T H U R S D A Y . JU N K 17, IH2H. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOft TWO I Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE COUNT* UNIT ixO. H LAND PLASTER AND COUNTY AGENT ATTEN D S CO NVENTIO N A T ASTORIA Community News By S tp v c ih l A L IM E A ID S A L F A L F A R. S N E E D C LO S IN G O U T B U S IN E S S H E R E C o rr« s p o n d --t» ‘ I h a i of 'lin n , »polls, Mit a. i.tf . is n u . lui lill* the nl< for Mr. « - d T ill or fifteen duys will lie ti- d u i !p which to dispose of Hie steel, no- ct-tii ng Io Mr In nl M hen a»k> d vesienlny a-, lo hl* li tur plues, Mr Sneed said I II» I ii-aiie no definito arrangem ent» y -t but would probably engage lit mini- ro ss In M artin et with his l-rcll>»r a fte r taking a rest. P aia >t < tired by O. 8 F letcher, A It Sneed, for th irteen v -at s in County Agricultural Agent O. c . iiuty ag ricu ltu ral agent, on the in business ill Springfield, Is cl sing out F letch er leaves today to atten d ( tills . co of lim e and land p laster on hl store this week by a big sale UPPER W IL L A M E T T E W ILLA M E T T E eonvontiou of th e coast county ag at* . Ifalfa in Lane county Indicate that wh oh opened W ednesday. Au io- n as a t A storia. Friday is The agents a re A large crowd attended th e ann u al °**» Cogswell, accent panted by his tinder most condition* both .Unto and he has disposed of his good», Mr going to m eet a t th e branch expert land p laster wilt give Increased Siow d will leave Springfield f i r Mar m nt station n ear A storia which is T rent picnic held In K attlesuake fr 11 ’• Mr Honey. a r i * e d front II. i.| yields of alfalfa In Lane countv. The iitieg C alifornia w h e n his b rother lias grove at T rent A splendid prograitt k h week for a visit at the Cogswell conducting experim ents dealing with th e problem s of the counties w est of full of pep and fun was given iti th e hcine and to assist Mr, Cogswell wltn county agent has com pleted securing a »tore. his cherry crop The resu m ed to yield data on the first H itting on th e Coast range. , 'm o rn in g : th e usual races, pillow EltctlOn Postponed—The Woodman • tig h t nlfalfa dem onstrations which, The store was closed Mi rd ay to Mr F letcher Is m eeting with th e fights, etc., w ith ball gam es were Rend Sunday evening. of Ilo- World el elloll which was si hsd n. ik • it reo 'y for the d o sln ; out h - I i - were startl'd In the spring of 1923 Mrs. W. J M vrrow nnd two »on ag en ts of th e coast counties nnd will th e a ttra tiv e featu res of th e after- iib-d for the T uesday lllghl m eeting of a.id was reopened W cdiieaiin/ to «lav Eugene and M errit of Tillam ook a d ­ Yields were determ ined on libo f il Study the work of th e station. He , noon. open until the goods are gone. ' C the lodge was postponed for a week. Mr. and Mrs. J A Phelpa and tw o here with Mrs M orrow's p arents. Mr. lowing fa rm s: E. L. Edw ards nnd hopes to bring hack w ith him some­ and Mrs. A. C. T ravis for a two-weeks 11. L. Plank on Pacific highw ay south th in g cf value to th e farm ers of Lane children. Evttvi« and R obert, motored of Junction C ity; Ira d ra y . T hurston : from th e ir hom e at Sw lsshonte *o visit. county. J a m ts I- Maxwell arrived home P .nltl Swenson, ('e n tra i < -mi nun It v. P leasant H ill and sp en t the week en I at the home of Mr. and Mrs Floyd from Menlo Park. California. Mol d . • II I. W alt». Bailey hill: H arrv Fish SLOGAN CO NTEST S T IL L O. Linton Lord at E n terp rise Mrs. George L o ri w here he has been a tten d in g college wood, C loverdale: D OPEN; PRIZE OFFERED and son, L aw rence. retu rn ed to Swiss- Mr. and Mrs W. R. W ing of Irving: Pl.-asant H ill; nnd J. II K e m i'd v ., T he selection cf a slogan for S pring Mr. nnd Mrs W. 1. Zumwalt a n ! Mohawk field has been postponed by th e com ­ home with them Sunday night. th ree children of C lear lak e; a id Seven of the eight dem onstration m ittee of the cham ber of com m erce " 'r v .