page r TT STATE IS THEME FOR RHYMES OF STUDENTS THE SPRINGFIELD NEW8 w g . -V f • • * * ,* ' Si Youthful poet* at ave Seen trvifTC ' Junior high school hav their hand at rhymes ►ont’Jfng tke'r Mate. with Inter, A ,U f resailts. B» low are given two of the poems writ­ ten by children in tha seventh A grade• * ■* «'■ ' TtuWe» brappara printed according to regulutioni with name. »eight and addreee. ft 25 a hundred at th« New» Office». T his State of Mine. Oh wonderful JM-ewba; this state of mt*e. With v g i! mountains covered with fir and pine, rake. With Crater 7-ake. Its beautiful The three tail Sisters, wonderous fair. With your fertile Talleys and fruits so fine. Oh wonderful Oregon; This State of mine. Oh come to Oregon: thia state ot mine. Oh tourist and traveler, make this Above la the Springfield High state thine. Visit the famous Oregon cave«. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER school baseball team, which last week THURSTON HIGH TO Go and enjoy the ocean'« waves. HAVE COMMENCEMENT SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION complete«, a successful season. Award Live In this state where the sun doth ing of letter to those who played on ever shine. Annual commencement exercises uf More than a mile of new sidewala In this beautiful Oregon; this state is to be buiit In Springfield this sum the team this year will take place at Thurston high school will he held at o f mine. mer. according ,0 plans being made the final assembly of the school year, Since you've been in Oregon; this by the council The ne|w walks are to be held at the high school auditor Thurston hall tomroow night, start­ ing al S o'clock The program fol­ •ta te of mine. to be built in all sections of the city, turn tomorrow aflorno.u Six of the Have you passed o'er Columbia High- replacing old worn-out wooden ones lows: team hold letters from last year. way so fine. Processional. Miss Leota Biggs. lor filling in on s,recta where there Have you visited Mt Hood. I have been no sidewalks. Invocation. J. B Endicott. I A definite program Is to be determ­ If you haven't you should. Address. Dr. Philip A. »’arsons Make Oregon's wonders, every one. ined on at the next meeting of the Vocal sqjo. Miss Vivian Woodside. Federal Commiaaioner thine. Presentation of C ass. Principal Ar­ city body, to be held on June II. While you are In Oregon: this state The city engineer has made a survey thur J. Pgpgra. of mine Recessional. Miss Leota Biggs of the town, determining where atde- Ruth Carlton. 7 A Grade 1! yr . walks are needed, and thia will be Thurston high school It graduating --------- 1 considered at this meeting bast year eight student thia year. The senior Oregon. Briggs A Boyt put In a busy summer Casa officers are: president. Winfred Oh Oregon with your climate so mild. anj fau constructing n,«w sidewalks Endicott; vice-president. Flossie liar With ycur summer skies of blue h'.re. and this year's program prom rlngton; secretary. Ka«» Baxter Oth­ I wonder if you feel about yourself |Ses to equal that of a year ago er members of the class are Maude Just the way 1 do. Russell. Bmma Harriett Bavla. Boris Notice of Sale of Real Estate. You have snow-capped mountains, Ruth Green Bale 0 . Phelteplace an I Whereas, the Judge of the County forest clad foothills. Charles Harry Ziegler. Court of Lane County. Oregon, has Peeking out from yonder haxe; by order dated and filed June 2nd. You have have many a crystal water­ 1936. authorised the undersigned as LIONS CLUB HEARS OF fall. administrator of the estate of Jack YEAR S ACHIEVEMENTS Rodman, deceased, to sell the real Hiding from the hot sun's rays. Yon possess immense growth of tim­ property of said estate at private Accomplishments of th past year sale for part cash and part credit, ber. now. therefore, notice is hereby given were revl.twed by H. E Maxey, retir­ From which you receive much that I. the undersigned administrator, ing president of the Lions Cub. in ■wealth ; will from and after July 3rd. 1926. his final report made at the club's You have plenty of game for hunters. gell. at private sale for part cash and meeting last Friday. Tha, much hag Is search of* pleasure and health part credit, the real property of said been real,led toward accomplishment estate described as follows, to-wlt: Oh Oregon with your scenic beauty. Lot 2 in Section 23 in township 16 of the fivefold program of objectives, With your summer skies of blue. j south of range 4 east of tne Willam­ adopted at the beginning of Ihe Cub I wonder if you feel sbout yourself ette Meridian, in Lane County. Ore­ year was the statem ent of the r. gon, excepting a strip of land 50 feet Just the wav I do. tiring president who la succeeded by I wide through said lot conveyed to Frances Tullar. 