The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 03, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    MV/JV G J
THUK8DAY, JUNK « ,1 9 2 «
Here from
F ir— W a n k
~*1 SS-I
.. . t
FU R»/
Goss Across F is * —B
ÎJ. fianke'y
bridge of Weal F ir woo here Monday. drove (o Hand and back Monday.
Drive Io New port— M r
T helnls In Town— K arl T belpla of
M arlon Adam * drove to Newport ov­ Dearborn was In town on butlneM
yesterday i r
e r (h r weak end.
F la tt H ere— W a lle r IMatt of Thura-
Qoehen Woman
Here— Mrs. beo
ton was a visitor hare for a short T u c k iy o f Qn«hen was In town for a
tim e Tuesday.
short llm r yesterday.
Mere from Noti— Mrs. E. It Wilson
Here from
W a lte r v ille - M r. and
M rs D C. T ro tte r of W a ite rv lllo o f Not! was a visitor In Springfield
spent Tuesday afternoon visiting here yesterday.
H e re fro m C re s w e ll— O. M lllg g a of
Removed— Hobble Robert-
Cresw* II was a Springfield visitor on ann had his tonsils removed at a
local physician's office yesterday.
At New port— M r and Mrs Lloyd
M a rtin were at New port over th«
Week end.
H ere
kan o f
from Leaburg— I«est»r M illi­
Leaburg was a Springfield
A Bad Break.
W om an; “I f you can’t get
to sleep maybe I better come
sing to him 7”
■Won't do any
threatened him with that
Mra. Larson At Junction Mrs. Jack
latrann vlalted over the week end
w ith her
M r.
Charles T o ft da hl of Junction City
McLagan Goes to Tangent— W . C
McLagan was a visitor at Tangent
and In the Alsea valley over the week
Smeed In Tow n— HIM Bmued. Wgl-
te rv llle farm er, transacted
visitor on Tuesday.
In Springfield on Tuesday.
Drive Up M cKenzie— Mr. and Mrs.
C la rk Wheaton spent the holiday up
the M cKenzie river.
A d elig htfu l event occurred at th"
Pollards et Newport M r and Mrs. F M. M ulligan
home Sunday
N. L I ’olalrd w ere visitors at Now Monday j ) f this week when a fam ily
port over M em orial day.
reunion, w ith nil but two members
of the fam ily present, was held. Those
H ere from
Marcola— Mrs. George
present w ere:
Knstrom of Msreola was a visitor In
M r. and Mrs. Ray .M u llig a n and
Springfield Monday.
children. Hay. J r . and Patsy Ann.
Vaughn Man Horo— Jay Jockey of of Portland; M r. and M rs C e d i M ul­
Vaughn was a Springfield vtsKor Sat­ ligan and children, M ervln, Margie.
Dorothy and V irg in ia of S p ringfield;
urday evening.
M r. and Mra. Ixre M cK enney and
Hero from Fortlond— Mra. Adelaide j
little aon. Robert Lee, of W endllng;
Coponhaver was hero this week from >
Portland. She la visiting relatives at j Kenneth and Oron Mullgan, and M r.
and Mrs. F. M Mullgan of Spring-
I field ; Mrs. J C M ulligan and daugh
ter, Bthel. of Portland.
M ake Bend T rip — M r and M rs A
O nly members of the fam ily not
A. Anderoon and fam ily and Kdward I
present were O rval M ulligan, of Co­
K e e le r motored to Bend and bark
quille, and M rs A O K elly, form erly
M em orial day.
Miss L illia n M ulligan, of Fargo. V .
Photo Sg A K K O S e r v ic e C o rp o ra tio n .
The giant arena In the centre of the Sesqul-Centen-
nlal International Exposition site In Philadelphia was
built In approximately 300 working days. It was com­
pleted and In use a month before the opening of the big
exposition which celebrates the 160tb anniversary of the
signing of the Declaration of Independence. This photo­
graph, made from the air. ahows nearly 1,000 boys on
the playing field, massed th A e for the dedicatory exer-
cleet on May 1 which form ally opened the structure. Io
the stands are seated 10.000 persons watching the pro­
gram. A group of 10,000 persons Is a large crowd but
they are only a "drop In the bucket" In the big Philadel­
phia stadium. The boys paraded onto the field to the
accompaniment of fourteen bands and there went through
their drills and athletic exercises tor the benefit of eity
officials and parents.
