t l 'l T T III ' it S DA V, J U N E ID, H>2<’> T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N EW S W EN D LIN G DEFEATED BY LOCALS IN WARM GAME lh ‘S ,te the fact that Pitcher Mosh ter of Wendling had 2o atrlkeou's to his credit and It looked for a while as If Springfield would be unable to touch him for anything worth while, the Wending team was unable to hah a surprise rally in the eighth inning and lost Sunday's baseball argument here. 7 to 8. The game was played In "honest i gosh” baseball weather, with grtngfleld the under dog for a good art of the first seven Innings Wend- ng stepped off on the right foot 1th two scores in the first Inning, ad added another in the sixth, at the same time holding the locals to a tin gle run In the third. The eighth was a hltttng inning. 8pri'.'cfteld finding Mosier for the first time and rallying wth fire runs Wendling ran In three In the first frame of this Inning. In the last, Sprir.gfled held the visitors scoreless, and managed to shove over a final and winning run. Score- R H E S p r in g f ie l d _______________ 7 15 W • 17 Runs by Innings— S p r in g fie ld _______0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 1 W - ” -c a maid at her own expense. Won't you I Idea of a go d time And e»pe> tally is a (vise me? John ' this not very cheerful newa to the All girls dream of marrying rlehes, > man who believes, even In this day. good looks, bralns--a fairy-prince In that a woman's place is In her home every respect, only to find them selves I and that her first duty Is to take cure on a honeymoon with an everyday, i of trtond husband's comfort, regard She Hatea Housework. Should I commonplace practical man And be- less cf how dull, monotonous, hard M erry Her?" lleve me John, most of the spoiled and tiresome she may find the work Hot vou m«e( give her due credit tb-ar Mist Flo:—What do you think darlings do come hack to earth with of a girl, who, engaged to be mar a bang then! The most u n d o m e s tlc fPr being perfectly honest with you rted. still claims that she will not do girls become the champion blue rib- ¡ before marriage She isn't trying Io any h ou sew ork -th at she hates It— | bon cooks of the neighborhood—and j put anything over on you Were she and that she thinks it Is nothing less ¡ once ardent fem inists become the . „ ||,»i0 Jess square, she would keep sentim ents to hertelf until af than slavery I am engaged to a girl meekest of wives, beginning ev e r v , I t.r yott were married, when vou like that, and being a comparatively sentence with "John Says But HI agree with you that It *• j wouU, Uncover Ih m for yourself In poor man. I am wondering If I ought to risk her happiness, and mine She rather discouraging to a young man due time Certainly, the solution lies says that she la perfectly willing to to hear the woman he loves frankly tn s definite, prenuptial agreement of go on with her own career, and keep avow that keeping house Is not her some sort And the fad that she has In Confidence By Flo 1 commomsense to realize this la a point In her favor She Is wllllug to go ahead with her r.wn work Well. I think that Is fair enough Personally. I believe that each »n- dividual woman should be free to M. Beeson. Delp and Sankey; Wendling. Mosier and Evans. Jfext Sunday Springfield plays Notl there. it Poems by Junior High Students T — '---------- !----- PHONE. W F WALKER €28 . 62 J FUNERAL SERVICE ™ • S PR.I NG F IE L D . ORE. t Tentila are R rnoved Mrs l-'ltn r Wells of Ktlgei e underwent a tonsil operation at a local surgelon'a office Saturday Little Boy III— Pr K Kesler mede a hurried visit to the James Heave* ranch Saturday night to give medical «Mention to the little son of Mr and Mrs M W Severson The boy Is reported as improved chance PERMANENT WAVING F o r It lim ited lim e I will give it c o m p le te N E S T L E S U IR - U U I.IN E PE R M A N E N T W AVE for $12.00 I will place y o u r n a m e on th e lint fo r a n y tim e c o n v e n ie n t to you. MRS. R. A. BLAKE M II.A D Y S BEAUTY S H O P P E O ver T o w n e S hoppe ISugeue, O regon the f i f e s ' m ost In terestin g work In »he world that It Is the m ost Im nortaft work she n n do 9h" mav com e to find lov and hap piness In V -.rrtsge Is th e one thing I" th is I w b -' "be o n e- considered drudverv ! Agn'n »he sene no* p,,f »hn* <» *ho chance vou take 0 1 £ Oregon. Thanks to the men who found this land. Far from their beloved homes, key were brave of heart and strong age that has escaped commercial! n It Is not a business -It Is. at It heal, a gamble for happiness and whether or not It |s worth the risk Is for you to decide If you feel that while you may not be happy with her, you cer­ tainly can never be happy without her, then you'd better take the x/ REFRIGERATORS FOR THESE WARM DAYS Before starting on your trip he sure that you get . o f band. Venturing out to this and. unknown lere were Lewis and Clark amongst the lis t To find our lovely land. They suffered long from hunger and : thirst. And were hindered by many an In­ dian band. See what they've done