PAGE S i.î TIU'HSDAY, MAY 27. l»20. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS LIONS AND LIONESSES WINIFRID TYSON TO APPEAR IN RECITAL TO ATTEND STATE MEET AA'ir.ifrid Tyson^ d an ch tc r of Mr anti Xlrs. W P .Tyson and a student of R Charlyl« O offrelcrc of Portland, will he presented In a piano recital a t the Laraw av hall In Eugen« on the ev,-nil's of Ju n e 1 C harles Nailvnrnlk. w ith whom she has appeared many tim e s here, .will assist by presenting violin seleetlons Miss T yson's program fticludes: M inuet ______ Mozart From Q uartet In D S t u d i e s --------- ----------- -------- H eller Op 45 No 25 Op 45 No. 24 W aitses ..... ........Chopin Op 44 No. 1 Op. "0 No. 2 C oncerto J B Viotti No. 23 in G Major C harles N advornik (violin! P i elude Chopin Op. 2S Nq 3 No. 7 No. « No. 15 No. 20 F ruhlingsrausehen — Slnding Op. 32 No. S Legend« ______________ Signe Lund Im prom ptu ....... Hugo R elrhold Op. 1« No. 1 Op. 28 No. 3 L e T orrent de la M ontagne ....... ....... ............................. Sidney Sm ith P o lo n a is e _______________ — Chopin Op. 40 No. 1 P ine N eed le M eetin g. K e n n e th G o ttle r H u r t. ---- -------------- , — W ( Motor to Salem —Mrs. May t'rn fl fliJIo M.'! . i „ To .ght. and Iitti» son. H arley, necompsui- 1 A i i i n tliiK n f nit Hurintifl« I I pvople Mr a>d Mr«. Wallae» C ani' > I 1 S a l 'n ' rr.'fn l In radili will b» hi-lil lo- iilgM ni ih« rh am b ar of comniori >«. • i l l Sunday Thu Carne»« visile I lib i Mill, Fred. Svilo la ill the blind «lh ,d w ith il> purpna» of rin o la lm a rtollo i Ioli h»r» W II Adrian htu lo r n al Salem. , n a n u il p ra a M a tit o f Ih» tirgunlaallnn. which ha» aa Ila purpOM Ih» «upport W e d d in g D ate la Set. In v itatio n . are out announcing Ih» of Ih» lUnch hill In conaroaa. " Iln tln a wwddlng of Mia» Em h»r Alberta (Ion of bail «tallona, «ml o th er irnt- K eppner. d aiiahler of Mr and Mr* lora of liiiptirlanc« lo Ih» w vltan of A H K cpptbr of Springfield, to „oh rail Io. T hia oraanlaallon la nfflllal»<1 -with ert C lair Parson«, also a resident of this rlly The event will take place Ih» P a iiflf s’orlhwoal Radio Trade« on W ednesday evening. Jim» IX. nt naaodnllon Th» m««tlti* Uni» la X « 8 30 o'clock, at the C hristian church rfclnrk. A FA’H c o r PRIST W hile w orking on the Southern Pc elite's new railroad brldgw construe Sion here Monday, K enneth Gossler was painfully Injur d when the ho., on a,n air pressure ham m er heeam. d lsattached and blew sand and dirt Into his face and arm The sharp par tid e s of sand w ire hlqpvn Intig the fleah, som e p en etratin g to such a depth th a t a phvaldgiCs knife was used In rem oving them P ro v id e' In feetlon does not set In In any of the wounds, noi serious consequences arc expected. "Bring a big delegation of Lions and Lionesses tot the din n er Friday nig h t,“ Is the wav in which D istrict G overnor Frank \'c e r of Lions In ter­ national ended a telegram which he sen t to th e local Lion« cluh Mu« week about the S tate Lions oonvwa- tid nto be held In Corvallis Friday and S atu rd ay of this week. Probably a dozen local Liens and th e ir wives will m ake th e trip t> C orvallis to attend the big conven tto a F. B H am lin and W. C. Me. TOWN AND VICINITY Lagan are the official delegates from th e local luncheon club. M rs. H aneh«tt Her«— Mr« H anchett G overnor N eer declared In his tele­ of Coburg was a visitor hero Saturday gram th at he was p articularly an x ­ ious to make the sta te convention Leaves fo r O klah o m a— S. Ci P o rter th is y ear an unqualified success. Ich Springfield T uesday for Chtcfcn saw. Oklahoma. TOURISTS CAUGHT IN SNOWSTORM IN HILLS 13 Kinds of C offee From our large assortm ent of coffee the most particular T hurm an of Noll was In town on bu siness