T Iin n sn A Y . MAY 27, 1926. T I IE 3PR1NOF1KLD NEWS PAGE FOUR ' LI . THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Svcry Thursday a t Springfield. bane County. Oregon. by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS ------- r r - r t w r — --------- ' S M '« Old Tima Oene». charged (with »poudin«, tot which be Slovena Holl. »prlngHeM. Kv«ry w u »stewed fio , and with allowing hla motor to backfire, which coal Snturdcy N igh t Garretto Orobeairs. Tickets Wc Imu »1 A Chinese general placed fire cracker* In an 1 empty oil storage tank and made the enemy be­ lieve he had plenty of artillery’. Some politicians work th a t stunt right here In Oregon. • • • >. ■ i — Peace Is spoiling business In Germany. The Krupp, works report a four million dollar loss last y ear in operation. • • • H. E. MAXEY, Editor xcoad u la x mattar. Pabruary 14, 1WX1 at posteme». Sprt^«fls*d. Omro» Pure Cream M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RA T« A One Year in Advance___ » 1 7S Three Months — _"6c ,and . . » L M Single Copy ---------------- B li Months THURSDAY. MAY 27. 192«. I I I Editorial Program L M aks SpHngfieid the Ind ustrial C enter e f W e e IL tern Oregon. Develop a Strong T radin g Point; Build a City • Sf Contentad Hornee. II I . Improvs Living Conditions on tbs Perm. Pro- mots the Ra.elng of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of Fruit; Work for Bettor Markets IV . T a ll the W o rld About Oregon*» Soonlc Wonder­ land. .« . Florida fish swallowed a $25,000 diamond has been caught off the coast of Norway. I Even the fish In Florida are fast workers. Is used In Egglm ann's Ice cream . T h a t’s why It Is health­ Only five collage graduates are am ong the 113,000 convicts In Sing Sing. T h a t's five too I many. sundaes you always gel the best at Eggliuanu s. ful and delicious. You’ll like the sweets from our candy kitchen too. Have you made your small donation to the * 1 Boy Scouts. Sprlngflekl people are giving gen- • 1 erouslv to this splendid work, And it te worth a as much as your money to hav «> the boys know • that the Springfield people In general take so a muflh Interest In them. E d ito r ia l W hether It Is plain Ice cream, sodas or EGGIMANN’S nsaMBasMNamas C om m ent When in Eugene THANKS FOR THE BUGGY RIDE. TWHLVE GOOD MEN AND TRUE? The “independent” Guard which has been b u st (Dearborn Independent) • since election telling us who won the war and, Washington, D. C — When Utln, why. pauses for a montent to hurl a shot of poison! ThroughöUt the naUon the question is being asked w llh bn by Albert Mack swallowed an gas at The Springfield News for daring to ra i.t it. , solem nity:: is the Jury system a failure’ Sober open safety pin his mother rushed hun to a hospital, where Dr. Lark­ voice against the practice of attem pting to write -ttisens appalled at the number of unpunished in wived U c k e , to r in>,Uisen> v m ej, who .re per- t„, ™ the child's life by thrust- sonally acquainted with all candidates a t palpably guilty, turned a r s e m wholesale lot». j.,*bln< the pin pdint deep into his prim aries. Of course everyone knows who read tPo the b(J,ief that u L h . with e „¿her »'-•■I ewuuwa hand, h/withdrew ou r editorial th at The Guard bed when It said, j uu- Uu- pin from the windpipe. The Springfield News “advised all voters not to , by ,f CBB of greatest contributions of cast their ballots for anybody endorsed by th e ¿ „ lo - s a g o n race to justice and order. It la inherent RECKLESS D RIVERS Guard.'* But a little m atter like the truth does )n (hu ra<*. |tg , nc,enl foundation I»m et m the dim PAY T R A IN DAMAGE not bother the swell-headed Guard when it has n>w tba( ob,cures our ractai beginnings For centuries B point to make. j u b„ 8tood ag . bulwark again.t » « v i s i o n and op- # We have it from good authority that the “in d e - presslon tt baa protected the w .a ‘ Southern Pacific locomotive with the pendent’’ G pard's ticket was written outside the strqng: It has safeguarded tha ‘nn<*p,’n ' . family fllv.r, or crash a railroad gal Guard office and handed, in to it. Of course The It checked the encroachm ent. o< the powerful cJaa«.s. * r(iien elem#nt unfamiliar .with American traditions, and damage •’♦npany Pr<>i*rty. the ' — there — ------- - a --------------- ---------------------------------- Other untruthful rem ark about usympatnetic usvmpathetlc wnn with American Ideals. To elew ont threre ’’»^nad ha» c< 1I-. I.- t . 