THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS DAN IS A BLOWKD-UP SUCKER!" Politics, always known for Its ‘•deals," has de­ veloped a new one. BprlnrH eld. L a o * County. Orewou, by Mrs. Miriam A Ferguson, governor of Texas, T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRE SS announced last week that she would resign front H. B. MAXKY. SWttor office if she did not get a majority of 25,000 at , J : "~~2 the democratic primary to be held on July 24, "*• provided that Dan Moody, opposing her for the nomination, would resign as attoreny general if I he did not get a majority. Foolishly, many M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T B 75* thought. Moody accepted the challenge. OS* T ear In Advance------ 11.75 Three M enth« Mrs. Ferguson and her husband, a former gov­ ■ k M onths __________ 9L6S Single Copy - ernor, have fought with Moody ever since the THURSDAY, JUNK 17. 1996. country's first woman governor took office. They • say that the Ku Klux Kian and other interests are • trying to put Mrs. Ferguson out of office. Moody Editorial Program • says he is against them only because the Fergii- I •.A M a k i Spriegfletd the J i i 6»sSr l s l Cestoe s f W an­ • son administration has been corrupt and hus- • band-ridden. ton« O r tjo « . • M. Bevelap a Streng T rag Ing F e in t; BullS a City • When the governor’s husband heard Moody •T U tfitB n tB q n w m w . • had acaepted the challenge, he threw up his hands III. Im preve l M n | Cendltlene an t * a Farm . Pra- • and ejaculated : met« toa Raialn« e f Fwreheed U v aato ak and » “Dan is a blowed-up sucker and a gone fawn- (Ra O re w to f a< FetoU W e r * to r Battor Msrfceto • skin!" a a IV . T üll tbe W urlS Abeet Oregon-* ■ If a third candidate should prevent either of • the two from getting a majority, neither will _ have to resign. Otherwise one or the other will have to resign after the primary, and it is Justly THE COMML’NITY PICNIC. conceivable that both might have to resign under Friday. June 18. has been set for the official the liberal terms of the agreement—If Mrs. Fer- opening of Springfield's new city park on the guson should win with a majority of less than Mill raoe and Seavey's lane, east of the city. 25.000. This flve acres, set aside on the industrial tract , • • • ----- for park purposes, is a natural park and beautiful E d ito r ia l C • m m • n t picnic grounds. It is ideally suited for both large and small picnics, with a good macadam road NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. leading to it, and with plenty of shade, water and The Evening Record, Ellensburg, Wash grass. It is to acquaint people of the community with An enumeration of the reasons for advertlelng baa re­ the park that this community picnic is being _ cently been given out. There are eight reason« advanced. held. Everyone is invited. Get your lunch basket but t^ere are many othere. of coarse However, here are and come along. ¡eight that are very splendid and highly convincing, as LIONS CLUB SECURES COUGAR TO EXH IB IT Published Bvery Thursday at A full grown mountain lion la to be the newest addition to Spring field's population according to plana J being carried out by tbe Lloua club, local organlsattou. At the last meet Ing of the club, held Friday noon, It j was decided to accept the offer of I E R. Danner. local bualnee« uian to exhibit the lion In a cage at Firth i and A streets. The lion at present is caged In j a window of the Danner-Robinson | «porting goixlb store In Bugenr. , where It has been held captive for some time«. The lion was taken cap- I tlve when young and lias grown until It Is now a full grown anltnal. While on exhibition In Eugene the animal | has attracted the attention of many people, and Its presence her* will be of Interest to many who are trav | ellng through the city Through the Initiative of the Lions , club the lion will be Installed In a large cage at Anderson's Service sis- [ tlon on the corner of Fifth and a streets. It Is planned to have an Iron cage built on the back of the lot and extending to the street to house the lipa. A shed and a "tree" will bv Placed within the cage for the Ilona use. Tentative plans are being mada by the organisation tn send the linn , to San Franclaro next July to tbe T.lons International convention bat fin al arrangements have not yet been completed As far aa Is kown this Is the only real live lion owned by any Ilona club In the world The possesion of _ t given In a southern newspaper: JOHN D s HAPPINESS RECII E. Newspaper reading Is a universal habit; newspaper ad- the animal |s expected to bring mnch attention to thia live organisation of John D Rockfeller, happy and hale at eighty- vertising. therefore, reaches virtually all who buy. Six attributes his wholesome love Of life and gen-| -Newspaper advertising le the life blood of local trade Springfield buslnesa men and will eral good condition to the fact that he never because It touches all consumer sources In every com be on* of the city's attraction« during •lets anything bother him.” munlty It gives the national advertiser the seme op- thb Summer This is a first-class recipe for happiness. But. portu n ttyfor complete coneumer appeal In any locality Hurt by Wageo-^Jerked beneath how many persons are there in the world who Newspaper advertising cuts tellin g cost« because n can adopt this method of insuring peace and entails no waste In locality of circulation Manufacturers tb* wheels of his wagon when the good cheer? use 11 cover markets where It Is profitable to do b u st horsea started up. Mr R J. Parott of Thurston was badly bruised by Many of us bother about a lot of things that »••». aren’t worth the