TH U R SD A Y . JU N E th e a P R tN o rire .P news PAGE S K TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y lO-peaud baby Mao a g i Lioan».» I'Musd H U N TLY MAKING P IA N S IWrln« the past W«'»h m.rrtag" II- FOR JULY 4 PROGRAM . ciiac» havs baen l»au«-d to «ha follow- _____ ¡boy w»» b»rn Sunday evening tn Mr Plane No 1 of the Alaska mapptu expedition en route from San Oleg H*e» from Jasper—Ko»» lluuiphrev , und Mr». Lewis Wallac« of Jaipur The American legion coni’i'l” «'c Ins Jiy die ciunly Clark: l.e»lle Bum­ Cal., to Alaska, crashed Into the »ate mer» Wick», liornna, and Ava A. at Jaipur wm a local visitor Sunday Dislocates Ankls— I.«« Stev«-na of which »ron th . «u ccsafu l ”•> of Coos bay half a mile north of th. Whitlock. Wildwood; Albert D ew .v Waltervtlle ber» - Monday for aarvance of Memorial day 1» «0 ha” Hera from Marcela— Mr» «- Fresi to .......... . ................ coast guard station. The big seaplane Ja< idi«. Engi ne, ami Meryl.« charge of a Fourth of Julv i«l"br»tl»n was in charge of and driven by Lien- Jo*«a and daughter. Lucille. wrrv «realm «« of a dl.locatod U k )a. The Hlacho. Albany; M dg.r darm lr-. and visitor» her« from Marvels Saturday j accident occurrud when a rock on a here, if plana being «»d» hy m 1» Brief of Resume of Happenings tenant W. M. IMlIon- Florence Ha'll Wimmer hotb of U««h- Handy, chairman of the com m ittee, hill was dislodged and rolled down. Mrs Albert M. Orilley of Portland on Harry Henry Jahnk« and Mlnnl. Here from Portland— Mrs Fannie nial.rlallse the Week Collected for striking Steven» In the leg was reappointed a member of the state Mr Huntly hope« Io make the cele Irene, bdh of Fug. 11«; Rob­ Griffin of Portland was a Springfield board of inspectors of child -labor Qo To Co«»t— Mr. and Mr» W. !.. Our Readers. hratlon a comtnunliy even« «'»•»M v ert Cleacwaler and Ami« Mart«- N r She will aerve for a term of four visitor over Sunday. Rouse and P 8. Chase were among held In a nearby park under the au» gren. ho«h of Albany; Bernard Laraon y ea « . ‘^ r7 ' rH ,7 i ; ' t7 ’ll7 . Pm X i *» Newport— Mrs O B people who vl.lled at the ap, nt p ' Ftve proposed amendment» to the ed Seth U Roberts of Portland a mem p i c s of th . legion «"d t h . aiixlll«rv Wright. Rprlngfleld. and (Ja-nevleve L. city charter carried at a »pedal elec­ b e r o ft h .a ta .e b .M n l of ..c o u n u n c y . ^ ^ ^ II. Is planning some »pedal features, Rlklna Eugene; III. hard Merln. San N#wport ctma Antonio, and M alhlld. M M. ih .n y. tion at Woodburn. Return» Home from Hospital— ,uch a* airplane stunt*, which prom Mrs Fred Anderson of Boise. Idaho. Denver: Arlbur Raymond Harding. t*e to make the celebrailon of fir«t A district convention of Lions clubs was killed Instantly. Charles Martin. Qo p0 Nswport— W A. Taylor and Mrs K. H Purcell of Creswell, fwbo Fall Creek, and laaura Downs, ( rea- rank The chairman will call «ho ily* «P»*«« the »•'** *nd ° n th* « a s held In CorvaUis Thursday. Fri­ about 1». and Mu. Anderson » baby fam ha» been at the Pacific Chrl.UaO «os ........., Memorial day com nilll-e log ther at well. w e u slightly injured when the car in be#ch at Newport, pit«l for some time returned home on day and Saturday. an early day »0 consider «he Man», which they were riding plunged over The fraud lodge of Oregon, Odd Pel- Monday afternoon Rlo»«»r Picnic Planned. a 1 5 foot embankment on th . Old Ore- In Cottage Grove—Among local and further announcement» will b . lows. meet in f at Salem, voted to hold The annual pioneer picnic, held at goo trail about 7 miles west of La ' people In Cottage Grove Sunday were forth com Ing aoon their next year’s session at Astoria. 1ST AMERICAN YOUTH ENTRY Grande. I Mr. and Mr. W. A. Hemenay. Brownevlll.. 1» 1» «•»"' Klamath Falls voters tn June will year on June 1«. IT. and 1« While With money now available, the Drive to Seism— Mr. and Mrs. C. O. ba called upon to pass on a »30,900 Drive »0 Co«»*— tccompanylng Mrs thin 1» a picnic of Linn county plm . I Wilson drove to Salem to spend Sun bond issue to be used for school pur- Klamath county court has advertised O R K essey and Dwlgh« Ke«»ev «0 peer* old llm rrs of t.» n . county aM for bids for grading of the last a ec-, returned Monday noon -a poses. Newport over the week -nd were InvRed. and many alwaya attend. Uon la‘ Klamath of the | thelr Springfield home. Deficiency appropriations agfrefat- Ivan Cowart. Mr and Mr« Ernest Tfceee picnic» h»»« be*n h’,|<1 ,or Falla highway, a 3 8-mile aem on somu tu< FLMO were authorised by the I from Midland to the state line at 1 K, „ yon, v is it P ortlan d - Mr. and Richard, and Ml»» Dean Richard. more (ban 30 y c r . «< llro w n .v lli- •U te emergency board at a special Calor. The project will coat approxi- £ g Kenyon