- paren ts of Mr« T F Kahle* Mrs. Anna Knox of Springfield. were plots w ere divided Into four sm aller from th is week until som e tim e before «pent several days last week vlslfln.t dinner gneets of Mr. and Mrs. A. C plots, of which one was treated with th e nex t m eeting of th e cham ber, at th e home of the d au g h ter a ’ Picas lime at th e ra te of approxim ately T ravis Sunday. Ju n e 25, No d efinite date h as been an t Hill. R- n Squires of Colfax, W ashington, one ton p et acre; one with land pla­ In w hatever w alk of our attendance — our set by the com m ittee fo r tile selee- Mrs C. E Jordan Is expecting h e- arr(ve<, and w |„ locate U r a ter at the ra le of approxim ately on-' tlon of th e slogan a s th e m em bers m other and father. Mr. and Mrs H all m anently. H is fam ily cam e by car ton per ac re ; one with land plaster life, In lo fty o r low ly Sincere Service I h w ish to give co n testan ts all the tim e and h er b ro th er and fam ily from Towa som e tim e ago. at the rate of 75 pounds per acre: j oecutm tlon m ay be possible for the subm ission o f slog- next S aturday. T hey a re travelling S atu rd ay evening Mr. and Mrs w one wllli lime anil land planter at ■ the one w ho need* w ith o u t p u rlla llty . by auto. O. Cogswell en tertain ed Mr. and Mr> the ra le s m entioned; while one ha I A prise of 15 is offered by the cham­ Mr and Mr» M E H ays left for S w atser of Eugene at d in n er—the oc no special tria im e n l and served ns ber of commerce for the winner. The R oseburg S atu rd ay to visit a few days ra s | on being Mrs. Cogswell's b lr'h n check plot. The eighth plot was dl •lo an s m ay be of any n atu re, th o u g h , with M rs H ay's m other. day ThP evening was spent visiting vlded Into tw o parts, of which on- brev ity is desired. They are to be A rood m any old tim ers are ex- and cake and ice cream were s e r v e ! part received lime at th e ra le of one m ade t i e official slogan of Spring- af tb e an n , VPrsarT c f by th e hostess j ton p»r acre and the o th er r e c e lv d field and will be used on all letter- A p f(mnd,n< of tbp P leasan t Hill John Kok* and C harles (*hrlstensoa no treatm ent. h eads, posters, and advertising. The average yield of nlfalfa n s C hristian church Sunday, Ju n e 29 of Eugene visited with Hick Maxwell pr in g f ie l d ore Any person thin k in g of a good c a t­ An all-day session will be held w ith ]a8t week. the eight check plots which receiver, chy phrase d escribing th e m any ba' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H errlngt it. dem onstration« the application r ^ r * j l i , 6 7 6 DEPARTMENT STORES T he sam e person may subm it as weds th e usual charivari. who have been visiting th e ir »later. lime alone Increased the yield of nt m any slogans as he desires as the Mrs F red J F>l!ott a - d 7 children Mrs. W illiam H enson, left Thursstn- fslfa hav 9K1 pound. per acre, an I 942 W illam ette St., Rugene, Oregon. com m ittee w -h e s to have as m any as nprt M’s* F ’ta W angi Vo arc exneoted for K lam ath Falls w here they expect Ih- application of land p laster In­ possible from w hich to select the creased the yield on s< ven plots 531 to arriv e from Phoenix 'ris o n a n--’ t , to m ake th eir home. w inner. Maude Edm iston is spending the pounds per acre over th " yield or week to «pend the sum m er at th - borne Of t h e i r « i s t e - M r and Mrs F week n ear C orvallis v isiting rela the corresponding seven tdot« Phat W IF E OF FO R M E R PASTO R received no treatm en t »The nnpllcn ttvea. R T in k er at P leasan t Hill V IS IT S F R IE N D S H E R E Mr« Rosa B aughm an and »on, H er­ tlon of both llm - nnd la rd plaster Mrs. Sue W igm ore, form erly a resi­ The annual «chonl m eeting of th " old frem Eugene, visited h er brother. Increased th e yield 1295 pounds p»r d en t of Springfield for ten y ears Is P leasan t H ill Public school will he acre over the seven corresponding John Edm iston. last Sunday. V isiting friends |n Springfield and Eu- > f, d M„ „ day Jn n e 2 p m at You don't want this Store to have »oealled plots th n t received no treatm en t. Mr and Mrs. L. C. Yarnell I n d gene this week. Mrs. W igm ore was »he school building for th e puroose The county agent rep o rts that whll» to change it* selling prices from