Attention to Dotali nnd Discreet Advertising M eans Successful Merchandising THE SPRINGFIELD riPRINGFIKLD. LANK COUNTY, OREGON. tw knty - t iiiu d ykah GUARDSMEN LEAVE fl S o cie ty U- Of «I. U b r a r y A i NEW SPAPER NUMBER 23 THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1926 ------------ L iv e IN A U V B T O W N School B oard Jobs Booth-Kelly S tarts s,x A ttra c t Only Two New Lumber Shed Six -------- X Pie’s Paperi’ i BOY Sprlnisfl»-ld Boy Scouts have i algm-d to attend Camp Lucky B o/, E ENO Of NAIL BOUEE Carlton and Smith Unopposed' New Building To Hold Stock Ian« Courty Boy Scout council « • In — • - — For Retail Department Sold '»mP »” “* R,»“r- wh,th |M t0 op* n Election; Plan CITY ATTORNEY TO BE In City and Eugene Ju,y' ,z The ^ c h o i c e New Order Received By Hamlin Paint Work MARRIED AT HILLSBORO ' “ I of three period«, the last ending Au- Supersedes That Of May, Tha Booth-Kelly Lumber company i gnat 23. Making This City Terminus The wedding of Ml«« Osorgtn* Period for filing of petition by can vo,iu,,iu» nm expected that other Scou’« construction yesterday on n *i i ¡ I ' llemller to Ira M Peterson, Spring dl|late« for school district positions started wtn«in,ptl,i« Of McKenzie Schedule In­ I will sign up to attend the camp be field city attorney, will take place a : ' * “* ' ,<’"wl by ,b ® bo«l',l ,n new abed for lumber In the northwest ti wert I I fore the period atarts. County Scout a,,,,,» stead of Eugene Eighteen Members of Local Unit To Attend Encampment At Medford; Promotions Are An­ nounced By Commanders Of Hillsboro today Company I meeting Tuesday night, with the re corner of their yardn. The new abed Bxecntlv« C R Clark spent thia w Mr Paterson left the city for 1(111« ! "uh ,bat ,h '' Printed ballot« will car- That Springfield is to be the low ei I. to be at b ast sixty by one hut. the mountain, at the camp, j term)nug of ¿ e McKpnxlp rlver mal, National j boro yesterday afternoon. Ml«« Bend ' ' ,be <>f only «’■"dldata Hghli-i-n HprlngfU-ld dred and twelve feet In length and paring for t e c mlng of th® I route. Instead of Eugene. Is Indicated June 14 fo r ' ,nr ha* b-«,n ,or « » • »’ • » teaching h,r * “ h P»"w‘4m open—clerk and Guaulsiiien will < tiiraili d«* alined to tak»* care of the retail 8couta from all over I-ane county win •home economic« In the Hillsboro ,ru«tee H W Smith. Incumbent, la In a new order received this week I attend tha camp during the three Camp Jackson, near Medford, where high school and ha« been elected to i ri*® candidate for clerk, and II. W. trade of Springfield and Eugene. by Postm aster F. B. Hamlin. The At present it la necesaary to go i P*rloda. they will spend two week« at the teach In the HprlngHeld high school I r «r|ton seeks to fill (he vacancy left order, dated June 3, evidently super- Those who ave sign« o go are ordpr dated May g wh(ch aiiuunl summer encampment of the In 1936 27. She Is a native Washing- by ,b* ««P'ratlon of Trustee C. A all over the yards to fill an order foi lumber for the retail trade. It was 'lalph 'V* f‘ox ' changed the lower terminus to Oregon National tluard. returning ion county girl, and received her edu-1 ^w*ris‘ term of office. stated by a company official. When M u r r a y #lm ’ JJ , hp camp Eugene, and which was opposed by May rat1' n In Hillsboro school» and nt The elactlon « •••a s S Nal » « ■ • limai ____ — __ _______ • U nisys * « « » •« w »III in l be, iv , a held aw gu *»» •» J t 21 t i ■ -------------- ’ ’ ' • g S n n ( U n C P 'l g g lill VI __ June 2» All of the Oregon lion of the I’ri gon Agricultural college I Ballot« were ordered printed^ and the new shed Is completed this will ‘ tpgph the to 'th e local chamber of commerce. (luuni. with the exception I Mr and Mrs Peterson will return ' other arrangements were made for not be necessary as the ordinary order r° growing responsibilities.' t’nder the new order, Earl L. Me- court artillery, will Ite | - I " n ! i i p " i