PAGE FTV1 THJ3 HPRINOFTELD NFW 8 THURSDAY. MAY 20. 1920. ru ru a u u a ie tn la ia irty since 'Janu­ AU are urged to do all work on their ary 1 a# a result of automobile accl- lots preparatory to Memorial day by backa up In the rulleet aenae. Reli­ dents was recorder recently when Mrs the aSturday befif-e Decoration day. able electrical aervlce la worthy, at M«ry jpchaleo« ger, 46, died at Ht. Vl»»j Alltee -ghould be cleaned up, and »capital. other pre pardon» made, In order that especial commendation and 'hkr th- csQts 1 T l * Coyote« are numerous In tbe Board- decoratloP of graves only, will taae Myer« E lectric Service company man section and two ranchers have place on Memorial day. strives at ail tlmea to »Ire. lost lambs from their flocks. Tbe Cemetery Copmlttee. I. O. O. F. coyotes are bold and raid the flocks Lodge No. 70. during the day At a meeting of-the Berrien council — Irficatnd In Eugene at 143 7th Went liability and progreaa In the ladndry enterprlaes of thia aectlon and to »ay and heads of all com m ittees last week. ■ are speclallal# In Fine Finish. Rough bualneaa of thia section of the coun­ that It baa always been eminently it waa decided to bold tbe annual ' | pry. Wet Waah. Dry Waah and Semi- try. and aa the advance« of tho per fair und honest a» well a« progresalve and up-to-date and the 'reputation Newberg berry festival on Saturday. Finish work, and 1» one of the «u^l lodw have marked Improvement« Ihl» they have won for them»elvea 1» an Brief of Resume of Happenings June 5, this year. firm baa adopt'd theae late aclentlflc prominent un-j well known laundry Oregon Trunk railroad. Northern methoda aa rapidly a# they have ap­ envlou« one They are one of th» firm« of thin part of the county. the Week Collected for leading concern» >-t)gagrd In thl« line« subsidiary, became tbe owner of peared und were upproved by the M etin g wllh Inetant and almost »pedal field of endeavor, anil w - two acres of South Riverside city park Our Readers. universal approval, the work of thia trade. for which ’it paid the Klamath Falla They have a warm place In the point out the advantage« of doing company la now going Into all pert« park board (15,535. bualne«» with them. o „ fthe country, and with the dawn of hearta of the public through the ex Shipment« of Oregon onion« In the Their parcel poat aervlce la a con Oregon prunes will be of exception­ new proaperlty In the country Ihe fu rellent work they have done In every venlent feature for the residents In season Just dosed totaled 6,8 cars. ally fine quality and free from scab | ture will aee thia firm one of the bua. branch of tho laundry business. The the «urroundlng territory. Plans for a community playground this year, according to reports broad­ Ie«t b««e hive# of Induatry aa prosper- thinking public haa come to under- The business la under the direction ' w,.re approved at a meeting In WeaP cast by Robert C. Paulus & Co. to their Ity give« Impetus Io the dealre for aland that when work gone to thia brokers In all parts of the world. efficiency, There 1« not an eatabllah- firm It 1« done according to their r- of Mr. Andernon, who appreciate« tho port. value of good aervlce a» n trade win J. R. Wood, steward for the C. H. In the country wMch 1« of ! liable method« and a «allafactory Job Frank 8. Ward of Portland was re­ mani ner and he and hla associate« are al appointed a member of the state board Wheeler logging company at Camp greater commercial value than thia la certain. No. 4, Is lost in tbe North Fork Sal- It 1» a pleasure for u# to point to j waya w illing io accommodate their of pharmacy. company. monberry country ana searching par­ The name «fand« for quality re- thia concern aa one of the leading patron#. W H Vogel, Union, has accepted an ties have so far failed to find him. A Galvanized Freezer wit a offer to manage thé 1926 Union live­ well tinned container. Fit­ Ione received the greatest number stock show, which will take place June ted with a spiral dasher it of point« in tbe first Morrow county 9, 10 and 11. declamatory contest, winning over 36 produces a fine quality of Merchants and residents of Mill schools. It Is planned to make the smooth Ice cream. Hold» City on the main road have raised a contest a permanent annual affair. sufficient for twelve per­ fund to oil the road. In order to escape Dr. U. G. Dubach, dean of men at sons. ment and progress o f the com­ Centrally located In Eugene at 71« that the management ha« had wide the dust nulaance. the Oregon Agricultural college, will Willamette, carries at all time« a experience In every feature of thia munity It la quite proper that we Paul Ager, Bend, was awarded the address tbe graduating class of La complete tin« of standard and nation- bualneaa and because their compre­ compliment them upon thaSr effl- Albert prlxe. given to the best <^H- Grande blgb school May 18, when 83 cent eatablhabmeot. You can depend ally advertised line» of Hardware ana hensive knowledge of every branch around senior man on tbe University seniors will receive their diplomas. upon them at all time« for expert of the trade, thl# establishment ha« Tools, Sporting Goods, Hunting and of Oregon campus. A barn and approximately 500 small services adequate Information, cour­ Fishing Supplì«#, Paints, Varnishes, continued to wltne»» an IncNrase In Mias Ellen E. Lander. 17 years old. chickens on tbe ranch of A. Bender, tesy and a atock o f the highest the number of patrone. and Builder« liardwnre In fact every­ was seriously burned Sunday night by Thl# la farmer«' headquarter« and quality merchandise obtainable. .The a boiler explosion In a bathhouse at near Santa Clara,* were burned last thing In Ihe Hardware line, and rend­ week. A small chick turned up the management la of the well known er« #uch «allafactory aervlce to the 1« a center for the people when drlv Kerry, Clatsop county. flame under an Incubator, causing the and prominent buetneaa men of the retail trade that It la recognl««>d as Ing to town The very beat attention J. A. Johnson, high climber, died at fire. community and among the foremost la given to the people from the sur­ one of Ihe leading hardware firm« of a Silverton hospital as the result of Efforts are being made to obtain if you do not boosters' for all proposions promoting thia section of the «late and Is under rounding counties. a fall of 130 feet at tbe Silver Falls passage of an ordinance banning Sun­ public betterment. happen to know, the manager of thia the direction of men widely known day funerals In Pendleton. Ministers Their dealre to~please make« thia Timber company camp. place drop In and get acquainted, In hardware circle«. The first annual trade exposition and undertakers, It was said, are hardware «tore most worthy of wen- It |e a well* known fact that there for they dispense genial hospitality A Splendid lion and we wl»h to compliment and food show to be given under tbe most Interested In the proposed ordi­ la no Institution In the community here to all the neighbor« They h p v . them In tht» edition for their sue auspices of the American Legion waa nance. Value a reputation far and wide as reliable that has met wph greater favor with Cottage Grove’s ramshackle city hall ce«a In their »pedal field o f endeavor. held In Eugene last week. At the public than tht# well known e« I men In the hardware bualneaa. and More than 184.000 trout have been is to go. the voter« by an overwhelm­ tabllahment. By reason of the fact In making thia review of the develop- liberated In the streams of Marlon ing vote tn a special city election hav­ county during the past few months, ing authorised the issuance of 325,000 Use Your Credit according to Game Warden Averill. in bonds (or the erection of a new J. W. Hurran. one of the oldest ex- building. traveltng salesmen on the coaat, cele­ At the dinner for the members and brated bis 93d anniversary at bis friends of the Methodist 'Episcopal home. 450 Fourth street. Portland, re­ church held in the Woodman hall at located In Eugene wllh salesroom» and stop, offering quality at a low tered by It without racing the mo­ cently. Myrtle Point, it was decided to build tor because the three speeed trans at »4* Olive 81-, 1» Institution that price. The annual spring book review pro­ a (16,000 church, (7000 being raised at The diameter of the brake drum mission provides correct gear ratio gram waa held last week In the Port­ this time. la under the management of men well 11th at Willamette known In this aectlon for tlielr Inter­ ha# been Increased 1 Inch,, the width to meet any condition of load or road land central library under the auspices A special feature la the lndtvldaul • anment’"of"The IF Notice tof Lot Holders. est In the welfare and progreaa of this Ik Inch, thus giving additional break To Lauret H1U cemeterv lot ^wners Ing surface, which Is equalled to the servlce thia firm will render. Every i brary community. They are the exclusive represent- lour wheel brakes on the larger car». patron of the concern will be assured | tatlves for the "Chevrolet." The re. The oil system ha# been greatly Im the most comprehensive and palnstak" 1 cently n e w Chevrolet ha« don* «**»>' proved, doing away with all exuess ing aervlce and purchasers are assur- i with the cone type dutch and la now tubing The rear axle la much heav­ ed an efficient service station carrying , a complete »tock of parts and! sup 1 equipped with the popular dlac-clutch ier than In those on former model« pile.8 The Chevrolet closed m o d d ^ are The crank abaft Is from four to six "The General Motors Corp., Sales | pounds heavier than In former nio<9 made exclusively by the Fisher Body Plan" Is the moat reasonable s a le s ’ corporation, which la a part of the •Is The differential Is also built of No plan In the world today. heavier material, and the banjo-type General Motors corporation. Their sales plan of a small down matter what vonr use for a motor housing 1« sn added feature. The new Chevrolet closed mod da car 1«. you will find a Chevrolet will payment and the balance In conven- j lent payment« Is very attractive and ! are equipped with Fisher hody, fac­ Ju»t fill the bill. Mbdek» designed tory equipped disc wheels and balloon for family uaea, for the business man, an Ideal way to purchase a car. We take pleasure In directing your j tlrca and covered with the Duco or for hauling—each may he seen at attention to this firm and the excel- j their «how room. flnlah. , The Chewolet Utility Express Is lent car they feature. The manage­ The now Chevrolet la easy io drive and start and to steer, offering llgh* the low est priced! quality truck In the ment Is In the hards of men who take pedal action, thereby making It easy world capable of fast, heavy dutv. an Interest In the progress and ex -, to shift gear«, aa It 1« eaay to r'de lo n g grade» and deep mud are mae- panslon of this part of Oregon. Eugene Business Review By d ._ a . Randall trtcal dealer and r e t electrical W- vlce" la a slogan which" the company Domestic Laundry FOUR KINDS OF LAUNÛRY SERVICE OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Friday and Saturday Special! Dandy Ice Cream Freezer Lane Hardware Co. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE 99c Gannett Motor Co. WETHERBEE -POWERS CHEVROLET MOTOR CAR DEALERS A Real Bargain! $2-10 Value— for only $1.35 Marx’s A White Enamel Dish Pan Full of Proctor & Gamble Soaps E U G E N E D Y E IN G & C L E A N IN G W O R K S Located In Eugene with a most mo­ dern and up-to-date plant at 245 East Ninth are Manter Cleaners. Dyera. Fre»aera and Pleater». Thl» popular cleaning establishment ha» be in In contlnuona operation In Eugene for the ju st 26 yean», and merit the patronage received. They use a modern aystem which restores new life to nil garment», and are admirably equipped to handle a large volume of buslnes#. The dry cleaning system used not only cleans vatlng machinery Installed plant make It possible for hamlle tin finest and most fabric» and turn thorn, out they look Jlke new. • In their no work la too difficult for them to them to handle In Ihe moat satisfactory man delicate nir. ao that Their Parcel Post Service is vlr«> a desirable feature. If you send your A gpednlty la mode of cleaning work to them by parcel post, telling ladles gnrm- nls anil they have a them what you wish ifone. they will large Hat of men for whom they do give yon the best of Rervlce and re­ cleaning. Their pressing of gar­ turn the work to you by parcel post ments la correctly done and work Is promptly. Hundreds find this a most convenient system of having work promptly called for and delivered. done. The establishment Is popular with your clothes, hut renovate» r / nil who have tried It and that they brighten» them In the most san ltn rvp «« f"r"' ” ” >lr f " orts |H ’ h,’w ” manner, without the disagreeable [ the sail-faction given In each case. oiler that accompanies the work of so Hue to the fa d that they arc espe many cleaning establishments. 1 cl«Hy equipped for all classes of dry The very latest cleaning nnd reno denning, It makes It possible that Cakes P and G White Naptha cakes Guest Ivory cakes Ivory Soap (med. size) package Ivory Soap Flakes package Chipso (large size) and 1 Large White Enamel Dish pan We nre pleased to commend them upon the effleli nt service rendered and to tell our readers that as re­ gards cleaning and dyeing they can do no better thnn to eend their wrek to t i l l s company. all for only $1.35 While They Last Here is a splendid soap assortment, carefully selected so as to supply every cleansing need about the bouse—brands famous for their »quality the country over. This assort­ ment of soaps, with a useful and attractive White Enamel Dish Fan included, offers un­ usually big value at a remarkably low price. Myers Electric Service Co. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS With store loented In Eugene at 66 10th Ave., W est Is one of the most modern nnd up-to-date electrical sup­ ply housna In thia section. They are Electrical Engineer« anil Contractors nnd also have on hand an extenslve»atork of electrical equip­ ment and appliances. They feature the famous Crossley Radio In the various styles and specialise In Elec­ trical Construction nnd Lighting Fix turM. Meeting with instant and nlmoat un­ iversal approval, the work of this compnny Is now going to all parts o f tho county and with the dawn ot now prosperity In the country, the future will aee thia firm one of the 5 2 2 1 1 busiest bee-hives of Industry In tills and up-to-date. They have won for section, ns properlty gives Impetus ta them selves the reputation of having other desires of efficiency. There ;s Ihe lending concern engnged In their not an establishment In this com- special field, nnd we point on th. ad­ munlty which Is of greater commer­ vantage of transacting business with them. cial value thnn this company. The name stands for qiiullty, relia The business Is under the direction blllty and progrès# In the Eleçtrlcal of a progressive business man who Appllnnces business of this section ti­ appreciates the value of good service the state. The manager will be pleased to «how you the things you as a trade winner and he and his aro Intereated In. whether you nre associates are always willing and anx. ready to contract Just at this time or Inus to accommodate their patrons. not. It a pleasure for us to point Ho hns always tnken an active Inter- to this concern as one of the leading eat In the development of the county enterprise# of this section and to say and In kpown a# one of our foremost that It has always been eminently ! citizens. fair And honest a# well as progressive J "Buy electrical goods from an e le c ' (Paid Adv.) \ See or telephone your grocer before they’re all gone! When you leave our store you just cannot help going home to find a large order of good things delivered at your door. And you have the satisfaction of knowing that • each nnd every item is fresh and the choicest quality. That s what adds to the pleasure of shopping here. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STRAWBERRIES. PHONE 9 White Front Grocery PHONE 9