The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 20, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    Frank Lombard
Iowa C arlton
C harlea Thompson
E lizabeth Hughes-»
Lucille L am bert
S hirley
(la f* »
Stella Harker
M argaret llulsey
Edith Horning
Lucilla F ritta
Stew art
Here Yesterday— Mrs
Both city and county have worked '
Goes to H ospital— B ert Snook whc
<a »nffcrintr from
trouble. h<H on th e highw ay to m ake bus travel
■more com fortable this week. The city ]
Regular Seasonal
Prices up to
the stretch bettw een the bridge and j
th e paved highway.
10c, 15c, 25c
and $1.75
Sale Prices
C onstance Rebhi-.n
Gladys Walker
Florent-- S tark
Dortha Abeehe
Hay cu ttin g In this d istrict, as well
as throughout th e county, thus al­
ready started , far earlier than normal,
according to County Agent O. 9. F le t­
cher. The open w inter and exceptional
w eather conditions th is spring a te
given as the cau ses for this.
Most of th e cutting, he sold, is being
indication» are th at a l a n e ntim- done with the object of clearing the
Lane county farm ers witl m ake fields for the clover crops, he said.
the trip to the station, the a g -n t -aid. Advance clipping in clover fields Is
Because th ere Is much m aterial th ere a general pructlce In the county.
of im protance to Lane county agri-
- f;ujtnT(1 ,,e ,lr g,,,i th a t a ll who could
CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Em en
on nrt ■ on elate und other work •
plan on attending the event.
A free clinic for ch ild ren of pre-
A nnouncem ent was made by Coun­
i school age Is to be held in Spring-
ty Agent O. S. F letcher this m -rnlng
field on June 5, with Miss Beth Kon
....... .
i to the effect th a t Lane County day t
kel of E ugene in charge The clinic |
. _
the A gricultural Experlmen* tallon
' is h eld u n d er th e auspices of tfce
. . . .
„ . . „ . „ a t Corvallis h as been postpon-d from
of the
Springfield unit
un it oi
n Lane County i T hursday, Ju n e 3, to Thursday, June
H ealth association.
1 10.
FOR SALE—Payroll sheets, printed
and In stock at the »News offlee.
v-nrm «uitahle for road, construction
work, saw m ills, etc., w ith table to
com pute w orkm an’s com pensation
and deductions. No em ployer should
be w ithout th ese form s when they
can be purchased for a few cents
A very special collection—In -'
eluding model» from our regu­
lar stock» at great reductions
plus brand new arrivals from
the Portland Stylerimji manu­
facturers at le»» than whole­
sale price».
through Springfield Ju n c'io n
Plan Free Clinic.
Born— A
Week End Specials
s ’ralght to the highway, he said, is
even rougher than thftt over which
the bus»es are now trav elin g betw een
fflenwood and the Ju n c'lo n . On the
W end'inp—Mrs. C harlie I othpr hand, e said, service along the
Get your Flags
for M emorial
Day now, while
our assortment
is complete.
Eugene’s New Store
Bus or s tre e t car service for
Springfield Junction is doubtful, ac­
cording to in tim ations -made by the
stre e t railw ay chief. It would be
alto g eth er im practicable, he »lid,
to attem p t to run the busses over
the rough roads Into Springfield Ju n c­
tion for th e com paratively sm all bus­
iness which a carefql check of passen­
gers has ro v tn to be given the com
pany at S p rln rtid d Junction. The
Dr. S Ralph Dlppel. local dentist,
was -le c t”d p resident of the Southern
W illam ette D ental society a t a m eet­
ing of th a t organization held in Al­
bany last Saturday. T he society is
composed of d en tists of Lane, Linn
and Benton counties.
The annual picnic of th e society will
be held at B ellfountain June.
' -laughter w as born to Mr. and Mrs.
North Bend People Here Mr.
Mrs. H lnse of N orth Bend are visit­ George Fish, Motor Route B. Moa-
ing at th e homo of Mr. and Mrs. . day.
N athan Jack.
T rades P roperty—John B urber has
I Here from Camp C'Sek Mary P itt traded his town propetry for land
of Cnmp Creek was a visitor here at Noll He leaves tom orrow for the
new location.
Springfield an-i Eugene, A. S Billlngs-
t In Eugene for the Southern Pacific
| company, said on a visit to Springfield
Tuesday. Mr. Billingsley said th a t It
is hoped th a t additional busses will be
here w ithin a fortnight.
ltor i
Here from Jasper
<ni of Jaspet was here yesterday
Joel H a rt of »
W altervllle w as a visitor In Spring
field yesterday.
$5.75, $12.75
$18.75, $24.75
Prominent among the material» are: Crepe de Jour, Crepo
de Chine, Elat Crepes, Georgettes and I’rlnted Silk».
Dresses for street wear, business, sport, afternoon ano
Sizes 14 to 56
Our large stork of Dress Coats, Tailored Coats and
Sport styles at drastically reduced prices.