were visitor* over meeting held at Salem mately »30.000. j thc WCek end wRh friends tn Port- A brown bear w elghlnf ISO pounds The state engineer has entered Into ,fcn(1 was shot four miles east of Silverton. a contract whereby the United States o „rti«nd__ T C Oorrle « G rr« The bear had been bothering farmers reclamation service w ill pay half the H er . from Port . n d _ T cost of investigating the waier supply was here from Mr In the Abiqua district. a P* More than 400.000.000 feet of pine for the Vale Irrigation project. Water I V eck end visiting lumber was manufactured in Klamath will be obtained from the Malheur aoM by tb, a cost of approximately »250.000. was The public service commission Is­ son. John, who is In the Good Sama m r«cu>r» of the geequl-Ccntennlal formally opened to the public Friday sued an order suspending the proposed Itan hospital. ' International Exposition. through night. new tariff of the Southern Oregon Gas which the people of the United Btates Because of a diphtheria epidemic at company, which operates at Roseburg. Mrs. Huntly'a Father Improve»— world at large will celebrate the state training school for boys at Grants Pass. Medford. Ashland and Word was received Monday by Mra. 150th anniversary of the Declara Salem, no new wards will be admitted other Southern Oregon cities The new M B Huntly to the effect that her t(on of Amerkan Independence The to the Institution for an indefinite tariff would have increased the exist father w illiam Pohl, of Astoria. 1* exposition will run from June 1 to Da- 1 follo w in g a sudden Hines» cemtwfr 1. Mias Adams’ entry blank Ing rates of the corporation. period. improved following a su heroism displayed recent Haying Is now tn full swing at When Company K. the St. Helens last Saturday. whea she remained inside a burn- Boardman This is from two to three unit of the Oregon national guard e Spend» a . Sunday «„ndav H Here— doctora gh<| render e r a - Mrs. Lottie ing building helping d flr<>[n(,n , weeks earlier than usual. There is a , | leaves for encampment next month A FEW O T H E R SI'ECIAI.rt Bowman and son. Leland of U ate for the Golden Eaglatta. the great amount ot cheat in the alfalfa here will be »100 tn the company mess highest gift within the hand* of ths fund, as the St Helens chamber of »pent Sunday here visiting this year. Kach atate w)n elect a Twenty-two thousand head of sheep commerce has appropriated »5b from Mrs. Bowman came down for tne aIMj boy and one teacher to rapre- will be graxed on the Cascade national the treasury and appointed a commit Memorial day exercises. « ten t them and tha aocoeaaful candi- ■ forest this year, according to estimates tee to raise an additional »50. Hat Accident— Dirk Sharman. 1 dal<>a w,u ^e the gnest of the Sesqnt of Nelson F Macduff, supervisor of Oregon had the lowest Infant mor­ local service station, sustained a pain offlcla]a from j une 23 to July 5 at the w . 11. ADRIAN. Prop. tality of all the states in the union ful iniury last Friday when acid from : „ p o sitio n . Thia will alao Include s the forest. Phone ,Á'h-,tterv -hot into one of hl«, trip «0 Washington where they will Main St Timber on five tracts of land In in 1925. according to the summary of provisional birth, death and infant Lane and Coos counties was sold by the government land office at Rose­ mortality figures for that year, com Nurse* Hsve Picnic— Miss Clara burg. the total amount of the sale be­ piled by the department of commerce and Just Issued to the public. The Wyse and Mrs ur. W were ing »37^27 44 vt v C . Rebhan o T O. W. Robertson of Klamath Falls rates was 51.2 per 1000 of population among thoe present at the hopltal nurses’ Picnic at •<»' ’ heails a »50.UOO company that will for Oregon. Commercial fishermen took 37,324.- Butte Sunday. erect equipment near Bandon for the purpose of extracting gold the 133 pounds of fish from the Colum Berg Is B e tt.r _ T Berg, who la t bta river during the 11-month season ocean beach sands. week was suffering from an attack - starting May 1 last year and closing Grain crop prospects continue gen­ acute tonsilitis, is reported consider­ erally good In Oregon Rain during April 1. this year, according to a re­ ably improved by his physician port ot E L. Ballagh. master fish war the past week wsh sufficiently heavy to be of material benefit, though some den for Oregon. Washington's total Baby Son Born— Mr and Mrs E R catch was 12.665.S22 pounds and that districts still need more moisture. Purcell Of Creswell are the happy parents of a baby »on. horn at «he Mrs. A. Mabel Simkins of McMinn­ of Oregon was 24.658.311. ville was named president of the P j Reports received by the West Coast Pacific Christian hospital at Eugene E. O. sisterhood for Oregon at the ; Lumbermen’s association for the week early last Friday morning. closing session of the three-day con ended May 22 showed that 109 mills Hers from Portland—Miss Maude produced 115.012^79 feet of lumber veution of the order at The Halles. sold 129.778.652 feet and shipped 133, Oorrle will he a visRor In Rprlngfl- ld Fied B<-nnion, Umatilla county — «_ ,.n hon)P She twill visit the hem e „ of her pointment as state leader of Mon- , sold and 107.175,233 feet shipped for parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 1- tana county agents tad been approved ' the week ended May 15, an increase by the Montana university chancellor. 