THE HHKINOFTXD NEWS THURSDAY, JUNK 8, 1926. Well! W illi IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NOTICE o r TEACHERS' STATE OF ORBOON FOR LANE EXAMINATION. COUNTY. * Mistrass—"You may have thia hat. The regular semi-annual teachers'! IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Marte my husband says It don't took ¡amination will be held In th . TATE OF W. H. ANDREWS, DE- food on m e “ p ounty Court Room c o m m e n d ., at ’< „ bereby „ van by * « Marie to th . M .,.: "Thank. but 9 A. M on Wednesday, June 9 and deralgned administrator of said e g b°F ,rlen<1 don t like It on i m ' lasting four days Teachers who want tate that nls final account In said tltber." lasting tour n iya. matter w as fit«! on May 28th< l»28 ------_ ----------- a schedule of th . time when un(, , hal , b„ Judg(. of baM I .. fdr . IL j uiy 3r,i w ten o*clock A s till Mad will be given should write E J. MOORE. M at the Chambers of said Court In Ebenezer: "Lo honey do«*« you done Co. Supt. of Schools. X ^ n E X ? o X n H» ’tb ent.m.- ' - g i b yoh honey! I see you sm .H..' M 27 J 3 EOIl HAI.K- Seven-room house with WANTED—To buy a 12-gnuge, 97 and place for hearing objections, it Mandy. Don t pay no tenenln to aere «f ground on Plast Muin Ht. | model W inchester shotgun ¡condi­ dat «mile— ah’s Je»’ restin’ mah face.“ any to said final account. FRED E SMITH, Price 12800, (300 down, balance tion no ohjeet If price la right. 120 FOR SALE—Carbon paper In targe Attorney for Administrator sheets, 23x39 Inches, so lu b le for like rent, Address J E Stewart, News office. J 3 10 ALLEN ANDREWS, FOR SALE— Payroll sheets, printed making tradings. The News Office. 313 C»dar St , Klamath Falls, Ore. Administrator. and In stock at the N ews nifles. t f FO R S A L E — Carbon paper In targa J 3 10 17 24 J1 1 Form suitable for road, construction ... ....... ' Z ' “ “ '» ,” w m r s o r c K * L « s c n 2 ! ^ ! T. work, sawmills, etc., with U hle to EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATIONS I compute workman's compensation IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF The re g u la r e ig h th ernil»« exn n iin s making tracings __* NOTICE 18 HEREBY OtVEN, That and deductions. No employer shoot® lion will I. given In districts when- ~ ' FINAL SETTLEMENT, pursuant to an order of the Count) LANE COUNTY. be without these f» m u when they SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION pupil« huv compiled with the con- N otice Is hereby rivet, that Emery Court of the State of Oregon »**• for the can be purchased for a few cen’s Friday « ............................ <1 It Ion*. on Thursday and e r X t o fÄ ^ ’; h: a » t : n - . T b . IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN each. tf Abner, Gilchrist, Plaintiff, vs. Mil­ June 10 and 11. Conditioned pupil'» ......... - tb« bour of ,e„ o'clock lard F. Green. Defendant. will hava quo»tlon« am t for working " n b a . rendered and .„ e« SUMMONS To Millard F. Green, the above nam? ff these i-ondltlieis without further County Court of the Btate of Oregon forenoon of s s ’d day, at the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE application Pupils who have abac-( for the County of Lane, their r nnnty Court room in the County ed defendant luleljr failed In eighth subjects or In account a s the executors of the Es- r o o r t' | | ouaB | n l(,e c ity o.' Eugene. In m the g , ¡»«nr c State o»»*» of Oregon: STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR Name oi of w the Oregon History. Physiology and On. tale of Mary F Richardson, deceased, Orfl)5Of, baa bBBn Hxed and appointee you are hereby notified that Abner THE COUNTY OF LANE SUIT FOR DIVORCE. graphy will mg have time to prepare .................... and that by order m«ik -3 « bim Gilchrist IB Is LUC the uvrgxax?» holder vi of Certificate ' a duly u »ss r» ' . n- ev »" (h# day, *»»7, t(n)e UH"- >n(J »»»•* plBr(. pa«»--. for — th« --- : ' (JHI'IiriSl for this examination hence ran not tered ‘ the " ------- said < ourt has fixed and ap- b„nr,n< of „junctions to and * the " set-1 of Delinquency numbered 1990 issued; Hugh 8 Demorest. Plaintiff, versus take It until September or January pointed, Saturday the 12th day "f t)pm,.Bt of tf,e flnal account of tbt on the 3rd day of July. 