PAGE T H R M f TH U R SD A Y. MAY 27. 192«. “ •■“ ' M o « « or . . . . EXAMINATION. FOR BAUD— New 4-ron at Dan ■ar Motor Co.. Springfield, or »bone Huraña 1872-R n li m n I I •a y la Hura—Frank Bid wall'» eon fa ll and apralncd hla an» «h ila play­ ing at aoboot Friday. N O TIC E TO CREPT TORS N O T IC » IB H ER EB Y G IVEN . Thai tha undersigned ha» beau duly ap­ pointed by tba County Court of tba S tair of Oregon for the County of l4kt»a aa tba admin |M rat or o f the M ta tr of Joaofiblna 11 Aliram i. de­ ceased, and all nareona haring claim» again at said eatate are hereby notl fled to present the same properly verified to aald adtnlnletrator at the office of Frank A PaPua. attorney for tba aetata, la Springfield, Ofa- g'«f on or before a ll moutba froth tba data of thia notice. .. . Dated May 4th. ) l M F R A N K A O R in ’ R, Attorney for ewtata. C L IE F A n n A MB. , Administrator of the «»fade of Josephine B Abram*, dao a need. ■ « it m rr j k OF H E A IIIN O O F F IN A L N0T1CW ACCOUNT. - •' Notice to hereby given that the under»l«ned , SagpuUlx of the Last W ill aod Twetatnenf of Frederick (*. Pott», dereaaetl. ha» filed her account for the final settlement of the estate of the aald Frederick C Potto In the County Court for !,ane Countr In the BUta of Oregon, and that Baturday the Slth day of May. 191« at the Court Room of Jr. Id Court In tbs County Court House. In Eugene, st ten o’clock in the forenoon, hsa bean by »aid Court fined an the time and place for hearing objactlopa thereto and for final settlement of said es­ tate CIJtR A R » C O T T Executrix L. L. RAT. Attorney * 1, M J 11 10 «7 ¡B U S IN E S S Uanurul I. M L aw Practico PETERSON Cammerrlal State Hank* Bldg., Bpringflsld. Ore HOUSE PA IN TIN G Kalaom m lng in all ils Branchas C ity or Country W ork. Lowest Frico». Evary Job Guaranteed. Giva me a In a l. KOCH, b p ro g fltid . Rhone 126 J BUT F U R N IT U R E Oregon HERE Rocksre, Bads. M attresses. Stovaa, Tufas, Stove Boards. Clothe« Baake’ s. Wm D O N » lD iU s b lC O N O H » » ID NEW ANO bTO RE Contracting nnd Building GEO. W. PERKINS Cornar 5th nnd D Street! Springlield. Oregon Riant and Estimates Rurnlahsd Rres. W ill Help You Flnaneo Your Building. DR. N W. fcMERY D K N T IB T Button Bldg. Rhone 20-J Rasldanco Phons I I I M Springfield. Oregon II The Loop ■ n or riNAD J d ir e c t o r y Attorney at Law ROY ' Ths regular semi-annual teacher»' examination will be held In tb« I'oaaaty U nart Roam commencing at I A. M. on Wednesday, June I an» STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E COUNTY O F I*ANE. lasting four day» Teachers who want a schedule of tba time when subject« Rodman, deceased w ill be given should write for IL CITATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF K, J. MOORE. To tb * heirs of Jack Rodman, de­ UP«, of 8choola Co. ÖUP ceased end to nil other persona un­ DANE COUNTY. _ SUMMONS FDM F U B U C A T IQ N M 27 J 9 known < • • IN FORECLOSURE O F T A X L IE N G REETINGS: FOR BALE OR TRADE FOR SALE— Seven-room house with Jtbper QllchrlsL PlalaCff. va M il­ la t ie Name of the State of Ore­ FDR SALE—Carbon paper to toPE» on gon, you are hereby cited and ra- lard F. Green Defendant acre of ground on Maat Main St. I room plastered house In sGosts. M C3I Inches, suitable M» To M illard F. Green, the above nam­ good streot; large lot;- fra It tree«; qutred to 1 appear In the County Court Price 22600. |S M down, balance m akin* tracings. Tba Rewu Gfflaa. ed defendant I bRgka from ecbooL For aale or <* the State o f Oregon, for the Good­ Jlke fe q t ,Address J. -9* dtotrart. ty of Lane, a t the Court Room there­ In the Name of the State of Oregon: I l l Cedar 8L. Klamath Falls. Ora. w ill trade for SprlugfteM or Ru­ of. at Eugene, In the County of lane, Ton are hereby notified that Abner ’ N O TIC E T O CWBWTOR8. tt geos town property or acreage. on Saturday, the 21th day of May. OUcbrlat la the holder of Certificate Notice to- hereby given that FraM IM S , nt 10 o’clock In the for.