If Your Buslnoee Isn't Good Knough To Advertise — Advertise It Por Sat«. THE SPRINGFIELD N* WS — - I' — j- a t- j THURSDAY, JUNE 8. Mi20 Mountain Lion to 1500 Citizens I Be Club’s M ascot Honor War D ead PUBE IS OFFERED FOR CITY Local Service Club May Send Memorial Day Services Held At Cemetery and In Beast For Exhibit At City Sunday S. F. Convention Suggestions Ara Sought From Local People By Committee of Chamber of Commerce: To Be Used In Springfield Pub­ licity; Deadline 1» Monday A Psools’s Paper" LIVB IN NEWSPAPER A UVF "O W N i----- " • UPRINOFHJI.IX LANB COUNTY, ÔKKOON. twenty - third year •T h « A roaring mountain lion la to be ImpreaRlve, simple, sober and rev­ mascot of the Lions dub. local lua- erent, In every sense Hi keeping with NUMBER 22. LOCAL SCHOOLS TO BE CLOSED FRIDAY Commencement Exercises To­ morrow Night Are Final Event of Year; Last Assem­ bly Is To Be Held In After­ noon; Juniors Get Legion Trophy organisation, If the recommen- the spirit and the theme of the o c­ dationn of a comm ittee appointed to casion. Springfield's observance of In vestigate-th e feaalbllHy of obtain Memorial day was pronounced by the A prise of |B haa bi en offered b y , Ing the animal are accepted by the 1500 who wltnesed and pertlclpate.-l With commencement ex-rclsee at as the finest patriotic observance held M M 1‘very io the person »ugx,« H » g ' club. , the Methodist Episcopal church t o t i r e In years. t‘ e moat aultahlr phrase to be aili'p’- The lion, which wae taken from the morrow night the final record of the The results of weeks of careful e.t aa Hprlngflehlf" official elogan j faatueeaee of the Cascades while yet year 1925-26 of the Sprlngfled publie Mr I’eery la rhalriuan of the chain ’ j a cub, ha« for some time beep caged planning on the part of a general schools will be written . The way her of commerce com m itter which In the window o f the Danner-Rob- committee headed hy M B Huntly Dorothy from school will be traversed for tha Of the American Legion, the various was appointed at laat Friday " meet­ has b I ertron sporting goods store In Bn last time thia year tomorrow after­ gene Mr. banner, who la a member phases of the program were acrom- ing to bold a contest for the adoption I noon, when more than 750 pupil» wilt pllwbed without a hjtrh^ from the of a slogan which could br uaeij In j of the Springfield club, has offered to ay« she Is carry home their books and prepare •V all Springfield publicity. Set! the lion to the rVrganliatlon aa parade which occurred early Sunday A merles, while D. W for the most blissful event in the morning to the final dism issal at age to In order to hurrry up the matter. I a mascot. »» *he "p" students' life, vacation. moderation. Hundreds have rwatebed the beast the mill race late In the afternoon. next Monday nlgtjt. *“ “• «• b‘"'n In the parade marched city offi­ The final assem bly of the year named the deadline for the receipt ( from the safety o f the «tree! during cial«. repre«entatlve« of all local or­ Second street,« where they heard » will be held at the high school at 1 of slogan auggealona from local peo­ Its captivity In Eugene, but Ite popu­ ganisation«. the local National Guard patriotic address by Rev. Frank L. o'clock tomorrow afternoon, to which ple. The suggestions should be mall larity la expected to Increase many company In full uniform, schools and Moore, pastor of the Methodist Epis­ the public I» Invited. Chief among ed to Mr Beery, or may be handed to fold. Plans being made to send the churches. Three gold star mother», copal church. Rev. Blom, pastor of the Interesting events at this gather­ Oregon lion to the San Francisco con- him. Mrs Emma Olson. Mrs. Alice Ellison the Baptist church, gave the Invoca­ ing will be the presentation by Prin­ L. K. Page and Carl Olson are as­ ventloA of I.lona International to be . Il H ¡and Mrs Meats, together iwlth see- tion. Following the speaking, the cipal V. D. Bain of baseball awards, sisting Mr PeWry In handling th" held next July Retiring President H. . _ o u eral sisters of war dead, were to be O. A. R. conducted an impressive ser­ honor system awards, and the Ameri­ co n te st. Aa a ehamber. pamphlet 1« E Maxey took the matter up with rr"‘ , ’ *. „ . . X ’ .