The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 03, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    TIIVUHDAY. JUNE 3. 1026.
tfEKJN oruaa) . skwh
Lane County Farmers Union News
pu b lic a tio n lawk county
ywrr wo. u
ghohM go OB Boar as «non as the
weather settles, as the first files that
fly-Mow Oregon sweet cherries hare
be. n found cn th. wing In an orchard
pear Salem, reports Don C. Mote,
•ntcm ologls. of the experiment sta­
tion Several "'her reports to the same
effect have come Into the station from
various parts of the valley.
The spray used to poison the fly
before It has a chance to lay egss
within the cherry Is lead arsenate 4
pound, molasses or syrup 2 quarts,
and water 10 gallons.
This Is enonth for 50 trees, as a
pint to the tree Is enough If rightly
applied In fine droplets to the upper
■nrfaee of the outer leave».
"The first spVay should he applied
Bow." says Professor Mote. "The sec­
ond seven days after the first and the
third seven days after the second
Heavy rain will largely dlseonnt the
effect of previous applleatlous and
will necessitate a repltltlon of the
Community News
Corn bread makes satisfactory feed
for yoqng chicks, although th* chick* i
like a lit th variety o f other g ra in s'
along with It Especially after they
are a few days old do they need sow* Springfield spent Monday night with
kind of chick feed.
tla iel EdooUton.
If sand Is used on the floor of the
William Hayden from Washington
bro<xler house care la tak*n that the he formerly resided here. Was here
chhrka are fed carefully or they con Tuesday calling on old- friend*.
snme enough sand to cause death J fv s lln Buell motored In Monday
Feed |s given thc-m a little al a ttm- from Klamath Kalla returning Toes
and qlute fr quently. especially tor day.
the first few days.
Sand Is good to ab-
Alex Mathews motored to Bend last
sorb dropping and keeps the br.ssler
. . the
. best
. . . Utter for
antl >irs John p ,.,^ an(1 y r
fairly clean, but
the brooder house Is chopped alfalfa and Mrs. Arch Bhough motored to
or d o rer hay.
Bend for the week end returning
Potato growers of Oregon find It Monday.
beneficial to eye Index the tubers,
Mr and Mrs. Ray Baugh and fain«'
says M B McKay, plant pathologist visited relatives in Junction City 'as'
of the experiment station They take Sunday.
from --------
each seed tuber, and
..... eve - ------
John Edmlstnn and »or
grow It I na green house during the niotoret| (O Norton* la»t W 1 1 ■ ala
winter, in order to obtain an Index of
Mt ,en4| the rinsing exercises of th-
the health of the potato from which sch(Mll there
l i b «taught r. IlnVel.
R came Only petatoes making a gnol *** teaching. She returned home
showing are panted. The indexing me­ with them.
* a
thod is an effective way of elmlnatlng
The school at W altervllle closed
potato virus disease.
last Friday. Maude Ed m Irion has
The northwest prune crop prom been one of the teachers there the
Ises from 70 to SO millions of dried past year.
prunes for which the dryer capacity 1»
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Buyers and
Inadequate, says the
horticultural Mrs. William Weaver from Fort la nJ
products department at the Oregon
tJ)<> week
A W. Wea»-
Agricultural college Grqwers won. I *
a - s dryers
d M e.b *« a and
n il
n put
n t
! I n n j“ ^ *
. .
. . .
t o ~ B . . "to
was seder e ta ..
Corre sp e n d *-ta
Mr. and Mrs A II Flab and itaugh
ter. Patty, of Salem, are spending the
week end at the Gen. Flah home
They also visited the l>lt(o home In
Oregon Agricultural t'olb ge, Cor
»»Ills, June 3 The lame County El­
mira club ha« turn'd in a 10b per
cent report to II C Seymour. »tat»
d u b leader, for Its work ihla year
Members of the organisation nr«
.Kenneth Wilkinson, president; <¡1 >-
or> Hui lank, vie» prealili n t ; Eloise
Humar. secretary; Gordon Huokly. D.
A Wllklaeti. Horneli-c llaniar, Ivan
White, Roy (), Wilkinson, W illetts
M Bennett, |b l.m-r Haw, Dorothy
Pwiker, Opal lloekly. and Anna Join
Napper The d u ll was orgai lied
Man h 22. 1916. by th< local lender.