8r. on all Items tor the current week While Chris i ‘cke.4on of North Pow­ To Spend Week End H e r e -W H. What is believed to be the largest der was hunting a few days ago he: his sister. Miss Susan instrument ever recorded in Lurry ran into a group of four cinnamon Horne, will spend the coming week county is tbe mortgage given by Clay bears, one of which he killed with a ” a g friends In Spr n g f l ^ long range rifle. It weighed 500 ton Mark, tlmberman of Lake county. vhlle Illinois, to the National Bank ot the Mr. Horne, who stayed here pounds. one time, Is Republic of Chicago, and Calvin Fen ¡working at Eugene at ment of Bell’s idea Into • nation­ Six registered Holstein cowa were tresi of Cook county, lllinola, in the ' now living at Bend. r T A L K S !” exclaimed wide,universal telephone service. stolen . - . / .rom the George Me-1 sum of »590,000. Thia Is believed to — asto u n d ed I)om P ed ro , Carl 'arm near Harrisburg. Their car- be the preliminary step looking to the Former Resident V . But the wonder of the telephone cassen were lound about a mile from starting of logging operation» by Mark i o Eaton, former resident of Spring- Im peror of Brazil, one J UJ1C is still that which arrested men’« the MtCurt li .me aou the hides were upon his Curry county timber hold ' i L . now living in Beaverton, was, in day in 1876, as he held to his 1(f)wn r, mewing acqua Intances 1.» tout. ' ' ....... .. Ing, largely of cedar, which consists e r 7 the’rJceiv^r of thoughts a half century a g o - .. £ Alexander \ lu v o n r lp r Saturday. With a friend he wa on t The old fight to remove the Jack- of clone to 25,000 acren. McKenzie for a fish Graham Bell’» telephone, then that it can talk. son county courthouse from Jackson- | Investigation of the possibility that his way up the the Mciaeu» V j r a iia u i , I Ierein lies its unique value KJ ville to Medford will soon he revlveu. large quantities of alkali may be halt­ Ing trip on exhibit at the Philadelphia .Petitions will be circulated throughout ing the runs of Chinook salmon In the the individual and the nation» w -:r centennial exposition, while nhe county to have the removal Issue Columbia river this year w.ll be made It provides, as nothing else Kennirdy spent the Konnef Am fruit. Revenues derived in 1925 timber Mr and Mrs. O. H. Newman of Blair, tggwla Smith, foreign investigator of have passed. Important among . the tederal bureau of markets, who sales from the 22 national forests of were up the McKenzie river Sunday, ku-s jdat returned from a tour of Oregon and Washington, which com­ where they enjoyed a picnic and flslr their contributions to commonwealth of Europe, advised Hood River growers prise the North Pacific district of the lng The three men are telegraph, progress has been the develop- commonweal F that all fruit should be packed the United States forest service, totaled operators for the Southern P acific.- oomloK season free from spray real »864.000, Which is a substantial in- Doane* Have V isitor. - House creuse over th' sales of 1924, which due*. The Black Marble ft Lime company totaled »680,000, according to figures g u , - L o v e r the w e e k end It the home a t Enterprise will emphasize lime pro­ compiled In the district forester’s of­ of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doane were Mr bell system The 14 national and Mrs. A1 Cannon and Mr. and duction, it announced at a meeting of fice at Portland One flyrtem • Universal Service , the chamber of commerce In that city. forests in Oregon produced »628,000 of Mrs. Harry Taylor and so nof Port- j One Policy Immediate construction of kilns, hy­ this sum, while the balance, or »23«,- land. They were here to spend the drating plant and aerial tramway M 000, was derived from the eight na­ holiday and see the Memorial exer- tional foresta In Washington. planned. clue» here. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST lire Special Prices on All Sizes Strömberg Carbuerators While They Last $10.85 For FORDS Springfield Garage It Talks ! I speech, The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company