'u «n - a o And as for the other American w™.». • «, this . The News and Springfield people we are nearer 1» nothing »acred about the jury system It is but a means oientfl ranging from 12 31 to 1300 right than The Guard was when we say the m a- to an end. The Jury system is based on the tenet that tw elve gon,i men and tru e- shall declare the gu.lt cr L w t year, one flagman ( - a . killed. e lie »ofwl men accused. ana true . *n . jority of people in Eugene, Springfield and Lane •‘tw Innocence *of the But naan what «eviarr If one of the tw elve , "‘h « * . . X n v ’J . county prefer the morning county seat paper to _. . , * i a in crossings rriiaaln»« gates FTltPM along alonff the the company company « | 1 the evening. Springfield people and the farm ers men la not ••(rood” and “true ; what la he la ateeped In right of way crashed through by reck of Lane county know they have no friend in the the tainted philosophy of a decadent r»ce; what If he less automoblllsts. Many standing controlled Guard. T h at’s one of the reasons The la faithless tqf his trust? trains were run Into and damaged by Guard has to give away automobiles, circus tick­ The Jury system In Itself 1» not faulty; It Is not a careles drivers And so the railroad ets, etc., to secure addresses to send the paper to. failure But It la a system erolred by the Anglo-Saxon race decided that during 192« the careless •, ** ’ ♦ • ; e»* •, for the Anglo-Saxon mind. The Oriental mind cannot and the recklees shopld pay the piper • • • U W r u a u II1 V I • v u t ow va* aaaav. « .a a w u -w — The planting of a few trees on parking strips and a little grass would improve portions of Springfield wonderfully. In cities built on hills and in barren platfcs one oftens sees the home ow ner overcom ing serious handicaps to have well kept premises. In cities like Springfield w here everything is flat and it takes little effort to keep up lawns and parkings one often sees the worst kept premises. uihW sH JE R K ? s Q U A L - i r V T h is Is a safety move." Newman -~r»hend the prtaclples of ho^or. of probity, of Justice said “We hope eventually to make InTOlTed It |e not the system that has failed. It mighty expensive for drivers who In the past twenty years (the years of greatest foreign speed so fast that they can't stop influx) there have been 170.000 murders In the United for small matters like a lowered 8tatee, 118.000 of them unpuished! There la a terrible crossing gate. “It seem s that peopb. Indictment In those figures, not against the Jury system, think mere of their pocketbooks than but against Juries. Either we must devise some -way of of their lives. Put up a sign: “b - keeping Juries pure, we must surrender one of the „are— Broken Glass on C rossing!-' and the average man who tries io greatest heritage» of our race. bent a train to save thirty seconds ,would probably slow dr^wn out of respect to his tires , •’Trying to assault a locomotive Is M EJSPFS C O N F I D E N C E like trying to stop a charging lion with a pea shooter It Isn’t heir» don«- i I successfully: but It Is costing those I YOUR CITY Shopping News Pilchers’ Will Remain Open During the Balance of this Week. This Is yofir city. We ■ should all take a per­ sonal Interest In It. Civic pride Is greatly responsible for the many blessing: Ameri­ can people enjoy. ALTERATIONS WILL SOON BE COM­ PLETED ON THE ENLARGEMENT OF OUR STORE. MANY NEW DEPARTMENTS WILL BE ADDED AND ALL OF THE FORMER DEPARTMENTS WILL BE ABOUT TWICE THEIR FORMER SIZE. SEE THIS PAPER NEXT WEEK FOR THE OPENING OF OUR NEW MODERN DEPARTMENT STORE. who try the experiment a lot of mon­ ey and trouble " Speeders Pay Fines. Fast travel continued on Spring . field's streets Iasi week end. Iwlth the! result« that municipal coffer w again replenished from the po< k ’ - of luckless motrtrlsts Those who were charged with «peed Ing were Theordore Juhl, Eugene; H. Wilson, Springfield; Arthur Stalle Eugene; G. 11. Murphy, Portland, and s D. Klnley, Eugene. Juhl was EAT AT THE MANHATTAN CAFE The be»t place to Eat Open Day nini Night Eugene, Ore. 685 WillamAtte St. Ask Mother--She Knows T hat Perfection Bread Is light, brown and delicious. It is also wholesome and clean made In a m odern sanitary bake shop by scientific methods. Moreover, it is made right here In Springfield where every person who eats It can stop In and see how and where It Is made. You'll like our pastries too. THE BREAD YOU DON’T TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Perkins FR ED FILESE, Prop. I,axton Fifth St. Springfield Phone 66 Building SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL RATES Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­ keeping Course ’Ask for Information Eugene Business College Eugene, Oregon l f l l l n ,..z - s * « O * 992 •» l Willamette St. P iic v o o n rY a a a a l In MEMORIAM FLAGS Get your Flags for M em orial Day now, while our assortment is complete. Prices 10c, 15c, 25c and $1.75 Let us rem em ber with bowed bead the gallant heroes of America’s Wars. Let us pay tribute to their m em ory and Immortal deeds. It Is fitting th a t we all take part In Springfield Memorlnl Day ceremonies beginning Sunday, May 30, a t 10 o’clock. We »'lose all day Monday, May 31st. A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon