PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINOFrXD NEWS THURSDAY. MAY 20, 192«. Classit i (BUYING 0!t SELLINO' FOR SALE— Payroll «heat«, printed F o li 8AI.K N o* tritoni Inni»« In F*« »It 8 A I. E- -He yen room houae wl'h and In atock at the New« office «ore of «round on East Multi Ht. Kugnn« WIII traile for Rprlngfli'M Form suitable for rood, blllunoe Price |2*loo, |500 down vork, sawmills, etc., with table to propvrty. ,'s li Inr H'»b»r<»on al Dan Ilk» rent. Addreaa J E Stewart, compute workman’» compensation tur Motor C o, Hprlnaf l«ld, or ilar Kt, Klumalb Falla, or». and deduction«. No employer should 313 pilone Kug'to 1872 II bi without these f> rma when they tf . a i; :o :7 j 3 can be purchased for a few cent« tf E X C H A N G E l.ovi Iv U ngili urliur WANTED— Wanted to buy, for man. Keatere Vlalt at Salam—Or En­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALK—Carbon papar in larga gin e Kreter awl family mokored to ehret«, 26x39 tncbaa. tuttable for LANS COUNTY. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Salem to »pend Sunday In tha capltot making traalnxa. Tha N eva (Xflco. IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LÍEN ------- I Abner Gilchrist, Plaintiff, ra. Mil- city rlaltlng friend». IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF THE |ar<} F Oreen. Defendant. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE, To Millard F. Green, the abore nam- CALL AND SEE Dr N. W Emery COUNTY OF LANE ed defendant. on pr4.*ee on »late and other work 't In the Matter of the Estate of Jack , n thp NamP o{ th„ 8tate of Oregon: Rodman, deceased Yop #rp hereby notified that Abner NOTICE TO CREDITORS •CITATION. ¡Gilchrist Is the bolder of Certificate Notice I» hereby given that To the heirs of Jack Rodman, de of Del| n(.upncy numbered 1990 Issued v J Fred . ceased and to all other persons un- on , h) Srd (,ay nf j u| y 1922 by ,h e |H . Lindsay has been appointed as ad- known. T Collector of the County of l-ane. mlnlstrator of the estate of John J. GREETINGS: fltat<, Oregon. ,„r ,.„e am„ont sf Llbdaay. deceas 4 and all person« In the Name of the 8'ate of Ore o;xtp,.n and 47400 dollars, the .ame having claims again-» -aid estate art gon. you a re h e r e b y cited and re- "he amount then due and d J hereby notified “> ()u)r, d appPar |n pho County Court j, luxes for the "ear 1920 the undersign, d administrator at V nX ’« tere.t and I »he office of Fred E SmMh. attorney f tf|i 8tata ,lf o r,.K„ri. for the Cotin- , ( , b r th ty of Lane, at the Court Room there-1 costs thereon upon -he real property | f-r said Administrator at 44> Miner ' f, at Eugene. In the County of Lane, assessed to you. of which you are the Bldr.. Eugene. Oregon, properly h on Saturday, the 29th day of May. o w n e r a . appears of record, situated | fled^withh, six months from the date 192«. at to o’clock In the forenoon of In said County and State, and particu­ of this notice. that day. then and there to show) larly bounded and described as fol­ Dated Mar 20 192« cause If any you have, why the pe­ lows. to-wlt: Beginning at a point In FRED E SMITU tition of Elmer Roberts, administra­ section 21. Township 21, South of Attorney for Administrator tor of said estate praying as alias or­ range 3 West of the W illamette Mer­ FRED H LINDSAY Administrator der of license to sell, at private sale idian, 30 feet W est of the Northeast for part ca-.h and part credit, for the corner of the J. H. Shortrldge Dona- M 20 27 J 3 10 II p,irnO)|f. of paying the claims against gnid e«tate and the expenses of ad tlon Land Claim In Town whin 21 n,(n|atrat[oni f p UuL of said estate I South of Range 3 West; run thence NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. dpgcr|bpd a„ follow»., to-wlt; I-ot 2 north 1.75 chains; thence west 9.57 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That |p flpct)on 23 nf Township 1« South! chains* thence south 1 75 chains; pursuant to an order of the County Court of the sta te of Oregon for the d(an i_anP County, Oregon, except- H 1 rn chains to the cen- County of T-ane. dulv made and enter- |n< th ,.rpfrom „ . , r ,p of ,anrt 50 f*o t X ^ o .B h w s ^ t o u a r te r ^ o f sec- ed. that Saturday the 12tu dav of w,dp through said lot conveyed t o | , . T nw nuhln 21 S o u th of Range June. 192« at the hour of ten o’clock buf.kev Boy Mining company, alsoi ¡.’"JLAV JlL’L j i , 3 W est; thence west along the south In