Mrs. Lemmon
Operated O n — Mrs
Joe Lemon, daughter of M r. and Mrs.
Directors o f the Oregon linen m ills,
CONTINUED OAIN HERE John W lnzenreid, underw ent an op­ to be established at Salem this year
eration In Portland yesterday. Mrs. at a cost of $650.000, w ill have to pay
A continued gain In postal receipts
W lnzenreid has been w ith her daugh­ $26.000 duty on machinery ordered tor
was reported from the local postofflre
ter for some" tim e, and M r. W liixen- the plant, according to a telegram re­
fo r May, the per rentage of Increase
reld le ft for Portland yesterday a fte r­ ceived from Senator M cN ary.
for the month being 1314.
machinery Is being shipped to Salem
T he total for May was $576 24. as
from Liverpool.
against $507 81 In May of last year,
, The federal public buildings bills,
a gain of $68 43. So far. the receplta
as agreed upon by representatives of
for the year are fa r ahead o f those
the tw o houses In conferences, would
of last year. Indicating a healthy bus
perm it the sale of Portland's old fed­
Iness condition here.
eral building by the secretary of the
Hsrs— Out-of-town
treasury and construction of a new
people visiting at the home of M r*,
Baby Boy Born M r and Mrs. N o r­ n
building on all or part of the same
ton I ’engra are the proud parents at I Ray M ulligan and fam ily, accom and Mrs. J R ichter on M em orial day
site, or in some new location.
panted by Mrs. J. C. M ulligan and W ere M r. and Mrs John Pinard of
a baby boy, born Sunday morning
Six additional postoffices have been
E th el
M ulligan, motored to Tacoma. W ashington. M r. and Mrs.
raised from fourth class to presiden­
Drive Up River— Dr, and M rs W Portland Sunday afternoon,
re tu rn ­ C la ra n re W a lp of Salem, hjr. an I
tial grade by decision of postoffice
I I Pollard and fam ily and Mias Ver­ ing Monday evening
Mrs. K ellp W alp of Portland. David
authorities. The offices affected are
n ie r H aw k were visitors at H e n d ric k * |
W a lp of Salem M r. and Mrs. F re t
Koardinan In M orrow county. Cochran
bridge M em orial day.
L em ley of Portland and Mrs. M arie
in W ashington county;
M alin in
Adams of Portland.
K lam ath county, M arcola in Lane
Home fro m Hoopital— R. W
O rr
county and W e s tfir in Lane county.
le ft the Pacific
To T a lk Hospitalization.
"T ra il to R a il" is the title of the
Sunday a fte r confinement during an
celebration to be held in Eugene
For the purpose of settling arrange-
operation. He returned to his homo tric supply business from the H a ll
August 19 and 20 to m ark the com­
Cash store to K etela’ Drug store next men!« for hospllal service for W< nd-
pletion of the Southern Pacific com­
Monday, he annotutced yesterdr.y. In ling camps of the Booth K e lly Lum ber
pany’s K lam ath Falls-Eugene line and
V isits In Portland— Recorder R W the new location. M r. H enderer w ill company, the Loyal Legion of Log­
"K la ta w a" is the name of the pageant
Sm ith spent the week end In P o rt­ keep the plare open on Sundays and gers and Lum berm en hospital com­
to be staged. A prize for the best
land. visiting with hla daughter. The In the erenlngs, retainin g hl< full m ittee w ill meet at the Osburn hot, 1
r.ame f^ r the celebration was won by
r lt y hull was not opened Monday. supply of electric supplies and fishing Saturday evening.
Mrs. E. F. Judkins.
Decoration day.
W en dllng units w ill be represented,
Reports received by the W est Coast
as w ell as the company.
Lum berm en's association for the week
Drlvs to Mulino— M rs Fred Froze.