1922 by «he Nora Demorest, Defendant. June. 192« at the hour of ten « e lo e g adm|n|» |rBtor of the estate of Angel | Tax Collector of the County of Lane, of next year _ __ _ __ Jf To Nora Demorest. Defendant: — It, th e fo ren o o n said day at trie )np H I,la g r e a se d , which said ac g tate of Oregon, for the amount E J MOORE, County Court room In the County "Tea4 ^ e d .n d B led ; ‘ v.Toe‘"dollars, the r a m e, You are hereby required to appear Co. Supt. of Schools. Conrt beln(r tbe > amount then ’1u'’ due and and de- and answer the complaint filed M 27 J. 8 Court House in the ’ City r of or i Eugen?. t . ; ; In ■" »><>«»« u»« ™ unt thpn .«7» BIXl. p m Tha’ an objection« to said final ac | | nqUent for taxes for the year 1920 ‘‘*a?“"t n . th* abo™ atl 1 d ' ‘ linker wrappers printed according f((|> , be bParlna of obRctlons to sa d muaf hp |n an4 n ,M lWlth pi.naHy, lntereift Hni, within six weeks from the d a te ,of the to regulations wl*h tuuiw, weight n na] account That all <’bW ,l"a’' £ w|iu _ __ Court _______ „ the __ _____ _____ - first publlcatioa of th>« - UIP W|tb the , Clerk of __ said on „ or COsts thereon „ upon real property and address. »1 26 s hundred at th- said final account must be in writing 7 ‘i" *"R 'ald ‘7 “ a‘n d™ime................ , a X » e e 7 £ you “l'L7 o? which you ara the the Springfield 9Pr.ngf.eld N ews, ^ which is ,s pul»- and filed with the clerk of said Court owner a« appears of record, situated Rshed the first time on Jun 3, 19.«, Dated May 11. 192« News office. on or before said dav and time. P L BARBER, In said County and State, and fartlcu- and you are hereby notified that, if Dated May 11. 192« Administrator of Raid Estate. larly bounded and 'described as fol­ you fall so to appear within said six MiMIMHTII VI i Ut S Nt H ICB EMERY M RICHARDSON, F R A N K A D e P U E lows. to-wtt: Beginning at a point In weeks, your default will be entered IN THE COI'NTY COURT o F THE ELLIS J RICHARDSON. s e H l o r I f T o ^ h l ? 2Ï. south ..o f I for want of an answer and the plain Attorney for the Estate. STATE OF OREGON IN AND FO R ! Executor«. M 13 20 27 J 3 10 range 3 W est of the W illam ette Mer­ tiff will make applcadon to the court THE COUNTY OF LANE. FRANK A. DePUE. idian. 30 feet W est of the Northeast for the relief prayed within the said IN PROBATE. Attorney for the Estate. corner of the J. H. Shortrtdge Dona­ complaint which is as follows, to- M 13 20 27 J 3 10 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE. In re-Estatg of Francis M Yost, de­ tion Land Claim In Towmftlp 21 wtt: That the marriage contract now existing between you and the plaintiff ceased. Notice ts horeby given that by virtue 8outh of Range 3 W est: run thence be forever dissolved, that he have an north 176 chains; thence w eit S 57 Notice to hereby given that I. WU ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE of an execution Issued out of the d o chains; thence south 1.75 chain«: absolute divorce from you. The above Ham A Yost, have been duly appoint. ’N jn tE C O t^ T Y COURT OF THE fuIt Court pf , be sta te of Oregon thence west along the North boun­ entitled court made and dated an o £ ed administrator of the above entlttod STATE n F OREGON IN AND FOR In and for Lane County, on the l«th dary of said claim 1« 58 chain«: der June 2. 192«. directing that thlw estate, that all debts due « 1 4 THE COUNTY OF LANE. day of April, 192«. upon a Judgment thence north 1.60 chains to the cen­ summons be published once each estate shall be paid to me and that IN PROBATE. rendered In lo said Court, on t i e ter of ________________ the sonthrwest _______ qnarter of sec- week for six successive w eeks lr. the alt persons having claims against In re-Estate of Thomaa Adam Yoat. 13th day of April. 