Mr» Irene Itiinan
The Hatley ftthillitw enjoyed one of
their pleasant reunions Sunday. May
3(> Thry met at th be.. Cheshire
home at Cheshire and had a plcnlr
dinner After dinner the time wa*
pleasantly spent |n foot race«. Jump
tng rope and singing.
Forty-eight were present. namely:
W. Oe Bailey. H E Halley. M R
Halley, and G. It Dative and fam
tiles all Of Wendllng; J C Halley of
Dr. Paul Emerson Titswor’ M,
Jasper; Mr* A t». Wilson and daugh­
Whst was declared one of (he nio»t
ter of Eugene; J R Fish family Of! President of Washington College aucreenful Farmers' union em ployes
of Chestertown. Md„ who Is »pon.
Eugene; C. E Halley. Hubert Ches-1 soriQg a movement to keep young
picnics ,-v r h Id look place at Yach­
Ire. and E S Halley all of I’heslr*. | America on th* farms, where llfo
ats Monday, »hen 15 persons connect­
George Maxwell sp en t Sunday al , Is worth while, instead of having
ed with the fnrmers organisation ga­
the mirage of gold and fam * draw
the Wtu Colbert home tn Eugene.
thered al the beach for a good time
them cityward.
Mr and Mra. Norton i’engra of i
nnd picnic dinner
Chase Gardens are the parents of a I
Roads to Ynchata were found to
son born May 30.
In rntsl shape with the exception
H. K Chase has Intailed a very
of one or I wo places, where they were
The Taylor memorial committee of
satisfactory Irrlgitipun ayatem
O. A. C. ON THURSDAY muddy N<> trouble was encounter»-»!
Pendleton has cabled A. Phimister
uses an Overland motor and gets I
by nny of the cars making the trip
Proctor, noted sculptor now in Rome,
water from the Willamette river At , More than 150 laine rountv farm
Nearly all the locnl people employ­
to begin work at once on a bronae
present he will Irrigate beets, stra w .; ers are expected to be present al the ed by the Farmers’ union were prea­
equestrian statue of the lata sheriff
berries, and onions. There la suffl ! ban« County day at the Oregon Agri
• f Umatilla county, killed several
ciont power to Irrigate hla entire cultural college al Corvallis to b<'
tract. For what Is being Irrigated xt held, next Thursday. June 10
The farmers will first meet at the
present, the cost of gasoline la about
th" h“ h t - i
agricultural building, from »here
¡the dryers can be had by writing to ,
Sun(Uy tv en lng Rev Walter $3 per day
Earnest H Wiegand, at the govern „
from Eugene preached the
The ditch for the Eugene Water they will Inspect variety rropa. for
Friday. June 11. will be Holstein
on 1 ment experiment station
station at
, , crop . conditions In Oregon
at Corvallis
baccalaureate sermon Next
h u .----- pipe line Is being dug through th age crops, soli improvement crop« day In |j«ne county. On that day
w whole are favorable, though winter
. , 0 do ,h |s “ r™ “ up
Oregon Farmers are urgeo 10
, evening the senior class will giv< J Wylie plZ-e. Three ohlftc are sm ,« n<1 drainage crops A baahet dlnnet breeder» will tneel at the Boater #
wheat In some of the Columbia river at once because the season will
, p|ay #t the hal, and p ^ g y evening ployed, about fifty men In all The at noon will lx* followed by a program Son ranch, two m l|es northeast t.f
countries suffered from early dryness,
two or three weeks earlier than usual.
gra(, (m„ n< exercises
ditch Is ten h-et deep The work after which the farmers will divide Creswell, at 9 o'clock, and spend the
the recent rains coming too late to be
dry spell come along unex
]grs. Fred Rua, eR ahd win be completed by October 1. It Into groups for Inspection of various day In the field.
of much benefit. Spring sown wheat i uness a
■' family and beone Edmlaton attend ! Is very Interesting to visit the tun phases of the O. A. C plant In which
At the Benter ranch a free for all
prospects appear good. It is believed peetedly
t'.e graduating exercise at W altertlll" nel under the McKenzie, which itJ they are »»peclslly Intsrested.
slock Judging contest will be held,
that the earliness of the seasoqpwill
now complete,
la*t Thursday evening
with Arnold Collier, county club lend­
put the bulk of the wheat crop beyond
Mr and Mrs b. C YaWt 11 and
Mias b<ds Male, who has been III
A Good Reaeon,
er. in charge Hoys and girls enroll
ganger of summer winds.
daughter. Edna June, tnotorcl to for two months, has returned to work
Teacher to tooth'r of put’ll: "t ed In Lane county elube will
Oregon will receive a larger share
In Dr Travis' office Eugene
i-smc 1« to n k why you mad« yont pale N. C. Jamison, dairy specialist
M( hawk Tuesday.