-nooS of of Delinquency nuntb«red 1110 Issued Call or -write Wm. Vaeby, at Vaaby E IG H TH ORAIJK E X A M IN A TIO N S. H Lindsay haa been appointed as sd- Bros, l’élut Store. Springfield. Ore. that day. then nnd there to sheer on t h e 3rd day of July. 1121 by the m>nl*tra«sr of the gs^ata of John X. The regular eighth grade examlns- reuse If any yon have, why the pe Tex Collector of the County of Lane. tl(d M tate and expenses of ad- Io» said AdratnlatraV» * l M iner application. Ihiptls who have abso­ County Court of the State of Oregon gjui^xultoh. the Ians’ of aald estate costs thereon upon the rani pfeperil' .Bldg.. Eugene, OrsgoD. properly vert- lutely failed In eighth subject» or In for the County of Lane. tto lr final digrr1ba4 aa follows, to-wlt; Ixrt I aaeesied to yob. of wtalfch yon are the fled, within six ftom the dats owner an appears of record, attgated. Oregon History, Physiology aod Oso- account aa the executors of the Bo- goetton IS of Tow Township II Booth In aald County and Stair, and particu­ o f Otto notice krephy w ill nnt have time to prepare U te of Mary F. Richardson, deceased. of Rana> 4 Ea«t ot w W ill illamette Meri- larly bounded and descrQted ae fol­ Dated May » . 1121. for thia examination hence can not end that it by order duty made and eu- dlBn tB CAnotr, Or Oregon, except low». to-wlt: Beginning at a Point 1“ F R ED E S M ITH . take I I until September or January tered the te said Court has fixed and ap- ,B< ,herefrom a M rlp of land 50.feet section IJ. Township 21, South of Attorney for Administrator. of oent year toted. Saturday the Xlth day of wlr1e th ro u r f aald lot cooveyed to1 range 1 West of the W illam ette Mer­ F R ED H . LTND8AY, R J. MOORE. June. 113«, at the hour of ten o’clock Boy Mining company, also idian, 20 feet West of the Northeast Administrator Co. Supt. of Schools. In the forenoon of said day at the exowpt I n< certain tract* of aald lot corner of the J. H. Bhortyldfe Dona­ M 24 27 J 2 10 17 M >7 J I County Court room In the County heretofore conveyed respectively to tion !.and Claim in Tovm’d'.lp' t l Court House In the City of Eugene. Wa|||a T Matlock, T. C- Luckey and Booth of Range 2 W eat; rub fhenoe NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Oregon, ae the day, time nnd place Roy stlen. north 1.7S chains; thence meet 8.67 for the b e a rin g ^ f o b > c tk w . to «aid, „ „ „ c p Rgraard chains; thence south 1.76 qhatna; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That fl" “ * he ta wrttlnx J0'1«* of ttl* County Court of the thence west along the North boun­ pursuant to an order of the CeontY «1 5’ rv e a td c m r t 8 U U ot Or* F ° n- ,or the County of dary of said claim I I 61 chains; Court o t «be State of Oregon ton the and filed with the clerk of said f c u rt ___ _____________ and Haa, of of said Cob CoOrt here- thence north 1.60 chains to t M «en­ County o f Lane, duly made and entqw on or before said day and tl T d R î ÎÎSTRATOR'S NO TIC E to affixed, this »4rd day of April. te r of the southtweet qanrter of neo ad, that Saturday the 12th day of Dated May I t . 1IM . 1»M The date of first publlcatlOB «ton 21. Township 21 South of Mange une, 1121 at the hodr of tou o’elodk IN T H E CO UN TY COURT O F T H E EM ERY M. RICHARDSON. hereof la April 19th. IS 16. STATIC OF OREGON IN AND FOR I Weat; thence want alopg the south i the forenoon of raid day, at tha B L U B J. RICHARDSON, Attest: R. 8. BRYSON, Clerk. boundary of the north went quarter nf County Conrt room to the Connty T H E CO UNTY O F LANE. Bxacutorw. By EVA DUCKW O RTH, Deputy the southwest quarter of section 21 Court House to toe City ot Bfegene, IN PROBATE. FRAN K A. DePTB. A 21 M I 11 SO 27 1217 chalni; thence aonth l.M ¿halas Oregon haa been fixed aod appointed In rn-Eatat« of Francis M. Yost, de­ Attorney for the Estate. <0 the N W corner of aald D. L. C. aa the jtov, time and place, for tho M 11 20 17 J I 10 ceased. thence S. 1.27 chains; fhenee east hearing of objection» to and the ee«> N O TIC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE. tloment of the final account of tha Malice to hereby given that I. W ll Notice Is hereby glweu that by virtue 28.12 chains to the west »Me o f the Ham A Yost, have been duly appoint­ county road; thence north 1.27 chains administrator of the eatate of Angel* AD M IN ISTRA TO R'S NOTICE. of an execution Maned out e f the s ir ed administrator of the above entitled to the place of beginning, containing Ina Hills, deceased, which said ae* IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF T H E count Is now duly rendered and filed estate, that all debla due said 8 T A T E OF OREGON JN AND FOR cult Court of the State of Orason. 41 scree of land In end for Lane County, on the llt h estate shall be paid to me and that T H E COUNTY Op LANE. You are further notified that M id In said Conrt. day of April. 1111. upon a Judgment That all objections to raid final ae- Abner Ollcbrtat has paid taxes on all pereena having clalma agalnat IN PROBATE rendered In to raid Court, on the count must he In writing and filed aald eatate shall present the same to In ra-Estate of Thomas Adam Yost, l l t h day of April, 1 IM . in the nuR said premise» for prior or subsequent with ths Clark of raid Court on o r rear«, with the rate of Interest on said me with voucher» attached at the deceased of Dora H. Peters agaloat J. H Bol­ before aald day and time. office of my attorney, H E. Slattery, Notice Is hereby given that I, W ll in. Olive V. Bolin, J. W Shumate, amounts a fellows Dated May 1J. 1»M 717 W illamette Street. Eugene. Ore­ Hem A Yost, have been duly appoint­ Year’» Date Tax Re- AnaX Rate Lillian R Travis, Fredericks Travis P. L BARBER. of gon. within I months from the date ed administrator of the above entitled Paid Tax ceplt . and Gould Bryan Travis, agalnat the Administrator of Said Estate. of first publication of this notice estate, that all No h debt» due e n i d » ^ j H and, onTy v BoI|n FRAN K A. DePTB. which la May IS. 1»!«. estate ahall be paid to me and that j lhp of >14T8 7S w tth interest 7921 ____ XU 5 1922 22336 1208 Attorney for the Estate. 16148 1368 H E. » L A T T E ItY . all pereona having clalma a g a ln a t, B t „ „ aBnum from d ale 1922 ____ 8 8 1928 M IS 20 27 J 3 IS Attorney for Administrator. 1923 ____ 4 6 1124 7138 13.81 12 aald eatate ahall preaent the' M “1* thereof and the further sum of $115, W IU 4 A M A YOST. 1924 ____ 7 1 1126 1613! 14.68 me wllh vouchera attached at the gtJ an(1 disbursements, Including A d m inistrator 1.17 1920 .... .. 7 3 1122 26883 N O TIC E TO CREDITORS. M IS 70 27 J 3 10j office of m y atto rn ey . R E . " U tte rr . > attorney fee and a decree of fore- Said M illard F. Green as tha owner 717 W illamette Street. Eugene. Ore- c|oaorr agalnat all the above named N O T IC E Is hereby given that tha gnn. within I moniha from the date - ,iP^ ndBn4<, Of tj,e mortgage given to- of the legal title of the above prop­ underaigned has been appointed Exe­ of Drat publication of this notice •ecure the note upon which said erty aa the name appears of record and cutrix of the eatate of W illiam T. which la May IS. 192«. Judgment was rendered and which was each of the other persona above nam­ Kerley, deceased, by the County Conrt H E. SLATTER Y. recorded on Page 116 of Vol. ”41” of ed are hereby further notified that Ab-. of Lane County. Oregon. All persona Attorney for Administrator. the Mortgage Records -if this raid ner Qlldhrtat w ill apply to the Clrenlt baring claims agalnat M id estate are W IL L IA M A. YOST, Court of the County and 8tate afore-' hereby notlfed to preaent the aama. County. Administrator. Uhoa» He» tOl-J Orties 72-J Now therefore, pursuant lo said ex­ aald tor a decree foreeloelng the Hen.»