l l ( t , n i a |( | , , , „ , t r b o m # Springfield the voting While It will be possible may be filled from the ahed which |hplr (Q rpverence God’« Nutt, the accepted bidder for tho ils pe period. ......... i„„„ «) r„ii„win. n . trip »n to write In the name« of candidates will carry an assortment of retail " 1 au**‘ »_ ...» •«,. mall route contract, will carry mall Camp Jackson during this ihoiit June 21. following A t- oi>»*n nr-ace. to help tnem to »ee in« TV. locai guardsmen will take point* on tha Or» gon count not named In the ballot. It la not stock. nppf) rnnsPrvatlon and fire between Springfield and Foley that - atirh rotes will * “ * • I, being » rushed *“ J on the . l . Springs, as well as Intermediate street cara to Eugene June 14 In time ..... ................ ........................... Construction to hp,p bulM thetr ch«r 1 — Mr IM«r»nn came to Rprlnrfbdd i ♦»inerted » h « sp .« uh nf tm e points, without making the additional to ink)- (he «pedal troop train which f»’W month* ago from Moro. wh»-r»* he «nough to defeat the announced can Kh««d by th«* company ao a aa , to have . actor, and to k»^p tne in i oi iru»- it ready for the auBimer trade. It la scouting ever alive In their breasts. mileage to Eugene as authorized In will pull out of tin county «cat ut • Ito «erv«d in th»* rapacity of cltv dldatcR To Paint School. expected to have the building com aftorhoy Soon after hlu arrival hero I:JR I’ M Each day will be passed in regular the previous order. The contractor Th. forinlght at Camp Jackson will h«» wn» named municipal ntformv. The board decided that the T,Incoin ph’ted within aixty daya. I program, varying dally. First can will will make six rounds trips a week between Springfield and McKemxle b« pent In Intense training under a»d in addition la buldlng up a good Rrhno! «hmild be painted, and leaned come at «:15, followed by reveille, as­ the itlrectlon of army officers. The private practice. a request for hlds for the work SPRINGFIELD SCHOOLS sembly. mess, cleaning up, Inspection, bridge. From June 16 to September local company «UI ne »s with Cone TE-e hlds W-IP he r e c e iv e d o n to n AoS CLOSE W ITH MEETINCS etc. This will be followed by assign 15 he will make six trips a week be­ tw een McKenzie bridge and Foley any of Eugeni», ami to bring about CHHRCHFS PLAN FOR n f lulv « nnd on the evening of the --------- , m en t, for the day to scout craft and Springs, and three times a week on the acquaintanceship »nd tri it '■ hi t «nine dnv ’he trustee* W ’H oven th“ Commencement exercises at th* | nstrurtion classes. There will be a UNION MEET JUNE 27 of member» of the two companl«*. hlds The Lincoln school building Is Methodist Episcopal church » relay I sw)rllnilng hour, and a quiet hour. In this route from September 16 to O o Joint meeting« have been held re­ Sprlngfl» hl i lvurches will ln>ld a to gel s two-coat loh. with the nossl- n'ght and assembly at the high ' the evening, there will be recreation, tober 31 and from April 1 to Junn 16. cently. Join! meeting on the evening of Sun hle exceef'» Winifred T yson: freshmen. Ln fell while getting out of a car on A camp on Blue River. CALIFORNIA PASTOR IS a / m i D ill P IT ce,,B Andrui Maude Brattaln. Alma troop. street yesterday morning. Orson Vaughn, carrier, w ill take MORE MACHINERY HERE TO FILL LOCAL PULPIT Greenwood Evelyn Jacobsen. Dora Lsavs for east. Mrs Peterson struck the curbing as FOR CASCADE COMPANY .