Of the 17.500.000 fund appropriated by
Mrs. Bfn Squires and eight chll-1
giop taking saxophone I >sa nx of the Oregon Agricultural college,
Mrs. lyouls Rlxxl took »».•'ottsly II!
congress for road construction in na­
last Saturday evening hut 1a » ty dren of Colfax. Washington, arrived , 5jrk Smith.”
will he present to give Instructions
tional forests during the fiscal year
-W e were nfriad to let him go tn In stork Judging
mkch Improved now
Adi 11 May“ 25 and will occupy the Collier
1927 than any other state except Idaho,
j house
S p r I n g fl e 1 d. '
the ih ri of police move I n> Vt
the United States forestry service has
»•nm Eugene Is nursing her
From the Benter ranch, the fnrm­
announced. The Oregon allotment la
Ray Never, who drives th»’ :ruck At present the
family Is visit- ,|M.r -
ers go Io the Ous De os ranrh s t
11.097.077 of the whole sum. of which
for one of
I for William’s sawmill Is 'll and iff Ing with the Bruce and Owen Thom- ) | en eat in restaurants
Goshen. A S. Mowbry, A McMnster
$6Su,591 is to be devoted to highways
as families who are employed at two reas'T« ^hey have a w l.’ wh« ranch on Motor Route II. Wildrose
! duty.
and $516,485 to road development.
Chase Oardi ns Mr. Squires who Is a ,ian cook atid won't or they Im re s stock farm at Coburg. J. A McCut.
Reports received by the Western
painter, will remain at Colfax for a , w;(e who can’t cook nnd docs
cheon place al
A picnic
Pine Manufacturers' association in
month or six weeks longer.
lunch will the ntake place after
Portland showed that for the week
('base Gardens hall team rlayed
The <*>mir«ncetnent exercises for
which a short huslnesa seaslon will
H I Coat O’ Suing.
ended May 15. 32 mills had orders on
the Union high school No. I were Thurston Monday afternoon Five In 1 "Why don’t vou engage a lawyer be held for the organization of the
hand, totaling 2971 carloads, or 77.-
nings were played, the score being
During the annual Daughters oi ¡held Friday, May 28 In the gym nasi
and fight the case."
t Ia>ne County Holstein association.
$46.000 feet. Orders received during
American Revolution congress at ' urn. The rostrum w ss banked with 6 to 8 In favor of Thur«ton. Bruce.
"I’d rather fight It m yself—then i f , elation.
the week totaled 1002 carloads, or 26,-
Washington. Mrs. John Campbel!
fir boughs and white roses, making P ngra. and Coe was the battery for I win I'll have something left."
052.000 feet, a total of 3973 cars of
of Denver. Colorado was elected
a solid green add white b ucki^ und ‘Chase Gardens and Rennie pitched . The reason why some girl, w a r | r o n «A D B -C arlm n paper In larga
orders, or a total of 103,298.000 feet; j
Ment for life
George Maxwell nm .h o rt drees. s I. very apparent.
'nr^ ' ’ "’“ '’'’L ,W
| Those seated on the rostrum w-ro: for Thurston
this was 82 per cent of the normal.
making tracings The Rew» Office.
Mrs Meyers. Ted Bedell. I>1os Davis plred the game.
— I Russell Harrt-«.’ . I' • 1
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Rntrhelnr anil
sell Myers, Dr. Parsons. Joe W i’, i fa i lly of Corvnllls, spent Rurdsy i
Paul Oarmlre. Willard Elliott, Guy : w'th the H. K ch ase family. Me-
Mathews an 1 Miss Bendshadbr Ow j dames Hntchelar and Chase are si
Ing to Illness Principal M E Hays I te n .