192«, In the eult “n * Township 21 South of Range Springfield News, a newspaper pub­ said estate shall present the same to deceased of Dora H. Peters against J. H. Bol­ 3 We«t; thence w?st along the south lished in Springfield. Oregon, and that me with vouchers attached at the Notice to hereby given that I, Wll office of roy attorney. H E. Slattery, llam A Yoat. have been duly appoint in. Olive V. Botin. J. W Shumate. boundary of tSie northwest quarter of you appear and answer the said com­ Lillian R. Travis. Fredericks Travis plaint within six w eeks from the 717 W illamette Street, Eugene. Ore- administrator of the above entitled and Gould Bryan Travts. against the the southwest qnarter of section 21 date of the first publication of th is 12 97 chains; thence south 1 50 chain« gon, within « months from the d a te iagtata (bat a)I debta due Mid said J. H. Bel In and Olive V. Bolin to the NW corner of said D. L. C. summons. of first publication of thto nolle«' estate shall be paid to me and that for , h(f o{ H473.73, with interest thence 8. 9.87 ______ ______ east ___ H. E. SLATTERY. chain«: thence which to Mar 13. 192«. Attorney for Plaintiff, and my all perann« having clnlmn &of thence W»?t ?« cb. •o •'i», »n«ts against !•••:•’ r.nd " rm *’ "? undersigned has been appcin’rA A»1 8 w . corner of said sub-divisten and uh-*-' NOTTCF Is hereby given that the mlnlstrator of o* Mr*, s thence North 15.80 chs.. to place of „ , . the . estate . Th’ sn-nmons 1« rnhllshed hv order State Land Beard of the State of B Burton, deceased^ by _______________ _ < beginning. In all 158 acres. In L an e' of the w»-<*r«h,e O F Skipworth . Oregon will receive sealed bids at its Court of Lane County, Oregon AH County, Oregon .fudge of the Circuit Court of th* • office in the Cani’c! Build’nc at Sa- Cftll persons having claims against suld • FRANK E TAYLOR. »fate of Oreron for th» Counfv of , leny, C reg’n. up f! 11:00 o'clock A. estate are he-'**’- u»Gf'»d to present | Sheriff of l* n e Counfv. Or»gon. (T.ane. and said order was mad» and m , August 10. 1921! for all the S tate* SUTTON TRANSFER thp same duly verified, to the un­ ___________________ M « 13 20 27 J 3 dated this Rth dav of Mav. 19?« and 11 interest in ’be rlver-b d 'ands here- dersigned at the office of Well.® A ; tho date of the first publication o’ I ¡natter described, giving, however, ro Phone 57 Wells. Attornev» Bank of Commerce I NOTICE TO CREDITORS *b’’ summons Is the *th d ,v of May (be OWEPr or OWners of any land B ldg. In Eugene. Lane Coimtv, Orc ' ................... ............. of th, date IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ,9!S a b u ttin g o r fr o n tin g th e r s o n .th e p r e f- gen within six months of the"firs' mibllcatlnn of this notice STATE OF OREGON FOR LANEi *!! oaners In this pro Pr nce r»K>*» .o purchase said river- Date of first publication May 23. COUNTY reeding mav be served noon the nn ,andg R, the h igh ei, pr;ce tf fe r e i, 192«. I In the Matter o f the Eatate of Alma '1; T’ ’*nPd a? « Provided such offer is made in good GEO,. N. M rL E A N H B BURTON. T.uclna Signor Deceased I ° f Oregon at the address heresft»’ failb ani, „ se r v in g to th Beard the Automobile, F ire and Life right to reject any and all bids: Administrator, i Notice is hereby given to all per- I mentioned. S M CALKTN8. IN S U R A N C E Said lands are situated in i-ane WRLLS A WELLS. . « ops whom It may concern that the Attorney for Plaintiff. Surety Bond«,. Phone 617 County, Oregon, and described as Attorney®. undersigned Nelsen H. Signor and A ddress:. Eugene, Ore. follows, to-wit: My bualness I« to protect your M 20 27 J 3 10 17 Alice L. Thompson have been ap- Beginning at a point on the U. S. bualneaa ■ ■ - pointed administrators of the estats M 6 12 20 27 J 3 10 17 24 J 1 k Government meander line of the left of Alma Lorina Signor, deceased, and 860 W illa m e tte 3t. Eugene Orego^i NOTICE TO CREDITORS bank of the W illamette Riv»>r. at » . , ... . 1 have duly'qualified as such. All per- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is herebv ^that tn e , ____ hnvlng claim? ,,p. against sa'd p s - corn r on the east boundary of the* NOTICE Is hereby given that the L. Poindexter P. L. C. N - r*2. T. 17 ¡undersigned has been anpolnted Ad i ta

