I Remember Thoeo Who Died Thrit We Might Live on Memorie! Dny THE SPRINGFIELD NFJ.VS A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N ''"I, RPKINGF1ELD, I-A NE COUNTY, OREGON, TWENTY-THIRD YEAR ALL IN M E S S "Th« P tM K 'i Pape»** O perate E lectric P lan t to C a p a city THURSDAY, .MAY ÿ7, 1926, Springfield Primary Vote For Leading Candidates Current Generation Increased I To Relieve Shortage Impressive Ceremonies To In South Mark Observance In City, In anticipation of power shortage With All-Day Program To Be In southern Oregon and northern Cal Here and At Laurel Hill Ift^nln as a result of dry weuther, Cemetery; Many Organixa- the Mountain Hfstcs Power company JUNIOR-SEMOR AFFAIR on Monday began the alteration of tlons Have Part OCCURS I-RIUAY NIGH i /w 7 /- /k S cou ts R e g iste r tor C am p L u ck y B oy NUMBER 21. H.S. ARE PLANNED Must Sign Up l o r ’ odiately At Office W. G. Hughes To Care For Small Children In At Bank Northeast Section; Teacher* KegUtratlon of Springfield Boy | Assigned To Grades By Bain} Final returns from Friday'» prl Scouts for attendance at the annual Girls To Have Physical Edu­ hiary election reveal the fact that county scouting camp t<$ be held July cation; New I n s t r u c t o r Mprtngflelft majorities favored 16 ol 12 to August 23 at Camp Lucky Boy I Named on Blue river, 1« starting this week Local Favorites Win In Most Cases; Stanfield Choice In Voting Here those nominated for national, state the ttpr In »field central plant to as and county offices, iwtyle but four of with W. O. Hughes of the First N a-. Perfection of school administrât 00 Coiniuvucvuiunt week event« «laris the defeated candidates were the fav ,1"nal bank aa registrar All boy» who pians fOr 1(26-27 was started Tuesday Final arran gem ents have been full rapacity as possible with fuel completed by Ihe Memorial Day i" n>- available W C, Mi-Lagan, superln for ¿sprlngfield high school graduates •rites of the voters here The carry ar” I’lann!,,K *° a,ten - A ever, dism issing early In time for School Sup*L The flag le raised to the top of the held dally st the mill. at last Friday's meeting. Mr. K etels g |jth A 8 teB ratu in ihe patriotic services which start at Parrott .............. * 12 10 25 flag pole find, and then lowered to Anothej. p(an cdopted for S3 succeeds H. E. Maxey to the head of D. W McKinnon, secretary of th - next year half mast. It remains at half mast unit, has been appointed a member 10:30 o'clock. ...13 33 63 27 12S the club. j |g relative to physical education f«r until noon, when It fa raised Io full of the state wood promotion commit­ O. H. Jarrett, superintendent of the wh)ch (g t<> hgndIed by 4 1 4$ Bryant ____ _ _ 4 33 Rot« Prises Announced. mast and remains nt the top of the tee. which Is to mske 'sn effort to I jcb I Booth-Kelly mill, was c h o se n , of thp h|>n i | n(te physical education program un- .1 9 17 18 26 I*otter * ..... - Class of single biotins: Mrs. M Crowe ............... ...14 34 56 37 141 tamer, 8. Ralph Dlppel. or slstere be present to take part from among employes connected with der the adopted scheme. hi the parade. In whleh they will the stale organisation, will work w ith M Peery. first; Mrs. W C. McLagan, Rep. 3rd Diet. Hire New Teacher. he ps-ectnllv hnn<»red Transportation the employer» comm ittee In this pro­ second; Mrs. John W lnsenrled, third. G e o r g e ________ ...IS 29 38 29 109 Miss Esther Klrlee of Eugene NEW PUMP ARRIVES FOR Class of threes: Mrs. Harl McPher­ Howard ............. 16 23 36 26 101 will be provided them bqth In the gram. LOCAL WATER SYSTEM pm1>I°Tpd by the hoard to teach En»- son. first; Dorothy Palunuk, second; pnrnrie and Io Ihe cemetery. .1 8 24 40 24 106 ______ j llsh and Latin next year, filling th« Dr. R. P. Mortensen, third. 22 43 68 35 163 The. new centrifugal pump which vacancy left hy the resignation d# BOY SCOUT DRIVE IS Class of sizes: Mrs Fred Ixgtk. first MAY DAY PROGRAM REAL 83 Is to be installed on the Springfield Professor Whittaker. Mlae Klrlee hat ...15 24 19 25 ABOVE $300 FIGURE Evelyn Harris, second; Mrs. Clark E. Allen ................ 