« the nnderafcned. property verified, M 13 20 27 J 3 10 ecution and order of rate. I will, on against the property above described t at the office of W ells A Wells, Banb F. H. WALKER Saturday, the 12th day of June. 1126 and mentioned In raid eertlUcate ; of Commerce, B ld g . to Eugene. La»« Auto Truck Transfer Eatate of Roland Fox. Deceased And you are herebv summoned to a p 1 County. Oregon, within six month« NO TIC E OF F IN A L S E T TL E M E N T . at 1 o’clock. In the afternoon a t the pear within slxtv days after the f ir s t : of the first publication of this nolle«, House Held Goods, Bagasse, Bouthwest door or main entrance to Notice Is hereby given that Hasel publication of thia aummona. exeto- Date of first publication May 6th. Merchandise Moving Tryon. Administratrix of the. estate Che County Court house In Eugene. alve o f the day of aald first pnbltca 192«. ' Office st 312 Main St. Dremon. otter for sale aod sell at pub­ Oi Roland Fox. deceased, ha« Died M A R TH A J. K ER LEY. tlon. and defend this action or pay In the County Court of the State of lic anctlsn lor cash In band to the the amount due as above shown, to Executrix. Orrgon In and for Lane Counfr. her highest bidder, subject to redemption gether with costs and accrued Inter­ Wells A Wells, Attorneys. In the manner provided by law. all final report aa such administratrix Telephones: Office IIS Res. 2071 M 1 13 20 27 J I- est. and in cnee of your failure to aod that ten o'clock In the forenoon the right, tJUe, estate and interest do so, a de4 of aald dated thia 6th day of Mav. 112« and has been made and entered of record Office 404 M * . W. Bldg.. A. E. W H E E L E R . a." J . - O . r 2 - the date of the first publication of by the County Court o f raid County, Eugene. Oregon Attorney. directing this notice and appointing 70 degrees 30’ East 11.40 chs.. to the Osteopathy stand* for the truth M 24 27 J 3 16 17 North line of said aub-dlvlslon, thence this summon« Is the 6th day of May Monday, the 14th day of June. 1924, m« wherevdt It Is scientifically East on said North line 10.60 chs.. to All process and papers In this pro­ a t ten o'clock A. M for the hearing proven. N O TIC E TO CREDITORS. the N E. corner (hereof, tbence ceeding may be served upon the on of objections to said account and tha Notice la hereby given that the South 20 chains to the 8. E corner derslgned residing within the State settlement of said estate. Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 13th undersigned hns been appointed Ad­ thereof, thence West 20 ch«., to the of Oregon at the address hereafter day of May. A. D . 1926 ministrator of the estate of Mr» 8. S. W comer of said snb-dlvtoton and mentioned. M AR Y M KESSEY. B Burton deceased, by the County thence North 16.80 chs.. to place of 8 M. CALKTNS. Administratrix with the W ill An­ Court of Lane County. Oregon. All beginning. In all 168 acres. In Lane Call Attorney for Plaintiff. nexed of the Eatate of O. B Kea- persons having clalma agalnat mid County, Oregon Address: Eugene, Ore. sery. Deceased. FRAN K E TAYLOR, eatate are hereby notified to present SUTTON TRANSFER M < 18 20 27 J I 1117 24 1 2 M 13 20 27 J 3 Id Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon. the aaine duly verified, to the un­ M 6 13 20 27 J 3 dersigned at the office of Welto A Phons 57 Wells, Attorneys Bank of Coxumerce N O TIC E TO CREDITORS. Bldg, In Eugene. Lane County, Ore­ IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF t H E gon. within six months of the date of the first publication of thia notice. STA TE O F OREGON FOR LANE Date of first publication May 20. COUNTY. OKO.. N. McLKAN 1126. In the M atter of the Estate of Alma H. B BURTON. Luclna Signor. Deceased. Automobils, Fl re and Life Administrator. Notice Is hereby given to all per­ IN 8 U R A N C « WEI.1,8 A WELLS. sons whom It may concern (hat the Sursty B«nds^ Phons 617 Attorney*. undersigned Nelson H. Signor and My businsas la to protset y«ur M 20 27 J 3 10 17 Alice L. Thompson have been ap­ buslnsss pointed administrators of the estate HWJ W IHam ette 8t, Eugens Orsgop, of Alma Luclna Signor, deceased, and