TOWN AND VICINITY I ! Q iart In Ttw n—Churl,*y (Imut o», Visit Mother In B»nd—Hmllti uud Wither Montjoy w ni Io llyml Huurtwy Thur„t„n »«» In town Suturtlay, where they spent tbo rtuy with th d r In from Natron—Uimin Scott wus mother. a visitor h„r- Htiturdnv from Nntmu Here from Silem— Mr». Henry Vialta from Fall Creak—Mr*. Ethu Jon» of Hal'-n waa horn Friday eia HsuiUti'U of Full Cronk wus n Incut ItliiR friendo. Mra. Jont-a, nee ituth vl»ittir In Sbrlhgili'lil Siititrdny. ,v.l||rr, wa» a I,rid« of a week ug" Hero from Msbto—H. Artuin* uf Ilei Ino hand !» a guard at the alate Mtthlc Irnnxnilcrt business In town peniti ntlury at Salem. lint Balin',luv P A G E FTVT T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W » THURSDAY, JUNK 17. 1H2«. Vl»l>< of Motor Route B was In Spring V isits Mother Here— Nicholas >a*w, Mra. Hamlin Back—Mr E II Ham field Monday, herty of Portland vHIterf hla troth-r. lln returned thl* we, k fr in Porti, m d Here from Noti—Mr- C. W. I ll'll when *h na* beo» on a vlalt with Mr». N A. Rowe, real estate 'caler, this week Mr. Eamberty cam* down unison wa* In Springfield Tuortay relative*. Monday, and returned to Portland from Noll. Leave Springfield—Georg* Wfc«'le." yesterday where he ha« been con­ J•« »<* »’"rllend W ednesday the summer at Rice Creek They place on the city mall delivery while town »Rliirdsy. h,> wt" • few d , , r Mr are going to teach th- Dally Vacation Mr. Vaughn la taking hla vacation. Morgan's father end m other w.-re Bible school there. Mr. Vaughn haa not yet decided Roseburg Man Fined—F P Clem h„r(, v|* |t|ng him this week, where he will go for hla vacation hut ens of Roseburg paid a ,10 fine Fri­ Hand Infected by Raspberries— w)|, gpPIMj ,he first ffW days at hla day for «periling He w»» arrested Nephew Oles In Portland— Mrs I- Mrs Ed King of Motor Route R v ns h(;n)(, |n |own for the Offense last Sunday. , « llam lln wa» called to Porttnnd In town Monday to treat a hand which ....... — Wednesday to attend the funeral of had been Infected by a raapberrv K £ p N E R .p ^ R g O N S W E D D IN G Flnad for Speeding—Grant Byers of h(.r nrph,.w !x-wl« MoAtee wh > died Bend paid a ,6 fine Rnturday for Ja((t E V E N T O F L A S T N IG H T speeding He wa» arrested June 0 on Foot Hurt By Rail—Nnverto Ronge, --------- the charge Hava Picnic Sunday—Thu young a laborer on the section crew at th* Mies Esther Kepner became the 'people of Hie Baptist church held a local yard» had his foot smashed bride of Clair Parsons last night at Camp Creek Men In Town—Ed pim i,. Sunday afternoon nft«r the Monday by a rail falling on It The „ beautifully planned wedding at the Mn»ter»«n and J.«« Gnh>« of Cam p church services fondlni» 'nto cure Injured man was brought to the of Christian church nt Springfield, 13) e Creek were here Saturday on host ibrv wen’ to the Twin Brooks form flee- of a local physician nnd the’, n „ T jr y Stivers of Eugene perform- peas. on the Camp Creek road where a p ic ­ sect tn the Eugene hospital for tre»' | n< thp ceremony. The hrlde was dressed In a white H»rl»y Craft w ith Grandparent»— nic Inert, wn* «oread, khout fifty mint. member» cf the RoPtera of the Cross satin-hacked orepo gown and oar-l"d Harley Craft 1« vlalting hi ertonr Catch gLIm't of Trout—Mr. pnd a shower hoe,net of white rosebuds. ent« who live near f*ahnr* l ’e ex and their frlentU were ther<. Mrs. Roy Holverson nnd Mr. nnd peel» to stay there during tbo »urn- O ld R e a lrf-n t H e r * — M r. nnd Mr» Mr*. Arthur Roberts »pent S eta rd o ’ Ml»» Helen Meers, attired In a gr*en m«r months OndiT’nn dr«v, over In th Ir ear nnd Bandar nt Belknap »prlnra. 