for you and and me. The hardships they'vs been through Found ns a home that is wondorons to see. “A. B. A.” Travelers Checks Screen SAFER THAN CURRENCY to carry on the person while traveling. IDEAL FUNDS Washed by the Pacific Ocean so bine. • —Irene Manley. • They come In neat bill-folds and in convenient denomina­ tions, $10, $20, $50 and $100. VASBY BROS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon r> - Pz FOR SAT.F—High grade piano near •Pnrlngfleld will be sold to rellnble party at big saving. »10 monthty w ill handle A real buy, write at tu r f for particulars. Tallman Plano Store. S alem .O regon . . J W < 7 2< Butter wrappers printed acttsrdlag > regufatton. wltti tw o » , wu«bt tod addreen, I ' « B hundred to the dew! O I 2 .2 0 2 .9 0 $3z50 50 60 70 80c Screens for Windows and Porches Bring in your sizes and get our prices Wright & Son HARDW ARE FU R N ITU R E — PA IN T 312 Main No. 11 Eugene Store 607-609 Willamette Street 5 6 Stores C. J. Breier Co. ’- .' 7 1 No. 11 Eugene Store 607-609 Willamette Street BREIER’S SHOE WEEK j . Too many shoes tor the size of our shoa department, so we are going to make an effort to reduce our stock and make some new friends and customers. Look over our prices and shoes on display. / Wholesome groceries mean good meals. Good meals mean happy families. And happy families are healthy fam ­ ilies. Keep your family healthy and happy by getting your groceries here. Always the best— always the lowest price. Below are just a few of this week's specials— Citrus Granulated Washing Machine Soap .................. 33c Van Camp Pork & Beans, medium, 4 for ...............36c Can Corn .................... 10o Tomatoes, can ..........................................................................-10c Peas, 2 cans 25c Good Steel Cut Coffee, pound can ...................................50c Oysters, 2 cans - Sheriff Frank Tavlor attended a peace officers m eeting at Wolf Creek < In southern Oiegon last week end The peace officers of this district have an association and hold m eet­ ings at which thev discuss criminal work In this section. all sizes, in the W est W onder Land. Peace O ffic e r! Meet. in 2 6 »75 »nd $30»0 "" W it h 1« our reach. Oregon, The Right now is the time to have ^your car painted for that vaca- ; tion trip. We make an old car ( look like new. Come in and get our prices. Springfield Decorating Co. Brings Joy and health to yon and me —Dorothy Fisher. Age 11. Oh. Oregon! my Oregon The land where I was horn, our hill-lands furnish pasture. Tour low-lands give us corn, h Oregon! fair Oregon! Land of our hills and dunes. .o u r hills produce vn^h lumber, Tour valiry-, ssany prunes. Oh Oregor' ¿ear Oregon! Ton are th ° land we love. Tour 1 ov »1 v gre'-n benea’h our feet. Your lovely skies above. Oh Oregon' onr Oregon! The best state of the West, Ton are the State! the only State! * The one we love the best! r —Oron Mulligan. 7-A, z" Age IS. Doors, 2 5 .0 0 Screens for Windows, for motor tourists, removing worry over possible loss of funds. Age IS, 7-A. " Oregon My Oregon. Of thia fair land I love to tell. It to the land I love so well. From East to W est It is the best In this beautiful state, I enjoy to dwell. The trees, they grow to wonderous size. From East to W est they take toe prize. The winters here We need not fear. For rain doth fall from summer skies Our camping spots are fair to see, The deer and pheasant both roam free. The ocean beach Priced at 2 1 .5 0 ............................................. Fancy Pears, per can Fancy Peaches, per can ................................ Breier's Shoe Week 79c 9 8 c a pair $ 1 .3 9 a Pair Includes child’« «oft and «tiff «ole«. A child’« tenni« (Una) Peggy-Pumps (white rubber «ole), and other«. Children’« and Misses’, Wom­ en's and Boys’ Shoes, Ox­ fords, Pump«, Sandals and Tennis Shoes. Infants' Shoe«, a good as­ sortment. Values to $2.00. Tennis shoes at a real buy. 7 9 c a pair 9 8 c a pair Breier's Shoe Week Breier's Shoe Week 25c 25c 20c T H E RUM FORD BAKING POWDER DEAL is now on. Come in and see it RASPBERRIES ARE FIN E FOR CANNING NOW See us for your canning supplies— sugar, jars, jelly glasses, etc. We have them all a Breier's Shoe Week Breier's Shoe Week $ 1 .9 5 a Pa*«- Men’s Work Shoe«. Slipper«, This lot contains shoes it Pump«, and Shoes for Wom­ good values regularly sold for en, Boy« and Girl«. a much larger prlc*, and they are exceptional values. See $ 1 .9 5 a Pair our display at $2.45 a pair. Breier's Shoe Week $ 3 .4 5 a I’air CASH&CARRX $ 2 .4 5 « pair For Ladle«—pumps and ox­ ford«. For Men—work «hoe«, extra heavy tennis with pure gum «ole, etc. Breier’s Shoe Week $ 1 .3 9 a PRlr Breier's Shoe Week $ 2 .9 5 a pair Misses’ Shoes, a lot in sizes 12 to 2 Inclusive. Hoys’ S h o e s and Oxfords. Men’s Work Shoes. Men’s Sample S h o es. Sizes (5, 6%, 7. $ 2 .9 5 » pa'r Breier’s Shoe Week $ 3 .8 5 a pair $ 4 .9 5 a pair Dress and Work Shoes for men nnd boys. Oxfords and Pumps for Miss­ es and Ladles. Most every style and color you can ask for. “Shoes Sold Here Satisfy the Family”