7 A Age 13 years. Luckey Boy Mining Company; also Lion John P. Keteis excepting a tract conveyed to Nellie 1 in chia connection, the organisa- T. Matlock, and a tract conveyed to Cannibal F ir Exhibited. tlon of Boy Scout work on a perm» T. C. Luckey and a tract conveyed A cross section slab of the famous nent baa,a. ihe agitation resulting in, to Roy Stien. all said premises being “cannibal fir" which was sent by the the highway commlaalon ordering the in Lane County. Oregon; that said local 4-L un’t to Portland some time sale will be made for a payment of 8pringfleld highway bridge and the j ago. has been given to O. A. C. and tw .nty-flve per eent of the purchase (Southern Pacific deeding piers to the is exhibited in the forestry building price in cash, the balance of pur­ Rear Admiral H. O. Stickney, re- e)ty for uaP |n the span's construe there. The fir was found at Wendllng chase price to be payable not less tired, who has been appointed by Sec- (hf> building 0, a producers' pub- ( than $50.00 per calendar month, all some time ago It is estimated to be ,0 become due not less than one year retaries Hoover and Kellogg aa Fed- n,nrket nnd the assurance 0, ov- Commissioner to the Scaqul-Cen- n«.h»lne svniera here were about 260 years cld, and has com from the aate date 01 of coniirinauou, confirmation, and erul tennlal International Exposition com- namental Ugh, g y h pletely wrapped itself around anoth-r , ernrp,, by a mortgage upon said real memorating the 150th anniversary of (¡evlow d aa mnjor act mp tree, thought to be about 65 years property. Any sale to be subject to American Independence and which for' the year Progress has al«o boon confirmation by said Court. will be held in Philadelphia from June „j*,,,. )n the matter of e|tenaion of FRED B. SMITH. 1 to December 1. Admiral Stickney |h<> Oregon Electric railway ,0 Spring A ttorrey for A dm inistrâtes will be In full charge of the United »em b ers haring made a ELMER ROBERTS. 8 ! » t „ Ge»«rnin,nt „ h tb ll. which »111 ,„.d ,„b„ Admlnistrator. . . . » m«dw ......... , |o ......... . .’ 3 10 17 24 J1 1 h . ------------------ « . » Friday and Saturday Special.' Good Grade White Enameled Pail ¡2^ FROM PALETTE TO MORTAR BOARD ■ —--------------- - n ----------- ..i Mprlngfl« IÎ. i ’re . Julie, $, lik'd e a st aide highway lending down t h ' I vnlley to Coburg; Investí gallen of I the m at,e r of building a hotel in I S Springfield analsiance lo I o the Indu»' trdn* Springfield; 1 Utolalunoa trfhi jiu# püFliai a i't» u m bringing ¡^. w ’ nduiirli A e r e ; erection b( two , Aion» . lub roJB tigne, and ouiH’M i » [* f jgfflnlahed bù in« »« S. •"í' H. S. BATEBALL SQUAD RECEIVE LETTERS . ' * UtolA l* THURSDAY. JUNE ». U ', 6 N'D'Ji'f-' 'S* HFttKMV OtVKN thai Hi h oi ntsirtet IMstrMt Wo hio M "f Lane Court' Heh'oi I«, l. of i oun- ,« ore., will p n jy d ,h" iho office "f o, ,h Ih» " «g.hlM,| n « £ i, \ V Hall. Hi r l t . e f t . f i « ra , lvj> '.,n i« No'a «a» 10 IMO in ilu sh e TnteBeet cenara aft r Juu»' Mit. 1926 H W SMITH District Clerk JJ «i The Ford’s Home 5th and A Streets We have installed more Authorized Equipment to give Ford ow ners better service. We guarantee our work. May we serve you on your next repair job? Danner Motor Co. REFRIGERATORS FOR THESE WARM DAYS 2 1 .5 0 2 5 .0 0 2 6 ,7 5 and $ 3 0 ,0 Doors, in all sizes, 2 .2 0 2 .9 0 $ 3 ,5 0 Priced at Screen Screens for Windows, 5 0 6 0 7 0 80c Screens for Windows and Porches Bring in your sizes and get our prices ...... - Wright & Son year, the retiring executive's report had seven suggestion* to mak< a* a par, of a new program These Includ pd: more attention ,0 the Cub's so- Cal aide and the employment of a pianist; support an effort f r h 'lb - way improvement, especially the HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINT C.J.Rreier’s$l Days FRIDAY and Saturday June 4th and 5th This pail is the popular "Ceseo" ware of snow- white enamel, with blue enamel rim. H as good strong bail h an ­ dle, and factory ci pacity of ten quarts. A real buy a t the price asked. ACCUSTOMED AS BUYERS ABE TO RECEIVING UNUSUAL VALUES AT BREIER STORES, WE HAVE A REAL 8URP18E EOR YOU FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. OUR 56 STORES HAVE JOINED HANDS TO MAKE A SALES EVENT ECLIPSING, ANYTHING OF THIS NATURE EVER ATTEMl’TED IN TH E NORTHWEST. It A lw ays Pays to Buy at B reier’s Only 89c LOOK OVER OUR WINDOWS AND COME IN, OUR BARGAINS WILL BE EASILY SEEN. Use Your Credit WETHERBEE -POWERS •’The Home of Good Furniture.” 11th at Willamette Young women artists torn from lbetr Jara of color and pel nt brushes to seek* plaster«™ to setting ornaments In place atop huge pylons which adorn Ota mala entrances to the Palace o f Agriculture and Food Products, of tbs want axhibltkm buildings which forma a part of the great Beaqai-Oantanntal Ehtpaaltkm being »'aged in Philadelphia from Jana 1 to 1 to celebrate the lfiOth anniversary of the signing of tha Beclaow- I of Independence. CRmhtng Udders and walking along rickety acaff.JdB nhtug new to thena young todtoa. bat each time they A d M they gat a 1 5 6 Stores EUGENE STORE NO. 11 C. J . Breier in the West EUGENE STORE NO. 11