I PAGE SPRINGFIELD NEWS _r Tl III USUA Y. MAY 27, l»2ß. nv» i Joe Neal Haa O peration—A tonsil day of »peclnltlea and I thought per operation waa perform ed on Joe Neal hapa Ttah could aaalat you aa ahe , of M o tif Route B a t a local phyai- ha* gone ao th o r^ ig b ly Into the aub * clan'» office yesterday. Ja c tJ ust tonight a t th e d in n er table Vleitore Here from W endllng— Mr. yfou rem em ber Mr». Cal^w» II »aid Wallace In Town— Krc , Wjl| (l,rvl||e waa tn p ,wn on bualne»» Springfield on Monday. L atitla Bare* H er Claws. iroak or bla (Irat ab erration. so rt of thing» I'm to R eturn to P ortland— Mr. and Mr«. l.etltln waa looking up nt t ’urtla«. Welt, I don't know, aom«! wlv«» arc me about th M|g# W allace Here— Mis» Maude '<■ u i i - a o n a b , ..... Ir l.u eb a.d a I havo In . h o u s e t h a t J J to l.v e J jT Monday. A nthony Saul retu rn ed to P ortland her face tip lilted und roqu«tti»h. Mre. Caatle H ere— Mra. Guy C astle W allace of Ja sp e r »pent p a rt of Mon- Sunday a fte r rem aining h ere for sifme ape«dully when they re good l<«)k Anyway, t ta , k v '" "You didn't tell Hallie« did >«|u” of Motor Route B waa In tow n for t day In Springfield. b . concluded «mll.ng flatter. I thin k th at I am poaltlvely tacky tim e following the death of Mr. S aul's ghe continued, apparen tly aeelng and a i « ».«< <,»«ifiet Albany_ Harry Brum- Hucka In Town— UHI Hucka of Wal- C stre e t underw ent an operation a t ure waa caualng )n A,bany tblg torville waa a visitor In Springfield the Pacific C hristian hqapltol on "Nope,’' replied Curt I»«, "I h av en 't way» !»• g ra tifu l to 8al»by C ra w fo rd ,' was »ome tim e before he conv n T uesday atten d in g the annual convention of ' Monday. aeen her long enough to reveal all the who cam« up Juat a t th a t tim e and , me he had only wanted to save the annoyance and trouble. deep, hidden aerrefa of my wild Ilf» naked me to dance R oberts Here from W endllng— Oregifn Odd Fellows, Dexter M erchant H ere— William (I«dn ghoane Inter In th e c ar I real ' j n th e dream album of every girl during our »rparatlifn,' he tried to a business» G eorge R oberta, W endllng reeldent. picture, »om etime» faint W illiams of D exter waa Davis Drives E ast—Jam es Davis ts m ake light of the couai rvallon but I»« «! th at an Inferiority com plex held th ere Is a spent a part of Sunday visiting ’n visitor In Springfield Monday. leaving th is week for a m otor trip leetltla waa determ ined to pum ue the und. bound me when I wua In the and again. In m any ca«es. quite def­ Springfield. which will tak e him as far e a st 3« Hera from Jasper— Mrs. J. M cfum - presence of L atitla Evan» Tbi» wan inite, about the ao rt of rug*, chair«, auhjeet. tab!»», divan« and anil brlc a brae aha Physician a t Croswell—Dr. Eugene ppnnsylvanla. w here he and Mr«. ber of Ja sp e r waa In tow n for a short "I never «tart anvthlng I can 't fin Indeed a new experli-m e because I . « a 1 t /-«_— All Unn K eater m ade a call Creqwell Mon Davi» will vlalt relativ es and frieuda. lah." «he laughed flippantly and her bail 'alw ay s had a full »bar«* of co n ­ want» (o f her <«rn l.aren.-d. I m yself, tim e Sunday. |fa«l manv decided Id.