«■> — u ‘ Pederson. Lucille Richmond. Mar- his holiday between June 15 and Baxter Young and Bud Rose, ac­ eke fell, badly bruising her hip. and. Announcement was made this week I^w rencc Roof and July 1. Kenneth Dillard will substi­ Frame machinery for Installation In It Is feared, suffering Internal Injur­ companied by Mr. Rose's two daugh- tute tor Mr. Vaughn. , M .x ln . Snodgrass ies She was taken to a local physi­ tarn. Ruth and Mary, Miss Reni Howe that Rev 8 the expanded plant of the fascad n the Springfield Christian church will Ira Nice, who works part tim e at Baseball letters: boys. Hugh Cow. cian for Immediate treatment. The and Oladys Rose, niece of Mr. Rose, Manufacturing company arrived her« exchange pulpits for a period of «1» art, William Pollard, Austin McPhor- the office, is taking a lay-off this cause of the fall was unknown, but left Sunday morning on an auto Jsnnt w eek, this summer with Rev W rt Hag„ n s. week, and to working on the construe- Monday and Is being put up thia It win apparent thnt her foot slipped to the north and east They travelled week. Although the company haa Baird, pastor of the Christian ehu Fy#nk bPW|,. Lawrence Roof Byron tin of a barn on his ranch at Thurs­ been operating with what machinery as she stepped out of the car and east over the Mi'Kcnsl“ pass and Cowart Donald Palmer. Ormell Red- ton. from Bend planned to strike north at Santa Crux California. wae already ln for some time, work she stumbled and fell. Postm aster Hamlin, although entit­ Rev Baird will he heard here for w ,n|am Cox; , da Cox. Mrs. Peterson la^a sister of Mrs. Into Canada, going through Alberta with the full complement of sash and E w |yn Jacobsen. Maxine Snodgrass, led to 30 daya vacation, plans to before returning. A stop In Spokane, the first time on June W. He com door machinery will not get under J. W Darling. north In order to attend the trammer Mooney. Maude Brattaln, spend practically the entire summer Washington, was planned by tho tour­ way until the latter part of next week. school sessions at the Unlversl y Arch,m eau. Bertha Paddock, on the Job. He will however, spend The company headquarters have ists. CHANGES ON IN RAIL one or two week-ends, perhaps more, of Oregon He Is said to he an ex Junior high school: schol- been moved Into the new office build­ i yards _ and at depot , vounfl pto <>|< p ( an pianle ceptlonally pleasing speaker and a jargh)p ietterg, j une Clover. Laura out of town In order to rest for the ing this week. Two cars of material successful minister | u un, eri Daisy Tomseth. Ruth Carlton work. have been shipped during the last Rev. Childers will spend the six nBn)elR norothy Fisher. Mary week, and two more are to go oat weeks In California, and will return Had)#y , rpne Manley, Fave Parsons, TWO TRACTS SOLD IN soon. « ■ i *............. - h " X i - . "’ X i - ” ” t„ the local pulpit about August 1 gtpwart prances Toiler Bessie a «>t In the railroad yards hore are be Sunday Sunday m e members — — ...... The of the two Ing completed by work crows Now sidetracks have been built, anil con nectlone have been put In making t possible for trains to run Into the depot from the Woodburn branch line •without running on the main lino tracks. Springfield yarda now have regulation passing facilities for main lino trains. New telegraph switchboards were being installed at the depot yaster day. replacing the old and obsolete ones In use there for years. Altera­ tion also were being made In tho tele- graph tablft. Children’« Day Prooram Planned. The Baptist Sunday school will hold a childrens day service next Sunday morning nt the regular Bun dnv school hour. necItBtlons nod songs hy the ehlblrnn of the school will fenturo the event. Children's day services were held nt the C.hrlsllnn church Inst flundny. classes will leave Immedlatey after . the ... ..... ------- church, remaining In hills during the afternoon Arrive From Minneapolis. Mr nnd Mrs Edwnr« L. Coffin, parents of Mrs. A J. Morgan, ar. rived here Thursday from Minneap­ olis. Minnesota. They were nccom panted by Mr. nnd Mo, L. D Ralph, uncle nnd mint of Mrs. Morgnn. A“ ny visiting here sevcrnl days, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph returned to their home nt St. Paul. Minnesota. Mr. nnd Mrs. Coffin Intend to remain here to make their home In Springfield. BILL FOLD FOUND ON CITY STREETS a l„ DOUGLAS GARDENS Stewart. Athletic letters: Harry COMMERCIAL STATE BANK , OrP