THK 6PR1NGF1E1J) NKW8 pauk puck Tree Falls, Man la Hurt When a tree fill on the E« Ito Hoi OF BIO RAIL PAGEANT low mill Saturday. II. W«>irlag, Extravagant use of money In eleetloua la again i Published Every Thursday at •on the caiem lar” of the United S tates Senate. J , #f JttM workman, euetalned a fractured noae and a badly braised shoulder, tout gpriagtl.ld, Lane County. Oregon, by One more, the people are to hear the cry of to -iS|.Vci»l i When ih r big iro n » all other hand» ear aped unhurt. A THE WILLAMETTE PRESS ‘•New berry ism,” charges and counter-charges of |w>rtaili»n pageant "Klatawa," the local physician, acoompuuled hv a H. K. MAXSY. Editor. central feature Of Rttseiie“» celebri! rampant political corruption. nurse, » « • rush'd to the scene when tlen in honor of the completion or news of the accident reached her»' Mat.rc«! aa second class matter. February >4. 1SSJ at ih** This time the senate, through a com m ittee-al- th Hug, ne-Klamath Falls branch of postoffic«. Springe«**. Oregon __ ready appointed by Vice-President Dawes, will tin- South« rn Pacific. 1» prevented on sift the nomination of Congtessm nn William S. (inyward field. August I» and 2«, il IN TIIK CIWPPIT COURT OF TIIE M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E <»F ORBOON F u ll LANK 75e \ ’are over Senator George W harton Pepper in the will present numerous evidence* of STATE C se Tear In Advance----- >1.75 Three Months C lllN T Y *c recent republican prim aries in Pennsylvania. Pnlvi i of Oregon cooperation In • t l M o n th s _____________ > L H Single Copy ■ Eunice Herahey. Plaintiff, v . John th.- "Trail to Rail” t»»tlvlHc« tlcrehey, Defendant. It is generally conceded th at more m oney— THVRSDAY. Jt'N E 10. 1920 Ila' ward field li.r lf I» the scene To the defendant John Herahey: from $2.000,000 to $5.000,000 has been spent In •s ~~ • , the In the name of the state of Oregon Pennsylvania fight than In any other primary at -h.»» «»*»». «1.- . you are hereby »utumened to answer . in this country. ’« «* «rand.mmt and bleachers win the complaint filed ag»ln»t you In the Editorial Program »It the thou.and who will view the above etitltl»el «aae and court within • L M aks SpHnafisId the Ind ustrial C satsr of Wss- * Thflt’s a lot of money for any purpose, and e n -' ipagaant which will tell the »tore of * tlrely too much, the senate believes, to win a i the development of tranaportntlon l>t » tern Orepcn. a M. Develop a Strong Trading Point; Build a City * chance for a seat iu the United State« Govern- Oregon, through a v r le a of dramatic episode» from the day of the Indian • s f C on ten ted Hom es. . ment. a |iu Improve Living Condition« on the Fams. F t a- on the primitive, trail to the day of i t ’s so much more than Senator Newberry was the Mogul locomotive and the air mote the Raising a» Purebred Livestock and AX ECUO OK THE NEW B ER R Y A FFAIR. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HAYWARD FIELD SCENE • supposed to have «pent that the Newberry case Tlv> f(eM hM a N e w b eiy was :a ccused o V h(|, having spent $195.000 to win a prim ary from . • . . . tana ................................................................... Henry Ford In 1918 T h e .m o u n t ...need . lo r. --------------------- '-------------------------------------- ” » '• “ « MlrT'-d t h . , r n . l . to the point of rMolT- . e A u u n v r r v rH FX T ing th at the expenditure publk, of such a sum as this p “ A COMMUNITY CHEST. , t d e c la r ,,d n, the HriA p a t h . Growing of M F ru r u it; .