STILL SOUND. Here is old advice, but It is still good: “Trust in God and keep your powder dry." "Serve God daily.” “ Love one another." “ Preserve your victuals." "Beware of fire.” •* tbA "Keep good com pany.” These are the fleet orders of Sir John Hawkins, famous naval captain in the reign of Queen Eliza­ beth and the days of the S|*anlsh arm ada, who _T6e shared laurels with Sir Francis Drake in the _ to British conquests of the seas. These m ottoes dim e to light only recently in the publication of an account of the exploits of Hawkins and Drake. They should lie read—and remembered by everyone. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS l*ubllsh«d »very Tkurwlay a< Aprtngfl««. L m « County, Oregon. by THE WILLAMETTE PREM H, K MAXEY. Editor •BtATMl aa Mcond cl*** mattar February *A postoffice. O MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RAT« One Tear In Advance----- 6 ITS Three Month« « , M o n t h ._____________ S11* 1* - THURSDAY, JUNK J. IS2® Editorial Program I S • I» • • tL Old Tim« Dano«. Catch«« Limit— Dr S Ralph Dlpp.'l «very Stevens Hall, Springfield ftehed up the MoKenale at Thomp­ son’« resort Monday. relum ing h u m « Saturday Night. Garretts Orchestra. Tichela 76c. with the limit. A REAL HEROINE We M ake Our Own ICE CREAM • • « HOW DO THEY DO IT* If Oregon could ever get the Florida line in at - tracting new people into the state our population worries would be solve«!. In the last 35 years Florida population has increased 147%. In the last 15 years Miami has grown from 5000 to nearly 70.000; lak e lan d from 3000 to 17,000; Or­ lando from 4000 to 22.000; West Palm Beach land. . . . . . . from 2000 to 20,000; Tam pa from 47.000 to 95,- 000; St. Petersburg from 4000 to 26,000, and so on. People are like sheep in some respect. Stam ­ HONOR DUE THE FLAG. Edith May Adams of Darrington, N pede a few of them and the whole flock will fob ( JM the flret American School girl tq Our attention was called by the color squad low. But, it is getting the few started. I be entered as k candidate for the th a t many people did not uncover when the n a ­ American Youth Award. The Ameri­ tional colors went past In the Memorial da> par­ E d ito r ia l C om m ent can Youth and Teacher Award was ade. While we suspect that this was thought lt>.> ARMY PLANK PATROLS. established by the Board of Dlructors ness rath er than Ignorance or Indifference to the of the Ss'squl Centennial International (Portland Telegram ) Exposition In Philadelphia os a tribute fia s it is not excusable on these grounds. Every The Secretary of War ha* notified the Secretary of pea, , he agricultural deparlment In the summer of give first aid treatment to Injured fire­ E good citizen should, don t be >aC W . £925 The war secretary further tactfully suggests that men. mind some “hick who Stan 8 an wa u possible to hire commercial planes for forest service, patriotic parade like he is looking at tne xtxr ttnother example of the blundering economies UNIVERSITY SERVICES H i s and standing white "The S ^ - SpanglM Wahmgton deHght, w h a t does the array need ! TO BE SUNDAY. JUNE 13 B anner" is sung is about the only I’^ i o i o rib- ( Bte we pay in this dem ocratic country of ours. ployed In time of peace than In protecting the nation's U niversity of Oregon, Eugene, June M.k« SpHngflald the IrvUuatnal Cantar of «•rn Oregon. Develop • Strong Trading Point; Build • City • f Contented Home«. IIL Improve Living Condition« on the Form. Pro­ mote the Raising of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of Fruit; Work for Better Market« IV. Toll the World About Oregon’» Scenle Wonder­ property? Oregon euffered some If Its finest forests to b* 3 — (Special.) — Clement O. Clarke. wrecked and destroyed, in order to use Ms spruce for pastor of the first Congregational LIGHTEN TH E BURDEN AT THE SOURCE. L4VX1 A kteaM »» '----------- , J t h e airplanes Spruce may be needed again, but It can not church o f Portland, will deliver the The tax problem has been shifted from the tree# Baccalaureate address, Sunday morn national to state and local fields, through the . . Ing, June 13. as part of the commence >ction of the National Association of S tate Audi- -------------- WHY SOAK --- THE FARMER? ment program this year, It was an- tors. Comptrollers and T reasurers (Industrial N ews Bureau) nounced today. "Extension of economy in governm ent to the Dr. Clarke Is known as an effective President Coolidge Is as honest a friend as the American ita .------------ te s and m unicipalities” is one of the planks In -farm ers ever had; he Is braver, and wiser, than moat of | speaker and a profound thinker Mo — - the association S platform . w h le h re- their Official syropathlxera, for he refuses point-blank to |s regarded as one of the mnsit fearless This is a w orthy Stroke, and one approve any crop-prlcerflxing scheme, under whatever and outspoken of western pastors, quires the study and assistance of every county. 