ns h e e n a a r o '- t " d Exo S. R. 4 W., W. M„ 10.75 chains north VASBY BROS. 1 Markmann. deceased, by the < ountv vonrhers therefor and verified in the cutrjx of the estate of William T. of the southeast corner of the claim, Kerley, deceased, by the County Court being 28.00 chains east and 37.25 Painting & Decorating : Court of Lane County, Or»‘gon. A ll, manner reoulred hy law to said ad- nersons having claims agnlnst snld mlnlstrator.? nt the Inw offices of T of T-ane County. Oregon. All person? chains north of the southwest corner In all its branches having claims against said estate art of ______ gectjop —. j j , -- of - said ________ township, and estate are hereby notified to p resen t, M Peterron nt 1t5 4th street in the. P ______ 'th e same, properly verified1 to u n -' Cncrmcrclnl State Bank b u ild in g ; hereby notifed to present the jnm? punning thence along the Government 312 Main Street deralgned nt the jtfflee of Wi 11s A Snr'ngfleld. Counfv, Oregon !to 14th dav of June. 1926, by check or draft of the amount of vouchers, to the snld administrator hearing thereon at or on or before at ten o’clock A. M. for tihe hearing hid and should be add ss»d lo G. at lit* office,at 8«0 W illamette Street, which tim e any objections should be of objections to said account and the O. Brown, Clerk Sta*» Lt: 1 B o a rd , FRANK A. DF PUE settlem ent of said estate. Salem. Oregon, and in.i’-t.. ’ "'nplica- Eugene. Oregon, within six months filed or pTescnfed. A T T O R N K V a t law Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 13« »Ion and hid to purchase river bed from tho dnte of this notice. Dated and first published May «th day of May. A. D . 1926 land«.” Dat»M at Eugene, Oregon, the 20th N O T A R Y P U B L IC MARY M KERREY, 1 O. G. BROWN, dnv of Mav. 192« ROBERT SORSENSEN. Sutton Springfield Administratrix with tho Will An- | Clerk Stnte Land Board, DONALD YOUNG Administrator. ; Buldtlng Oregon. nexed of the Estate of O. B Kes- Dqted at Salem. Oregon May 24. Administrator of the estate of WHITTEN SWAFFORD. se»y, Deceased. ,1926. Hanne Kristina Johansen, deceased. Attorney. • M 18 20 27 J 3 11 J 3 Aug 5. M 20 27 J 3 10 17 M 6 13 20 27 J 3 Classified Ads (BUYING 03 GET RESULTS. F o il SALE N»w 4- tooiu houiwt In Eugene. Will trade for Springfield property Cull for It la rtoou at Dun. nor Motor C o. Springfield, or phone Eugene 1H73 It M 13 SO 37 J 3 Error of Praia. A horse lielouglnK lo Jed A pph-gnte died lu»t night from a strange M elo­ dy! NOTICE TO CREDITORS ‘NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned him been duly Up. pointed by the County Court of the Rtnte of Oregon for the County of I juia m the udnitng-trutor of the «state of Josephine B Ahranm. de­ ra iled . and alt persona hnvlng clnlm« again»! said estnte are hereby noth fte.t to preient the «nine properly verified to »aid ndmlnlstrntor at the offlre of Frnnk A DePue. attorney for the estate, In Springfield, Ore­ gon on or before »lx months from the date of thia notice Dated May 4th. ISM. FRANK A. DEPUE, Attorney for eatate CLIFF ABRAMS. Administrator of the nutate of Josephine B Abrams, der»n»ed M « 13 30 27 J 3 NOTICE T o CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that Fred II. Lindsay haa been appointed as an mlnlstrator of the estate of John J Lthdaay. deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate art hereby notified to present the sam« to the undersigned administrator at the office of Fred E. Smith, attorn»» for said Administrator at 443-3 Mtnai B ldg, Eugene, Ore»>n. properly vert fted. within six month« from the date of this notice. Dated May 20. 1923 FRFD E SMITH. Attorney for Administrator FRED II LINDSAY. Administrator. M 20 27 J 3 10 17 ■ b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y General I-aw Practice I. M. PETERfeON Atlorney-at-Ijaw Commercial State Bank Bldg., Springfield. Ora. HOUSE PAINTING K tlto m ln ln g la all Its Branch««. City or Country W o rk. Lowast Frlc««. Every Jab Ousranteod. Qlva ms a trial. ROY KO CH. Springfield. Phons 125 J BUY F U R N IT U R E Oregon. MERE Rocksra, Beds. Mattrosooo, Stoves, Tubs, Stovs Boards, Clothes Basket*. Wm. DONALO 8O .X SECO ND HAND NEW ANO STO R E Contracting and Building GEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D Streets Springfield, Oregon Plans and Estim ates Furnished Free. W ill Help You Finance Your Bulldino- DR. N W EMERY D E N T IS T Button Bldg. Phon« 20-J Realdanco Phon« IBS M S p rin g field , Oregon u The Loop »> Your Home When In Springfield D. W. Roof JEWBI.RR Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon R. W. SMITH JuBtlce of the pence and notary public, Inaurance City Hall Springfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. PAGE SEVEN Dr.John Simons -W*