the forenoon of said day. at the ,.xc» haring claim« agalnat «aid e»tata are N, w. ,, County Court room In the County h e re b y notIM rd to p r e s e n t th e »am*, Court House In the f tty of Eugon . properly verified. verified to the un<1«*r*1<>D p a stu r i- to rent Addr. < B oi Oregon, as the day, time and place at the Office» of Well« *_W ella, Hunk, „ 11, 8prln«fleld, Ore M 6 13 20 for the hearing of objections to enld of Commerce Bldg., In Eugene l-ane final account. That all objections to County, Oregon, within alx month« Butter wrappers printed ac-oroin» said final account must be In writing from the date of the flrat publication to regulations wAb tuuna, weight and filed with the clerk of »aid Court of thia notice. Date of flrat publication April 33. and address, f l 26 a hundred at the on or before said day and time. I»at’ a e a ln ? t 8al(5 ~ t a ' B a " tic e ! ,,M IM-r* o n “ h a v in g c o la a „ g g a a in a n d 0I!vp 01!ye v y B o lin ! M “ i .. 7 ? . publication of this notice. Date of of first publication of ner Gilchrist -will applv to the ClrcnP herpby nof,fe(J pregent the „ame. said estate shall present for the sum of 21473.73, with interest first publication April 22. 192«. which 1« May 13. 192«. ; me with vouchers attached a, tne at 865 per annum from the date Court of the Countv and State afore County Court house In Eugene, of the Honorable G F Rklnworth her Final Account in the matter of Marchandise Moving Commercial State Bank Bl-lg.. Lane County. Oregon. All persona OrBg{)n offer for , a!p and geI1 at pub. Judge of the Circuit Court of the said estate with the County Clerk of Office at 312 Main St. Rprlngfleld, Ore. having claims agnlnst said estate are jjc auct(on for cash in hand to th e ' State of OreFon for the Countv of Lane County, Oregon, and an order hereby notified to present the same, highest bidder, subject to redemption i Lane, and said order was made and has been tra^e and entered of record properly verified. ,0 the undcrslgneq. ,n thp manner provided by law. all 1 dated this 6th day of Mav 1926 « s ' by the County Court of said County, HOUSE PAINTING nt the office of Wclln w Welle, Hans, right, title, estate and interest ♦*»** of fh*» o* directing this notice and appointing Telephone»: Office «13 Res. 2076 Monday, the 14th day of June, 192«, Kalaomlnlng In all Ita Branch»«. of Commerce Eu“*“e ’ of all said defendants In and to th e'O -'- summons Is the «th dav o f Me at ten o’clock A. M fr * hearing City or Country Work. Lowoat from The d a ’ "of the first publication ’« .9 . u m O , Section 6. and running t'-tence Nor’h , 1 M 13 £0 27 J 3 10 A M s « 11 IS T 7# M « 13 20 27 J 3 10 17 24 J 1 A Eugene. Oregon Rockers, Bede, Mattresses, Stove», Osteopathy stands for the truth North line of said sub-ulvision. thence Tuba, Stove Boards, Cloths» East on said North line 10.50 chs.. to NOTICE TO CREDITORS. wherevet It ta Scientifically Baskets. Notice la hereby given that Eunice the N. E. corner thereof, U* '' proven. Wm. DO NALDSO .x NEW A ND H. Bonney has been appointed admln- South 20 chains to the 8. E latratrlx of «he estate of Alva A. Bon­ thereof, thence West 20 ch' SE C O N D H A N D STO RE ney, deceased, by the Country Court S. W. corner c f said sub-divlsicn and thence North 15.80 chs., to place of! of Lane County, Oregon. All persons having claims against beginning. In all 158 acres Conti acting and Bui! . H ili Call said estnte are required to present i * ol,ntT* GEO. W. PERKINS FRANK E TAYLOR, them, wit'* the proper vouchers, SUTTON TRANSFER Corner 5th and D Street« Sheriff of Lane Conntv. Oregon. within six months from the 22nd day Al I 13 20 27 J 3 Springfield, Oregon of April. 1926. to the said administra­ Phono 57 Plana and Estimates Furnished trix at the law office of L. L. Ray In NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Free. WIII Help You Finance the Miner Rullding, Eugene, Oregon. IN T H E C O U N T Y I’O I’R T OF THE L. L. RAY, Your Building. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Attorney for Estnte. COUNTY. EUNICE H. BONNEY, In the Mattfr of the Estate of Alma GEO- N. McLEAN Administratrix of the estate of d r . n w . em ery Luelna Signor, Deceased. Alva A. Bonney, deceased. Automobile, Fire and Life Notice Is herçb.v given to all per­ A 22 29 M 6 13 20 sons whom It may concern that the IN 3 U R A N C I OENTIBT Surety Bonds,. Phone 617 undersigned NeWon H. Signor and Button Bldfl. Phone 20-J NOTICE CF U r-n T * ’G OF FINAL Alice L. Thompson have been ap­ My business Is to protect y«u' Retldenco Phon« ,53 M bualnese ACC^T’NT pointed administrators of the estate 8«0 W illamette St. Eugene Oregon,, Notice Is -hereby given that the of Alma Luelna Signor, deceased, and Springfield, Oreg«n undi rslgnctl Executrix of the Last have duly'ouallflcd as such. All per­ Will and Testament of Frederick C. sons having claims again«* aid es­ Potts, deceased, hns filed h»r account tate are her > *• notlf ’ 33 VASBY BROS. for the final scttl-m ent of the estnte to present the same with the proper of the «aid Frederick C. Potts In the vouchers therefor and vérifié I In the Painting & Decorating County Court for I.nne Countv In the manner required hy law to s«ld ad­ Your Homo When In State of Oregon, and that Saturday ministrators a, tho law offices of I. In all Its branches j the 29,h day of May, 1926 nt the M Peterson nt 115 1th «tree’ In the Springfield S ta te B ank b uilding, | Court Room of sold Court in tho Com m e re ’s , 312 Main Street , County Court House. In Eugene, nt Springfield. . Lane Countv. Oregon, ,--n o’clock In the forenoon, has been wl’hln six months from the date of hv said Court fixed ns th* time and th" first nuhllentlon of thin notice, nine« for henring objections thereto to-wlt: On or before the 13th day of and for final settlem ent of said es­ November. 1926. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL JEWELER Dated and first published this 13th tate. R o u n d trip sum m er e x cu rsio n DENTIST dav cf Mav. 1926. CLARA E. 9COTT. Repairing a Specialty fares effective all summer; return Executrix NET SON H. SIGNOR. Springfield, Oregon Phone 43 ALICr' T m trn stp soN . L. L. RAY. Attornev. lim it O ctober 31. Take advantage Administrators of said estnte. A 39 M 6 13 29 27 First Nat’l Bank Bldg., 8prlngfletd o f these substantial reductions in I. M PETERSON. Attornev for Administrator’ fares to eastern places. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. R. W. SMITH M 13 29 27 J 3 19 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That D o and see m ore this sum mer the undersigned hns heen dulv an- JuHtlco of the peace and than ever before. See California NOTICE FOR FINAj, HEARING pointed hy the County Court of the notary public, Insurance WM. G. HUGHES State of Oregon for the County of ■ Notice Is hereby given that the o n your way. K now fh e w h o le FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE I,ano as the ndmlnlMrntor of the undersigned Robert Sonsensen. Ad­ Pacific Coast. It costs so very little NOTARY PUBLIC ministrator of the estate of Hans J. estnte of Josephine B Abrams de­ City Hall Springfield, Oregon m ore. H ave the Southern Pacific ceased. and all nersons having claims Sorsensen. deeensotL ^ns filed his , Office at against -said estate are hereby noti­ final report and account th rein In the agent h e lp y o u p la n you r trip. FIRST NATIONAL BANK fied to nresent the same properly County Court of Lano County. Ore­ T hus get the m ost for your travel BprlngRald, Oregon gon, and sold court has set Frldav verified to said administrator nt the office of Frank A DeDuc attorney the 4th dav of June, 1926 for final expenditure. for the estate, In Springfield, Ore­ hearing thereon at or on or before All kind« of gravel for con­ gon on or before six months from which tim e any objections should be FRANK A. DF PUE crete or road work. We filed or presented. the dale of fh’s notice. ATTORNEY AT LAW Dated and first published May 6tn. make a specialty of crushed Dated Mav 4th 1976. 1926. FRANK A. DEPUE. rock and rodk «and. Bunk­ NOTARY PUBLIC ROBERT SORSENSEN, Attorney for estnte. ers at foot of Main on Mill Button Bprlngflold Administrator. CLIFF ABRAMS. CARL OLSON, Agent atr««L WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Administrator of the «state of Buldllng Oregon. Josephine B Abrams, deceased. Attorney. HENRY W. CHA8E. Prop. M « 13 30 37 J I * I IS 30 27 J 3 Itati p ro p o rly ; m in » |65t)o for g o o l . roalitim » In Hprltikfleld WIII «Ivo or tak» dlff»r»nci’ Apply Densi» J Koupal, pliotie 742 Bttgono. M 13 20 [ S U S I NE S S al kind» of second hgnd furniture and liiiplom* nla. J. K. Or««r, Phon» R ugosi 1003 MIN; M 4 i D IR E C T O R Y O r.Jo h n Simons X L©wFs»r©s >ack East “The Loop Effective May 22 D. W. Roof I SPRIN6FIELD GRAVEL CO. ithern Pacificlines