1 (according to h l. friend, town and village. . *». To fix a price for corn, wheat, beef, pork puts the go Several hundred alumni and frlen ls State, county, municipal and O e r . ernment Into the farming business, either to pay the of graduates are expected back fo il Will never be reduced until e x tra v a g a n c e ise n e K- aa heinrar w h)m ag # tyran, Jf compptltbe | eomgnm.ement The graduating d a . . } ed up to ed at Its source. As Secretary of the T reasury re a so n , mark the thp gtat(> HtatP muat u< ta w(U ti>ul <76 ,h„ rPK,„trar , aU, Mellon has pointed out. the d^tnands for f dera includ.n(t he farmPr MpenM(1 or ralalna a crop raP„,. t.xpe- dollar W ashington has taken t b ® t a * An |nsured price for anything U an unfair price; for Dr. J Duncan Bpaelh, p r o f e s s of burden, state, municipal, county and township IneuranfH requlres a tax for malntenanCs. that m the Engiiah at rrtneeton university. wlU fovernm ents have added th p „nd hag to come out of the b en eflelsr,. It Increase, costa.,d eliver the --» n -n c e m e n t ..h ires. , at If this is true, local officials are perm itting the It decreases freedom The power that can fix the price of ten o'clock Monday. Juno u Friday- buying, building and creating of things they can­ a man's wheat at a living point, can likewise fix a low evening. June 11. will b« featured by not afford. They m ake dem ands for federal help. price, or take It without price, as a Soviet might do. f h e »• nlor play. S h a w . You N ever, And thus m ortgage the future. They elect con­ Once the fovernnient £oen Into this bunine»», there’s Tell. gressm en who vote this ,Jedera’ federal aid with Us its n o u u a . v i n a * prlCP.flxlnK p pIan ,here are leff no ,ree i T h ^ d a --------- s s r e of is o i and 111« win io n , double burden Of taxation. ley P6 ____ Americans: everybody is bound Is both as both to what h" what sells | h" hold special this year. Iwllh Americans; everybody bound as to sells j hold reunions special reunions this year, (with tai to be spent sometim es rather extravagantly. and what he buys. The farmer cannot buy for less; for dinners Saturday evening, to be fol They m ust at least share the blame for the bur­ the-other man must be protected He cannot sell for more; lowed by the flower and fern pro densome levies. the other man will not pay Federal armies must be re-1 cession, th e Twilight ooncert. and L )» ««V C , s s « « V V. --- ----------------— cruited to adjust and enforce these artificial p r ic e s - Falling and Beekman orations Maybe the Mechanicsville (la.) man who didn’t n Mem. J £ n tk to 'interrupt h e r lalrable th.ngs yet proposed to “help'' the farmer. VvAR-R'E'^ y * EGGIMANN’S When in Eugene EAT AT THE MANHATTAN CAFE The best plaoe to Eat Open Day and Night Eugene, Qre. 685 Willamette St. CINNAMON ROLLS A Real Delicacy As they come from our ovens, our cinnam on rolls arc de Ucioua confections for your table. Unsurpuaaed for break fast, lunoh or with the dinner desert. ALSO TRY OUR------ SUGAR DOUGHNUTS. CAKK8. PIES. BTC. FRBNCH PASTRIES, PERFECTION HBREAD THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Perking I .axton Building FRED FRESE. Prop. gists of Dr John Straub. Dr. J. H Gilbert, Professor Frederic Dunn.) stark Evans. M is. Maud 'K erns, and Mr Karl Onthank. Fifth St. Springfield Phone 66 SUMMER SCHOOL 8PBCIAL RATES Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­ keeping Course Ask for Inform ation Eugene Business College aa. _ rv a. 992 n ■•«!«( W illamette St. Sun Boston taxi business is on the decline because I armjPa besides which the t,wo men fcr-one-Job during the day night the commencement concert n t t ’ito f r r liflA n P P fo r u ifla ' .» w o r n In th e A. bean «44-wv’g' city’s n newest uplift n ordinance forbids fPdPrai I railroad slaw days were insignificant. Under such n I of the echool of music will be given system taxes must rise. Open competition mag som etim es In the music auditorium taxi drivers to take drunken men anywhere save The commencement committee con be ruthless; but It is Infinitely better and mort^aelfreapect hom e. Men are walking to avoid suspicion. Ing and intelligent than federalization. Kgglmann’R Ice Cream Is mad« from pure, fresh cream and Is the lieat thut can he made. We personally aetl that every freezer full Is right and the Ingredients are pure. Thus our Ice cream Is wholesome, Children can eat all they can hold and It Is good for them . Try a dish or a 'reezer full and you will he delighted. la5ii