Lo# AnBele,
Hers— Monroe
ended M ay 16 showed that 10S m ills
Lloyd Frese, Dorothea Fres«. M r. and T u tt|„ of i x)R Angeles visited Oil»
W a lte rv ille — W illia m
produced 114.627.416 feet of lum ber,
M rs. Paul 8c.hlewe and son, Chester,
nt the home o f his rniksin. H u cka and B ill Ovlngton of W a lte r
sold 120.564.138 feet and shil ped 107,-
went to Mulino 8unday to visit rela M rs. N Nelson. H e also visited rel- v ille were Springfield visitors yes­
175.223 feet. This brings production
atlves In Eugene and Goshen.
for the firs t 20 weeks of 1918 to 1.9R3.-
£.;0.5.. t M * . feet sold and
2,059,342.022 feat shipped.
This replica of historic Independ-
ence H a ll In Philadelphia is a fine ex-
ample o f the b aker’s a rt It was made
bv (he chef of one of Philadelphia’s
leading hotels to a ¡vertigo the Sosqul-
Centennial Intern atio nal Exposition,
which w ill open in th a t c ity June 1
and run to December 1 to celebrate
the 160th anniversary of Am erican In-
T he
"S tate
rtands on a table at the entrance to
the laalu dining room o f the botel.
up and
good— I
He Got IL
"And your fath er who was ru n n in g ^
for congressman— w hat Is he doing
n o w *’
"Oh, th a t’s fine— I ’m glad he was
E x tra ! E x tra )
Doctor: "A nything unusnal happen
w hile I was a w a y * ’
"A ssistant: “W e ll, let me see! Oh
yes, two patients got w ell."
when th eir
autom obile*
plunged from a birdge on the McKen-
zle riv e r highway to a creek bed 25
fee t below, M r. and Mrs. C. A. Brazee
of Torrance, California, w ere brought
to Springfield
badly bruised and cut.
T he accident occurred, as near as
they were able to tell, about 26 miles
from Eugene, this side o f Vida. T hey
were rid in g in an eight cylinder sedan
automobile, d rivin g west. They were
unable to rem em ber just how the car
happened to leave the edge of the
b rilg e . T h e auto turned over, landing
In the creek-bed, and throw ing the
tw o occupants against the top of the
car. *
A passing m otorist saw them and
stopped, bringing both to Springfield
for treatm ent. M r. Brazee had a bad
scalp wounds and bruises. H is w ifa
had bruised h e r face and was badlv
shaken up.
M r. and M rs. Brazee had been a t
T he Dalles, and returned by way of
Bend and the M cK fn z ie Pas« on th e ir
w av to C a lifo rn 'a. where they are
in the flow er gardening business.
T hree
D ip h 'h -*’ »
T hree members of the A H. Hfetzel
fam ily are suffering f r ~
M rs. W etzel. *L c was f . r — me tim e
«»r <nn°tv tit I« en— b etto r M arv in ,
h er son, s u fftr -d a r in '
'" " I is s till
re rlo rly 111. T h is
’ ern a.
'’ « ech ter, carne down w ’t ’* ** e dis­
’T B S J B B B B T ’
Save With Safety
At the Rexall Store
Note These Specials
1 Pint Bottle Puretest Rubbing Alcohol, reg­
ular Price, 75c, Special at ...................... 59c
Many buyers of printing are so
anxious to save money they always
place their orders with the lowest bid­
der. Very often the difference of a
few cents or dollars in prices represents
the difference between poor work and
The Willamette Press
. „
■ c
1 Pint Bottle Rexall Milk of Magnesia, reg­
ular Price, 50c, Special at ..................... -39c
1 Pint Bottle Puretest Russian Type Mineral
Oil, regular price, $1.00, special a t ........79c
Miss Helen F. Dodge of Pennsylva
nia, holder of a Carnegie medal for
heroism, has been nominated as a
candidate (or the American Youth
Award established by the directors of
the Sesqul-Centennial International
Exposition, which is to be held In
Philadelphia from June 1 to Decern
ber 1 In célébration of 150 years of
Am erican Independence. Mias Dodge,
J the daughter of George H. Dodge of
I 5944 W alton
avenue, Philadelphia,
jumped Into the Toms R iver at Ocean
Gate, N. J., fully dressed, and, while
having use of only one arm , saved the
life of a drowning girl.
$2.00 Hot Water Bottle, special a t .......$1.48
Remember the June Toilet Roods Sale is
your opportunity to buy your Toilet Goods
for less.
Flanery’s Drug Store