94 water system for Ihe purpose of pres be™ teaching In Mr. Whittaker*» 35 24 24 ...11 SUCCESS; PLAY PRAISED • Wheaton, third. Senator (Joint) sure maintenance and the resulting , Pl«ce this year. She will receive $12« The drive for Lane County Scout Bnskets: Mrs. N. L. Hildebrand, An afternoon of festivities, a fast J1 additional fire protection arrived late j » month Bean .................. .17 26 33 21 council funds, whleh has been under hall game, and whnt many conceded way for a week |n Springfield, has first: Evelyn Harris, second; Paul Elkins ------------ ...16 32 50 40 137 i last week at the plant of the Mountain Janitors for all three buildings were Io be the most successful senior play reached and passed the $300 mark. Brattaln, third. '«a a rp-FÎActed They are W H Gant», Treasurer S tates Fcfwer company. The Priscilla club took first place ever presented by n graduating class Recording fo Dr W C. Bebhan. a 10 18 26 26 Arrangements were Imme llately «ohooL W B Hawke. Lincoln qf the local high school, were fen member of the solicitation committee. for needle work, with the Kensington 24 33 51 32 ¡ made for installation of the pump «"<1 Otto W heeler. Brattaln. turns of May day. which thn Snr'nrt Springfield's quota is $350, and that , club second. Because of the equal Senator Superintendent W. C McLagan sa.d 1 field high school ohseryed Inst Prl-1 mark will he reached and passed excellence <# the exhibits of tho Pine Magladry ......... .1 6 31 31 33 111 that It would be In operation here bv LOCAL SCOUTS 86AKF Needle and Needlecraft club, no third dny. Mnv 21. Wheeler ............ ...17 27 51 29 124 June 15, in time for service should •with the h « ln o f a f“ W twho have not GOOD IN CONTEST9 place was awarded. Special mention An’ld npproprlnte ceremony. Cnn- v e t been solicited, the committeeman Democratic dry weather or other cause result y.as given Mrs. Julius Fulop's Hun 3 4 Tot’l In declining pressure in the local sy­ Stnnce Rebtrnn was cro.wned queen nt h ||e v ns. 2 1 A five-man team of Sp: ¡'gri lli Boy Precinct the May In the Mnv festivities Folk , The total was swollen this week gnrlan embroidery. Scouts participated ¡n the Lane coun­ U 3. Senator stem. 33 8 dam es nnd nth» r features were pre-' when the local Of Mie Ix>ya1 Leg'nn Of 8 10 ty council's competitive meet In Eu­ Haney ............... ... 7 T -»-per. nnd Lumbermen contribute-» Shower for Mrs. Bonner. 22 5 8 5 gene this week, returning home with A •ented by school girls Watkins J. B. MALE HURT AS Cottage Grove emerged victor In X1»r. nnrf subscriptions wore given bn ! a mtscellafleifus shower. Initiated 17 points, considered a high score TWO AUTOS COLLIDE when the sm allness o f ‘the team and 33 the ball fam e, defeating Springfield the following business firms: Booth py the women of the Neighbors of Pierce ............... 12 10 3 8 1 14 ” ' . t -v _ Its Inexperience 1« taken Into consld- 3 7 7 to B. | Kellv I.umber company. Farmers' Fx Woodcraft, was held Monday night Weber ............... ... 3 j. B. Male Portland, brother of ! Bessie chance Swarfs * Wnshhnrno. Com f()T Mrs. James Bonner, nee ."Twoerflos,” the comedy by Boofn Sup't Schodls Bonner were 6 4 23 M. M. Male of Sprlngfl’ when the i | n estim ating weights, Springfield 7 Tarklnglon, was presented w ith , merelnl Stole bank. Flanery P r u g . Bench. Mr. and Mrs. Turner ............. ... 