Sat urday. N o tl M an H e re — Mark Those who negoiated the M cK enile H e re fro m W a 'te r v llle — M rs D. E P ass on Sunday afternoqn enco u n ter­ ed a snow storm which, ‘while h in ­ Deadtnond of W altervllle was In dering traffic, was not severe enough tow n f-F a while Friday. to cause more than discom fort to In from J a s p e r—Mrs. Maude Wnl the many m -fo rlsts who were In the lace of Ja sp e r pras a local visitor S at­ sum mit country at th at time. Among Springfield people who were urday. H ere from Leaburfl Mr- W alter caught In the storm fwere Mr and Mrs H arry Chase and family. Mr. C arter and d au g h ter w e re visit >rs and Mrs. A rthur P engra and fam ily here from L eahurg S aturday. and M rs John Avitt and son. who H e re fro m Above T h u rs to n M rs composed a p arty th a t went to Pend K ram er w a s In Springfield from her S aturday, re tu rn in g Sunday. A nother home abope T hurston Friday. local p arty In th e m ountains nt the tim e was composed of Mr and Mr». Marcada Resident Her«— Mrs Wll- F B F lanery and fnmilv Miss C arrl» lia-m McKay was h ere from Marcóla Flanerv of Corvnlll« and E rna W eb­ (for a visit Saturday ber. who m ade th e trip to Bend and T hurston Man Is Visitor—C harles back on a single day. M aking the trip to Rend Satnrdav. G rant of T hurston was a visitor In retu rn in g the sam e dav. w ere M avor Springfield S aturday. and Mrs. O G. Bushm an and daugh­ Here frtjm Venita— Floyd T ripp of te r Mrs G raham Sm ith V enlta was an out-of-town visitor here Many o th er local peoole w ere visi­ Saturday. to rs a t th e sum m it and o th er places H e re fro m P o rtla n d — M rs. 9 t e lH on the McKenzie highw ay during the Perkins itf Portland was a visitor In (yeek end. Springfield last T hursday. The Pine N eedle d u b held last weelg's m eetin g a t H ar.sen's park, vrlth Mrs. Cyr. Mrs. Lloyd. Mrs Llpes a r d Mrs. S kinner entertain in g . The next m eeting will be held at Mrs. Ira G ray’s country home at Tburaton. Ju n e 2. Those presen t at th e la st m eeting w ere Mrs. B eatrice Van A'alxah. Mrs. F lora H untly. Mrs. Lilly Kixer. Mrs. Je ssie Sankey. Mrs. Nellie H lltebrand. Mrs. W inifred H anson. Mrs Maggie M cLagan. Mrs. Leola Rodenbaugh. Mr». Alice Doane. Mrs. Lilia B -areh. Mrs. M yrtle E gglm anr. Mrs. Elma P la n Q u a rte r ly C on feren ce. H e re fro m O a k rid g e — Mrs. William 'Halsey-. Mrs. H arzel B urnett. Mrs. The second q u arterly conference of G Edw ards of O akridge spent on» Lizzie Gray. Mr«. Mabie P e d d ic s r'. th e ye^r is to, be held at the Meth­ day visiting her» late last week Mr«. Fora S tcarm er. and Mrs Nin i odist Episcopal church tonight at Mrs. Condos H ere— Mrs. John < on M cPherson. 7:15 o'clock, with Dr S. L. Chaney, dos o f M arcóla was a visitor here d istrict su p erintendent. In charg» Motor to B lue River—Mr. and Mrs R eports of church finance, m em ber­ last week. M M Male. >»». and Mrs Ivan Male ship, and activity, will be made by In from W altervllle— N. N Calder and Mis« G race Male m otor d to off'c'.als and heads of various d ep art­ I of W altervllle was a Springfield visi­ Blue riv er Sunday and enjoyed a pic­ m ents. to r on T uesday of th is w etk. nic dinner B eautiful rhodedendrens Is V isitor Here— V. H. Seavey of T h sln is In Town— Earl T hetnls of w ere brought home by the visito rs to Mohawk wae a Springfield visitor ¡D eerhorn spent a p art of Tuesday the mountains. Monday. 