-«« about f u n j day, w here he gave profeneional at They are m aking th e trip In a new Voice rang w ith carefree bravado, ho fidence In my T V 1 talent« H e r e fro m Eugene— M r. and M re . • Well what Io you think of T l«h*~, (»hlnga which If carried out. would ten tlo n to F. E. Anderson. O verland six. I'm going In tell Bailie You are the A. E Gleblach of Eugene were vlsit- egIvr dnv when I *«(w f'lirtl»» for th» began Curtl«», she a a cute kina, make our lltile house d istin ctiv e and ( Drive to A nalauf—Mr. and Mra. I L eaves for Oklahoma— Lum A nder­ 'd ifferen t.' flr«t lim e alnce the old day» In Call Isn't ahe, b o g ey t" • W. W hitney and lughter. M ary Eliz­ son, local oil station operator, le ft I scour, d the fu rn itu re shop« In fornla. I wa« »« thrilled over aeelng I felt n quick fl«»w of criticism rush abeth and George P erkins and daugh­ S aturday for O klahom a foll«»wing the him again, th at I throw my arm « about Io my lips Imi le c a ll« « 1 I t wa« foreign town but th eir o fferin g s -were too ter, Adeline, m otored on Sunday to receipt of a telegraph Inform ing him him and ktaaed him w ithout tbtnklni in my a n a tre to be Jealous ami 'cattv stereotyped to conald» ^ 1 dlallk ed I th a t hla siste r had been killed In an A nalauf. u tte ra n c e . In ten .ely anything th a t m atched ex­ Ixmte B radley and a b u n c h , of th I atopjM-d the v H iiim rally» -V «...1 A- «r r A autoniobile accident in th a t * tato . actly o r pieces th at cam e In se ta or | brtya who »aw me have never ceaaed th at would have fallen. Face i « C u t - T h e little son of G A hfg )g ¡n(Jef)nite. •■«ult*“—aa the aalesm an called the j kidding ine about It x lth e r Whv B ecker on Snnn New to all ivutwnr- a t t.< begin with «which | think wa» very At laat I cam e aero»» a deco ratin g , K enzle Sunday, retu rn in g (With a , pearanro* ahe ««« »orry for a mb good o f h»r lv•eau«e »he's quite busy com pany which was In competltlcei j first claas catch, th e la rg e st of w hich j ’ r dem eanor and h er whole m anner wa She had a course In New York and to L atitla Evuna. It Iwaa owned by j was an 18-lnch tr«jut. Fish a t S uttle Lake—John B ushm an one of ahactule dejection they say ahe h its on m arvelous color F renchm an who w as an artl» t nnd , Art B ushm an and Graham Sm ith ¿ K/r r l-iirrior < inicinM “C ertainly n i g '“ 1 an»wer>d quick com binations 1 thought p erh ap s—." who «lid not attem pt to force his Wood an>!(x*nk.*at Go to W endllng—Bam Montgomery S atu rd av and Sunday on a fieh- flour* ly. “please don't think I'm th at old "T h at I w asn't able to s.le c t the opinion» JO me while m aking m-y ae anrt a group of yopng people from in« trip to S uttle lake. 15 miles out fa'hlonod ” Hut I hop« d 'h a ' my vole • N o il stopped over here for a whi! furnishings for my own hom e" I ' lecth na. of S isters acro.-s the sum m 't. All of did not reveal the rexentmwnt I felt Sunday on th e ir way to W endllng. «lUXtloned tartly . F or day« I revclaed In hnndblocked the fisherm en got the lim it from th e tow ard» IhH girl (Ithn wna the flrat N<4 of course not, d darling. arling, 1 i ve )(n( |)g for drap eries, lovely «haded H e r e - w aters of S uttle lake, which they re- Curtlaa had kl«» ,L ' ; so m uch a8 nlce new wall paper. Mol£ ay. We have a large a sso rtm en t of —---- — narrow , the pedestal being « 1 , U e r n g t h f l t w i„ b e 8 U re t o w rought Iron and the board of black I m arble. T h ere w ere two lqw benches I J entranclngly carved fo r e ith er side j we are expert paper hangers and tw o toll and »tunning chair« for and painters too. Every job re­ th e boat and h«^«teas. T hese were ceives our personal attention. done