6 the face store. Danner Motor company The | mnrr| ed here a week ago Saturday 9 31 lacerations of 10 driving Lions trpop took first place with sey* 5 7 marked success hy the senior c la s s , McLaughlin ..... Chevrolet car (which he was The vote on the two tax measuree collided' with a Ford auto driven by en points. The Lions troAp took two In the evening. Despite Ihe fnct that, nelunl rash turned In has now roach n(ght. The wiflnen participating In the points In the Paul Revere race, five several of Ihe principal character», ed $217 60. while subscriptions total follows: Neal Nelson, last Saturday. Tho ar • points in the dressing race, and thre« had taken prominent part In the of- approximately «100 over that amount, sh ow er gathered at the hom e of Mrs. nident occurred at Fourth and B W C. McLagan nnd from there (went tn the bicycle' race. 3 4 Tot'l termton events nnd were undoubtedly 1 2 Precinct The Legion tyoop took first place to Ihe Bonner home, carrying num- 54 169 streets 52 45 18 fatigued, every member of the ea«te TW ENTY-FIVE GRADUATES Yes Male was driving north o»t Fourth with «even points in the bicycle race. useful articles for the bride, 23 129 erous 49 wna nt his nr her best In the perfor­ 30 27 No ....... and Nelson east on B. The shock of FROM GRAMMAR GRADES The team was composed of Eugene L ater in the evening the Rebekah mance Much of the success of the the collision, shattered the glass In Walker. Ralph and Evan Hughe«, to whleh Mrs. Banner also F»lr»roun s 75 lodge, 19 23 event was attributed to Miss Anno 10 23 Twenty-five Springfield eighth Male's car. and a piece struck the Thayer McMurray and Harry Rathbun held a reception In honor Yes 48 77 53 216 driver above the eye. Nelson was un­ Hill, Iwho coached the caste. gradera passed and 13 were condition­ belongs, No ed as a result of the recent state of Iho newlyweds. hurt. Considerable damage to both Missionary Society To Meet Chamber Meeting Friday. examinations, County Superintend* nt Baptist Leader Speeds. The Foreign Missionary society of cars resulted. Auxiliary to Picnlo. The Chamber of Commeroe twill A $10 check was received hy City E. J. Moore announced today. the Methodist Episcopal church will The American Legion Auxiliary Those who were successful were Senior» T ak e Exam». Recorder n. W. Smith this week from hold Its monthly meeting tomorrow m eet with Mrs. N. W Emery Friday ,'Wiil hold a picnlo Thursday night O C Wright, head of the Baptist or­ Maxine Posey, Ruth Emery, Audrey evening at 8 o'clock. President H. J. afternoon. A program 1» planned. Seniors at Springfield high school (tonight) hack of the Springfield Mill Cox announced today. Important com are taking examinations this week, ganization In Oregon, who was arrest Daniel«, Elma Landsherry, Evelyn and Grain company's plant near the ed here a week ago last Saturday and Btarr, Adeline Perkins. Nellie San* Cattl« Testing On. m lttee reports will be made. ending tomorrow. Examinations for mill race. A basket lunch will be chnrged with speeding 40 miles an key, Audrey Schultz, Emma Smith, Testing of cattle for tnhercnlosta, underclassmen »re to be held Wednes­ enjoyed, and all women are asked tn hour on Springfield streets Arrange- Audrey Smith, Loudelle Williams, Auxiliary to M««t. day and Thursday of next week. No now being done hy W. H. Thompson, bring sufficient for them selves and rnents for payment of the fine by the Ronald Ahrnm, Alvah Green, Verne graduation exercises are to be held federal Inspector, la to be completed If rain prevent» holding the Amort those who attend rwtth them. e»ys ohurch leader were made hy corres­ Griffith, Paul Freae, Palrlle Moskop, for those who graduate from the In the near future, according to T. can Legion Auxiliary picnic thi* eve­ W Carney, WaltervIHe farmer. pondence, although Mr. W right as­ Thomas Yost, Pete Hrychuk, Ralph Mr». M. B. Huntly, chairman. Regular bustnes» meeting will he ning, a regular meeting will be held eighth grade of the Junior high Chargee for testing are 1« cents • serted that he was going only 3» Hughes, Jack Jackson. Qerald Morrl- school, according to Principal Burch at the W. O. W. hall, it was aiL m iles sn hour when stopped hy the •on, George Mason. George McMahon, held and final plan» made for the head, the same as last year. urn. nounced today. it observance o^ Memorial Dny. Glenn Ransdell, Bert Tomsetb. local officer.