‘o T e “prl.I " for distribution SPRINGFIELD NEEDLE i . i Interim . • . . . ' »sen • In the v procession. But two m»m- vice at the mill race, flowers being can Legion class rivalry loving cup. the district governor of • i Lions „ ii .n ,' . a rr.net throughout the country. It 1« !m CLUB HAS GOOD RECORD tlonal . recently, and r r a n g ineatai e m e n b®r" t . ^ ^ of ? were d acuss . • I the «Jay, and Fred Brown, survive to the country while In the naval serv­ Ing the Junior hard for the honors. chosen at ones 1 <*•«** Agricultural CoH.-gs, (’or-1 I t In planned to cage the lion ana . Spring-, yvwinr take part In the servicer The mothers Something snappv and appropriate, vallls, June 3 The I-am- County exhib it him on the street In P -_____ ______ hv ice. School children assisted In this This cup Is given by the legion to which will be adaptable to chamber of Needle club of Springfield has turned field as an attraction for tourists and veterans were each escorted by beautiful ceremony, which 'was one of the class highest In activities, out­ the moat Impressive events o f the side of scbolariAip. It will be held by commerce literature and similar uses In a 100 per cent report to H C.l The committee appointed to Investi­ Boy Scout troops. One-hundred-fourteen private cars day. Mrs. C. F. Eggimann officiated the winners this year until the end Is sought by the committee Spring Seymour, sta le club leader, for It*' gate the matter Is composed of Dr. and 4 truck* carrtad cltlsens and at the afternoon ev en t , of next year. The names of th = win- field na the Gateway to the McKen-.work this year. W C Rebhan. H J. Cox and Presi­ school children to the Laurel Hill | ners of the other awards will not «1« River Highway'" has been Its un- Member of the organisation are! dent J. F. Ketels. he made public until the assembly le official slogan for some time Rachel Thatcher, president; Angle j The Cub atoo Is planning to erect cemetery Here a program, took place. COMMUNITY PICNIC Sign C o m p le ted . Hockley. vice president; Dorotha road signs announcing the date of Inchiding music led by the Moshler- AT PARK ON JUNE 18 bpM Il waa reported at the meeting Bristow. secretary; Dorothy Hart. I meeting each week on the principal Murphy quartet, which al*o sang one 'Closing a Career' is the topic of number without the congregation. that the sign advertising Spring Itcneva Thomson, and Wayne Endl i highways entering Springfield. The June 18 is the date for the com­ the address to be delivered by Dr. field's free Industrial l i t « I* practle eett. The Cub was organised January signs will serve aa an Invitation to “The Flag of the Free." Rer. 8. Earl munity picnic which ie to vcieuraie celebrate Homer P. Rainey, professor of »-tuca- uiuunj mivuiv wuiuu w ally complete and ready for painting 22. 192*. by the local Cub leader, Mrs all Lions touring throu^i here to Childers, pastor of the Christian the opening of Springfield's new city ' ttcn ln the University of Oregon, be- church, delivered the Memorial day The sign Is l«x*0 feet I” *n<’ | Bdl,h E park, located on the industrial tract fore the graduating class and th* stop for luncheon If they pass through address at the cemtery. paying high Is so built that It Is visible both to ' on the right day, and will advertise on the right ay, an w tribut* to the soldier dead and urg east of the city. Thin decision was Springfield