I THURSDAY. JUNE 17, 1926. » page TH E HPKINOF.’TI.D NEWS Œ 1.1 îfîed Ads & Dr. Eliot’s Message to Young People Would Amend Dry Law T im a » CALL FOR WOOD BIOS. N otice la hereby given, th a t tog School Board of School Dtst. No. IS, of Ijin e County, Ore., will receive sealed bid« for 206 cord« of wood to be delivered at the School Building* a specified: 30 cords at the High all the little faults we make and mag School on D Strret; 5 cord« at th * Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president em­ nlfy, our country la tha moat blessed High School Oym on E Street; 7» e riti» of Harvard university, gives pn earth.” ' cords at the Lincoln School on 4th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (S treet; 46 cords at the BrattaiB what would be his final message to . „ . School on lOtb S tre et The wood a* the young pepole of America In the Hurt While Diving—Mary Fisher of the Brattaln School to be In two- ' first Interview ho has given for many Camp Creek suffered a painful Injury foot lengths, all the rest to be FOR HALE— Seven-room house with year», which appear» In the current Sunday when she dived from the , foot length. Old growth fir preferred, W A N T E D — Plano puplla. Mrs. W W. ld<;[*A; acre of ground on East Muln St. laaue of Collier's Weekly by John B. springboard at the Coast Fork bridge. ?,?^?nd Fr0Wth, , Tn,ru Walker, 133 E 8t„ Hprlngfled. . . . , _ . , Bidders to specify what kind In their Price 12900, 1500 down, balance Kennedy Dr. Eliot, In his nlnety-eec hurting her head when she landed bld s ,ab or ml„ wood lncluded Bid* J 10-17 like rent. Address J. E. Stewart, ond year, believes It may be advisable In the water. received up to noon, June 25. Bids F»»R BALE— Payroll sheets. printed 111 Cedar 8L, Klamath Falls, Ore. rrves tbe right to rw eompute workman's compensation STATE O F OREOON, . IN AND FO it * • * " ,h ” P»"«1»fi of union» In labor STATE OF OREGON, IN AN D FOR Ject all bid« and dedoctlona. No employer should 1.ANK CO UN TY and combinations among capital. Here LANE COUNTY. R. W. S M ITH . Clerk. I, re his opinions: SUMMONS. '» be without these fr rme when they J 10 I t Susie C. Curtía, Plaintiff, vs. 8. D. can be purahased for a few cents W. A. Newman. Plaintiff, vs. ! - I f , bad opportunlty to gay , Curtin, Defendant. sacs. tf ___ “ r* < » W / Bowman, the wife of flna, word t„ h# To 8 D. Curtis, Defendant: SUMMONS. n>/vu a«« » b . lOeori«» F. Bowman, and all other . ,, « T H E NA M E O F T H E S TA TE FOR B A LB -C arbo n paper In large p„ r, on, or p»rtte, «„known, claiming America. It would be this: Don t think OF IN OREGON, You are hereby sum-’ I N T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H R sheets, J4x39 Inches, suitable for [ any right, title, estate, Hen or Interert to° much about yourself. When all moned and required to appear and S T A T E OF OREGON IN AND FOR making traelnga The News Office. In the real estate described In the you can think of Is yourself, you are answer the Complaint filed herein T H E CO UN TY OF LANE. complaint herein. Defendants. ,n „ bad way. S U IT FOR DIVORCE. against you In the above entitled suit Old Tims Danes. To Mrs George F. Bowman, the Hugh 8. Demorest, Plaintiff, wife of George F Bowman, and all „ ,K mar. ■“’ ’ »'«blr »" «mend the and Court within six' weeks of the versus Stevens Hall, »prlngfleld. Every of the first publication of this sum­ other person» or parties unknown, Volstead law slightly to permit the mons, and If you fall to so appear, Nora Demorest, Defendant Hnturday Night. Garretto Orchestra. claiming any right, title, estate. Hen manufacture and «ale of light beer; for want thereof, the plaintiff will To Nora Demorest, Defendant:— Tickets 78c. or Interest In the real estate descrlb- but beyond that It would be danger- take Judgment agalnet you a , prayed You are hereby required to appear 1 ed In the complaint herein, Defend- oug tf) go In plaintiffs Complaint, to-wit: fo r'an d answer the complaint filed IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT G F T H E I S T A T E GF OREOON FOR LANE IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E "New generations will find that a decree of the Court dissolving the against yon In the above entitled suit bonds of matrimony now existing be within «tx weeks from the date of tha COUNTY. O F OREOON: You are hereby requlr- they can get along without liquor. tween the plaintiff and defendant, and flrat publication of thia summons hi Eunice Hersbey, Plaintiff, va John I **' lo “ PP,'ttr * n'1 answer the com- When the discovery Is made by young granting to the paintiff an absolute the Springfleki News, which is pab> Herahey, Defendant. plaint filed against you In tbe above Americana that drink Is neither deslr- divorce from the defendant, and for lfahed the flrat time on Jnne 2, 1924; To the defendant John Hersbey: »-titled suit within »lx weeks from abl„ nor ngRfnI prohibition will be sucb other relief as to the Court may and yon are hereby notified th a t It In the name of the state of Oregon the date of the first publication of . you fall so to appear within said atg seem Just and equitable. h . * . s - summoned --------------- -------------, b,R summon«, and If you fall .o to ,rul)r • « * < * '" • because then it be an you are hereby to answer Thia 8ummona Is served upon you weeks, your default w ill be entered the complaint filed against you In tbe answer, for want thereof, plaintiff accepted and not a controversial fact, by publication by virtu s of an order for want of an answer and the plats, above entitled case and court within will take decree against you aa pray- j "We have In alcoholism a major of the Hon. O. F. Sklpworth, Judge tiff wfl] make applcatlon to the court alx weeks from tbe flrat publication ed for In said complaint to-wlt: That e rj, which must be fought of said Court, dated and filed June for the relief prayed w ithin the said or this aummons and If you fall so plaintiff la the absolute and unquali­ "On tbe surface there appears a 7. 1924, directing this Summon» be complaint which Is as follows, to- to answer plaintiff will apply to tbs fied owner and In constructive posses­ served upon yon by publishing the w lt: That the marriage contract now court for tbe relief demanded In the sion of the Southeast fourth of the new social hypocrisy on the part of same once a week for six successive existing between you and the plaintiff complaint, namely, that tbs _______ marralge Southeast quartet of Section 12. the outwardly dry who are privately weeks In the Springfield News, and be forever dissolved, that he have a > relation existing between p la in tiff' Township 18 ftoutb. Range 6 West of wet. that you answer said Complaint wttn- absolute divorce from you. The abovg and defendant be wholly dissolved,i 'h r W illam ette Meridian. In la n e "The manners of our youth today In six weefcj from date of the first entitled court made and dated an or- and that plaintiff have custody of County. Oregon; that hla title thereto publication thereof. Date of first der Jane 1. 1929, directing that thto the minor children of plaintiff and d e -' be forever quieted; that defendant! are queer, but their morals are no publication. June 10, 1920. summons be published ones each fendant. This summons Is served upon be forever barred and estopped from worse than those of their predeces­ W ELLS A W ELLS, week lor six successive weeks In t h * you by publication by virtue of an claiming any right, title, estate. Ilea sors. Attorneys, Springfield News, a newspaper pwh» order made June 6, 1921, by the Hon. or Interest In, to or upon said land Residence and P. O. Address, "1 see nothing to regret tn tha freer fished la Springfield. Oregon, and th at O. F. Sktpworth. circuit Judge, d irec t and for costs and disbursements Eugene, Oregon. you appear and answer the said cos»- Ing such publication for six aucceeslve against any defendants appearing and condition of women politically and la J 19 17 24 Jl 1 I 16 22 plaint