day to day, to in ­ daughter. E dna June, left Monday for th e wife of the Rev E C M igm ore e]e r(| 8 g onP d irecto r and one clerk definite d ata were not secured on , an outing at B elknap Springs. crease or to reduce its prices to you. pros was pastor of th e Springfield The P leasan t H ill C hristian E 1’- 1 j j r *. E arn est B -rtsch Is serving on yields on first holtor- • -- » »— - 't h e r F ob do w in t thf iotne. fair, advantaytous f n e tt C h ristian church and an in stru cto r the. W illam ette or M- T « » '• -Ivor deavor will give sn Ice cream social jury in Eugene. «.,-rv dov •" ><'” ■- ,hus enabling you to determine a t the Eugene Bible university. 19 at W oodman A. B. M athews has been running no beneficial resu lts w ere n p-arepf whenever you are shopping just what you are getting W hile in Springfield. Mrs. W igm ore F rld av nieht. Jun< where lim e was applied Io suoh hot vhlch will begin 1 . k |g bay ha |]er for several days, in Q uality and Savings on each article purchased. »topped at the hom e of Mrs. R. E hall The rrngram nt « o'clock, will consist of solo* ! A. W. W eaver and son. Clifford •om land iJind plaster rav e a decide I M cshler. Furthermore, it is of great importance to yoo tc q u artette, readings Thp H vland fling retu rn ed Monday from an extended "tcrease In yield of alfalfa on these have comparatively fresh stocks to select from day kitchen musicnl v isit In the east. They spen m od soli* after day. We lay no claim to having always the B urns A ttorney Here— J S. Cook a backw ard drill a ntsv let entitled “ Tie Man W ho F n 1 nj th e ir tim e with Sam W eaver in la-gest stock. The superiority o f our goods, fo r one and wife of Burns with th e ir daugh­ Spray Aqaln for Magoot. Tee crenm and M|ch |g a n te r and her hnsband sp en t M onday derstood M omen re . n. rests in the fact that shipment. constant y T h ere will be no Bible school r r ■ « rriv,. from our fo rty buyers in New York who are and T uesday with F ra n k A. DePue. hom e made ran d y will be sold during I church services here next Sunday as j rtne or tw o additional sprays should const ,,’t lv in the market. T h u , our good, are never Mr. Cook motored over front Burns th e evening. ----------------------- - ! the Sunday school convention will be be applied to the late varieties of ,h. rn. soiled nor undesirable in other way,. and returned yesterday m orning He n n < held in W alU rville cherries to control the cherry maggot, Is an atto rn ey in the e a ste rn Oregon " R e tu rn from Canada— Mr O ur 676-S.ore Buying Power mean, standard qual­ R ay Never, tru ck driver for th " 1 County A gent O. C. F letcher announ Mrs. T arson W right, re cen t new lv. City. ity and prices thnt are u niform ly low. wods. retu rn ed S atu rd ay from th e ir W illiam 's saw m ill, spent th e week ».M»«aM»aMiaaiMm- .«.'«MsM-eMawawngitiCl There Are Some Things You Do Not Want r BRILL'S RBEATJUNEWHITE SALE A J ■ 1 ' a i Tt ' Î N yal E czem a L o tio n 1 : Remedy For Eczema anted Eggs and Poultry A ny sufferer from eczema o r any o ther skin disease m arked by iteftiing o r burn Ing, w ill appreciate the re ­ lie f w hich th is rem edy pro­ vides. It is recommended fo r the. tre a tm e n t of te tte r, ecze­ ma, rin g w o rm and sim ilar skin affections. The Brill Will And G r e a t Yearly Sale of J. C. Stores [Ax Billy Dept. Store] Begin Thursday, June 17th Will Continue 9 Days. — The W idely Known Event Is Called G reat June W hite Sale. It Is T his Sale W hich Has Led To The Well Known S aying "W hen B rills " Hold ,A Sale It Is A Sale. — Everybody Knows -Everybody Goes— Economy Has Never Been So Im p o rta n t For You And Every One Else In The County As It Is Now, And T his June Event W ill Help. V isit The Store Every Day. W alk Leisurely T hrough Every Departm ent And You W ill Find T e m pting Bargains— W ith Especial Emphasis To Merchandise T h a t Is W hite. (A lw ays B etter Merchandise For Less.) Y o u 'll find it a great boon during thin warm weather. Sher Khan Price 50c and $1.00 J. C. BRILL STORES I Ax-Billy Dept, Store 662 O ak S tre e t Eugene, Oregon Successors to SCHAEFERS BROS. A