1 h ° crepe de chine dr«” nnd csrrylntr a with men’ »pent the time fishing and re­ hofttp-t of plrk rosehitd» wa® brides- Spend Evening at Camp Creek— f ’om R. nrt Sin day and stopped W e - ' port that they enught the limit of t p M Mr and Mrs W P Tyson al Dr mil Mr W 11 Pollard no'lorel Hugh McDaniel c f Eugene acted »" riocrlv to Camp Cr< ek FrM .v evening Th' v park Mr». GjI.WInn wc« f tront. h< «t man for the g*ecm. The he'd» •t nnd llvi-t here M Mildred R! . report an enjoyable time sn* hud in Mra. G ists Recovering—Mrs. Bay was elven away by her father A B Mr Gndeetsu I fourteen veers ng the trip. nn (T’strurtpr 'n •lie Bend pubi! - Gia-« fell from a ladder Inst week Kcpne” The church wa« etaherat Iv nnd fractured her right I t g and her decorated with roses and fern« end Ulon Pacific Man Here A W Bnk schools head Is reported to he re'overlng lighted h v candles placed at appro­ er of Eugepa. traveling repre -enlntlv < ............................. ... ......................... ............ f(,n'n Aatorla—Mrs M 1» n b ,y „ w„ , „pmp , lriP yet priate Intervals. of th« I’nlon Pyu tfl,- railroad was In Bprlngfleld Saturday on business for U n olb relur • »h» came to Springfield to make their Mrs Gatch Bolton visited Mr and ¡ been to he postponed on the accour •AV f Mr and Mr« R H Parcsn« of home here Mra Dunhar la a dnugh Mr« M B. lluntly Saturday nnd the Illness of the friends she was 7SC, n street Mr Fnrscns will wor* ter of O. E Klxer of thia city. Sunday. They drove over from Ante­ going to visit there. at hl« father'« mill n«rth of town lope to nttend the graduation of Wll- Hand Cut hv Saw—Fred Mellenher after his return to Sprlngfle’-’ h„r R«lton. brother of Mr. Gatch R e v e re n d C h lld e ra Leave»—The ger of Mohnwk waa In town Satur B ofon , who la a graduate cf the Dnl- Rev. 8. E. Childers and his wife left r dav attending to a cut which he re »«rsltv cf Oregon Medlcsl achn«t this for Santa Crux Monday where Rev celved on the hack of hla left hnnrt v«s* Mrs Bolton Is n roualn of Mra. Childers will spend the summer The Mr M dlenherger la aaw flier nt the Hnnlly. local minister Is trading pulpits with Parker Brother« sawmill at Mohnwk Warehouteman On Vacation—G. M the Rev William Baird, of the Chris- _ Mra. Knott Ha» Questa Mr nnd Claim, wnr, houseman at the local Han church of that city who is plan Mrs John Dickenson. Hanev Dick, n depot' haa gene to Pnrt’and cn hla nlng Io attend the U niversity of Or, •on and Mr«. William Marv of In lc v««»f(on. Ho was nntned d«legnto 'o gon summer school at Eugene. In ad pemfence and her daughter, ' ’a r c •• • the meeting of the Masonic Grand dltlon to his duties as minister for of Calgary, Canada stone, d i . "Rt P o la n d Wednesday. Whlb the local church Rev. Baird Is ex­ at the home of Mr». Annie Knox Mrs. on the trip. Vale K .rn es of Toledo pected here next Saturday and will Knox 1» nn old friend of Mr. and will take the place of Mr. Olson at conduct the services st the Christian S A T IN F IN IS H G LA S S Mrs Dickenson church here next Sunday the d ep ot F LO W E R V A S E S — t Wisconsin Family To Visit—O. E Go On Trip— Mr and Mrs John Fltxgernld, accompanied by Mrs H attie Spencer started Tuesday on a two months nutomoblle trip through northern California and southern j Oregon. They plan tn go by wny of Ashland, Ohleo. Alturas snd Lake- view and will visit their friends nlnng the route. A full rnmplng equip ment. wbs taken along. • Ladles of G. A. R. Meet— At the ( Inst meeting of the T.ndles of the O. A. R., held Friday, It was decided to discontinue the