« W W«wk foe Better B ettar M arkets a r k e t. the o rk for .V , T«M th . W a rM About O regon-. Boentc w m [L w n th a t won the YOSEMITE ECONOMY RUN It's the best can be hail. EGGIMANN’S I ! —T“ When in Eugene EAT-AT THE MANHATTAN CAFE The best place to Eat Open Day and Night Eugene, Ore. 685 W illamette S t —1 Bread Your Best Food Wholesome, fresh baker's bread has been found to be the best ull 'round food rich In every element that maki s healthy, sturdy bodies In children and sustained strength, and health ln adults. PERKECT1ON BREAD Is fresh from our ovens In Spring- field every morning. THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Perkin« I jtxtou Building Fifth St. Springfield Phoue 66 FRED FRE8E, Prop. SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL RATES Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­ keeping Course Auk for Information 992 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon 7 V A C A T IO N ! *______the Red Crown m ileages Ï fi « cream 1« certainly dellclouB. We m ake our own Ice cream Eugene Business College 19.06 ' FW«to.Trvr— - - - Ice cold sodas hit the spot these days and a dish of Ice w il sp ecial guest O ld T i m . D in e s . C L H w iu M T o u rm , But, Egglmann has som ething on tap to cool you off. Our C A L L A N D H’CK D r N W Freer» n »rt «e . • ■ • should be price of a seat In the senate of the United Staten ««art preliminary arvangymm»., for a comm unity chest D in i This fi nd «Bourn p lncrea8ed five tilnes froni $195.000 to $2.- the production, complimented Mr worked out so every person in bprtngiieiu wouiu » t th ach er on h l. rra»p of the pag. ant have a change to give, not only the ones who 000.000. | Thacher live on Main street. s More than $400.000.000 Is hoarded away In llon wlltl Hayward field as a place An estim ated budget for Springfield’s quota m attresses, stockings, sugar bowls, cupboards for lhr rr,Mi„ctlon. to th Salvation Armv Red Cross. Boy Scouts, and other hiding places In this country, according t ’nlver.ltv atudenta living In anl children s home, relief of the poor, etc might be to experts of the United S tates Treasury. Rhoul Eutenr are expected 10 ««arc worked out by a comm ittee composed of fepre- This needless waste, really wanton and rim- r- n h' ,,f ,h' ' '* Be ntafives of the different fraternal, church and {na| coujd jt j)p coaxed out of its hiding places " w ll; * ' / , h . ,tu . civic organizations. When the am ounts are fixei . a n j put wor^ even at 4 per cent interest in *°n* l’rtrl ? let this committee go out and get the money and g ^ n g s banks, might be turned to much good to ln ,h * <’’“'5“rtmeut of «t™■« - let everybody understand that there wll be but th R represent8 a lo8g of $16>00O.OOii ,0 ** ca,t ,or ,he ro‘' K drive who Is asked an n u a„ y. •*» y >ne iAXJ A »» * ’ kJ » in *» 1927. .. - Nearly ¥ everyone • o Kive but once in a year will feel liberal. • • • American newspapers last year carried $720.-jl-lON PURCHASE IS A REAL ESTATE BARGAIN ----------- 000,000 worth of advertising of which $500,000-' DISCUSSION TOPIC Fifty-nine years ago your Uncle Samuel made 000 was spent In local papers. This shows the — • # «reo.t b u s in e s s deal the purchase of Alaska. faith the American business m an has come tQ Purchs»« from E. It . a g re a t B u sin ess u c u — niuuntaln lion for mascot of the local - „ u n u .n lia s for< of th . h x -l President Grant s adm inistration bought Alas- Alas- have have in in the the power power of of advertising. advertising, Ltona club was the topic of d U iu * » io n ka from Russia by treaty, paying only $7,200.000 at the meeting last Friday noon, ano to add 531.409 square miles of territory to Ameri­ th» committee hamtltng the matter E d ito r ia l C om m ent can possessions. ! waa given another wvek In watch to RADIO HELPS SOLVE "FARM PROBLEM In these 59 years the purchase has yielded < Investigate the co»t of a cage for the (Industrial N ew . Bureau.) m ore than $500‘ 000 000 in cash returns. A single : beast keeping hL. appetlt. —. ......... . - (M'UBl and of arv p.MB M W- -ri gold prospector, capital a — grub stake, a One out of every six farm er. In the country now h a . appea.eil. The committee favor, the g ,t 'n i p i u o j r v v * w * 