public tomorrow night'« the McKensle river highway and to P in e Needle Club Meets- Springfield as a city capable of up- hpRr„ „ , o a niwhwr and nob- made at the last m e t in g o f the , rommenc©ment exercises. The detail- the Natron rut-off railroad j Meeting nl Fonrih and Main streets, porting a live luncheon service club Ing his hearers to a higher and nob­ chamber of commerce, which will program of the commencement, ler patriotism In keeping faith with The matter sdoptlng the wsrd sys yesterday, members of the Pine; cooperate with fraternal and civic or gtart* at 8 o'clock, follows: the traditions for which those hon- tern here for choosing councllmen Needle Cub boardyd automobiles end : ganizatlons In planning the commun­ March. Lena Frlxell. ONLY ONE FILES FOR ore< « had fought, even died Rev Chll- was broeghl up and discussed, but motored to the home of Mrs. Ira ity event. Invocation, Rev. 9. Earl Childers. SCHOOL BOARD PLACE d«ra »*" introduced by M B «»"« t no action taken. Further discussion Gray, near Thurston, where they I Dr. W . C. Rebhan 1« chairman o f : _ __ j T he floral ceremony followed. wi»h / mertea, audience. the . committee making 'th e arrange- of this problem la planned. »pent the aftejnoon Mrs. Gray was until laea than thr*e weeks re- J the legion suxHlary awdsted by the Presentation of Class. V. D. Bela. I uncheon wae aerw d by the worn assisted In entertaining hy Mr«. Ern- ments for the picnic. Dallas B. Mur- j Quarteete. “To A Wild Rose." (Iowa malnlng before the d M rtet school Ladle* of the O. A, R. and the Amcrl- phy la In charge of entertainment, ------------- ------ en of the Civic club following the est Bertsch. electlon on June 21, but one candl- j ran Legion. In honor of the old sol and other committee members are M Carlton. Gladys Collins. Naomi Carl- business session dale haa been formally announcen, rfier«, the American Ix-glon firing B Huntly, Carl Olson and Walter ton- Myrtle Harvey ) Rebekahs Plan Trip. Address, Closing A areer. The Progressive Twenty two's. ds- for the race to succeed C.‘ A Sw art».' , nu«d fired a salute Rev Childers Gossler. Announcement of further de- SPRINGGFIELD TO PLAY t ir u v iv in s . T i n w »tree team of the local Rebekah lodge. , retiring member of th* school board, led tn prayer, after which the grave» talla arranged by this committee will Rainey. AT BRIDGE_DEDICATION lu>py ThlirwUr; and no petition has been filed for I were decorated Flags and sprays be made soon. 1 Soh>- “8ta*' S,n*' B,rd’ . ** were laid on the old soldier« graves, The city park sh e has been cleared Wing “ (Nutting) by Miss Fay ii . »Lhntj I evening do< _ _ The school board w ill meet next ( tery, where soldiers' graves corated llSawlse. <’lara dlatrlct. The Junction with the services look place last Sunday evo- game Io hl- played at Springfield Recorder Kerutea to Tuesday to close"" the books for th- decorated likew ise ln Ihe afternoon, the clttxen* i&th- main line la made near the Cal Young nlng «1 ‘he Methodist ch.i:ch Rev. Delp will -probably bold the mound 7 urn O ver M o to ria ta ’ year and make arrangements for - - - - s Earl Childers delivering the In- position In the Wendllng gain». ered at the band stand on Main andranch calling the district election. Fine M oney to S ta te splrational sermon. Tn It he urged th* J i ¡class on to high achievem m ’. after TO HOLD CLINIC FOR On the grounds that Sprlugfl'ld has high school, outlining worihv Meal* CHILREN ON SATURDAY no state highway within Ils limits. for young men and young women to THE SEA. >N OF EXPLORAT! R W. Smith, city recorder and Just follow A free clinic for children will be Ice of Ihe peace, t'Mlay answered State In numerous ways the teachers of held at the chamber of commerce on Treasurer Thomas B Kay's demand | the Springfield schools will spend Saturday