Misses I.uelll»- and Miriam Male nr
was unable to be present Paul Gar-
mlre gave the cla»« oration and Dr I rived Friday evening from Monmouth
Parson of Eugene gave the address. ¡Normal nnd visited tin'll Mondav ,
There were several splendid musical ¡evening with their mother and slater. |
numb rs. D G blnton. rh a tm -n of Mrs. Clara nnd Miss I.ol« Male
the board, presented the members of
942 W illam ette St.. Eugene, Oregon,
the clasa with their certificate .
CALL AND S i B Dr N. W. Emer>
The first Issue of the first annual »•u Dr' « on nlat. and otbe. work '
Y our call fo r o ur professional assistance
ever gotten out at the Pleasant Hill
brings to your service experience, equip­
high school was gold at the com
Between 10.000, (too and 12.000,000
m ent and the sincerity th a t >s of param ount
mencement exercises Friday night
im portance.
“The Hepta" was chosen for Its young rainbow trout will be carried
name. The book was printed on the over In the stale fish hatchery on the
high school min»' ograph, was neatly McKenzie river for distribution in the
gotten up and has caused much com­ fall or winter, according to Matt Ryck
ment from the patrons of th«- » bool man, superintendent of state fish
hatcheries. Additional ponds at the
Mr. and Mrs. J. J>f Phelps and two
McKenzie hatchery recently Installed
¡children. Robert and Evlyn, left for
enable the officials to retain the trout
¿ a 6 2 -j
their new home at Swlsshomc Friday.
until they reach a length of five or
May 28. They shipped their furniture
six inches.
by truck
Abolition of capital punishment,
The young folks of the Christian
shifting consideration of application
Endeavor had a Jolly party W -dres-
for pardons from the governor to a
day. May 25 at the home of the state board of pardons and paroles and
"Wheeler Kids.’
creating a state board of control to
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Myers left lx» composed of the secretary of state
Pleasant Hill Saturday for their camo »nd two appointees, ure proposed In a
near Hayden Bridge. Mbs H* tidshad- petition for an uinendment to the Ore­
ler and Maurice Bendshadh r left gon constitution submitted to the state
Monday for their home at Sant? department at Snltoii. The secretary of
state has referred the petition to the
Mr. and Mr Woodward and ch'l- attorney-general for ballot, title. It
dren left Sunday for their h on e nt will go before the voters at the gen
oral election In November.
Gohlendale. Washington
Mrs. T. F. Kahler returned to her
The secretary of the Interior has
home at Pleasant Hill after having submitted a favorable report on (he
taught the past year at Elkton, Ore­ grant land tax bill In congress, re
gon. Donald Kahler left Sunday to moving the most serious obstacle to
work during the summer nt Sparks the passage of the bill, according to a
telegram received from W. 11. Gore ol
I ranch up the McKenxie.
Ml-s Bertha Manning, Mr and Mrs. Medford, chairman of the committee
I Robert Jakewaya w< re at Pleasant appointed by the county Judges' asso­
ciation of Oregon to work for the paaa-
Hill cemetery.
age of the measure, which will re­
turn over $6,000,1)00 to the state of
The black foot, rol of whc:it in Orn-
Oregon, being distributed among 18
. pon, often known as lake nil t doing
counties In amounts equivalent to
662 Oak Street
Eugene, Oregon
, conlderahle damage this year In wesl-
taxes lost on revested grant lands.
I ern Oregon. No satisfactory control
The senate commute on public lunds
measures have been found, say ex­ has already made a favorable report
Economy the Basis
of Prosperity
Economy has been preached as a
cardinal virtu re to every succeeding
generation. Back in the Stone Age a
hoary ancestor walked miles to a cave
dweller who bartered some coveted an
tick for one skin instead of the two de
manded by the neighbor tradesman. ,
funeral S ervice ™1“ &
S pring field , ore ,
, m .
Economy is a principle held in com*
pnon by the people of all nations.
W anted
Economy is the paramount principle
of our merchandising throughout our
chain of hundreds of Stores, and has
been during the many years of our ser­
vice to the public.
Eggs and Poultry
Every purchase in our Stores involves
B saviog to the purchaser.
Sher Khan
periment station authorities.