m eetings through th« summer. So mnnv of tho memhors , w ill he awny during the summ«r months thnt If. wns thougJvt best to | call a recesa for July nnd August. The first, m eeting In the fall will be held the second Friday In flop in Former Neighbors Visit— Mrs John D. Thomas of Medford with her two daughters and »on, John, visited at the home of Mr. .and Mr’ . Charles Ftrglmann Friday. Tho Egglmnnn« and Thomnaaes' worn neighbors In Wcnntchoe, Washington, years ago Mrs. Thomas wns on her wnv to visit her son, the Reverend Ralph Thomas of Salem. Home from Portland— Mr« Grace Male t» expecting her daughter. M'dS Grace Male home from Portland S»'.- urday. Mias Male ha» been teaching In the Portland echools for the last year and will spend the «ummer In Sprlrgfleld with her mother. DELICIOUS! COLD MEATS For the Hot W eather You will find our pure ready to eat, cold cut meats the ideal way to avttid cooking and fixing in the Summer’s heat. Delicious- appetizing and wholesome. Just the thing for sandwiches! BOLOGNA, FRANKFURTERS, SUMMER SAUSAGE, SLICED HAM, LIVERWURST Independent Meat Co. Phone 63 One Cent Wall Paper Sale From JUNE 21st to JULY 3rd ANY CUSTOMER WHO BUYS TWO ROLLS OF SIDE WALL PAPER CAN HAVE THE THIRD ROLL FOR ONE CENT? COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR 500 SAMPLES AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE. DURING THIS SALE WE WILL SELL ALL PAINTS AT 10', DISCOUNT FROM TH E REGULAR PRICE. SO NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR PAINT FOR THAT PAINTING JOB. Springfield Decorating Co. VASBY BROS. 312 MAIN STREET ■ y F T oinciaence That Made Tit own Friday and Saturday Special/ Good, wife and hell,I will visit Mr snd Mrs. D W. McKinnon Friday for a week or «n Mr. Good, who Is tho station agent nt Weyerhouae*. Wlaeonaln, writes from Everptf, Washington that he la verv much Im pressed with the wextern country «o far. Girl Born. Mr. and Mrs. Earl N Thompson art the parents nt a baby girl born Mon day. June 14 weighing six and three fourth» pounds. Hoe ba» been named Kathryn Alice. TIRES Special Prices Cash and Carry 30x3’/ a Casing ..................... -............................................ $ 6.95 3 0 x 3’/ 2 Cord and Tube ................................................. $11.65 30x3’/ a Oversize Cord and Tube .............................. $12.95 31x4, 32x4, 33x4 Also On Special Get Our Prices on Balloons Springfield Garage Phone 11 Two attractive colors to select from, Duo-Tone Orange and Mist Green. Top of vase has patented arrangement for easy spacing of flowers. A very practical as well as beau­ tiful vase, and just the right height, S’.« inches tall. Special This W eek 99c “The Homi c{ Good Furniture" WETHERBEE -POWERS -YO U WANT A MAN LIKE THAT” Brown was an every day young man around town. Well known, well liked. From his small salary he saved a set amount each week. Every Monday morning he made his deposit, watching small amounts grow into large figures. It was this saving habit that won for him a good position at real money. Brown’s regular appearances at the bank were well known and one day when a prominent manufacturer need» ed that type man, Brown was pointed ou t Regular saving builds confidence in you. A thrifty citi­ zen is a w’orth-while dependable nltlzen—in whom others feel safe in placing trust irlerdr-hlp, and whom they are ever willing to employ and to help. Protected by Electric Burglary ^larm System CHECKING AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS—SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon 11th nt Willamette .■ iim M r r a