within six weeks from the the field of livelihood-earning, unless weeks In the Springfield News, end conteattng hla title. date of the first publication of thto that defendant aaswer tha same with­ This summons Is served by publica It might be that women are getting summons. in six weeks from the first publica­ tlon thereof once each week for alx away from motherhood, IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF H. E. 8 L A T T E R T , tion thereof. This summons la first sucoeaslve weeks In the Springfield tb, .tru g g l. be- L A N » COUNTY. Attorney for Plaintiff, and my so publlhed June 19, 1929 News, by order of the Hon. O F. ! „ , . , . , , SUMMONS F O R . P U B LIC A TIO N postoffice address Is Bugeae, Ore. Sktpworth, Judge of said Court so- C‘ PIU1 • B<1 tabor ’• to IN FORECLOSURE OF T A X L IE N S D A LLEN , J » 10 17 24 Jl 1 g 1» Attorney for Plaintiff. Eugene, tered on the 8th day of June. 1929, a close because it Is so well-known Abner Oltchrtst. Plaintiff, va. M il­ Oregon. and tbe first publication thereof was that this struggle Is unprofitable for lard F. Oreen. Defendant NOTICE. J 19 17 14 Jl I I made on the 10th day of June 1924. , beiier« onions tn labor will To Millard F. Oreen, the above nam­ N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N that A. E W H EELER , ed defendant . pass end combinations among em- a petition has been filed with tha Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence In the Name of the State of Oregon: I ployers will paaa. for the common Recorder of the Town of Springfield* Too are hereby notified that Abner and Postoffice Address: Eugene. , sense of arbitration without organ- OtlchrUt la the holder of Certificate Oregon, petitioning the Common Cotaa» Oregon. lied moral or physical force Is becom­ of Delinquency numbered 1990 Issued ell of the Town of Springfield to v». J 10 17 24 J ll 8 IB 12 cate that certain alley In Bloek 78 on the 3rd day of July, 1922 by the of Springfield Investment and Power ing more apparent and convincing. of Lane, Phone Re». 101-J Office 72-J "Unwavering love la the baste of Tax Collector of the . . County .v . Company's Addition lying betweea be amount of (ith an„ n „ >t , Estate of Roland Fox. Deceased. genuine, enduring marriage, and the Sta e of Or«jon F. H. WALKER Sixteen and 47-190 dollars, the n-cae Rtreet „ j mnaing thence southward NO TIC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T , price to be paid for unwavering love being the amount then due and de ^o the alley which runs Hart and West Auto Truck Transfer Notice Is hereby given that Harel Is personal sacrifice. Even In small Inqueut for taxes for the year 1929, throuJrh the cent„ of aald Bleck House Hold Goods. Baggage, )tiOn dn, £ Tryon, Administratrix of the relate , h|nK!< tj,)R «elM enlal for another, together w ith penalty. Interest and , wb|ch gafd Merchandise Moving 'o f Roland Fox. deceased, has filed . . . . thereon upon the real property, by Frank B H amlln. Creaslda W. Office at 312 Malti St. In the County Court of tbe State of ‘ J* , f 5 , ” f’ IM‘ rtn*>r- costs assessed to you. of which you are t h e |Ham„ n W aher j gnd K athr^ Oregon. In and for laine County, her hears fruit In happiness. owner ae appears of record situated ( gcott thg ownerg of gU flnsl report as sneh administratrix "America must cling to Ideals and n said County and State and ra rtlc n .;ert^ abuttlng u^ n gaid a„ £ and that ten o'clock In the forenoon promote them I f we remain In pnns»- larly bounded and described as fol _ ’ v Telephones: Office 613 Ros. 2076 of Monday the 21st day of June, ,ROiBf|on We mav be secure, low«, to-wlt: Beginning at a point in ; HimKRY GIVFN that 1924. at the Court Room thereof, have ' 1 . section 21. Township 21. South of , NOT.*5E *8 H ER EB Y O B EN that 7 Plra ,,° “ ‘ hlrty days be, II. by said Court fixed and ap- but that security will be purchased at range 3 West of the W illamette M » r > f,er Idlan. 