morning from 9 to 12 o'clock ] for local traffic fines with a refusal their three-months away from the with Miss with Miss Beth Beth Konkel. Konkel, secretary sei r r o f|. fund" over to the state. I AtX «KS-MT class room, some vacationing at th* the Lane County llealjh asettelut on. «tate treasurer's communies ' beaches or elsewhere, some taking up In charge. D ps W. C. Rebhan am , I tlon was received by the city record-! received by the city record other work for the sumpier. and some P. Mortensen wll linnk * ” | er this morning, stating that In the j entering summer school. Superintend- n-tlon of the children. case of cities with less than 2000 poo t V. D Bain will a’tend summer Mothers are urged to bring their Ulntlon s'nte highway» are considered I school at the U niversity of Oregon, children to Ihe clinic as a» early earn a» as | that I)(fbt regardless of whether 1 where he will finish his resident study possible In order to make II poss > ' (h >y wRh1n the city limits or not. looking toward his master's degTee In to romplnte nil the examination» dur He noln.«d ont tt-„t it la the duty pointed out that It Is Ihe duty education. Ing Ihe three hour period. of a Justice of the peace to turn over to the state all fines colleced from Sprlngf'eld Win». Lo»«». traffic law violators arrested on th e CEORCE H. MEATS DI?S A loss and a win were chalked up state highway, FOLLOWING HEART ATTACK hy the Springfield hasybull team Ith claimed In hl" reply that M r Smith Hat week end. On S h n ^ ' X t H « ; hp * '» Ulna In hl» hapaclty a» city Geore H. Meats, 76, a resident of the locnl team P’ ! recorder, rather! rather than Justice of the this district for 22 years, was th* Grove 9 to 3. and on , p„ftc0> k collect l)ig tha-flmei In que»- victim of heart failure Tuesday eve­ waa beaten 2 to 1 by the Bend Elk , that the persóna fined vto- ning, dying suddenly as he was pick­ team, the latter game being played pJty ( - trafile ordinance». Tie al»f> ing cherries with hls daughter-in-law. Spklngfteld has a pop- I declared thgt L. Mr. Meats is survived by his wid- Beeson and Brooks pitched for „ nf morP r more than 2000. and that ow, Mrs. Alice Meats; three sons. Springfield In both games. Black! McXenzIn' highway thP route of the' f Jese and Vernon of Springfield; and catching. Ilia city eltv 1 He* over city slreets, through thia Earl of North Bend; four daughter, Improved f and kent up hy Mty money, Mrs. Iva Davidson Mrs. Moody Meat, John Hamlin In Italy—John Hamlin Irto « W Y thè cltyi,4p8el,yea and ha» a Mrs. Edna Gardner of Springfield and son of Mr. and MPs. F. B Hamlin. <» and that r MAKE A SAN fine« eortypUi fo r-tra ffic Mrs. Bessie Weed of Vernonia. now apendlng the alx weeks vacation r,a,m LAWP'A'C — . com m itted elh tfceao street". Funeral service-» w ill be held at given him by the diplomatic service, I,m of M a i n < n the home this afternoon at 2 •'clock, travellg In northern Italy and In McKenzie highway. talked here for with Rev, Currie of the fhrangellcal Switzerland. He has Recently bt>4n lf "U«h some- time, ». Is perhaps church of Eugene In charge. Burial transferred from the American em­ w ill he In, Laurel H ill cemetery. bassy at Tirana. Albania, to Madrid, action V city of t . 1 .«,■ Jj ■/ 'T ? on this t Here from Marshfield— Mr. and month, • ■ During I___ t he, m .Society^ Goes to California— Ir a l'C . Nelsdh t iM le d Io traffic fine« hg V loft Ratnrday for Red Bluff. C*IW’Wnl*, Ri, season, the lota, has . Thli where he w ll remain for the summer ■■■•• ' TJ a ZT as bookkeeper for the Sanitary Fruit «’ ™ B , the end! of, the company. 1 emir«*, th is fljruV* will be rreatir Increased. Mrs. Edgar W. Collins were here from Marshfield over the week end, v is it Ing hls parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Collins, and Mrs. Clara Fawver.