for i*d nml co-oiiertitton In this cam ­
TO AD VER TISE OREGON Ine year. Mr Olson Is a tnombor of Hodehnver. two sons. Clvdo and at this m eeting. At p resen t It calls uf .Tnstlce." w hich shows how th»
till- local lodge nml was chosen for Bruce, all of Coburg, and hy three for two m ore weeks of play, term in work of the law enforcem ent bodle«
T .lfern tn re o g n laln ln g tho u ses o f|
Each m em ber of tin- Lion's ol th the position hy It C. W alker, «ho sisters. Mrs. Abbie F cn rer of Morgan- atlng July 4. Most of the m anagers 1« carried out. A general discussion
D o u g las fir and o th e r w esfoun turn will give a dollar to ad v ertise Ore- Is grnnd p atriarch of the state tm- town. W e s t'V irg in ia : Mrs. Ella M il-jgrp ,n favor of calling the season at
’ »ntus of the E ig h teen th
h e r will he printed nnd dlstrlhntod to K„n n t Iho convention of I,Ion ! clubs enmnm ent
Mr. Olson will hnvc 1er of Tinseltown. W est V irginia: and an en d at th a t tim e although it may A m endm ent and of the prohibition
Ibc eastern consum ers. Tt |s honed to t0 be hi hl In San F rancisco litis sum charge of the Inspection of Ihe lodrgs^M rs. H attie F ra sie r of Redwood
■ ovem ent will he held.
be extended fu rth e r Into tho su m -1 m
secure n m ore w idespread yse q 1 i i^or, according to n motion favorably nt Springfield, E ugene and M arcela. ( Fails. M innesota.
The aorviBes will be held at 8:00
w estern liim her In th e oast hv (h 's acted upon at the Inst m eeting of t h
------------------------ j The funeral will ho
held a t Wal
I p. m. and no adm ittance charge will
m ethod A bureau has a lre a d r been local club held Inst Friday.
City A ttorney Back from Teip,
k er"s chapel Spripgfleld. todav nt 2
be collected although an offering will
Aoeas Club Meets.
established nt the 4T, hendonnrter« I : A new m em ber. L. F And rsou.
City A ttorney Trn M. P etersen and , n. m The Rev Ross Ou'Rcy of En-
t'p taken. The choir of the C h ristian
The A neas club had Its
In Fnrtlnnd for the purpose of ad v er­ ¡ wns taken Into th e organization nt bride, neo Miss G eorgian B endler of gene will conduct the services Tn
m eeting at the home of M tr . E llen church will furnish the m usic for th e
tisin g of Douglas fir Tho bureau, un I the mooting. Mr. Anderson Is Iho H illsboro retu rn ed M onday nftor s ferm ent will he In L aurel hill cetne-
Lom bard Tuesday. Ri freshm ents nnd evening
dor th " charge of TT. B. Vnnoss. who p ro p rieto r of th e A Strei e"t Service woddlng trip of ten days to Rock- (pry.
a two-course lunch
w ere served.
At a m eeting n ex t Sunday, (he lo-
nlso net« ns se rre tn rv tn the Wood ,(tn t Ion In S pringfield.
aw ay heneh and o th er const points
Those present w ere: Mrs. W. N. Wil- cal churches will decide w hether of
Prom otion com m ittees
. - — ----- -
Mr. and Mrs. P eterson have rented
W ill Have Stand.
Hams. M rs C. H. S w nrts, Mrs. E not to continue the union service»
Pearson Is the ehnlrm nn of th e com- ,
Civic Club To Mold Benefit,
The ladles of tho American Legion
the house belonging tn Dr. Morten-
m lttee nt Pend.
i A nother b en efit will ho held by th " - " hut will net he able to nhtntn ntixIMarv, assisted hy m em bers fit B row ning, Mrs. C. E. K enyon, and through the sum m er as a regular
ladles of tho Civic club tn raise m on­ possession for six weeks. T hey are the legion, will conduct an Ice cream J Mrs N. W Emery. The next m eeting thing.
Goes to Convention—Dr. 8. R. Dip- ey to pay for th e piano recen tly pur. stay in g nt thp E lite at present.
and cake stand at th e w eekly S at­ of the elub will be July 30 at the
Royal Nelhbors Have Banquet at
pel went to P ortland Monday as a chased by tho club. The benefit will
urday night dances at S tevens hall. hom e of Mrs. Em ery.
delegate to tho Rtato D ental conven­ be a card p arly nt tho cham ber if
Eastern Star Chapter Granted.
T his Is the decision of a committee«
ladles attended
tion In th at city. Ho will retu rn a fter com m erce room s. Mrs. Riley Snod­
A ch ap te r In th e E astern S ta r was which m et T uesday night to dlsctiRR
Two can d id a tes received the third the banquet given by the R oyal
g rass Is Iho ehnlrm nn of the ways granted to Springfield m em bers at finances.
a w eek’a stay.
and m ean s com m ittee.
tho session of tho Grand C hapter In
O ne lady and one legion m em ber degree at the m eeting of the M asons N eighbors a t Monroe T uesday after-
At th e food sale S atu rd ay over 813 Portland la st week. The local o rgani­ will he tn charge of the stand each T uesday night. D uring Interm ission noon. T hose going w ere: Mrs. Inea
H ere from W isconsin—O. E. Good
of W eyerhouser, W isconsin, I r h ere was realized by th e Civic d u g . Mrs. zation hag boon form ed since la st week. Proceeds are tn bo pnt tow ard a banquet was held. The nex t meet. S cribner, Mrs. Georgia N ettleton Mr».
fo r a visit nt a week w ith tho fam ily M aude T. B ryan was In ch arg e of August and will be Installed th is paying off the Indebtedness of the Ing of th e lodge will be In Septem Em m a Otoon. Mrs. Fred Cllae, and
Mr«. Flora Stearmer.
th e sale.
of D. W. McKinnon.
local Legion post.
T h e o rg a n is a tio n of 111’’ com m it'
Thi- di dii n tl' ti n i thi- park «a» tre
a ta ri.a , nt It- ltd ,n « h u rt tin » ' ag o is
d- r th. ati-iplceu o f t h e 41, A1 b o u t-'i d ir the i-harg» of tin- ch am b er of
with Hr W r
«pon eei I bv t h a t (irg n u ls u tlo p ,
- . i-n'tm-rr
wmk M lin in g 'c a rrie d mi m, I I- n