30 feet West of the Northeast fr° “ tha date bereof- ’ ’» h petitioner* pointed nt the time and place for the cost of our souls Osteopathy stands for the The Republic Is not «n experiment. ! corner of the J II. Shortrldge D o n a -!* '11 “ PP1? to ’ hr ( ommon Council for CVCETlttSUUS) RASPBERRIES nt HprltirfU'ld mar ket «very Wntlnewtay and Friday from 7 to 1 o’clock. J 10 17 FOR I HAf.E—Carbon paper In lar*» •tire t» . 16x38 lachea. suitable fat B a k in g tracine». T h » N a v a Otflea ~ C A LL ANO HYE Or N. W Emart pn D** nn etat.» and other work »' Nu l l, i: FOR iT lil.li'A T liiN D E P A R T M E N T OK T H E IN T E R IOR U. S LAND O FFIC E AT Ito«« burg .Oregon. June 4. 1020. NO TIC E s hereby given that Ralph M rK In h y llarlow, nt llox 417, Tulare, California, who, nn Augu«t 4. 1922, made Homestead Entry No 014518, for BWk, SW %. section 21. Town ahlp 14 S . Range 2 East. W illamette Mvriillnn. ha« filed noth*« of Intention to make three-year Proof, to ««tahlleh claim to the land above daacrlbed, I thg I nil.,I Stat*-« lurnd Office at Roseburg, Oregon, on the lin t day of July. 191« Claimant name» aa wltneaaea: John Lilly, Frank lJlly , Benjamin Mlnnla, Frank Clayton, all of Vida, Oregon. non coal, H A M IL L A. CANADAT, Register. J 17 14 Jl 1 8 IS N O TIC E TO CREDITORS Nnttee la h.reby given that Fred H. IJndaay ha* been appointed aa art oalalslrstor of the aatota of John J Lindsay. deceaaed. and all peraona having claim« again«! aald estate are hereby notified to present the u rn . to the undersigned administrator at tha office of Fred E BtnMh. attorasy tor said Administrator at ««5 4 Miner Bid«., Eugene, Oregon, properly vort- fled, within alt month* from tha data of thte notice Dated May N . 1994 FRED E S M ITH . Attorney tor Administrator. FRED H. IJN D B A T , Administrator. M 19 17 J I 10 17 B U S IN E S S Gaserei Law Practice I. M, PETERSON Attoruey-at-I-aw Commercial State Rank Bldg., Springfield, Ora. BUY F U R N IT U R E HERE Roeksrs, Beds, Mattresses, Stoves, Tubs, Slavs Boards, Clothes Baskets. Wm. DONALDSOv NEW ANO SECOND HAND STORE D IR E C T O R Y ¡ Or.John Simons truth wherever It Is scienti­ fically proven. Osteopathic Physicien and Sur­ geon C ontracting and Buildittg GEO. W. P E R K IN S Corner Sth and D Streets Springfield, Oregon Office 404 M. & W. Bldg., Ruffcne, Oregon ORtoopnthv wtandt for the truth wherevrtt Plans and Estimates Furnished Free. W ill Help You Flnonct It 1« scientifically proven Your Building* DR. N W. E M E R Y „ ,s a fact: I» can .ven withstand the tlon la n d Claim In Township 21 ™ ¿ b .^ n tbU’ Ù » outburst, of the superheated patriots South of Range 3 W est: run thence •«*>"• “^ ‘b ^ this no- of said deceased H A ZE L TRYO N. ------------------pre lingoes masquerading X l n s / ’ honcZ " ’s o u t h " ^ chain«! ' Dated a t S p fU ftteM . Oregon, who are mere Administratrix. A E W HEELER. ns statesmen n end leaders Democracy .bpnce wp ,t Ri ong the North houn- 3rd day cf June^ »0-4. Attorney. has proved Itself In America, for with . darv of said claim 14 59 chains: CRESSIDA HAMLIN, M 20 27 J 3 10 17 ! thence north 1.50 chains to the cen WALTER J. SCOTT. —— — — — | Notice of Sale of Reni Estate. , fer of (bp southwest quarter of sec- K A T H R Y N SCOTT, N O T IU E TO CR EDITO RS Whereas, the Judge of the County tlon 21. Township 21 South of Range J 3 10 17 24 Jl L Notice Is hereby given that the Court of T.ao( Countv. Oregon, has 3 Wert; thence west along the south undersigned has been appointed Ad- bv order dated and filed June 2nd.' boundary of the northwest qaarter mlnlstrator of the estate of Mrs 8. 