bother. Mr. Rockfeller would Newspaper advertising insures «yuiriq. thorough and the Wheels of the wagon, and wae eliminate these things and so would the most of *«x>«mical distribution and dealer good will, because re- brought to Springfield fbr treatment us. if only we could. For some reason, however, »««»« •* « products advertised direct to Monday Mr Parrott had been work Ing on a hay balling crew and was we concern ourselves about so many little ln-|d»«ir own consumers. COnsequental affairs—little matters that really Newspaper advertising enable, mannfarturers to tell on top of a load of bav when tb« ac­ cident occurred. H* doe* not know do not help or hinder our dally lives. >»>«* their product may be bought ’ Mighty oaks from little acorns grow" covers Newspaper advertising can be started or stopped over whether the action of the team our mental gyrations often. Some tiny uttle word. “ 'Kht. can be prepared between days to meet certain de- caused the «vagon to run comptately or act bothers US It begins to grow, and haunt velopmenta and to obtain Immediate results Newspaper over him or not An examination by s US and finally—because we’ve permitted the advertising enables manufacturers to check advertising local doctor «bowed that no other i Injuries were suffered except a badly | acorn to bother US— it becomes a mighty oak, results and coeta In every market which they enter shadowing US in despair. Newspaper advertising costs less than any other kind bruised chest. A serene world, truly, if all of US would follow Tbw merchant or other business man who 11 not taking John D’s rule not to “let anything bother him.” advantage of (he opportunities offered by newspaper ad­ Foot It ln|ured— Noverto R oage' vertising to boost his business now will still be faring • • • had hla foot Injured Monday while readjustments problems when his competitor Is back on working on the railroad aedlon rrew Some people and newspapers are always ad­ i normal buslnesa plane. at Springfield The Injured man was s e e vocating the doing away of capital punishment. sent to the Eugene hospital for treat Seem to us it is about gone already without any THE REASON AMERICA PROSPERS. meat. more legislating. Figures compiled by a Chica­ (The Manufacturer.) go jurist indicates that there is only one chance Factory worker In New York City received an average in 110 of a person who commits a deliberate mur­ of $12.81 a week In Dec•- «" «" «•" bomea, Its corporation stocks with 16,000,000 ow ners. While some Induatrlea and some sections of the country have not been uniformly prosperous, these figure« «bow a general average. But everywhere there has been • lift In condition«. By A- B. CHAPIN 1 O taaler's place at th e nost b fflc e while Mr. flossier Is at the summer camn of the National (luted at Csmni Jackson. Mr. flossier will be aw n v! for two weeks at the camn with the , Rnrtngfleld company of which he la | second lieutenant. SPEAKING OF STRIKES •ut/fA %SStt DRUGSTORE Tbe Latest Fashion Eugene Business College I A. E. Roberts, President Secretarial Stenographic Course« Bookkeeping IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL »92 Willamette Street Eugene. Oregon ICE CREAM Fresh, sweet cream Ice Cream—of Incomparable flavor! For every occasion It 1 b the perfect desert. Deliciously tempting to young and old. Its purity makes It safe and nourishing to all. Drop In today and lake some home with you, or let us serve you a Sundae or some plain it» cream. EGGIMANN’S When In Eugene EAT AT THE MANHATTAN CAFE The best place to Eat Open Day and Night 685 Willamette S t Eugene. Or». When Better Bread Is Made We’ll Bake It There 1« no better bread than Perfection—made right here In Springfield in a modem, sanitary bake shop by expert bakers. Only the purest ingredients are used in­ suring a healthful, nourishing food product. Besides its high quality, Perfection looks well and tastes mighty good. In other words It haB all the good qualities good bread can have. THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Perkins lAixton Building FRED FRE8E, Prop. Fifth St. Springfield Phone 86 M O U N T A IN ST A T E S PO W E R C O M PA N Y D IV ID E N D No. 3 4 The 34th regular quarterly dividend of 91 75 per share on the 7% Preferred Block of thia Company will be paid July 20. 1926, to share­ holders registered on the books at tbe close ot buslnesa June 30, 1926. Subscription tor shares on tbe cash plan received prior to June 26th «III entitle purchaser to the full dividend of 91 76 per eJiare for the quarter beginning April 1st. Outstanding partial payments accounts upon which final pay­ ment Is made before June 26th will receive dividend No. 94 on July Mtb. PRESENT PRICE $100.00 per »hart, to yield 7'X per year Orders for shares must be In our bands before the close of busi­ ness June >6, tn order to avail yourself of this dividend, but payment may be made up to July 16, on cash sales. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER SECURITIES COMPANY P. O. Box 1609, Tacoma, Washington V A C A T IO N I N e w .. —now in effect to your favorite summer playgrounds. Reduced roundtrip tickets with return limits to fityourvacation plans. You can save money for pleasure uses; go LASTEX SWIM KAPS by train. New colors and shades for this season. A prac­ tical cap for all pur­ poses. Durable and comfort­ able. 25c to 75c Convenient, comfortable service to Newport, Coos Bay, Tillam ook beaches; Oregon Caves, Crater Lake. You’ll arrive there rested and ready for vacation fun, with the maximum amount t i time there. Flanery’s j Drug Store ta * /top íA LINES I Askabout the low summer farei to California and the East. Southern PacifscLines CARL OLSON, Agont