1 tran sactin g business In Springfield. Go to P o rtlan d —Mr. and Mrs John Here from W altsrvlll«—Mrs. George Camp C reek Man H«r*—Charl»s W inz°nried left yesterday for P o rt­ P latt of W alterville was here on Fri­ Hayden of Camp Creek transacted land day of last week. ¡ business In Springfield on Tuesday. I Here from T h u rsto n —C harles G rant I | n from Natron— Mrs. Jam es Har- Hold Picnics— The Delta Zeta sor­ o rity a n i the Jun'or class r t the of T hurston /was here on business pole of N atron was here for a short V n '“ersity of Oregon held picnics a t ' Saturday. tim e T uesday. Coburg bridge over the last week «nd T h e freshm an class held a picnic at Seavey's ferry coffee drinker can lie satisfied. Our stock Includes Hills h Bros., Golden Went, Country Club, M. J. lb, Maxwell House, Royal Club. White Seal, Preferred Stock, etc. Also two kinds of Bulk Coffee This young woman aaeetnfc a giddy ladder every day to put flnlahltut touches to the "Rainbow C ity"— tne SesqulCeW ennlal international Expo­ sition. opening In Philadelphia June I and continuing until December 1. to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the D eclaration of American Independ ence She Is one of an army of young a rtists who a r- m aking the Sesqui a colorful aueecaa. T h u rs to n M en H e re — Joseph 38 and 45c a pound. C o m p a re O u r Prices W ith A n y b o d y ’s GrindelPs Cash Grocery Formerly All Package Grocery Corner 4th and M ab^Fts. Next to Meat Market and George H art. T hurston resident*, »•ere business visitors here Tu>adav H e re fro m B lue R iv e r— M rs Verne Caldwell of Blue river was a v is ito r, tti Springfield Tueaday. , H as R e n te d Place— <1. C Halle-' of j Los A nreles has rented the Wooley j house on Kust Main s tra it and wll! move Im mediately. L a ird H e re fro m C re sw ell— P N Dr. John Gobin Nation-wide known evangelist will reply to Rev. C. I.. Trawln. Baptist minister, on healing. lailrd, pnsm tnent Creswell farm er, farm er, was a business visitor for a short tim e h ere Tuesday. At The Light House Tem ple Spend W e e k E do H e re Mr n il Mrs. E. O. Ja rv is of P ortland and daughter, 11-tty Jane. d ri* » d i» n from Portland and spent the week en visiting a t the hom e of Dr. and Mrs Eugene R enter Mrs. Jarv is Is Mrs K ester's d aughter Tuesday Evening, June 1 HEAR THIS FORCEFUL SPEAKER i: I -i' 1 Wont You Come and See the Westinghouse Range Perform? GIFTS FOR THE GRADUATES Friday and Saturday Special.^ We have many gifts suitable for graduation, birthday or wedding presents. You can find something here both for the boy and the girl. There are a thousand and one things among our big stock to select from, and all are nice too. TURNER’S NOVELTY STORE Main Sreett, Springfield -»— Kitchen Cutlery Set cf Four Pieces At Our Electric Cooking School conducted by a Domestic Science Expert from 2 to 4 p’. m. Friday, June 4th, at the office of Mountain States Power Co. f™*- You will bn Interested in learning the dlsli cooked in the oven. I Cocobolo handles, brass l iveti'd gd'.'-’i grade of steel— ’I.' ar Brand.” Set consists o i One cleaver, Butcher Knife, with ij-inch blade, One Paring Knife, and One Knife Sharpener. T here’s quality in this set. \ : .... ' SwiA*** R ug Cleaning Now A Big Value. Complete 7 Q p Set ■ 3k V VEN w ith use of a modern vacuum sweeper— rugs E and carpet need refreshing tw ice a year. Let us re­ move the g r it and grim e and lengthen th e ir usefulness. that make up meals which can be entirely « When you own an Automatic Electric Ran ,c llu se “Oven Meal»” are Just the thing to serve if you want to he out all afternoon. You can set your oven so that dinner will he ready when you return home. You can buy any W estinghouse Range, th is alm ost human servant, fo r a lim ited tim e only, fo r .88 Down TO YOU who purchase your W estinghouse Range within this limited lime we are pleased to present— A WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC IRON OR Use Your WETHERBEE -POWERS 11th at Willamette MOUNTAIN STATES POWER CO. Remember Friday June 4 IIOT POINT TURNOVER TOASTER OR 7-CUP M. B. PERCOLATOR Credit Phone 300