1924 authorized the undersigned a s ! the southwest quarter of section 21 N O TIC E is hereby given that th« It Rurton deceased bv the Countv administrator of the estate of Jack 12 97 chains; thence south 15(1 chains, state Land Board of the State of Court of Lane Countv. Oregon All Rodman deceased, to sell the real to the N W corner of said D L. C. ¡Oregon will receive scaled bids at }ts Call D EN TIST SUTTON TRANSFER Sutton Bldg. Phone 20 J Residence Phone 153 M Wells. Attorneys Bank of Commerce will from Rnd after July 3rd. 1924. «1 acres of land inafter described, giving, however, to P ld g . In Eugene. Ia»ne County. Ore- nt private sale for part cash and You are further notified that said , tb(1 owner or owners of any land gen within six months of th dnte , )arj ertd lt, the real property of said, \b n er Gilchrist has paid taxes orr abu, tjng or fronting thereon, the prefr Springfield, Oregon of the first publication of this notice | described as follows, to-wlt: i premises for prior or subsequent | pr(.nce r igbt to purchase said rive»- Date of first publication May 20, , 4>| <> )n c„et1nn 29 In townshtn 14 venrs. with tbe rate of Interest on said |andg nt tbe highest price offered, '1924. south of range 4 east of the Wiliam- amounts a follows: provid'-d such offer is made In good Date Tax Re- Amt Rate faith, and reserving to the Board tha II GEO,. N, McLEAN H. P RURTON, ette Meridian, In Lane County, Ore­ Year’s of right to reject any and all bids: Paid ceplt Administrator. • Autfmoblle, Fire and Life gon. excepting a strip of land 50 feet Tax In tT t No. W E LL S * W ELLS, Said lands are situated in Lana IN S U R A N C E ., wide through »aid lot conveyed to Your Home When In 1922 22336 12.08 12 County, Oregon, and described a» Attorneys. Luekev Boy Mining Conipsnv; also 1921 ........10 5 Surety Bonds,. Phone 417 S 1363 16918 12 R 1922 M 20 27 J 3 10 17 excepting a tract conveyed to Nellie follows, to-wit: Springfield My busi nera Is to protect your 7638 12 89 12 4 6 1924 1923 Beginning at a point on the U. S. T. Matlock, and a tynct conveyed to business 12 Government meander line of the left N O T IC E TO CREDITORS T. C Luckey and a' tract conveyed 1924 ......... 7 1 1925 16126 14.53 I 84Q W illamette St Eugene Oregon, 1 97 12 bank of the W illam ette River, at a Notice Is hereby given that the j to Roy Stlen, all said premises being 1920 ......... 7 3 1922 25883 Ssld Millard F Oreen aa the owner corner on the east boundary of the 1 updcralgneri has been appointed Ad- , ,n Lnne County. Oregon; that said of the Ingal title of the above prop­ L. Poindexter D. L. C. No. 52, T. 17 m lnirtrntor of the estate of H arry , R| P wlll be made for a payment of erty aa the same appear« of record and S. R. 4 W , W. M.. 10.75 chains north JEWELER VASBY BROS. Mnrkniann, deceased, hy the County' twenty-five per cent of the purchase each of the other persona above nam­ of the southeast corner of the claim, Repairing a Specialty Court of Lane County, Oregon. All I price In cash, the balance of pur- being 28.00 chains east and 37.26 Fainting & Decorating ed are hereby further notified that Ab­ t persona having claims against said I chase nr|ce to he payable not less Springfield, Oregon chains north of the southwest corner ner Gilchrist w ill apply to the Ctrenlt j estate are Berehy notified to present thnn 950.00 per calendar month, all of Section 12, of said township, and In all Its branches i the same, pronerly verified' to un- to become due pot leas than one year Court of the County and State afore­ running thence along the Government said for a decree foreclosing the lien front the date of confirmation, and derslgned at the office of W ell» & 312 Main Street line. Wells. Attorney« Bank of Commerce secured by a mortgage upon aald real against thh property above described N. 5514 degrees W. 3.00 chain« R. W. SMITH Bldg., In Eugene, l4»ne County, Ore­ property. Any aale to be subject to and mentioned In aald certificate N. 32 degrees W 4.00 chains And yon are hereby eummoued to ap­ gon. within «lx month« of tlhe date confirmation by ««Id Court. Justice of the peace and N. 18 degrees 16’ W. 4.80 chains pear within sixty day« after the first of the flrat publication of thia notice. FRED E S M ITH . N. 12 degrees 10’ E. 7.16 chains notary public, Insurance DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL publication of thl« snmmons, exclu Date of first publication May 20. Attorney