1 with — — ----- of — pick and shovel, has taken out as mu( 1 as t ‘ a ra(j|o K(>t A good one, too; a rec ent survey made by pm chase of the lion. an«l It I. likely Original purchase price. . the Department of Agriculture shows that the average that the animal will be seat to the In 1925, the yield for America was $5,042, S1«- „ st ha. been >175. and they can be tuned In for distant Sun Francisco convention of Lion» In gold and silver and $55,440,645 in genearl gtatjons fp In Alberta and Saskatchewan. Canada, on International by the local club If he m erchandise. The total for the fiscal year was t(,e lonely wheat farms, the proportion with radio .eta 1» purchased $71,042.862, or just $53.842.862 more in one year |g eTPn ¡ar< ted to this radio growth; they .a y it g iv e, the farmer Th<> roinBltti,f nn pnrk„ , nno,1B1.pi placer and lode mining for gold and silver. Oil * chance to know from the co lleg e. ,n d federal author. (.omrnunl„ . plrr.,r , „„ h,.lrt a, th­ is being hunted in various sections, but as yet n le . the real price, a» early a . the d ealer, th em .lev e. do. # Jnnp , g has not been developed. The salmon, halibut and and they ,-an no longer .peculate on the farmer.- Ignor- >n UoB> ()n ban(J w)th , h„ r o th er fisheries are oi great value. a" « » ^ u n t fact in explaining )n a„ )i|t|n% th. All of which proves the transaction was one the general prosperity trend of farming to, know values event a success. Bhrewed stroke by the United States governm ent, and actually get w h .t product, are worth. p R rU rk , Q(|ntjr Srout „ „ »I» week» from the find publication if | hl* »uniinon» uitd if you fall *° to answer plaintiff will apply I» lb« court for the relief demanded in the aiplalul. namely, that the inarratge relation > xl.Huc botweoU plaintiff and defendant I»' wholly dlaaolved. and Ihal plaintiff have cu»t««lv of th. minor children of plaintiff ami da- fondant Thl» aummona la »erred upon you by publication bv virtu«' of an order nia te June h. 192«. Iiy the Hon. I) F gklpwnrlli. clrcull Judge, dlrecb mg »m h publication for «is » m -e c lv « w«'.'k» 111 the Hprlngfl» I l N»W». and thpl def. n«taul nnuwer the »uine with- in »lv w.'.'k» from the ftr»< puhtien- ttnn thereof T h l. aumimma t» ftr»t »o piihllhi «I Juu» 10. 1920 S H ALLEN. Attorney for Flalnllff, Eugene. Oregon. J 10 17 B4 J1 1 B t '- ' » ■ ■ . ■" m«.» f f> *»•«! «ÍC Deflects thedood t&ste of fa vn te r • V hY’A « V i ’' . No«« ahov« how th« gvaat R«d Crown »D«d «p in th« 10th A a m a l L o * A «s» l»»-' Bconom r R a o —M y M M o< StMMMrd OU n t» rl« n < » «V« p u t «hem «har«, «nd «sp«f« driver« kn ow K T h . A nnual Lo« A n g .lm - V o e ^ W Sconomy R o n — th« major «v«n< o f It« hind in th e U nited S tatM —M • highly competltlv« run In which «he winner« ar« th« e«r« «howing th« great««« mllaage •conomi«« under «ach clsMlflcatlon, It «rill p«y you to tr .ln your car*. »p«edouistM on th« mil«« «nd m ilM in R«d Crown gasolin«! M«k« ■ point of calling for I« «t Btandard OU Servi«-« Stations «nd «t d « s l« r « — your nearest R«d Crown dealer is ■ special!«« on mUaal «—now in effect to your favorite summer playgrounds. Reduced ra.undttip. tickets w ith return limits to fit your vacation plans. Y ou can save money for pleasure uses;<(- Convenient, comfortable servic« to Newport, Coos Bay, Tillam ook beaches; O regon Caves, Crater Lake. You’ll arrive there rested and ready for vacation fun, with the maximum amount c.f time there. Ask about the low sum m er fare» to California and the East. Flanery’s Drug Store 'll STANDARD.OIL COMPANY OF C A L IFO R N IA L o w Fares by treun. — T b a W e iC ro w n M fle- M < Card w ill a ta ri yon on an economy run of your o w n — ash fcr It . T a ll» w h a t <• do trjr y o u r iro Lor— •b o u t eorho rvtor ad* feat to g * -ju s t bow t» d rive for » » a i m » « New •» ■ss^msiwwmw Southern Pacificlines 0U9ÔF. CARL Ageqt ¿ ‘1