THURSDAY. MAY -’7. 11*26 TUE SPRINQOTELD NBWB FAO g TWO Lane County Farmers Union News _ J M IX IV U IIL 1 IT i ft 14 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LAN t « COUNTV UNIT M aO. H __________________ -- - Hsve Sistlstb Annivsmary. lanager Bert Ibaver | potsoBCd to kill i abblu had no < ff e c t ' The Woodman will spcgisor the an Thelr slstlvth wstldlug annlvoreary d y b u ic ia l STRYCHNINE BAITS D0 on twg<- hans htwdl«« In groat nurn maul Pleasant lllll picnic this year »as celebrateti by Mr and Mrs I». Corrsapond'-ta NOT HARM GAME BIRDS I bars ¡n corn and bean Hold« tn v ry -' which will tie held June Sib F. Sylvester at thelr Jasper l'oiuo Buit- »minx It seem , evident. th erefore.' Mr and Mrs F F Cooper and M * • • \ | , , | -, |, - . .I I l o li 1 • a l V The assumption that game blrtls b in ts ' fPr lhP safety ,gf game i daughter, Margaret and Ml»a Atm -elativi s surprlsad thè cnuple, and may be killed by grain poisoned with gtrvvhnine-polsoneyl b aits' visit at the A. C. Hogart home. Mrs Parks have returned to Pleasant Hill THURSTON NOTES retiialned to help Uniti celebrate Ih» Strychnine and distributed to kill are not well .. founded. i t 0 It Fish r< turned Friday and Mis for the summer and will be at their tuoni» ni«Ai» rvetti retient pests has been found by the Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fountain an-i Alma Saturday. ranch. Tho»* predoni w*rr Mr nitri Mr» Biological Survey of the United I» i, children. nh>o Mr*. W hile and The bim onthly meeting of (ho Marriage Licenses lasued. Mrs. C E Jordan is looking for Fred lllnson of Springfield, Mr and Stat s Department of Agriculture «o „ v,s,, fr,„„ her parents. Mr tpso children from Betid drove over Sunshine d u ll was held nt the h- tn.'' war,j Mrs J 8 Hllls of Jasper; Mr and be without foundation Feeding tests Mrs Noll and her brother and During the last week County Clerk ,j„. aummlt last Friday, afternoon. of Mrs. Anderson, the secretary. Frl-j Mrs II J Eri. k«oti sud son Vincerti a —> 11- « n s . ' S . have shown c o n d u st^ ly that the # . family front Iowa. — • ■ — R S Bryson H*ue<1 marrtn«' Been*’-* (earing: IV nd b« tween 3 and 4 o’clock day afternoon. and daughter. Evelyn of Engine; Mr. gallinaceous birds as a* group, hiclud fo’owtng: Almrtunt Smith and and arrived at John Prico’i at 9 p. ni The time » a s spent In lhA domon J Arlo (llllet the popular athletic In nnd Mrs. A Mathetiv nttd Mr aiti tag quail, the prairie hen. sharp tall j Be>tr|ce Howard. both of Portland; wh re they spent the night. strathgi of sandwich making, a com instructor at the Pleasant lllll high Mrs filarlo* Neet and sona Donald. rd grouse, and sage »reuse. possess W esley Wright and Laura i sehoo last year. Is egpected Io arrive Thurston tmsehall team played tuunlty name was also discus*' d Varila and Albert of Wlnberry; Mr. certain immunity from strychnine • Walker, ' . hoth of both of Brownsville; Brownsville; Harry Harrv p |eaaant d m t»Hni la*t Friday after The host.»« served samlwlchas. I s h(x>d j w M(, Xrtbur engineer from hany, O H Neal, E. Robertson. H THURSTON SENIORS TO " ‘ | , .. hy . Middleton. „ j j i . , - , Junction v.inetlon Cltv. . _, ... ..... affect on the abundance of ---- the valley Cltv; Aubrey Aubrey _ Eugene, was out . to GIVE TWO PROGRAMS load of feed for Oakridge, and «noth- explain everythin* F Wylie. W II. Anderson and W It quail These birds were plentiful a n d 1 Kabbe^ Ashland, and Netta Adair, Ivan Rickard frost» W endlln* spent Hardie. e.l for Coquille remained so in In areas which fwere tw ere ’ Salmi !'• place Maude Russell, I. .. . E lb e rt W in n er. D ouglas h id ' senior. lx»ub> Christopherson. Junior last Monday ler Mildred Swift. Luretta Baughman. and Hugh Doolittle, sophomore, com William W eaver -received a trt»- plete the caste. 1 gram Satgrdav telling .ihtrn of th» Ruth Emery An 8-poun-l baby boy, Morton Par ‘ death of h l, brother. John Weaver. was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. C. | Resolution, In Portland. He met his death accl- nell. Y o u need not wall for a h |»«'< i’ll P. Mason ut Gallup. New M eslgo,. To the officers and members nt idently. hut M r. W eaver did not re­ sale to Hjtve money on toilet Sunday. May 23. Mr« Mason was b- lleceta Local Farmer«' union No IBf. ceive the particulars. Z r_____ X "A .m ig M v requisite. In the Re«.U Store. „ h e re a s It “ Mrs. Louis Rlsxl, who apent t h e . fore her marriage Elda B ristow ., W of Mr. and Mrs. W. L O(M , ,B n)a lnf| nity »lsd.ini to remove p H<,0 |»(, W)|, . r fo r e x a m p le past w+nter In Phoenix. Arlanna. ar-1 daughter Bristow of pieaaaat lllll. • I from our midst our beloved brother. _ o n | y } 2 ,0 0 'a t»OX, til'* W ith fitting form al , thetic qualities of rived here Tuesday tn visit her par Mildred Mornlngstar. Mr. and Mrs It. I Larnm. ’ Creams $ 1.00 u Jar anti the T al­ ’ ents. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Edmlston. ity, yet with an un mind, we serve with Therefore be It resolved; cum $1.00. I Mrs. JeiAile Fdmlston from Engene Irving Borthlck and baby, and Mis» derstanding born of 1 the modesty of wis- Verna Manning drove dogsn Thn| we wa PXtpn(j Thnt extend ()Ur our sincere sympa- sympa. dop»n from tr,,n‘ Is spending this week vleltlng her experience, sympa- | dom. Monmouth last Friday to spend the fhy hu dwll on nd b r further Let US show you th,H ^ * M‘I ! children here. week end with relatives at Pteaaant rM<(|yed that B rnpy of these resols- line. In It you Can satisfy your Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hastings re­ ___ __ . .. .»■ on g»« the minutes «niniii»*» uf every c v e r v wish. Winn. HUI and - Trent. I tlons he ____ spread turned Monday from Washington The play. Thirteen Plus, given by our uni„n. and a copy be sent lo the 111* , where they went to see Mrs Hasting«’ ---- ...------n u t htsh family. brother. James Rondell. who Is ser­ the students of the Pleasant Hill high PHONC And be It resolved that our charter »«•hoot dre wa good crowd both Friday iously 111 and Saturday night« of last week be drap d In black for a period of 6 2 -j The different members of the cast thirty daya. WILLAMETTE Committee, ______ W|th Russell Woodward and Don Mrs. CHAR. F WALTERS Paul Pengra who has he. n • (siting Hyland taking leading pari« showed Mrs. R. R BAY. at the home of h l, parents. Mr. and i match skill In acting ,Tlter,>” ’ * Mrs. RUFUS C STONEFIIH-D Mrs W J Pensra. has returned to t|on. Mrs. Wimmer and " a Community News a DRUG STCRE C A R A NOM E Toilet A rticles „„| . ,„ , . Flanery’s Drug Store W.F.WALKER fúNERAL S ervice . SPR.tNGFIELD.ORE. his home In Corvallis I WANT ONE TOO Mother, Ruth Is getting a Corona Portable Typewriter As Her G rad u atio n G ift Office Machinery & Supply C O M PA N Y Eugene Guard Building Mr. Pergra's son gave a piano duet, and Miss let Inmun aang beliween acts. Baccalaureate services for the P l.nsant Hill high school were held at tlie Christian church Sunday nisht Rev W A Elkins giving the address seven Students, all boy», comprise the graduating class thia year. They are Ted Bed'll. Guy Mathews. G a r m le n . Delos Davis. Russell Harri­ son. Joe Walker Willard Elliott. hdnp Commencemqut exercises will be Chas. Bailey made a trip to Mr. held at the gymnasium Friday nigh Claskanle Wednesday, returning In spite f »he disagreeable wvnth Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Bowers of To. er quite a number attended the open ledo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ing nt the Summer Delight park which has been built on the south Jay Fish Monday and Tuesday Richard Maxwell returned to side of Coast Fork bridge by Mr. and school after an absence <* ten daya Mrs. J. E Jacoby. At the regular meeting of the Wood , on account of mea-sles Florence Bell and Charllne Fish men at Pleasant Hill the following were week end guests of thelr aunt, officers were elected: Counsel com mander. Morton Bristow, oast conn Mrs. A. C. W ilson of Eugene sel, Wm. Cruzan advisor Rodney Wll Jay Fish, accompanied hv Mrs. Miss Alma and Mrs. O R F* h, 'rove Hams, escort Harry Veatch, secretary trt Junction City, Wednesday for a Lawrence Laird, watchman Roy John health Is much Improved He Is es­ tablished In the hardware business In Corvallis. Rev and Mr,. Leslie Bailey and children of Toledo, arrived M nday for a day's visit at the Jay Fish home. Mrs. G de Brookert of Eugene spent Tuesday at the T. J. MaSwcll SUMMER MEATS W anted During the warm da-- end acai.oiri our phyBical systems demand different meal« than in winter. Eggs and Poultry For instance- isn't a nice plate of sliced cold summer sausages with rye bread, or cold boiled ham, jellied tongue, liver loaf, with a few leaves of crisp lettuce, and cold potato salad, more inviting on a hot day, than a steam y mess of corned beef and cabbage? We think so. Sher Khan We have always in stock a complete variety of Hummer m eats to tem pt the most finicky appetite. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 662 Oak Street ♦■•zi Eugene, Oregon 4th and Main Springfield Phone 63 '676 DEPARTMENT STORES 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. Let»* Have Clean Hands! "Wof how much can I get for these goods but how little can I afford to sell them for.” I hat was the sound reasoning M r. Penney in his storekeepinj; pioneering days whe i he was foundation of this grtat family i.f stores, that guided back in the laying the department T hat is the policy which I ns I en followed to this day. .'.nd wii.i humired.* oj Stores today Wiiiiin easy reach of more than a quarter of the population of the en • I'nitcd States, it is plain to understand why this price-policy has woii such universal popu­ larity. 'i bis Store subscribes heartily to this as every Store in our great family of must. It not only subscribes to this but it steadfastly practices it In all its naming. policy Stores policy price- Those who desire to make each dollar al­ ways buy exactly 100 cent»’ worth are remem­ bering this I t