for Administrator. N. SI degrees E. 2.67 chains thene* slve of the day of said first public« 1924. ELM ER ROBERTS. leaving the meander line. DENTIST tlon, and defend tht« action or pay HA R O LD J. W E L I^ , Administrator. City Hall Springfield, Oregon East 3.36 chains Administrator. J 3 10 17 24 Jl 1 the amount due aa above shown, to N. 64 degrees 65’ E 2 63 chains Phone 43 "ether with costa and accrued Inter W E LL S * W ELLS, N. 79 degree« E. 6.63 chains thenea First Nat'l Bank Bldg., 8prlngflald «at, and In caee of your failure te leaving the meander line, Attorney». M 20 27 J 3 10 17 T H E CO UN TY COURT OP T H E I ’ n so. a degree w lll be rendered for» S. 22 degrees W. 2.40 chains to th» IN STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE -losing tbe lien of said taxea and meander line on the right bank. -nsts against the land and premise» S. 69 degrees W. 9.00 chains along N O T IC E TO CREDITORS. COUNTY. All kinds of gravel for con­ -hove named. the meander line. IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E ES­ Nolle la hereby given that Donald Thl summons 1» published by orde» crete or road work. We S. 3 degrees W. 8.85 chains. WM. G. HUGHES Young wnH appointed administrator T A T E OF W . H. ANDREW S, DE ■>f tbe Honorable O F Sklpworth 8. 55 degrees E. 6 60 chains make n specialty of crushed FIR E AND AUTO INSURANCE of the estate of Hanne Kristine Jo­ CEASED. Bidge of the Circuit Court of th' __ ___ 9. 39 degrees 02’ W . 6.86 _______ chains to rock and rock ennd. Bunk­ Notice la hereby given by the un­ <»tate of Oregon for the County o' ] ,hp hansen, deceased; by order of the NOTARY PUBLIC place'o f beginning, containing Count'- Cour tfor Lang County, Ore­ dersigned administrator of said es ’ nne, and said o rd fr wav made atp' u jig acres of river-bed lrnda In Sec ers nt foot of Main on Mill , Office at gon, duly made the 19th day of May, fate that Lis flnnl account In said 'nted this 6th day of Mav. 1924 an- | j 3, T. 17 3. R. 4 W . W. M. street. 1926, All porson® having claims matter was filed on May 28th. 1924 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ho date of the first publication o Applications should be accompanied HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Springfield, * Oregon ngnlnst said estate are hereby notified and that the Judge of said Court ba •Ms summon« Is the 6th day of Mav , bv cbPck or draft of the amount of to present the same, with proper fixed July 3rd. 1926. at ten o'clock a •sog -- - to - - CL I bld and abould be addressed vouchers, to the said administrator M. at the Chambers of said Court li Raturna from Hospital— Mrs. R. O. »11 process and papers In thia pr- O. Brown, Clerk Stato Land Board, at hie office at 860 W illam ette Street, the Lane County Court Honse In th -edtng may he served upon the n» Salem, Oregon, and marked "Applica­ Thatcher of Wendling was dismissed FRANK A. DF PUE Eugene, Oregon, within alx months City of Eugeno, Oregon, as the tlm '-rslgned residing within the Sta* tion and bld to porches» rtver-bed from tbe Mercy hospital on Tuesday and place for bearing objections. I’ A TTO R N EY AT LAW from the dnte of thia notice. e Oregon at the address hareafh lande." a t noon after a major operation. Mrs. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, the 20th any to said final account. '«ntloned. G. G. BROWN, NO TARY PUBLIC FRED E. SM ’ T H , day of May. 1926. Thatchnr w ill stay at tha home of her 8 M CALKINS. Clerk State L id Boord. Attorney for Administrator. DO NALD YOUNG Button Springfield Attorney for Plaintiff eto'.er-ln-law, Mrs. J. B. Cowden, In Dated at Salem, Oregon, Kay M, A L L E N ANDREWS, Administrator of the estate of Buldllng Oregon. Addrass: Eugene, Ora. "■ Rjrlngfleld for a few day« before re t»N . Administrator. Hanne Kristine Johansen, deceased. » » A fl, M I 18 *0 >7 J 8 10 IT 14 J 1 * turning to her home In Wendling J • la 17 £4 Jl 1 M >0 17 J S 10 17 Phono 57 “The Loop D. W. Roof I SPRINGFIELD 6RAVEL CO. •kq»