tn old g«fd p archm ent, the backs enlivened with Spanish em- blenia of m yriad shades. A narrow con sole, with top and b rack ets of black m arble I ordered for ojie aide of the en tran ce and a niche In the rough Vasby Bros. p lastered walls |would hold a della Main St Springfield Robbia th a t had been stolen from a C athedral In Florence. The drap eries would be hung from Hid blue wooden j poles from huge wooden rings. ( In " . « j For the» beA chntnhers unfinished pieces w ere selected and decorated 1 to suit my fancy. I persuaded Mon slcur Lem onge t <1 have the foot board» ' rem oved from th e beds In im itation of some I hail adm ired tn the Palace nt Fontainebleau. F o r the living room th ere was a ¡ru g covering th e en tire floor made 'o f a lte rn a te strip es of mauve and j ¿pop violet color. Beige linen with ' a gay flow er p a tte rn m ade bright , splashes at th e long, casem en t twin- j dows. A divan Bnd several sm all tab les painted leaf green and robins egg blue were placed 1 er nnd there, ninklng a pleasing ensem ble. D ainty, low chairs th a t set imme­ diately upon the floor, such as I had seen at the Exposition tn P aris and narrow hanging book shevea com plet­ ed th e room In which C u rtiss and 1 would «pend m ost of our tim e when FLAGS Springfield Decorating Co. Successors to SCHAEFERS BROS. Now—Eugene’s Most Progressive Store Announces THREE GREAT DOLLAR DAYS Thursday-Friday-- Saturday * tab ic May 27th, 28th and 29th —Again we demonstrate our supremacy in vnlue giving —Again we offer quality merchandise at prices so low that It will amaze you. —Featuring seasonable and staple merchandise at savings st. remarkablo and so important ns to prompt every member of the family to buy generously for both present and future needs. One Dollar Specials Tuesday and Wednesday June 2nd and 3rd Watch our Windows E R A /5 CASHPCARRy ■ Zi I See our window. TURNER’S NOVELTY STORE Main Street, Springfield I Now is the Tims to Boy a New THE U H I V E R 5 A E CAR Here's All They Cost Delivered at Your Door we Vvere nt home. C urtiss w as not perm itted to see a n y ’ of the th in g s un til everything was In Its place. T his suited h im 'p e r­ fectly ns he w as Increasingly busy- even w orking well Into th e night. I revealed in tho color I had c h f e n and was especlaly Jwell plensed with | th e finished resu lt as I had planned i ev erything en tierly by myself. At Inst the m om entous day arrived l when we w ere to spend our first night in c " r adorable little house. 1 , an ticip ated the event with ns much en th u siasm s as I had o th er m rm or , able occasion« In my Hf®—such ns j my g rn d w tio n —my debut and my w edding day. If ev erything turned out a happily ! as I expected, I would hnve added ! an o th er bouquet to M em ory's Immu- ' tab ic delights! llifw will C urtis» lik e b is little hom e? (To be continued..) H ere from w S lterv lll« —Mr. nnd Mrs. Genr e Ea ton of W nltervllle spent p art of S atu rd ay shopping I n Springfield. FORD TOURING, STARTER AND BALLOONS $512.27 FORD ROADSTER, STARTER AND BALLOONS - 491.«:) FORD COUPE, STARTER AND BALLOONS —........ 625.9 < FORD TUDOR SEDAN. STARTER AND BALLOONS 646.45 FORD FORDOR SEDAN STATER AND BALLOONS 692.53 FORD TRUCK CHASSIS, WITHOUT STARTER .... 445.00 Convenient and Easy Terms . A FULL LINE OF PARTß AND ACCESSORIES ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. DANNER MOTOR CO. FIFTH AND A STREETS RPRINGFIELD