NO TIC E TO CREDITORS. Mrs. Stevenaon was crazy about mo­ Notice la hereby given that the have duly'qualified ae such. All per­ I underaigned haa been appointed Ad­ sona haring claims ngalnst said es­ toring. But she was mad as a hornet tate are herr>y notified nnd required ministrator of the eatate ot Harry VASBY BROS. to present the same with the proper over the way the old car looked and Markman, deceased, by the County vouchers therefor and verified In the Dad had his troubles. Finally he got Painting * Decorating j Court' of Lane County, Oregon. All manner required by law to said ad­ I persons having clalma agalnat raid ministrators nt the law offices of I. busy with some Acme Quality Motor In all Its branches eatate are hereby notified to preaent M. Peterson nt 116 4th street In the Car Finish and now the “ M issus” and the motor the same, properly verlfledl to un­ Commercial State Bank building, 312 Main Street •re both radiant. The finish is easy to apply. dersigned at the office of Welto A Springfield. I-in e Ccnnty. Oregon, Wella, Attorneys Bank of Commerce within six months from the date of M akes new cars out of old ones. H as long en­ Bldg, In Eugene. I-ane County, Ore­ the first publication of this notice, durance. Comes in just the color you want. gon. within six months of the date to-wlt: On or before the 12th day of of the flrat publication of this notice. November. 1926. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL Date of first publication May 20, Dated and first published thto 13th D E N T IS T 112«. day of Mav, 1926. HAROLD J. W ELLS, NET .SON H. SIONOR Phone 43 Administrator. ALICE L. THOMPSON. First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Springfield W ELLS A WEI-LS, A dm inistrators of said estate. II Your Home Whan In Springfield D. W. Roof JEW ELEH R epairing a Specialty S pringfield. Oregon Or.John Simons 3 The Stevensons are now getting along fine together A ttorneys. M 20 27 J 3 10 17 R. W. S M ITH Justice o f the peace and n o ta ry public, Insurance C ity H all S pringfield, Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO, All kinds of gravel fo r con­ crete dr road w o rk. We make a specialty of crushed ' pock and rock sand. B u n k ­ ers at fo o t of Main on M ill Btreet. JHENRV W. CHASE, Prop. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. No’le Is hereby given th at Donald WM. G. HUGHES Young was appointed ad m in istrato r FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE i li. «-utale of llu n n e K ristine Jo- •NO TAR Y PUBLIC I, - i n d n -' iseil, by o rd er of the our tfnr Lane County, Ore- i Office at n. d u b m ade the l l t h day of May. FIR ST NATIONAL BANK ’« 'U per--nn» having claim» Springfield, Oregon -I ib in- hereby notified lh-' ’ »me. with proper , .1 -dm lnlstrnlor I li od' i'i' at si,() W llum ette S treet, FRANK A. DF PUE g in -, - i e. - « thin nix m onths ATTORNEY AT LAW n Die d:ii. of th is notice. NOTARY PUBLIC Sutton Buldllng Springfield Oregon I. M PETERSON. A ttorney for A dm inistrators M 13 20 27 J 3 10 NOTICE FOR ETNA,!, HEARING N otice Is hereby given th at the undersigned R obert Sorsensen, Ad­ m in istrato r of the estate of H ans J ’ Rorsensen d e re a c'*L has filed h is ‘ final rev o rt nnd account therein In the ■ Cognty Court of L ane Connty, Ore- goit, nnd ?nld court hns set, Frldny j the 4th day Qf June. 1926 for final i h earin g thereon a t or on or before whleh tim e nnv ohjectlons should he flt-ri or nrosented. Dated and first published May 6th, 'n I ii: t-- in-, Oregon, Die 20th 1921. n4” of May. 192« ROBERT SORSENSEN. •DONALD YOUNG - A dm inistrator. id m in lstrn ln r of the eatate of W H IT TE N SWAFFORD. Itunne K ristin e Johansen, deceased. Attorney. M I 13 10 U J 3 M 20 27 J 3 10 17 ACME QUALITY Painto^Varnish Our store is the Acme Quality Paint and Varnish Service Station. Before buying paint, enamel, stain or vurnist^ it will pay you to come and consult with us. Wright & Son